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CigiEnvironmentControl Class

Header: #include <plugins/Unigine/CIGIConnector/UnigineCIGIConnector.h>
Inherits from: CigiHostPacket

CigiEnvironmentControl Class


int getRegionID ( ) const#

Returns the Environmental region ID specified in the packet.

Return value

Environmental region ID.

int getRegionState ( ) const#

Returns the Environmental region state specified in the packet.

Return value

Environmental region state. The following values are supported:
  • 0 - Inactive
  • 1 - Active
  • 2 - Destroyed

int getMergeWeather ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Merge Weather Properties parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether atmospheric conditions within this region will be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap.

Return value

Merge Weather Properties parameter value. The following values are supported:
  • 1 - merge
  • 0 - use the data from the last Weather Control packet.

int getMergeAerosol ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Merge Aerosol Concentrations parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether atmospheric conditions within this region will be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap.

Return value

Merge Aerosol Concentrations parameter value. The following values are supported:
  • 1 - merge
  • 0 - use the data from the last Weather Control packet.

int getMergeMaritime ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Merge Maritime Surface Conditions parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether the maritime surface conditions found within this region will be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap.

Return value

Merge Maritime Surface Conditions parameter value. The following values are supported:
  • 1 - merge
  • 0 - use the data from the last Maritime Surface Conditions Control packet.

int getMergeTerrestrial ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Merge Terrestrial Surface Conditions parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether the terrestrial surface conditions found within this region will be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap.

Return value

Merge Terrestrial Surface Conditions parameter value. The following values are supported:
  • 1 - merge
  • 0 - use the data from the last Terrestrial Surface Conditions Control packet.

double getLatitude ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Latitude parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Latitude parameter value.

double getLongitude ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Longitude parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Longitude parameter value.

float getSizeX ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Size X parameter specified in the packet. Determines the length of the environmental region along its X-axis at the geoid surface.
This length does not include the width of the transition perimeter.

Return value

Size X parameter value.

float getSizeY ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Size Y parameter specified in the packet. Determines the length of the environmental region along its Y-axis at the geoid surface.
This length does not include the width of the transition perimeter.

Return value

Size Y parameter value.

float getRadius ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Corner Radius parameter specified in the packet. Determines the radius of the corner of the rounded rectangle. The smaller the radius, the “tighter” the corner.

Return value

Corner Radius parameter value.

float getRotation ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Rotation parameter specified in the packet. Determines the yaw angle of the rounded rectangle.

Return value

Rotation parameter value.

float getTransition ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Transition Perimeter parameter specified in the packet. Determines the transition perimeter around the environmental region. This perimeter is a region through which the weather conditions are interpolated between those inside the environmental region and those immediately outside the perimeter.

Return value

Transition Perimeter parameter value.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.20 SDK.

Last update: 15.03.2023
Build: ()