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Version Control
Setting Up Materials
World Nodes
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
统一的Unigine着色器语言 UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples

SDK Browser 2 Changelog

This article contains a summary of changes between the official SDK Browser 2 releases. The changelog lists releases by date and includes new features, bug fixes, and significant improvements.本文包含SDK Browser 2官方版本之间变化的摘要。更新日志按日期列出发布版本,包括新功能、错误修复和重大改进。

The latest SDK Browser 2 version can be downloaded here.最新的SDK Browser 2版本可以下载这里

Version 2.0.23
版本 2.0.23#

Release date: 2025-02-12发布日期: 2025-02-12

Main changes in 2.0.23:2.0.23 版本的主要变化:

  • Fixed an issue with building C# projects in Visual Studio Code.修复了在 Visual Studio Code 中构建 C# 项目的问题。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.22
版本 2.0.22#

Release date: 2025-02-11发布日期: 2025-02-11

Main changes in 2.0.22:2.0.22 版本的主要变化:

  • Added country selection dropdown menu to the account creation form (Create account).在账户创建表单(Create account)中增加了国家选择下拉菜单。
  • Fixed an issue an unhidden password being displayed in the Sign In form after logging out.修复了在注销后,Sign In表单中显示未隐藏密码的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with building demo-based projects (created via Copy As Project).修复了通过Copy As Project创建的基于演示的项目构建问题。
  • Fixed an issue with updating SDK Browser resulting in repeated update failures after downloading a new version on Windows for some hardware configurations.修复了在某些硬件配置的 Windows 系统上,下载新版本后更新SDK Browser时重复更新失败的问题。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.21
版本 2.0.21#

Release date: 2025-01-22发布日期: 2025-01-22

Main changes in 2.0.21:2.0.21 版本的主要变化:

  • Fixed an issue sometimes causing SDK Browser freezes when opening file dialogs and some popup windows (e.g., Global Options, Create Project) in case of having connection problems.修复了在出现连接问题时打开文件对话框和某些弹出窗口(例如 Global Options, Create Project)时有时会导致 SDK Browser 冻结的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with clearing the preview image for an SDK 2.18.1+ project after upgrading it.修复了在升级 SDK 2.18.1+ 项目后清除其预览图像的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with Fixed license activation, that caused SDK Browser to prompt the user to reactivate the license at each startup.修复了 Fixed 许可证激活问题,该问题导致 SDK Browser 在每次启动时提示用户重新激活许可证。
  • Fixed an issue with saving Customized Run Options for a project via the Remember checkbox.修复了通过 Remember 复选框保存项目的 Customize Run Options 的问题。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.20
版本 2.0.20#

Release date: 2024-12-26发布日期: 2024-12-26

Main changes in 2.0.20:2.0.20 版本的主要变化:

  • Fixed an issue with shuffling of the list of projects displayed on the Projects tab, which resulted in a random order of projects after restarting the SDK Browser.修复了 Projects 标签中显示的项目列表顺序被打乱的问题,该问题会导致重新启动 SDK 浏览器后项目顺序变为随机。
  • Added the ability to set preferred login and download servers for the Content Delivery Network directly in the SDK Browser.在 SDK 浏览器中新增了直接设置内容交付网络 (CDN) 登录和下载服务器的功能。
  • When the developer server becomes unreachable, a special icon will appear in the bottom-right corner, informing you of a host availability issue without displaying the Connection Problem pop-up dialog. Once the developer server is back online, the icon will disappear.当开发者服务器无法访问时,右下角将显示一个特殊图标,提醒您主机不可用的问题,而不会弹出 Connection Problem 弹窗提示。当开发者服务器恢复在线后,该图标会消失。
  • Added the ability to scroll through the list of available SDK versions.新增了滚动查看可用 SDK 版本列表的功能。
  • Fixed a crash when closing the SDK Browser while copying a demo project via Copy As Project.修复了在通过 Copy As Project 复制演示项目时关闭 SDK 浏览器导致崩溃的问题。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.19
版本 2.0.19#

