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Продвинутый уровень
Подсказки и советы
Программирование на C#
Профессиональный уровень (SIM)
Принципы работы
Свойства (properties)
Компонентная Система
Режимы вывода изображения
Браузер SDK 2
Лицензирование и типы лицензий
Дополнения (Add-Ons)
Демонстрационные проекты
API Samples
Редактор UnigineEditor
Обзор интерфейса
Работа с ассетами
Контроль версий
Настройки и предпочтения
Работа с проектами
Настройка параметров ноды
Setting Up Materials
Настройка свойств
Использование инструментов редактора для конкретных задач
Расширение функционала редактора
Встроенные объекты
Ноды (Nodes)
Объекты (Objects)
Источники света
Звуковые объекты
Объекты поиска пути
Настройка среды разработки
Примеры использования
Унифицированный язык шейдеров UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
Форматы файлов
Материалы и шейдеры
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Интерфейс пользователя (GUI)
Двойная точность координат
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Работа с контентом
Оптимизация контента
Визуальный редактор материалов
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
Учебные материалы

Async Class

The scope of applications for UnigineScript is limited to implementing materials-related logic (material expressions, scriptable materials, brush materials). Do not use UnigineScript as a language for application logic, please consider C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScript (beyond its scope of applications) is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.

See Also#

A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/systems/ folder:

  • async_00
  • async_01
  • noise_01
  • noise_02
  • socket_01
  • socket_02
  • socket_03

Async Class


int setPriority ( int p ) #

Sets the priority for the thread.


  • int p - Priority of the thread:
    • 0 - normal
    • 1 - above normal
    • -1 - below normal
    • 2 - high
    • -2 - low
    • 3 - maximum
    • -3 - minimum
    If the value is higher than 3, 3 will be passed; if the value is lower than -3, -3 will be passed.

Return value

1 if the priority is set successfully; otherwise - 0.

int getPriority ( ) #

Returns the priority of the thread.

Return value

Priority of the thread:
  • 0 - normal
  • 1 - above normal
  • -1 - below normal
  • 2 - high
  • -2 - low
  • 3 - maximum
  • -3 - minimum

int getQueue ( ) #

Returns the number of queued async threads.

Return value

The number of queued threads.

variable getResult ( int id ) #

Returns the function result.


  • int id

Return value

The function result.

int isRunning ( ) #

Indicates if any thread is active.

Return value

1 if there is an active thread, otherwise - 0.

int isRunning ( int id ) #

Indicates if the required thread is active.


  • int id - Thread ID.

Return value

1 if the required thread is active; otherwise - 0.

Async ( ) #

Default constructor. An empty instance with default parameters is created.

void clearQueue ( ) #

Clears all the queued async threads.

void clearResult ( ) #

Clears all the functions results.

void lock ( ) #

Locks the resource. The resource can be locked by the other thread only after the first thread have unlocked this resource.

int run ( variable name ) #

Runs the given function in asynchronous way.


  • variable name - Function to be run: string - function name, int - function ID.
    You can also pass an ID of the external class method that can be obtained via functionid().

Return value

-1 if the function is not found; otherwise - function ID in the queue.

int run ( variable name, variable v0 ) #

Runs the given function with one argument or a member of a class in asynchronous way.


  • variable name - Function to be run: string - function name, int - function ID, object - class name.
    You can also pass an ID of the external class method that can be obtained via functionid().
  • variable v0 - If name is an object: class member name or ID; otherwise - function argument.

Return value

-1 if the function is not found; otherwise - function ID in the queue.

int run ( variable name, variable v0, variable v1 ) #

Runs the given function with two arguments or a member of a class with one argument in asynchronous way.


  • variable name - Function to be run: string - function name, int - function ID, object - class name.
    You can also pass an ID of the external class method that can be obtained via functionid().
  • variable v0 - If name is an object: class member name or ID; otherwise - function argument.
  • variable v1 - An argument of a function/class member.

Return value

-1 if the function is not found; otherwise - function ID in the queue.

int run ( variable name, variable v0, variable v1, variable v2 ) #

Runs the given function with three arguments or a member of a class with two arguments in asynchronous way.


  • variable name - Function to be run: string - function name, int - function ID, object - class name.
    You can also pass an ID of the external class method that can be obtained via functionid().
  • variable v0 - If name is an object: class member name or ID; otherwise - function argument.
  • variable v1 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v2 - An argument of a function/class member.

Return value

-1 if the function is not found; otherwise - function ID in the queue.

int run ( variable name, variable v0, variable v1, variable v2, variable v3 ) #

Runs the given function with four arguments or a member of a class with three arguments in asynchronous way.


  • variable name - Function to be run: string - function name, int - function ID, object - class name.
    You can also pass an ID of the external class method that can be obtained via functionid().
  • variable v0 - If name is an object: class member name or ID; otherwise - function argument.
  • variable v1 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v2 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v3 - An argument of a function/class member.

Return value

-1 if the function is not found; otherwise - function ID in the queue.

int run ( variable name, variable v0, variable v1, variable v2, variable v3, variable v4 ) #

Runs the given function with four arguments or a member of a class with three arguments in asynchronous way.


  • variable name - Function to be run: string - function name, int - function ID, object - class name.
    You can also pass an ID of the external class method that can be obtained via functionid().
  • variable v0 - If name is an object: class member name or ID; otherwise - function argument.
  • variable v1 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v2 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v3 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v4 - An argument of a function/class member.

Return value

-1 if the function is not found; otherwise - function ID in the queue.

int run ( variable name, variable v0, variable v1, variable v2, variable v3, variable v4, variable v5 ) #

Runs the given function with five arguments or a member of a class with four arguments in asynchronous way.


  • variable name - Function to be run: string - function name, int - function ID, object - class name.
    You can also pass an ID of the external class method that can be obtained via functionid().
  • variable v0 - If name is an object: class member name or ID; otherwise - function argument.
  • variable v1 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v2 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v3 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v4 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v5 - An argument of a function/class member.

Return value

-1 if the function is not found; otherwise - function ID in the queue.

int run ( variable name, variable v0, variable v1, variable v2, variable v3, variable v4, variable v5, variable v6 ) #

Runs the given function with six arguments or a member of a class with five arguments in asynchronous way.


  • variable name - Function to be run: string - function name, int - function ID, object - class name.
    You can also pass an ID of the external class method that can be obtained via functionid().
  • variable v0 - If name is an object: class member name or ID; otherwise - function argument.
  • variable v1 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v2 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v3 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v4 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v5 - An argument of a function/class member.
  • variable v6 - An argument of a function/class member.

Return value

-1 if the function is not found; otherwise - function ID in the queue.

int runv ( variable name, int id = [] ) #

Runs the given function and a vector in asynchronous way.


  • variable name - The argument.
  • int id - Vector ID.

Return value

-1 if the function is not found; otherwise - function ID in the queue.

void unlock ( ) #

Unlocks the previously locked resource.

void wait ( int id ) #

Waits until the isRunning() function returns 0 (i.e. a thread with a specified ID is not active).


  • int id - Thread ID.

void wait ( ) #

Waits until the isRunning() function returns 0 (i.e. any thread is not active).
Last update: 05.02.2021
Build: ()