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Продвинутый уровень
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Программирование на C#
Профессиональный уровень (SIM)
Принципы работы
Свойства (properties)
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Браузер SDK 2
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Настройка параметров ноды
Setting Up Materials
Настройка свойств
Использование инструментов редактора для конкретных задач
Расширение функционала редактора
Встроенные объекты
Ноды (Nodes)
Объекты (Objects)
Источники света
Звуковые объекты
Объекты поиска пути
Настройка среды разработки
Примеры использования
Унифицированный язык шейдеров UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
Форматы файлов
Материалы и шейдеры
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Двойная точность координат
Справочник API
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
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Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Работа с контентом
Оптимизация контента
Визуальный редактор материалов
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
Учебные материалы


Containers are used to organize and group single widgets.

Common attributes#

Besides the common attributes, there is a set of container-specific attributes, which any container can have.

The common attributes below are not used for the vpaned and hpaned containers.
  • space
    Overall spacing (pixels).
  • space_x
    Horizontal spacing (pixels).
  • space_y
    Vertical spacing (pixels).
  • padding

    Top, bottom, left and right padding (pixels). The padding serves to set the distance between the border of the widget and its content.

    left, right, top and bottom padding

    The code example is:

    Source code (XML)
    <window name="Test::window" width="250" height="250" export="1" padding="50">
    	<font size="20">
    			<text rich="1">This example demonstrates<br/>
    				usage of the <font face="core/gui/fontb.ttf">padding</font> parameter.<br/>
  • padding_l
    Left padding (pixels).
  • padding_r
    Right padding (pixels).
  • padding_t
    Top padding (pixels).
  • padding_b
    Bottom padding (pixels).
  • padding_lr
    Left and right padding (pixels).

    left and right padding

    The code example is:

    Source code (XML)
    <window name="Test::window" width="250" height="250" export="1" padding_lr="50">
    	<font size="20">
    			<text rich="1">This example demonstrates<br/>
    				usage of the left and<br/>
    				right padding.<br/>
  • padding_tb
    Top and bottom padding (pixels).
    Source code (XML)
    <window name="Test::window" width="250" height="250" export="1" padding_tb="50">

    This attribute is used the same way as padding_lr, except that the top and bottom padding is specified in this case.


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetVBox class.

vbox container


  • background
    Whether the container has a background or not. The default is 0 (boolean, no background).
  • stencil

    Whether the container cuts off its children along its bounds. Everything that lies outside of them, is not rendered. Only works for children with align="overlap" flag set (otherwise, they will expand the box widget and no cutting will be done). The default is 0 (boolean).

  • color
    Color of container children.
Source code (XML)
<vbox name="Test::vbox" export="0" space="8">
	<label><text>Label 0</text></label>
	<label><text>Label 1</text></label>
	<label><text>Label 2</text></label>

The example of the stencil attribute usage:

Source code (XML)
<vbox name="Test::vbox" export="1" stencil="1" width="60" height="10">
	<label align="overlap"><text>stencil test</text></label>

For example, to describe elements of a right-aligned vertical menu, use the following:

Source code (XML)
<vbox name="Test::vbox" export="1" space_y="8" width="30" height="80" color="#3DBEFF">
	<label align="right"><text size="15" rich="1"><font face="fontb.ttf">Menu Items</font></text></label>
	<label align="right"><text>Item 0</text></label>
	<label align="right"><text>Item 1</text></label>
	<label align="right"><text>Item 2</text></label>

In this example, a space between items is set by using the space_y attribute, and the font of the menu title is set by using the font tag with theface attribute.

Vertical menu

It is also possible to set the container background and change its color. For example:

Source code (XML)
<vbox name="Test::vbox" export="1" space_y="8" width="30" height="80" color="#FF6600" background="1">


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetHBox class.

hbox container


  • background
    Whether the container has a background or not. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • stencil

    Whether the container cuts off its children along its bounds. Everything that lies outside of them, is not rendered. Only works for children with align="overlap" flag set (otherwise, they will expand the box widget and no cutting will be done). The default is 0 (boolean).

