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Продвинутый уровень
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Unigine::Plugins::SpiderVision::WallGroupData Class

Header: #include <plugins/Unigine/SpiderVision/UnigineSpiderVision.h>

The object of this class represents a group of viewports arranged in a defined number of rows and columns with a specified distance between the viewports and orientation of viewports thus creating a wall.

WallGroupData Class


void setSize ( const Math::ivec2& size ) #

Sets a new size of the wall, number of columns and rows.


  • const Math::ivec2& size - The number of columns and rows in the wall.

Math::ivec2 getSize() const#

Returns the current size of the wall, number of columns and rows.

Return value

Current number of columns and rows in the wall.

void setOffset ( const Math::vec2& offset ) #

Sets a new horizontal and vertical distances between the edges of the neighboring viewports in the wall.


  • const Math::vec2& offset - The horizontal and vertical distances between neighboring viewports.

Math::vec2 getOffset() const#

Returns the current horizontal and vertical distances between the edges of the neighboring viewports in the wall.

Return value

Current horizontal and vertical distances between neighboring viewports.

void setDisplaySize ( const Math::vec2& size ) #

Sets a new actual width and height of the display in the Wall group. It is assumed that the wall consists of identical displays. If sizes of displays differ, you may consider creating a configuration with several Wall groups.


  • const Math::vec2& size - The display width and height.

Math::vec2 getDisplaySize() const#

Returns the current actual width and height of the display in the Wall group. It is assumed that the wall consists of identical displays. If sizes of displays differ, you may consider creating a configuration with several Wall groups.

Return value

Current display width and height.

void setWindowSize ( const Math::ivec2& size ) #

Sets a new width and height of the window on the display screen.


  • const Math::ivec2& size - The width and height of the window on the screen, in pixels.

Math::ivec2 getWindowSize() const#

Returns the current width and height of the window on the display screen.

Return value

Current width and height of the window on the screen, in pixels.

void setDistanceToViewer ( float viewer ) #

Sets a new distance from the viewer point to the center of the group.


  • float viewer - The distance from the viewer point to the center of the group, in units.

float getDistanceToViewer() const#

Returns the current distance from the viewer point to the center of the group.

Return value

Current distance from the viewer point to the center of the group, in units.

void setAngle ( float angle ) #

Sets a new angle between the neighboring displays in the XY plane (i.e. around the Z axis).


  • float angle - The angle between the neighboring displays in the XY plane.

float getAngle() const#

Returns the current angle between the neighboring displays in the XY plane (i.e. around the Z axis).

Return value

Current angle between the neighboring displays in the XY plane.

void setAutoArrange ( bool arrange ) #

Sets a new value indicating if automatic positioning of windows on the displays is enabled. If disabled, all windows are created with the position (0, 0) at the same place and are to be positioned manually.


  • bool arrange - Set true to enable automatic positioning of windows on the displays; false - to disable it.

bool isAutoArrange() const#

Returns the current value indicating if automatic positioning of windows on the displays is enabled. If disabled, all windows are created with the position (0, 0) at the same place and are to be positioned manually.

Return value

true if automatic positioning of windows on the displays is enabled; otherwise false.

void generate ( ) #

Generates a group of viewports using the createViewport() method.

void refresh ( ) #

Updates the viewports' position and orientation based on the specified size, offset, distance to viewer, and angle values.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.20 SDK.

Last update: 11.11.2024
Build: ()