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Unigine::Dir Class

Header: #include <UnigineDir.h>

This class allows the user to retrieve various directory attributes, including file specific information. Also, the class provides the ability to copy files to different directories.

Dir class cannot resolve a relative path, so a request to FileSystem::getAbsolutePath() is required.

Usage Example

Here is an example of how to print out names of all nested directories in the specified directory:

Source code (C++)
// create a descriptor for the specified directory and open it
Unigine::DirPtr dir = Unigine::Dir::create();
// specify your path string (relative or absolute)
// the Dir class cannot resolve a relative path, so a request to FileSystem is required
// or in case the path is absolute you can use: dir->open("path");

// loop through all nested directories and print their names
int num_dirs = dir->getNumDirs();
for (int i = 0; i < num_dirs; ++i)
	const char *dirname = dir->getDirName(i);
	Unigine::Log::message("Dir name %s\n", dirname);
// always close the directory descriptor before leaving the scope

Dir Class


static DirPtr create ( ) #

Default constructor.

static DirPtr create ( const char * name ) #

Constructor. Creates a new directory instance.


  • const char * name - Directory path to open.

const char * getDirName ( int num ) const#

Returns name of the directory with given index.


  • int num - Directory index.

Return value

Name of the directory with num index.

long long getFileMTime ( int num ) const#

Returns the time of the file last modification.


  • int num - File index.

Return value

Time of the last modification.

const char * getFileName ( int num ) const#

Returns name of the file with given index.


  • int num - File index.

Return value

Name of the file with num index.

size_t getFileSize ( int num ) const#

Returns the size of the file with the given index.


  • int num - File index.

Return value

File size.

long long getFileSize ( const char * path ) #

Returns the size of the specified file.


  • const char * path - Path to an existing file to retrieve the size for.

Return value

File size in bytes.

int setMTime ( const char * path, long long time ) #

Sets the time of the last directory modification.


  • const char * path - Directory name.
  • long long time - Time of the last modification.

Return value

1 if the time of the last directory modification was set successfully; otherwise, 0.

long long getMTime ( const char * path ) #

Returns the time of the last directory modification.


  • const char * path - Directory name.

Return value

Time of the last modification.

const char * getName ( ) const#

Returns the name of the current directory.

Return value

Directory name.

int getNumDirs ( ) const#

Returns number of nested directories.

Return value

Number of directories.

int getNumFiles ( ) const#

Returns number of files inside the directory.

Return value

Number of files.

bool isFile ( const char * path ) #

Returns a value indicating if the specified file path exists.


  • const char * path - File path to be checked.

Return value

true if the specified file path exists; otherwise, false.

bool isOpened ( ) const#

Checks whether the directory is opened.

Return value

true if the directory is opened; otherwise, false.

size_t getSize ( ) const#

Returns the size of the current directory.

Return value

Directory size.

bool close ( ) #

Closes the directory descriptor.

Return value

true if the directory descriptor is closed successfully; otherwise, false.

bool open ( const char * name ) #

Opens the directory. Always close the directory descriptor via close() before leaving the scope:
Source code (C++)
Unigine::DirPtr dir = Unigine::Dir::create();


	// ...



  • const char * name - Directory path.

Return value

Directory descriptor.

int isAbsolute ( const char * path ) #

Returns a value indicating if the specified directory path is an absolute one.


  • const char * path - Directory path.

Return value

1 if the specified directory path is an absolute one; otherwise, 0.

int copy ( const char * path, const char * new_name ) #

Copies the specified file to a new destination path.


  • const char * path - Source file path.
  • const char * new_name - Destination file path.

Return value

1 if the specified file was successfully copied; otherwise, 0.

bool isDir ( const char * path ) #

Returns a value indicating if the specified directory exists.


  • const char * path - Directory path to be checked.

Return value

true if the specified directory exists; otherwise, false.

const char * getHomeDir ( ) #

Returns a path to the home directory.

Return value

Path to the current working directory.

const char * getCurrentDir ( ) #

Returns a path to the current working directory.

Return value

Path to the current working directory.

int chdir ( const char * path ) #

Changes the current working directory to the given path.


  • const char * path - New path to which the current working directory is to be chahged.

Return value

1 if the current working directory is changed successfully; otherwise, 0.

int mkdir ( const char * path ) #

Creates a directory named path.


  • const char * path - Path to a new directory to be created.

Return value

1 if the specified directory is created successfully or has been created before (i.e. already exists); otherwise, 0.

int mkdir ( const char * path, bool recursion ) #

Creates a directory named path.


  • const char * path - Path to a new directory to be created.
  • bool recursion - Use true to create non-existent directories recursively; otherwise, false.

Return value

1 if the specified directory is created successfully or has been created before (i.e. already exists); otherwise, 0.

int rmdir ( const char * path ) #

Removes the specified directory path. It works only when the directory is empty and is neither the current working directory or the home directory.


  • const char * path - Path of the directory to be removed.

int rmdir ( const char * path, bool recursion ) #

Removes the specified directory path. It works only when the directory is empty and is neither the current working directory or the home directory.


  • const char * path - Path of the directory to be removed.
  • bool recursion - Use true to remove directories recursively; otherwise, false.

Return value

1 if the specified directory path is removed successfully; otherwise, 0.

int remove ( const char * path ) #

Removes the specified file.


  • const char * path - Path to a file to be removed.

Return value

1 if the specified file is removed successfully; otherwise, 0.

int rename ( const char * path, const char * new_name ) #

Renames the specified file path to new_name.


  • const char * path - Path to a file to be renamed.
  • const char * new_name - New path to a file.

Return value

1 if the specified file is renamed successfully; otherwise, 0.

int chmod ( const char * path, int mode ) #

Changes the permission setting of the specified file. The permission setting controls the read and write access to the file.


  • const char * path - Path to an existing file to change the permission setting for.
  • int mode - New permission setting for the specified file (1 - RW, 0 - RO).

Return value

1 if the permission setting of the specified file is successfully changed; otherwise, 0.

int getmod ( const char * path ) #

Returns the permission setting of the specified file. The permission setting controls the read and write access to the file.


  • const char * path - Path to an existing file to retrieve the permission setting for.

Return value

Permission setting for the specified file (1 - RW, 0 - RO); otherwise, -1 - if the filename or path could not be found.

int setAttribute ( const char * path, int attribute ) #

Sets a new file system attribute for the specified file or directory.


  • const char * path - Path to a file or directory for which a new attribute is to be set.
  • int attribute - New file or directory attribute to be set. One of the ATTRIBUTE_* values.

Return value

1 if the specified file attribute is successfully set for the specified file/directory path; otherwise, 0.

int getAttribute ( const char * path ) #

Returns a file system attribute for a specified file or directory.


  • const char * path - Path to a file or directory for which an attribute is to be retrieved.

Return value

File or directory attribute. One of the ATTRIBUTE_* values.
Last update: 11.07.2023
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