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Продвинутый уровень
Подсказки и советы
Программирование на C#
Профессиональный уровень (SIM)
Принципы работы
Свойства (properties)
Компонентная Система
Браузер SDK 2
Лицензирование и типы лицензий
Дополнения (Add-Ons)
Демонстрационные проекты
API Samples
Редактор UnigineEditor
Обзор интерфейса
Работа с ассетами
Контроль версий
Настройки и предпочтения
Работа с проектами
Настройка параметров ноды
Setting Up Materials
Настройка свойств
Использование инструментов редактора для конкретных задач
Расширение функционала редактора
Встроенные объекты
Ноды (Nodes)
Объекты (Objects)
Источники света
Звуковые объекты
Объекты поиска пути
Настройка среды разработки
Примеры использования
Унифицированный язык шейдеров UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
Форматы файлов
Материалы и шейдеры
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Интерфейс пользователя (GUI)
Двойная точность координат
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Работа с контентом
Оптимизация контента
Визуальный редактор материалов
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
Учебные материалы

MathCommon Functions

The functions listed below are the members of the Unigine.MathLib namespace.

MathCommon Class

Перечисления (Enums)


X = = 0Positive X axis.
Y = = 1Positive Y axis.
Z = = 2Positive Z axis.
NX = = 3Negative X axis.
NY = = 4Negative Y axis.
NZ = = 5Negative Z axis.


float ToFloat ( string v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • string v - A string value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( decimal v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • decimal v - A decimal value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( double v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • double v - A double value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( int v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • int v - A int value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( uint v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • uint v - A uint value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( short v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • short v - A short value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( ushort v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • ushort v - A ushort value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( long v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • long v - A long value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( ulong v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • ulong v - A ulong value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( byte v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • byte v - A byte value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( sbyte v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • sbyte v - A sbyte value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float ToFloat ( bool v ) #

Converts the current value to a float value.


  • bool v - Vector multiplier.

Return value

Resulting float value.

double ToDouble ( string v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • string v - A string value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( float v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • float v - A float value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( decimal v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • decimal v - A decimal value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( int v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • int v - A int value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( uint v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • uint v - A uint value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( short v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • short v - A short value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( ushort v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • ushort v - A ushort value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( long v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • long v - A long value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( ulong v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • ulong v - A ulong value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( byte v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • byte v - A byte value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( sbyte v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • sbyte v - A sbyte value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

double ToDouble ( bool v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a double value.


  • bool v - Vector multiplier.

Return value

Resulting double value.

int ToInt ( string v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • string v - A string value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( float v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • float v - A float value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( decimal v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • decimal v - A decimal value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( double v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • double v - A double value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( uint v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • uint v - A uint value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( short v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • short v - A short value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( ushort v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • ushort v - A ushort value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( long v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • long v - A long value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( ulong v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • ulong v - A ulong value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( byte v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • byte v - A byte value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( sbyte v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • sbyte v - A sbyte value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

int ToInt ( bool v ) #

Converts the argument's value to an integer value.


  • bool v - Vector multiplier.

Return value

Resulting int value.

long ToLong ( string v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • string v - A string value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( float v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • float v - A float value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( decimal v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • decimal v - A decimal value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( double v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • double v - A double value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( int v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • int v - A int value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( uint v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • uint v - A uint value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( short v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • short v - A short value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( ushort v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • ushort v - A ushort value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( ulong v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • ulong v - A ulong value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( byte v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • byte v - A byte value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( sbyte v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • sbyte v - A sbyte value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

long ToLong ( bool v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a long value.


  • bool v - Vector multiplier.

Return value

Resulting long value.

byte ToByte ( string v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • string v - A string value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( float v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • float v - A float value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( decimal v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • decimal v - A decimal value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( double v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • double v - A double value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( int v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • int v - A int value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( uint v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • uint v - A uint value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( short v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • short v - A short value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( ushort v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • ushort v - A ushort value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( long v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • long v - A long value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( ulong v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • ulong v - A ulong value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( sbyte v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • sbyte v - A sbyte value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

byte ToByte ( bool v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a byte value.


