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Unigine::Plugins::IG::CollisionVolume Class

Header: #include <plugins/Unigine/IG/UnigineIG.h>

This class is used to manage collision volumes that are assigned to entities and used for collision detection.

IG plugin must be loaded.

A collision detection volume is a sphere or a cuboid through which collision testing is performed by the IG. When a collision detection volume passes through another collision volume, the IG registers a collision by sending the corresponding notification.

Collision detection testing is performed by the IG every frame.

A volume is defined by specifying its location, size, and orientation with respect to the associated entity’s body coordinate system. A sphere’s size is specified as a radius; a cuboid’s size is specified by its width, height, and depth.

Unlike collision detection segments, which are tested segment-to-polygon, collision detection volumes are tested volume-to-volume. Volumes associated with the same entity are not tested against each other.

CollisionVolume Class


int getID ( ) const#

Returns the ID of the collision volume.

Return value

Collision volume ID.

Entity * getEntity ( ) const#

Returns the entity to which the collision volume is assigned.

Return value

Entity to which the collision volume is assigned.

void setEnabled ( bool value ) #

Enables or disables the collision volume.


  • bool value - true to enable the collision volume; false - to disable it.

bool isEnabled ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the collision volume is enabled.

Return value

true if the collision volume is enabled; otherwise, false

void setPosition ( const Math::vec3& value ) #

Sets the coordinates of the center of the collision volume.


  • const Math::vec3& value - Coordinates of the center of the collision volume, in the coordinate system of the entity.

Math::vec3 getPosition ( ) const#

Returns the current coordinates of the center of the collision volume.

Return value

Current coordinates of the center of the collision volume, in the coordinate system of the entity.

void setRotation ( const Math::quat& value ) #

Sets the rotation of the cuboid-shaped collision volume. The rotation quaternion is obtained by converting NED euler rotation (roll, pitch, yaw) to a quaternion via the Converter::eulerNEDToRotation() method.


  • const Math::quat& value - Quaternion defining rotation of the cuboid-shaped collision volume.

Math::quat getRotation ( ) const#

Returns the current rotation of the cuboid-shaped collision volume. You can convert the obtained rotation quaternion to NED euler rotation (roll, pitch, yaw) via the Converter::rotationToEulerNED() method.

Return value

Quaternion defining rotation of the cuboid-shaped collision volume.

void setSize ( const Math::vec3& size ) #

Sets the size of the cuboid-shaped collision volume.


  • const Math::vec3& size - Vector defining the size of the cuboid-shaped collision volume (depth, width, height). Each component is specified in meters.

void setRadius ( float radius ) #

Sets the radius of the spherical collision volume.


  • float radius - Radius of the spherical collision volume, in meters.

void * addOnCollisionDetectedCallback ( Unigine::CallbackBase4< CollisionVolume *, Ptr<ShapeContact>, long long, int > * func ) #

Adds a callback function to be called when a collision with the collision volume is detected. This function can be used to define specific actions to be performed when a collision with the volume is detected. The signature of the callback function must be as follows:
Source code (C++)
void(CollisionVolume *v, ContactPtr cnt, long long contacted_entity, int contacted_segment);

You can set a callback function as follows:

Source code (C++)

Example: Setting a collision detected callback for a collision volume of an entity

Source code (C++)
/// callback function to be called when a collision with the collision volume is detected
void my_callback(CollisionVolume *v, ShapeContactPtr cnt, long long contacted_entity, int contacted_segment)
	// your code

// ...
// somewhere in code
void SomeClass::init()
	// adding "my_callback" to be called when a collision with the volume is detected
	ig_manager->getEntity(entity_id)->getCollisionVolume(volume_id)->addOnCollisionDetectedCallback(Unigine::MakeCallback( my_callback );


Return value

ID of the last added collision detected callback, if the callback was added successfully; otherwise, nullptr. This ID can be used to remove this callback when necessary.

bool removeOnCollisionDetectedCallback ( void * id ) #

Removes the specified callback from the list of collision detected callbacks.


  • void * id - Collision detected callback ID obtained when adding it.

Return value

True if the collision detected callback with the given ID was removed successfully; otherwise false.

void clearOnCollisionDetectedCallbacks ( ) #

Clears all added collision detected callbacks.

void setName ( const char * value ) #

Sets a new name for the collision volume.


  • const char * value - Collision volume name to be set.

const char * getName ( ) const#

Returns the name of the collision volume.

Return value

Collision volume name.
Last update: 15.03.2023
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