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Unigine.dvec4 Struct
dvec4 Class
double x#
The X component of the vector.
double y#
The Y component of the vector.
double z#
The Z component of the vector.
double w#
The W component of the vector.
double Length#
The Length of the vector.
double Minimum#
The Minimum value among all components.
double Maximum#
The Maximum value among all components.
double Length2#
The Squared length of the vector. This method is much faster than length() — the calculation is basically the same only without the slow Sqrt call. If you are using lengths simply to compare distances, then it is faster to compare squared lengths against the squares of distances as the comparison gives the same result.
double ILength#
The Inverted length of the vector.
double Sum#
The Sum of vector components.
dvec4 Absolute#
The Returns the absolute value of an argument.
dvec4 Clamped#
The Returns the value clamped within the range of [0.0,1.0].
dvec4 Normalized#
The Returns a vector with the same direction as the specified vector, but with a length of one.
dvec4 Frac#
The Returns a vector containing fractional parts of the corresponding vector components.
dvec4 Floor#
The Returns a vector containing the largest integral values each being less than or equal to the corresponding vector component.
dvec4 Ceil#
The Returns a vector containing the smallest integral values each being greater than or equal to the corresponding vector component.
dvec4 ZERO#
The Vector, filled with zeros (0).
dvec4 ONE#
The Vector, filled with ones (1).
dvec4 EPS#
The Vector, filled with the epsilon constant (1e-6f).
dvec4 INF#
The Vector, filled with the infinity constant (1e+9f).
dvec4 WHITE#
White color vector: RGBA is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).
dvec4 BLACK#
Black color vector: RGBA is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).
dvec4 GREY#
Grey color vector: RGBA is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0).
dvec4 RED#
Red color vector: RGBA is (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).
dvec4 GREEN#
Green color vector: RGBA is (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0).
dvec4 BLUE#
Blue color vector: RGBA is (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0).
dvec4 CYAN#
Cyan color vector: RGBA is (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).
dvec4 MAGENTA#
Magenta color vector: RGBA is (1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0).
dvec4 YELLOW#
Yellow color vector: RGBA is (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0).
The Number of elements in the vector.
dvec2 xx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 xy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 xz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 yx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 yy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 yz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 zx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 zy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 zz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 xxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 xxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 xxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 xyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 xyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 xyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 xzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 xzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 xzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 yxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 yxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 yxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 yyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 yyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 yyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 yzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 yzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 yzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 zxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 zxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 zxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 zyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 zyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 zyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 zzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 zzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 zzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xxxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xxxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xxxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xxyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xxyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xxyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xxzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xxzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xxzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xyxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xyxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xyxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xyyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xyyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xyyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xyzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xyzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xyzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xzxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xzxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xzxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xzyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xzyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xzyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xzzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xzzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 xzzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yxxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yxxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yxxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yxyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yxyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yxyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yxzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yxzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yxzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yyxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yyxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yyxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yyyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yyyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yyyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yyzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yyzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yyzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yzxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yzxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yzxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yzyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yzyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yzyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yzzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yzzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 yzzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zxxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zxxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zxxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zxyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zxyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zxyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zxzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zxzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zxzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zyxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zyxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zyxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zyyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zyyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zyyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zyzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zyzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zyzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zzxx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zzxy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zzxz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zzyx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zzyy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zzyz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zzzx#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zzzy#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 zzzz#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
double r#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
double g#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
double b#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 rr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 rg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 rb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 gr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 gg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 gb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 br#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 bg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec2 bb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 rrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 rrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 rrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 rgr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 rgg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 rgb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 rbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 rbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 rbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 grr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 grg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 grb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 ggr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 ggg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 ggb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 gbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 gbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 gbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 brr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 brg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 brb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 bgr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 bgg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 bgb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 bbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 bbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec3 bbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rrrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rrrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rrrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rrgr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rrgg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rrgb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rrbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rrbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rrbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rgrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rgrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rgrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rggr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rggg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rggb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rgbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rgbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rgbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rbrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rbrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rbrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rbgr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rbgg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rbgb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rbbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rbbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 rbbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 grrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 grrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 grrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 grgr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 grgg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 grgb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 grbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 grbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 grbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 ggrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 ggrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 ggrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gggr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gggg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gggb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 ggbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 ggbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 ggbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gbrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gbrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gbrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gbgr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gbgg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gbgb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gbbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gbbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 gbbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 brrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 brrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 brrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 brgr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 brgg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 brgb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 brbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 brbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 brbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bgrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bgrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bgrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bggr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bggg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bggb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bgbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bgbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bgbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bbrr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bbrg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bbrb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bbgr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bbgg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bbgb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bbbr#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bbbg#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 bbbb#
The Swizzle simplifying access to the corresponding vector components (in the specified order).