  • bool v - Vector multiplier.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

bool ToBool ( string v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • string v - A string value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( float v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • float v - A float value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( decimal v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • decimal v - A decimal value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( double v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • double v - A double value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( int v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • int v - A int value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( uint v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • uint v - A uint value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( short v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • short v - A short value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( ushort v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • ushort v - A ushort value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( long v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • long v - A long value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( ulong v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • ulong v - A ulong value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( byte v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • byte v - A byte value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

bool ToBool ( sbyte v ) #

Converts the argument's value to a boolean value.


  • sbyte v - A sbyte value to be converted.

Return value

Converted value.

int FloatToIntBits ( float value ) #

Returns an integer corresponding to the bits of the given value.


  • float value - Value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting int value.

uint FloatToUIntBits ( float value ) #

Returns an unsigned integer corresponding to the bits of the given value.


  • float value - Value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting uint value.

float IntBitsToFloat ( int value ) #

Returns the float corresponding to the given bits.


  • int value - Value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

float IntBitsToFloat ( uint value ) #

Returns the unsigned float corresponding to the given bits.


  • uint value - Value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting float value.

long FloatToLongBits ( double value ) #

Returns a long value corresponding to the bits of the given value.


  • double value - Value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting long value.

double LongBitsToFloat ( long value ) #

Returns the double corresponding to the given bits.


  • long value - Value to be converted.

Return value

Resulting double value.

ulong DoubleIntToLong ( uint a1, uint a2 ) #

Returns a conversion of two unsigned integer values to a unsigned long long value.


  • uint a1 - Source uint value.
  • uint a2 - Source uint value.

Return value

Resulting ulong value.

uint[] LongToDoubleInt ( ulong a ) #

Returns two ulong values converted from a ulong value.


  • ulong a - Source ulong value.

Return value

Return value.

bool Equals ( float v0, float v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • float v0 - First argument.
  • float v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( double v0, double v1, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • double v0 - First argument.
  • double v1 - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( int v0, int v1 ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • int v0 - First argument.
  • int v1 - Second argument.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( long v0, long v1 ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • long v0 - First argument.
  • long v1 - Second argument.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( Vector2 v0, Vector2 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • Vector2 v0 - First argument.
  • Vector2 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • Vector3 v0 - First argument.
  • Vector3 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( Vector4 v0, Vector4 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • Vector4 v0 - First argument.
  • Vector4 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( vec2 v0, vec2 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • vec2 v0 - First argument.
  • vec2 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( vec3 v0, vec3 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • vec3 v0 - First argument.
  • vec3 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( vec4 v0, vec4 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • vec4 v0 - First argument.
  • vec4 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( quat v0, quat v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • quat v0 - First argument.
  • quat v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( dvec2 v0, dvec2 v1, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • dvec2 v0 - First argument.
  • dvec2 v1 - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( dvec3 v0, dvec3 v1, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • dvec3 v0 - First argument.
  • dvec3 v1 - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • dvec4 v0 - First argument.
  • dvec4 v1 - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( ivec2 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • ivec2 v0 - First argument.
  • ivec2 v1 - Second argument.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( ivec3 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • ivec3 v0 - First argument.
  • ivec3 v1 - Second argument.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( ivec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • ivec4 v0 - First argument.
  • ivec4 v1 - Second argument.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( mat2 v0, mat2 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • mat2 v0 - First argument.
  • mat2 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( mat3 v0, mat3 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • mat3 v0 - First argument.
  • mat3 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( mat4 v0, mat4 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • mat4 v0 - First argument.
  • mat4 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( dmat4 v0, dmat4 v1, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • dmat4 v0 - First argument.
  • dmat4 v1 - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( BoundSphere v0, BoundSphere v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • BoundSphere v0 - First argument.
  • BoundSphere v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( BoundBox v0, BoundBox v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • BoundBox v0 - First argument.
  • BoundBox v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool Equals ( BoundFrustum v0, BoundFrustum v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • BoundFrustum v0 - First argument.
  • BoundFrustum v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( float a, float b, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • float a - First argument.
  • float b - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( double a, double b, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • double a - First argument.
  • double b - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( Vector2 v0, Vector2 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • Vector2 v0 - First argument.
  • Vector2 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • Vector3 v0 - First argument.
  • Vector3 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( Vector4 v0, Vector4 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • Vector4 v0 - First argument.
  • Vector4 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( vec2 v0, vec2 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • vec2 v0 - First argument.
  • vec2 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( vec3 v0, vec3 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • vec3 v0 - First argument.
  • vec3 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( vec4 v0, vec4 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • vec4 v0 - First argument.
  • vec4 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( quat v0, quat v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • quat v0 - First argument.
  • quat v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( dvec2 v0, dvec2 v1, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • dvec2 v0 - First argument.
  • dvec2 v1 - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( dvec3 v0, dvec3 v1, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • dvec3 v0 - First argument.
  • dvec3 v1 - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • dvec4 v0 - First argument.
  • dvec4 v1 - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( mat2 v0, mat2 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • mat2 v0 - First argument.
  • mat2 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( mat3 v0, mat3 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • mat3 v0 - First argument.
  • mat3 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( mat4 v0, mat4 v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • mat4 v0 - First argument.
  • mat4 v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( dmat4 v0, dmat4 v1, double epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • dmat4 v0 - First argument.
  • dmat4 v1 - Second argument.
  • double epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( BoundSphere v0, BoundSphere v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • BoundSphere v0 - First argument.
  • BoundSphere v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( BoundBox v0, BoundBox v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • BoundBox v0 - First argument.
  • BoundBox v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