  • color
    Color of container children.
Source code (XML)
<hbox name="Test::hbox" export="0" space="8">
	<label><text>Label 0</text></label>
	<label><text>Label 1</text></label>
	<label><text>Label 2</text></label>

The stencil attribute usage is the same as for vbox:

Source code (XML)
<hbox name="Test::hbox" export="1" stencil="1" width="70" height="12">
	<label align="overlap"><text size="17">stencil test</text></label>

hbox can be used, for example, to create a horizontal menu:

Source code (XML)
<label align="left"><text size="15" rich="1"><font face="fontb.ttf">Menu Items</font></text></label>
<hbox name="Test::hbox" export="1" space_x="8" width="140" height="20" color="#3DBEFF" padding_t="5">		
	<label align="left"><text>Item 0</text></label>
	<label align="left"><text>Item 1</text></label>
	<label align="left"><text>Item 2</text></label>

In this example, a space between items is set by using the space_x attribute. The font of the menu title is set by using the font tag with theface attribute.

Horizontal menu

The container background can be set the same way as for the vbox container:

Source code (XML)
<label align="left"><text size="15" rich="1"><font face="fontb.ttf">Menu Items</font></text></label>
<hbox name="Test::hbox" space_x="8" width="140" height="20" color="#FF6600" padding_t="5" background="1">

The result is the horizontal menu with the colored background:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetVPaned class.

vpaned container

This widget should contain exactly two children.


  • value

    Value in range [-32767; 32767]. -32767 means that during resize the upper child will remain fixed. 32767 means that during resize the lower child will remain fixed. 0 means that both children will be resized equally. Other values specify proportions, in which the children are resized. The default is 0.

  • fixed

    Whether to set the fixed size for the first or the second child. Acceptable values:

    • 0 to resize both children of the vpaned container while window resizing.
    • 1 to set fixed size for the first child.
    • 2 to set fixed size for the second child.
Source code (XML)
<vpaned name="Test::vpaned" align="expand" value="-32767">

You can also use the width attribute to set container width. The other common attributes are also available.

Common container-specific attributes cannot be used for the vpaned container.

For example:

Source code (XML)
<vpaned name="Test::vpaned" value="-32767" width="250" align="center">
	<hbox name="Test::hbox_1" export="0" space="8">
		<label align="left"><text>Item 0</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 1</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 2</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 3</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 4</text></label>
	<hbox name="Test::hbox_2" export="0" space="8">
		<label align="left"><text>Item 0</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 1</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 2</text></label>

This example produces the following result:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetHPaned class.

hpaned container

This widget should contain exactly two children.


  • value

    Value in range [-32767; 32767]. -32767 means that during resize the left child will remain fixed. 32767 means that during resize the right child will remain fixed. 0 means that both children will be resized equally. Other values specify proportions, in which the children are resized. The default is 0.

  • fixed

    Whether to set the fixed size for the first or the second child. Acceptable values:

    • 0 to resize both children of the hpaned container while window resizing.
    • 1 to set fixed size for the first child.
    • 2 to set fixed size for the second child.
Source code (XML)
<hpaned name="Test::hpaned" align="expand" value="-32767">

You can use the height attribute to set container height. The other common attributes are also available.

Common container-specific attributes cannot be used for the hpaned container.

For example:

Source code (XML)
<hpaned name="Test::hpaned" value="-32767" height="250" align="left" pos_x="50">
	<vbox name="Test::vbox_1" export="0" space_y="8">
		<label align="left"><text>Item 0</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 1</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 2</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 3</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 4</text></label>
	<vbox name="Test::vbox_2" export="0" space_y="8">
		<label align="left"><text>Item 0</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 1</text></label>
		<label align="left"><text>Item 2</text></label>

The example produces the following result:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetGridBox class.

gridbox container


  • background
    Whether the container has a background or not. The default is 1 (boolean).
  • columns
    Number of columns (integer).
  • ratio
    Width-to-height ratio of columns (vector with integer values).
  • stencil

    Whether the container cuts off its children along its bounds. Everything that lies outside of them, is not rendered. Only works for children with align="overlap" flag set (otherwise, they will expand the box widget and no cutting will be done). The default is 0 (boolean).

  • color
    Color of container children.
Source code (XML)
<gridbox name="Test::gridbox" export="0" columns="2" space="8">

The gridbox container is used to display data in multiple columns and rows. For example, you can create a table that contains a set of different settings:

Source code (XML)
<gridbox name="Test::settings" export="1" columns="2" align="right" space_y="10" ratio="2,4">
	<editline name="Test::edit_1" export="1" width="100">
	<editline name="Test::edit_2"  export="1" width="100">

This example produces the following result:


If the gridbox background is required, set the background attribute to 1 and define its color as follows:

Source code (XML)
<gridbox name="Test::gridbox" export="0" columns="2" space="8" background="1" color="#FF6600">


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetGroupBox class.

groupbox container


  • background
    Whether the container has a background or not. The default is 1 (boolean).
  • stencil

    Whether the container cuts off its children along its bounds. Everything that lies outside of them, is not rendered. Only works for children with align="overlap" flag set (otherwise, they will expand the box widget and no cutting will be done). The default is 0 (boolean).

