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Продвинутый уровень
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Unigine::BodyWater Class

Header: #include <UniginePhysics.h>
Inherits from: Body

This class is used to simulate water body that provide buoyancy and waves from other physical bodies. It is simulated as a 2D grid with point particles positioned in the vertices of the mesh.

See Also#

  • A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/physics/ folder:
    • water_00
    • water_01
    • water_02
    • water_03
    • water_04

BodyWater Class


static BodyWaterPtr create ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a water body with default properties.

static BodyWaterPtr create ( const Ptr<Object> & object ) #

Constructor. Creates a water body with default properties for a given object.


  • const Ptr<Object> & object - Object with a new water body.

void setAbsorption ( int absorption ) #

Updates a value indicating if the waves should be dispersed along the mesh perimeter.


  • int absorption - Positive number to allow wave dispersion, 0 for the waves to be reflected.

int getAbsorption ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the waves are dispersed along the mesh perimeter.

Return value

Positive value, if the waves are dispersed along the mesh perimeter; 0 if they are reflected.

void setAngularDamping ( float damping ) #

Updates a value indicating how much the angular velocity of the objects decreases when they get into the water.


  • float damping - Anglular damping value. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getAngularDamping ( ) #

Returns the current value indicating how much the angular velocity of the objects decreases when they get into the water.

Return value

Anglular damping value.

void setDensity ( float density ) #

Updates the density of the water that determines objects buoyancy.


  • float density - Density value. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getDensity ( ) #

Returns the current density of the water that determines objects buoyancy.

Return value

Density value.

void setDepth ( float depth ) #

Updates the depth of the water (unless intersection has occurred).


  • float depth - Depth value. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getDepth ( ) #

Returns the current depth of the water (unless intersection has occurred).

Return value

Depth value.

void setDistance ( float distance ) #

Updates the distance of water simulation. It does not interfere with objects buoyancy.


  • float distance - Simulation distance. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getDistance ( ) #

Returns the current distance of water simulation. It does not interfere with objects buoyancy.

Return value

Simulation distance.

void setInteractionForce ( float force ) #

Updates the interaction force that determines how much velocity values of water and objects that get into it are leveled.


  • float force - Interaction force value. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getInteractionForce ( ) #

Returns the current interaction force that determines how much velocity values of water and objects that get into it are leveled.

Return value

Interaction force value.

void setIntersection ( int intersection ) #

Updates a value indicating if intersection with the ground is enabled. The ground should be a parent node.


  • int intersection - Positive value to enable intersection, 0 to disable it.

int getIntersection ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if intersection with the ground is enabled. The ground should be a parent node.

Return value

Positive value if intersection is enabled, 0 if disabled.

void setLinearDamping ( float damping ) #

Updates a value indicating how much the linear velocity of the objects decreases when they get into the water.


  • float damping - Linear damping value. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getLinearDamping ( ) #

Returns the current value indicating how much the linear velocity of the objects decreases when they get into the water.

Return value

Linear damping value.

void setLiquidity ( float liquidity ) #

Updates the viscosity of the water.


  • float liquidity - Liquidity value. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getLiquidity ( ) #

Returns the current fluidity of the water.

Return value

Liquidity value.

float getParticleHeight ( const Math::vec3 & position ) #

Returns the vertical shift of the given point of the water.


  • const Math::vec3 & position - Point local coordinates (only along X and Y axes).

Return value

Height in units of the vertical water shift.

Math::vec3 getParticleVelocity ( const Math::vec3 & position ) #

Returns the velocity value in the given point of the water.


  • const Math::vec3 & position - Point local coordinates (only along X and Y axes).

Return value

Velocity value.

void addParticleHeight ( const Math::vec3 & position, float height ) #

Adds the vertical shift to the water. Nearby water particles, that form a plane water grid, will change their height accordingly, simulating rings on the water.


  • const Math::vec3 & position - Point local coordinates (only along X and Y axes) of the vertical shift.
  • float height - Height in units of the vertical water shift.

void addParticleVelocity ( const Math::vec3 & position, const Math::vec3 & velocity ) #

Applies the force to the water. To nearby water particles, that form a plane water grid, will be passed appropriate velocity values, simulating wake from the moving object.


  • const Math::vec3 & position - Point local coordinates (only along X and Y axes) of applying the force.
  • const Math::vec3 & velocity - Velocity value.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.20 SDK.

Last update: 10.04.2020
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