bool EqualsNearly ( BoundFrustum v0, BoundFrustum v1, float epsilon ) #

Checks if two arguments represent the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).


  • BoundFrustum v0 - First argument.
  • BoundFrustum v1 - Second argument.
  • float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.

Return value

true if the arguments are equal; otherwise, false.

float Abs ( float x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • float x - Value.

Return value

Resulting float value.

double Abs ( double x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • double x - Value.

Return value

Resulting double value.

decimal Abs ( decimal x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • decimal x - Value.

Return value

Resulting decimal value.

int Abs ( int x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • int x - Value.

Return value

Resulting int value.

short Abs ( short x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • short x - Value.

Return value

Resulting short value.

sbyte Abs ( sbyte x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • sbyte x - Value.

Return value

Resulting sbyte value.

long Abs ( long x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • long x - Value.

Return value

Resulting long value.

Vector2 Abs ( Vector2 x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • Vector2 x - Value.

Return value

Return value.

Vector3 Abs ( Vector3 x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • Vector3 x - Value.

Return value

Return value.

Vector4 Abs ( Vector4 x ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • Vector4 x - Value.

Return value

Return value.

vec2 Abs ( vec2 v ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • vec2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

vec3 Abs ( vec3 v ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • vec3 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

vec4 Abs ( vec4 v ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • vec4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

dvec2 Abs ( dvec2 v ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • dvec2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

dvec3 Abs ( dvec3 v ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • dvec3 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

dvec4 Abs ( dvec4 v ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • dvec4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

ivec2 Abs ( ivec2 v ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • ivec2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

ivec3 Abs ( ivec3 v ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • ivec3 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

ivec4 Abs ( ivec4 v ) #

Returns the absolute value of the specified argument.


  • ivec4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

bool IsNaN ( float x ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is not a number (NaN).


  • float x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( double x ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is not a number (NaN).


  • double x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( Vector2 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • Vector2 v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( Vector3 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • Vector3 v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( Vector4 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • Vector4 v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( vec2 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • vec2 v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( vec3 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • vec3 v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( vec4 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • vec4 v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( quat v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • quat v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( dvec2 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • dvec2 v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( dvec3 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • dvec3 v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNaN ( dvec4 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN).