  • color

    Color of container children. A color is set for all of the children except the specific child text.

Specific children:

  • text
    Optional title string.
Source code (XML)
<groupbox name="Test::groupbox" export="0" space="8" align="center">

For example, to create a groupbox with colored content and the background, you can use the following:

Source code (XML)
<groupbox name="Test::groupbox" export="0" background="1" align="bottom" color="#FF6600" width="50" height="35">
	<label><text>Label 0</text></label>
	<label><text>Label 1</text></label>

The result is the groupbox that is placed at the bottom of the window and has the colored background.

The title of the groupbox is not colored. To set the color, use the color attribute of the text tag.


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetTabBox class.

tabbox container


  • texture

    Path to the tabbox texture of mini-icons. This texture is a bar of N pixels in width and N×M pixels in height.

Specific children:

  • tab

    A tab. Multiple tabs are supported. Each tab can also have a special child:

    • text

      Tab title. In addition to the described attribute, the following attributes are accepted:

      • texture

        Sets the ID of a mini-icon to be used for the item starting from zero.

      • data

        Sets the item data. The data can be used as a text identifier of the item (instead of using the number of the item).

Source code (XML)
<tabbox name="Test::tabbox" export="1" space="20" align="expand">
		<text>Tab 0</text>
		<label><text>TabBox content</text></label>
		<text>Tab 1</text>
		<text>Tab 2</text>
		<text>Tab 3</text>

To create tabs with icons, you can write the following:

Source code (XML)
<tabbox name="Test::tabbox_icons" export="1" space="20" align="expand" texture="menu_icons.png">
		<text texture="0">Tab 0</text>
		<label><text>TabBox content</text></label>
		<text texture="1">Tab 1</text>
		<text texture="2">Tab 2</text>

The example produces the following:

Tabs with icons

The menu_icons.png image is a vertical strip of square (16×16 pixels) mini-icons that have a transparent background:

tabbox icons

16×64 strip of mini-icons

See the article on Skin Layout for more details.


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetScrollBox class.

scrollbox container


  • border
    Whether to enable a border line or not (boolean).
  • henabled
    Whether to enable horizontal scrolling or not (boolean).
  • venabled
    Whether to enable vertical scrolling or not (boolean).
  • hhidden
    Whether to hide, disable or always render a horizontal scroll bar.
    • 0 to always render a horizontal scroll bar.
    • 1 to automatically hide a horizontal scroll bar, if the container area is big enough to show all elements. If not all elements can be shown at once, the scroll bar is rendered.
    • 2 to always hide a horizontal scroll bar. Scroll bar bounds, though a bar itself is not rendered, are still taken into account when the widget bounds are calculated.
    • 3 to always hide a horizontal scroll bar and not to add its size when calculating widget bounds.
  • vhidden
    Whether to hide, disable or always render a vertical scroll bar.
    • 0 to always render a vertical scroll bar.
    • 1 to automatically hide a vertical scroll bar, if the container area is big enough to show all elements. If not all elements can be shown at once, the scroll bar is rendered.
    • 2 to always hide a vertical scroll bar. Scroll bar bounds, though a bar itself is not rendered, are still taken into account when the widget bounds are calculated.
    • 3 to always hide a vertical scroll bar and not to add its size when calculating widget bounds.
Source code (XML)
<scrollbox name="Test::scrollbox" export="0" space="8" align="center" width="100" height="100" border="1" henabled="1">

For example, to create a scroll box with a vertical and horizontal scroll bars, you can write the following:

Source code (XML)
<scrollbox name="Test::scrollbox" export="0" space="8" border="1" width="60">
	<align align="left">
		<vbox name="Test::vbox" export="0" space="8">
			<label><text>Label 0</text></label>
			<label><text size="15">Label 1</text></label>
			<label><text size="20">Label 2</text></label>
			<label><text size="25">Label 3</text></label>

The result is:

If you set the vhidden attribute to 2, the vertical scroll bar won't be rendered, but will be taken into account while scroll box bounds calculation:

Source code (XML)
<scrollbox name="Test::scrollbox" export="0" space="8" border="1" width="60" vhidden="2">

The scroll box is rendered as follows:

It is also possible to enable or disable the border line of the scroll box. It is useful, for example, if you want to add several scroll boxes with the borders into another scroll box, which has no borders:

Source code (XML)
<scrollbox name="Test::scrollbox" export="0" space="8" border="0" width="200" height="300" align="expand">
	<align align="left">
		<scrollbox name="Test::scrollbox_1" export="0" space="8" border="1" width="250" height="80">
			<vbox name="Test::vbox_1" export="0" space="8">
				<label><text>Label 0</text></label>
				<label><text size="15">Label 1</text></label>
				<label><text size="20">Label 2</text></label>
				<label><text size="25">Label 3</text></label>
		<scrollbox name="Test::scrollbox_2" export="0" space="8" border="1" width="250" height="80">
			<vbox name="Test::vbox_2" export="0" space="8">
				<label><text>Label 0</text></label>
				<label><text size="15">Label 1</text></label>
				<label><text size="20">Label 2</text></label>
				<label><text size="25">Label 3</text></label>
		<scrollbox name="Test::scrollbox_3" export="0" space="8" border="1" width="250" height="80">
			<vbox name="Test::vbox_3" export="0" space="8">
				<label><text>Label 0</text></label>
				<label><text size="15">Label 1</text></label>

The scroll box appears as follows:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetWindow class.

window container


  • moveable
    Whether the window is movable or not. The default is 1 (boolean).
  • sizeable
    Whether the window is resizable or not. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • titleable
    Whether the window is minimized when double-clicking on it or not. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • blendable
    Whether the window is shaded when it is not in focus. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • floatable
    Whether window minimization is animated or not. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • snap_distance
    Maximum distance to snap the widget to borders of the application window. The default is 0 (pixels).
  • color
    Window color.

    For example:

    Source code (XML)
    <window name="Test::window" export="1" width="200" height="200" color="#7FC9FF">
    	<text align="right">Window title</text>
    	<label><text size="15">Example of the colored window</text></label>

    The result is:

    window with color parameter

  • max_width
    Maximum window width.
  • max_height
    Maximum window height.

Specific children:

  • text
    Window title. In addition to the described attributes, the following attributes are accepted:
    • align with values center, left, right.
Source code (XML)
<window name="Test::window" export="1" snap_distance="16" width="100" height="100">
	<text align="right">Window title</text>

For example, if you set the maximum window width and height, you cannot make the window higher or wider than this maximum values.

Source code (XML)
<window name="Test::window" width="250" height="150" export="1" titleable="1" sizable="1" max_width="300" max_height="400">
	<text>Window Title</text>

To add a window close button, place the icon widget on the title bar and define the corresponding callback as follows:

Source code (XML)
<window name=Test::window" export="1" width="250" height="150" sizeable="1" enabled="1">
	<text align="left">Window Title</text>
	<icon align="overlap,top,right" pos_x="4" pos_y="-24" texture="core/gui/dialog_close.png">
		<callback type="clicked">Window::close_window</callback>

The pos_x, pos_y, and align attributes are set depending on the required position of the close button.


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetDialog class.

dialog container


  • moveable
    Whether the dialog is movable or not. The default is 1 (boolean).
  • sizeable
    Whether the dialog is resizable or not. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • titleable

    Whether the dialog is minimized when double-clicking on it or not. The default is 0 (boolean).

  • blendable

    Whether the dialog becomes transparent while minimized or not. The default is 0 (boolean).

  • floatable

    Whether dialog minimization is animated or not. The default is 0 (boolean).

  • snap_distance

    Maximum distance to snap to borders. The default is 0 (pixels).

Specific children:

  • text

    Dialog title. In addition to the described attributes, the following attributes are accepted:

    • align with values center, left, right.
Source code (XML)
<dialog width="100" height="100">
	<text align="right">Dialog title</text>

For example, to create a dialog window, which is minimized when double-clicking on it, try the following:

Source code (XML)
<dialog name="Test::dialog" export="1" width="100" height="100" titleable="1">
	<text align="right" color="#FFD800">Dialog title</text>

On the right picture, the minimized dialog window is represented. The text color is set by using the color attribute.

To add content to the dialog window, simply define any widget inside the dialog tag. For example:

Source code (XML)
<dialog name="Test::dialog" export="1" width="100" height="100" titleable="1">
	<text align="right">Dialog title</text>	
	<label align="left"><text size="15">The text example.</text></label>

The result is the dialog window that contains the text defined in the label tag

dialog window with text

Last update: 26.04.2024
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