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, vec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, vec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, vec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, float v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- float v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator* ( float v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- float v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, dvec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, dvec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, double v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- double v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator* ( double v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- double v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator* ( dvec4 v0, int v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- int v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator* ( int v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- int v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, vec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, vec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, vec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, float v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- float v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator/ ( float v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- float v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, dvec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, dvec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, double v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- double v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator/ ( double v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- double v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator/ ( dvec4 v0, int v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- int v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator/ ( int v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- int v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, vec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, vec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, vec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, float v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- float v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator- ( float v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- float v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, dvec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, dvec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, double v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- double v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator- ( double v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- double v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v0, int v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- int v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator- ( int v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- int v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, vec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, vec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, vec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, float v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- float v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator+ ( float v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- float v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, dvec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, dvec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, double v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- double v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator+ ( double v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- double v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v0, int v1 ) #
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- int v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator+ ( int v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
- int v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, vec2 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, vec3 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, vec4 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, float v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- float v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator% ( float v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
- float v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, dvec2 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, dvec3 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, double v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- double v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator% ( double v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
- double v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, ivec2 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, ivec3 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, ivec4 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
dvec4 operator% ( dvec4 v0, int v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
- dvec4 v0 - First value.
- int v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator% ( int v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Modulo, gives the remainder of a division of two specified values.Arguments
- int v0 - First value.
- dvec4 v1 - Second value.
dvec4 operator- ( dvec4 v ) #
- dvec4 v - Value.
dvec4 operator+ ( dvec4 v ) #
- dvec4 v - Value.
dvec4 operator++ ( dvec4 v ) #
- dvec4 v - Value.
dvec4 operator-- ( dvec4 v ) #
- dvec4 v - Value.
bool operator== ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Performs equal comparison.Arguments
bool operator!= ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Not equal comparison.Arguments
bool operator> ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Greater comparison.Arguments
bool operator< ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Greater comparison.Arguments
bool operator>= ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Greater than or equal to comparison.Arguments
bool operator<= ( dvec4 v0, dvec4 v1 ) #
Less than or equal to comparison.Arguments
bool operatortrue ( dvec4 v ) #
Returns true if the operand is both, not null and not NaN.Arguments
- dvec4 v - Value.
bool operatorfalse ( dvec4 v ) #
Returns true if the operand is both, null and NaN.Arguments
- dvec4 v - Value.
void Set ( float vx, float vy, float vz, float vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- float vx - New float value to be set for the first component.
- float vy - New float value to be set for the second component.
- float vz - New float value to be set for the third component.
- float vw - New float value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( float v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- float v - A float value to be used.
void Set ( float[] v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- float[] v - Source vector.
void Set ( vec2 v, float vz, float vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- vec2 v - Source vector.
- float vz - New float value to be set for the third component.
- float vw - New float value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( vec3 v, float vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- vec3 v - Source vector.
- float vw - New float value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( vec2 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- vec2 v - Source vector.
void Set ( vec3 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- vec3 v - Source vector.
void Set ( vec4 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- vec4 v - Source vector.
void Set ( double vx, double vy, double vz, double vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- double vx - New double value to be set for the first component.
- double vy - New double value to be set for the second component.
- double vz - New double value to be set for the third component.
- double vw - New double value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( double v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- double v - A double value to be used.
void Set ( double[] v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- double[] v - Source vector.
void Set ( dvec2 v, double vz, double vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- dvec2 v - Source vector.
- double vz - New double value to be set for the third component.
- double vw - New double value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( dvec3 v, double vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- dvec3 v - Source vector.
- double vw - New double value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( dvec2 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- dvec2 v - Source vector.
void Set ( dvec3 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- dvec3 v - Source vector.
void Set ( dvec4 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- dvec4 v - Source vector.
void Set ( int vx, int vy, int vz, int vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- int vx - New int value to be set for the first component.
- int vy - New int value to be set for the second component.
- int vz - New int value to be set for the third component.
- int vw - New int value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( int v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- int v - A int value to be used.
void Set ( int[] v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- int[] v - Source vector.
void Set ( ivec2 v, int vz, int vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- ivec2 v - Source vector.
- int vz - New int value to be set for the third component.
- int vw - New int value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( ivec3 v, int vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- ivec3 v - Source vector.
- int vw - New int value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( ivec2 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- ivec2 v - Source vector.
void Set ( ivec3 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- ivec3 v - Source vector.
void Set ( ivec4 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- ivec4 v - Source vector.
void Set ( byte vx, byte vy, byte vz, byte vw ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- byte vx - New byte value to be set for the first component.
- byte vy - New byte value to be set for the second component.
- byte vz - New byte value to be set for the third component.