  • dvec4 v - Value.

Return value

true if the argument contains at least one component, which is not a number (NaN); otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( float x ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • float x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument is null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( double x ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • double x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument is null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( decimal x ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • decimal x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument is null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( int x ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • int x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument is null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( short x ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • short x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument is null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( sbyte x ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • sbyte x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument is null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( long x ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • long x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument is null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( Vector2 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • Vector2 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( Vector3 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • Vector3 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( Vector4 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • Vector4 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( vec2 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • vec2 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( vec3 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • vec3 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( vec4 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • vec4 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( quat v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • quat v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( dvec2 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • dvec2 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( dvec3 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • dvec3 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( dvec4 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • dvec4 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( ivec2 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • ivec2 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( ivec3 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • ivec3 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsNull ( ivec4 v ) #

Returns a value that indicates whether the argument is null.


  • ivec4 v - Value.

Return value

true if all components of the argument are null; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( float x ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • float x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( double x ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • double x - Value.

Return value

true if the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( Vector2 v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • Vector2 v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( Vector3 v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • Vector3 v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( Vector4 v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • Vector4 v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( vec2 v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • vec2 v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( vec3 v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • vec3 v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( vec4 v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • vec4 v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( quat v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • quat v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( dvec2 v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • dvec2 v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( dvec3 v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • dvec3 v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool IsInfinity ( dvec4 v ) #

Returns a value indicating whether any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity.


  • dvec4 v - Value.

Return value

true if any component of the argument evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( float v0, float v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than the second argument.


  • float v0 - First value.
  • float v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( double v0, double v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than the second argument.


  • double v0 - First value.
  • double v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( decimal v0, decimal v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than the second argument.


  • decimal v0 - First value.
  • decimal v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( short v0, short v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than the second argument.


  • short v0 - First value.
  • short v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( ushort v0, ushort v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than the second argument.


  • ushort v0 - First value.
  • ushort v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( int v0, int v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than the second argument.


  • int v0 - First value.
  • int v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( long v0, long v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than the second argument.


  • long v0 - First value.
  • long v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( ulong v0, ulong v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than the second argument.


  • ulong v0 - First value.
  • ulong v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( byte v0, byte v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than the second argument.


  • byte v0 - First value.
  • byte v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( Vector2 v0, Vector2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • Vector2 v0 - First value.
  • Vector2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • Vector3 v0 - First value.
  • Vector3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( Vector4 v0, Vector4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • Vector4 v0 - First value.
  • Vector4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( vec2 v0, vec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • vec2 v0 - First value.
  • vec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( vec3 v0, vec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • vec3 v0 - First value.
  • vec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( vec4 v0, vec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • vec4 v0 - First value.
  • vec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( quat v0, quat v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • quat v0 - First value.
  • quat v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( dvec2 v0, dvec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • dvec2 v0 - First value.
  • dvec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( dvec3 v0, dvec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • dvec3 v0 - First value.
  • dvec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • dvec4 v0 - First value.
  • dvec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( ivec2 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • ivec2 v0 - First value.
  • ivec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( ivec3 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • ivec3 v0 - First value.
  • ivec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool Less ( ivec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument.


  • ivec4 v0 - First value.
  • ivec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( float v0, float v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.


  • float v0 - First value.
  • float v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( double v0, double v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.


  • double v0 - First value.
  • double v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( decimal v0, decimal v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.


  • decimal v0 - First value.
  • decimal v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( short v0, short v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.


  • short v0 - First value.
  • short v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( ushort v0, ushort v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.


  • ushort v0 - First value.
  • ushort v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( int v0, int v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.


  • int v0 - First value.
  • int v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( long v0, long v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.


  • long v0 - First value.
  • long v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( ulong v0, ulong v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.


  • ulong v0 - First value.
  • ulong v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( byte v0, byte v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.


  • byte v0 - First value.
  • byte v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( Vector2 v0, Vector2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • Vector2 v0 - First value.
  • Vector2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • Vector3 v0 - First value.
  • Vector3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( Vector4 v0, Vector4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • Vector4 v0 - First value.
  • Vector4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( vec2 v0, vec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • vec2 v0 - First value.
  • vec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( vec3 v0, vec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • vec3 v0 - First value.
  • vec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( vec4 v0, vec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • vec4 v0 - First value.
  • vec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( quat v0, quat v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • quat v0 - First value.
  • quat v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( dvec2 v0, dvec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • dvec2 v0 - First value.
  • dvec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( dvec3 v0, dvec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • dvec3 v0 - First value.
  • dvec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • dvec4 v0 - First value.
  • dvec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( ivec2 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • ivec2 v0 - First value.
  • ivec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( ivec3 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • ivec3 v0 - First value.
  • ivec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool LessOrEqual ( ivec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • ivec4 v0 - First value.
  • ivec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are less than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( float v0, float v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.


  • float v0 - First value.
  • float v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( double v0, double v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.


  • double v0 - First value.
  • double v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( decimal v0, decimal v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.


  • decimal v0 - First value.
  • decimal v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( short v0, short v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.


  • short v0 - First value.
  • short v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( ushort v0, ushort v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.


  • ushort v0 - First value.
  • ushort v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( int v0, int v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.


  • int v0 - First value.
  • int v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( long v0, long v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.


  • long v0 - First value.
  • long v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( ulong v0, ulong v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.


  • ulong v0 - First value.
  • ulong v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( byte v0, byte v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.


  • byte v0 - First value.
  • byte v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( Vector2 v0, Vector2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • Vector2 v0 - First value.
  • Vector2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • Vector3 v0 - First value.
  • Vector3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( Vector4 v0, Vector4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • Vector4 v0 - First value.
  • Vector4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( vec2 v0, vec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • vec2 v0 - First value.
  • vec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( vec3 v0, vec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • vec3 v0 - First value.
  • vec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( vec4 v0, vec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • vec4 v0 - First value.
  • vec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( quat v0, quat v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • quat v0 - First value.
  • quat v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( dvec2 v0, dvec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • dvec2 v0 - First value.
  • dvec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( dvec3 v0, dvec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • dvec3 v0 - First value.
  • dvec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • dvec4 v0 - First value.
  • dvec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( ivec2 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • ivec2 v0 - First value.
  • ivec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( ivec3 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • ivec3 v0 - First value.
  • ivec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool More ( ivec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument.


  • ivec4 v0 - First value.
  • ivec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( float v0, float v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.


  • float v0 - First value.
  • float v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( double v0, double v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.


  • double v0 - First value.
  • double v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( decimal v0, decimal v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.


  • decimal v0 - First value.
  • decimal v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( short v0, short v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.


  • short v0 - First value.
  • short v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( ushort v0, ushort v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.


  • ushort v0 - First value.
  • ushort v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( int v0, int v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.


  • int v0 - First value.
  • int v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( long v0, long v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.


  • long v0 - First value.
  • long v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( ulong v0, ulong v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.


  • ulong v0 - First value.
  • ulong v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( byte v0, byte v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.


  • byte v0 - First value.
  • byte v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( Vector2 v0, Vector2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • Vector2 v0 - First value.
  • Vector2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • Vector3 v0 - First value.
  • Vector3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( Vector4 v0, Vector4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • Vector4 v0 - First value.
  • Vector4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( vec2 v0, vec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • vec2 v0 - First value.
  • vec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( vec3 v0, vec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • vec3 v0 - First value.
  • vec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( vec4 v0, vec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • vec4 v0 - First value.
  • vec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( quat v0, quat v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • quat v0 - First value.
  • quat v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( dvec2 v0, dvec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • dvec2 v0 - First value.
  • dvec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( dvec3 v0, dvec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • dvec3 v0 - First value.
  • dvec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • dvec4 v0 - First value.
  • dvec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( ivec2 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • ivec2 v0 - First value.
  • ivec2 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( ivec3 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • ivec3 v0 - First value.
  • ivec3 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

bool MoreOrEqual ( ivec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #

Returns a value indicating whether all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument.