- byte vw - New byte value to be set for the fourth component.
void Set ( byte v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- byte v - A byte value to be used.
void Set ( byte[] v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- byte[] v - Source vector.
void Set ( bvec4 v ) #
Sets the value using the specified argument(s).Arguments
- bvec4 v - Source vector.
void Clear ( ) #
Clears the value by setting all components/elements to 0.void Add ( dvec4 v ) #
Performs addition of the specified argument.Arguments
- dvec4 v - Value.
void Add ( double v ) #
Performs addition of the specified argument.Arguments
- double v - Value.
void Sub ( dvec4 v ) #
Subtracts each element of the specified argument from ther corresponding element.Arguments
- dvec4 v - Value.
void Sub ( double v ) #
Subtracts each element of the specified argument from ther corresponding element.Arguments
- double v - Value.
void Mul ( dvec4 v ) #
Multiplies the vector by the value of the specified argument.Arguments
- dvec4 v - Vector multiplier.
void Mul ( double v ) #
Multiplies the vector by the value of the specified argument.Arguments
- double v - A double multiplier.
void Div ( dvec4 v ) #
Returns the result of division of the vector by the value of the specified arguments.Arguments
- dvec4 v - A dvec4 divisor value.
void Div ( double v ) #
Returns the result of division of the vector by the value of the specified arguments.Arguments
- double v - A double divisor value.
void Normalize ( ) #
Returns a vector with the same direction, but with a length of 1.bool Equals ( dvec4 other ) #
Checks if the vector and the specified argument are equal (epsilon).Arguments
- dvec4 other - Value to be checked for equality.
Return value
Return value.bool EqualsNearly ( dvec4 other, float epsilon ) #
Checks if the argument represents the same value with regard to the specified accuracy (epsilon).Arguments
- dvec4 other - Value to be checked for equality.
- float epsilon - Epsilon value, that determines accuracy of comparison.
Return value
Return value.bool Equals ( object obj ) #
Checks if the vector and the specified argument are equal (epsilon).Arguments
- object obj
Return value
Return value.int GetHashCode ( ) #
Returns a hash code for the current object. Serves as the default hash function.Return value
Resulting int value.string ToString ( ) #
Converts the current value to a string value.Return value
Resulting string value.string ToString ( string format ) #
Converts the current value to a string value.Arguments
- string format - String formatting to be used. A format string is composed of zero or more ordinary characters (excluding %) that are copied directly to the result string and control sequences, each of which results in fetching its own parameter. Each control sequence consists of a percent sign (%) followed by one or more of these elements, in order:
- An optional number, a width specifier, that says how many characters (minimum) this conversion should result in.
- An optional precision specifier that says how many decimal digits should be displayed for floating-point numbers.
- A type specifier that says what type the argument data should be treated as. Possible types:
- c: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a character with that ASCII value.
- d or i: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a (signed) decimal number.
- o: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as an octal number.
- u: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as an unsigned decimal number.
- x: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with lower-case letters).
- X: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with upper-case letters).
- f: the argument is treated as a float and presented as a floating-point number.
- g: the same as e or f, the shortest one is selected.
- G: the same as E or F, the shortest one is selected.
- e: the argument is treated as using the scientific notation with lower-case 'e' (e.g. 1.2e+2).
- E: the argument is treated as using the scientific notation with upper-case 'E' (e.g. 1.2E+2).
- s: the argument is treated as and presented as a string.
- p: the argument is treated as and presented as a pointer address.
- %: a literal percent character. No argument is required.
Return value
Resulting string value.string ToString ( string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider ) #
Converts the current value to a string value.Arguments
- string format - String formatting to be used. A format string is composed of zero or more ordinary characters (excluding %) that are copied directly to the result string and control sequences, each of which results in fetching its own parameter. Each control sequence consists of a percent sign (%) followed by one or more of these elements, in order:
- An optional number, a width specifier, that says how many characters (minimum) this conversion should result in.
- An optional precision specifier that says how many decimal digits should be displayed for floating-point numbers.
- A type specifier that says what type the argument data should be treated as. Possible types:
- c: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a character with that ASCII value.
- d or i: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a (signed) decimal number.
- o: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as an octal number.
- u: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as an unsigned decimal number.
- x: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with lower-case letters).
- X: the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with upper-case letters).
- f: the argument is treated as a float and presented as a floating-point number.
- g: the same as e or f, the shortest one is selected.
- G: the same as E or F, the shortest one is selected.
- e: the argument is treated as using the scientific notation with lower-case 'e' (e.g. 1.2e+2).
- E: the argument is treated as using the scientific notation with upper-case 'E' (e.g. 1.2E+2).
- s: the argument is treated as and presented as a string.
- p: the argument is treated as and presented as a pointer address.
- %: a literal percent character. No argument is required.
- IFormatProvider formatProvider - Provider to be used to format the value. Pass a null reference to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system.
Return value
Resulting string value.IEnumerator<double> GetEnumerator ( ) #
Returns an IEnumerator for the object.Return value
Return value.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ( ) #
Returns an IEnumerator for the object.Return value
Return value.Last update:
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