  • ivec4 v0 - First value.
  • ivec4 v1 - Second value.

Return value

true if all components of the first argument are greater than or equal to all components of the second argument; otherwise, false.

float Inc ( float v ) #

Increments a source value and returns the result.


  • float v - Value.

Return value

Resulting float value.

double Inc ( double v ) #

Increments a source value and returns the result.


  • double v - Value.

Return value

Resulting double value.

decimal Inc ( decimal v ) #

Increments a source value and returns the result.


  • decimal v - Value.

Return value

Resulting decimal value.

short Inc ( short v ) #

Increments a source value and returns the result.


  • short v - Value.

Return value

Resulting short value.

ushort Inc ( ushort v ) #

Increments a source value and returns the result.


  • ushort v - Value.

Return value

Resulting ushort value.

int Inc ( int v ) #

Increments a source value and returns the result.


  • int v - Value.

Return value

Resulting int value.

long Inc ( long v ) #

Increments a source value and returns the result.


  • long v - Value.

Return value

Resulting long value.

ulong Inc ( ulong v ) #

Increments a source value and returns the result.


  • ulong v - Value.

Return value

Resulting ulong value.

byte Inc ( byte v ) #

Increments a source value and returns the result.


  • byte v - Value.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

Vector2 Inc ( Vector2 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • Vector2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

Vector3 Inc ( Vector3 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • Vector3 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

Vector4 Inc ( Vector4 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • Vector4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

vec2 Inc ( vec2 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • vec2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

vec3 Inc ( vec3 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • vec3 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

vec4 Inc ( vec4 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • vec4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

dvec2 Inc ( dvec2 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • dvec2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

dvec3 Inc ( dvec3 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • dvec3 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

dvec4 Inc ( dvec4 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • dvec4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

ivec2 Inc ( ivec2 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • ivec2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

ivec3 Inc ( ivec3 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • ivec3 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

ivec4 Inc ( ivec4 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • ivec4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

bvec4 Inc ( bvec4 v ) #

Increments each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • bvec4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

float Dec ( float v ) #

Decrements each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • float v - Value.

Return value

Resulting float value.

double Dec ( double v ) #

Decrements a source value and returns the result.


  • double v - Value.

Return value

Resulting double value.

decimal Dec ( decimal v ) #

Decrements a source value and returns the result.


  • decimal v - Value.

Return value

Resulting decimal value.

short Dec ( short v ) #

Decrements a source value and returns the result.


  • short v - Value.

Return value

Resulting short value.

ushort Dec ( ushort v ) #

Decrements a source value and returns the result.


  • ushort v - Value.

Return value

Resulting ushort value.

int Dec ( int v ) #

Decrements a source value and returns the result.


  • int v - Value.

Return value

Resulting int value.

long Dec ( long v ) #

Decrements a source value and returns the result.


  • long v - Value.

Return value

Resulting long value.

ulong Dec ( ulong v ) #

Decrements a source value and returns the result.


  • ulong v - Value.

Return value

Resulting ulong value.

byte Dec ( byte v ) #

Decrements a source value and returns the result.


  • byte v - Value.

Return value

Resulting byte value.

Vector2 Dec ( Vector2 v ) #

Decrements each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • Vector2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

Vector3 Dec ( Vector3 v ) #

Decrements each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • Vector3 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

Vector4 Dec ( Vector4 v ) #

Decrements each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • Vector4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

vec2 Dec ( vec2 v ) #

Decrements each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • vec2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

vec3 Dec ( vec3 v ) #

Decrements each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • vec3 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

vec4 Dec ( vec4 v ) #

Decrements each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • vec4 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.

dvec2 Dec ( dvec2 v ) #

Decrements each component of the source value and returns the result.


  • dvec2 v - Value.

Return value

Return value.