Release date: 2024-12-10发布日期: 2024-12-10

Main changes in 2.0.19:2.0.19 版本的主要变化:

  • Email is now checked for uniqueness at the moment of submitting the first Create Account form. In case the specified email is already registered, the corresponding notification appears.现在,在提交第一个Create Account表单时会检查电子邮件的唯一性。如果指定的电子邮件已注册,则会出现相应的通知。
  • Added a language selection option to the Sign In form.Sign In 表单中添加了语言选择选项。
  • Fixed a crash at SDK Browser start-up on Windows due to missing WMI classes.修复了由于缺少 WMI 类导致在 Windows 上启动 SDK Browser 时崩溃的问题。
  • Removed Oculus from the list of Stereo 3D options for 2.18+ projects.从 2.18+ 项目的 Stereo 3D 选项列表中删除了 Oculus
  • Removed a redundant ADDITIONAL_PATH placeholder from .bat-files generated at project creation.从项目创建时生成的 .bat 文件中删除了多余的 ADDITIONAL_PATH 占位符。
  • Binaries of the SpiderVision plugin are now automatically added to new projects created on the basis of the IG and IG + VR templates.现在,SpiderVision 插件的二进制文件会自动添加到基于 IG 创建的新项目中, IG + VR 模板。
  • Fixed an issue with adding and removing plugins that were selected or unselected via checkboxes in the Plugins window on project creation.修复了在项目创建时通过Plugins窗口中的复选框选择或取消选择插件时添加和删除插件的问题。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.18
版本 2.0.18#

Release date: 2024-11-25发布日期: 2024-11-25

Main changes in 2.0.18:2.0.18 版本的主要变化:

  • You can now create a new user account giving you access to UNIGINE services via SDK Browser without visiting the website.现在,您可以直接通过 SDK 浏览器创建访问 UNIGINE 服务所需的用户账户,无需前往官方网站。
  • Updating SDK Browser now automatically updates required Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages. In case of detecting an incompatible Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package version a corresponding message will be displayed.更新 SDK 浏览器时,将自动更新所需的 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 包。如果检测到不兼容的 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 包版本,将显示相应的提示信息。
  • Fixed a performance drop when building C# projects with the Development binaries.修复了使用开发二进制文件构建C#项目时的性能下降。
  • Fixed an issue with adding an existing SDK from a local storage via Add SDK -> Add the already installed (SDKs tab) on Linux OS.修复了在 Linux 操作系统上通过 Add SDK -> Add the already installedSDKs 标签)从本地存储添加现有 SDK 时的问题。
  • Fixed freezes during SDK Browser startup in case of network connection issues.修复了在网络连接问题导致 SDK 浏览器启动时出现卡顿的问题。
  • Added a missing matlab_ros_sample.m file to the target project folder when creating a project based on the ROS Vehicle demo (via Copy As Project).基于 ROS Vehicle 示例创建项目时,修复了缺失 matlab_ros_sample.m文件未被添加到目标项目文件夹的问题(通过 Copy As Project)。
  • Fixed an issue with copying libcurl binaries when creating a project based on the CIGI demo (via Copy As Project).基于 CIGI 示例创建项目时,修复了未能正确复制 libcurl 二进制文件的问题(通过 Copy As Project)。
  • Fixed an issue with resetting executable flag (+x) for executable included in the SDK.修复了 SDK 中包含的可执行文件重置了可执行权限(+x)的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with opening a pre-installed version of offline documentation.修复了预安装版本的离线文档无法打开的问题。
  • Dedicated engine debug binaries are now automatically added for each new created project (Linux).为每个新创建的项目(Linux)自动添加专用引擎调试二进制文件。
  • Renamed UsdExporter plugin as UsdExchanger.UsdExporter 插件重命名为 UsdExchanger
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.17
版本 2.0.17#

Release date: 2024-08-14发布日期: 2024-08-14

Main changes in 2.0.17:2.0.17 版本的主要变化:

  • Various bugfixes.各种各样的错误修复。

Version 2.0.16
版本 2.0.16#

Release date: 2024-08-12发布日期: 2024-08-12

Main changes in 2.0.16:2.0.16 版本的主要变化:

  • Updated the list of plugins available for 2.19+ projects:更新了2.19+项目可用的插件列表:

    • Added a new SpiderVision plugin to replace old Wall and Projection plugins.增加了新的 SpiderVision 插件,以取代旧的 WallProjection 插件。
    • Added a new UsdExporter plugin.增加新的 UsdExporter 插件。
    • Added a new WebStream plugin.添加新的 WebStream 插件。
    • Renamed SVN plugin as VSC Integration.SVN 插件改名为 VSC Integration
  • The Geodetics plugin is now added by default to all Engineering and Sim projects. The corresponding option was removed from the list of plugins.Geodetics 插件现在默认添加到所有的 EngineeringSim 项目。相应的选项已从插件列表中删除。
  • Added Varjo option to the list of Stereo 3D modes for the Auto API option.Auto API选项的 Stereo 3D 模式列表中增加了 Varjo 选项。
  • Added a new OpenXR option to the list of Stereo 3D modes.Stereo 3D 模式列表中增加了新的 OpenXR 选项。
  • Removed Cmake + Qt option from the API + IDE list for Сommunity and Сommunity Pro SDK editions.СommunityСommunity Pro SDK版本的 API + IDE 列表中删除了Cmake + Qt 选项。
  • Removed OpenGL API option for 2.19+ projects.删除了2.19+项目的 OpenGL API选项。
  • Updated .NET version installer to 8.0 for 2.19+ projects.为2.19+项目更新了 .NET 版本安装程序到8.0。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.15
版本 2.0.15#

Release date: 2024-04-16发布日期: 2024-04-16

Main changes in 2.0.15:2.0.15 版本的主要变化:

  • Fixed an issue with setting the default UI language.修复了设置默认用户界面语言的问题。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.14
版本 2.0.14#

Release date: 2024-04-15发布日期:2024-04-15

Main changes in 2.0.14:2.0.14 版本的主要变化:

  • Fixed a crash on running an application with an invalid value of the -main_window_size parameter.修复了运行带有无效 -main_window_size 参数值的应用程序时崩溃的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with copying IG Host binaries when creating a project based on the CIGI demo (via Copy As Project).修复了基于CIGI演示创建项目时复制IG主机二进制文件的问题(通过 Copy As Project)。
  • Fixed an issue with rearranging the list of files in the *.project file on reimporting a project.修复了在重新导入项目时重新排列 *.project 文件中的文件列表的问题。
  • Added a possibility to create a C++ Qt-based project from the C++ VR Sample via the Copy As Project button.增加了通过 Copy As Project 按钮从C++ VR Sample创建一个基于C++ Qt的项目的可能性。
  • SDK Browser UI is now available in English, Chinese, German, French, and Russian.SDK浏览器界面目前支持英文、中文、德文、法文和俄文。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.13
版本 2.0.13#

Release date: 2024-02-09发布日期:2024-02-09

Main changes in 2.0.13:2.0.13 版本的主要变化:

  • Improved performance of file copying operations (Copy As Project).文件拷贝操作(Copy As Project)性能提升。
  • Removed Oculus and Varjo from the list of Stereo 3D options on Linux.Oculus和Varjo从Linux上的Stereo 3D选项列表中删除。
  • Fixed an issue with multiple Connection Problem popup-windows opened repeatedly in case of unavailable network connection.修复了在网络连接不可用时反复打开多个 Connection Problem 弹出窗口的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect user name and avatаr layout.用户名和头像布局不正确的问题已被修复。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.12
版本 2.0.12#

Release date: 2023-12-13发布日期:2023-12-13

Main changes in 2.0.12:2.0.12 版本的主要变化:

  • Added a new Plugin Vendor field for projects created on the basis of the Editor Plugin Template and added necessary control variables to related CMakeFiles.txt to ensure proper naming and location of the target plugin binaries.为基于Editor Plugin Template 模板创建的项目添加了一个新的 Plugin Vendor 字段,并在相关的CMakeFiles.txt中添加了必要的控制变量,以确保目标插件二进制文件的正确命名和位置。
  • Fixed an issue with unavailable Edit in IDE button in 3rd Party Samples on Linux.修复了Linux上 3rd Party Samples 无法 Edit in IDE 按钮的问题。
  • Removed VREditorPlugin for 2.18+ projects including upgraded ones.删除 VREditorPlugin 2.18+项目,包括升级的。
  • Changed VR-related startup arguments for 2.18+ projects: the new -vr_app argument is used to work with VR for all graphic API's except for OpenGL, deprecated VR plugins are used for OpenGL API.更改了2.18+项目的VR相关启动参数:新的 -vr_app 参数用于除OpenGL外的所有图形API的VR工作,已弃用的VR插件用于OpenGL API。
  • Updated the list of plugins available for 2.18+ projects.更新了2.18+项目可用的插件列表。
  • Fixed issues with upgrading of 2.15.1 and earlier projects that used old plugins naming convention (unchecked options in the Plugins list).修复了从2.15.1及更早版本升级项目时使用旧插件命名约定的问题(Plugins 列表中未选中的选项)。
  • Added a new C++(CMake) option for creation of projects from C++ demos via the Copy As Project button.增加了一个新的 C++(CMake) 选项,用于通过 Copy As Project 按钮从С++演示中创建项目。
  • Unnecessary files (*.filter, *.makefile, etc.) are no longer generated on copying a demo as project (Copy As Project button).不必要的文件(*.filter, *.makefile, 等)在将演示复制为项目时不再生成(Copy As Project 按钮)。
  • Added an ability to copy C++ demos as projects with C# API making it possible to use demo content in a C# project (C++ logic of the demo is unavailable).添加了将С++演示复制为带有С# API的项目的功能,使得在С#项目中使用演示内容成为可能(演示的С++逻辑不可用)。
  • Fixed an issue with creating a new icons in system tray each time SDK Browser is launched.修正了每次SDK浏览器启动时在系统托盘中创建新图标的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with building single-precision Editor plugins for double-precision projects.修复了为双精度项目构建单精度编辑器插件的问题。
  • Unified storage paths for downloaded offline docs and the ones included into standalone SDK versions.下载的离线文档和包含在独立SDK版本中的文档的统一存储路径。
  • Various bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.11
版本 2.0.11#

Release date: 2023-07-03发布日期:2023-07-03

Main changes in 2.0.11:2.0.11版本的主要变化:

  • Fixed an issue with the unavailable Copy As Project function for Demo projects.修复了 Demo 项目的Copy As Project功能不可用的问题。
  • Other bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.10
版本 2.0.10#

Release date: 2023-06-30发布日期:2023-06-30

Main changes in 2.0.10:2.0.10版本的主要变化:

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the upgrade of projects using the Editor plugins template to version 2.17.解决了阻止使用编辑器插件模板将项目升级到版本 2.17 的问题。
  • Fixed the creation of an empty folder when creating projects with the Editor plugins template.修复了使用编辑器插件模板创建项目时创建空文件夹的问题。
  • Other bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.9
版本 2.0.9#

Release date: 2023-06-29发布日期:2023-06-29

Main changes in 2.0.9:2.0.9版本的主要变化:

  • Fixed a crash on upgrading projects to 2.17.修复了将项目升级到 2.17 时发生的崩溃。
  • Fixed an issue with availability of the IG + VR project template.修复了 IG+VR 模板的可用性问题。
  • Added a missing VREditorPlugin for new projects based on VR+IG Template.为基于 VR+IG 模板的新项目添加了缺少的 VREditorPlugin。
  • New project's folder shall no longer contain shader cache for graphics APIs unavailable for selected platform.新项目的文件夹不应再包含所选平台不可用的图形 API 的着色器缓存。
  • Other bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.8
版本 2.0.8#

Release date: 2023-06-21发布日期:2023-06-21

Main changes in 2.0.8:2.0.8版本的主要变化:

  • Improved SDK Browser logging including info on project parameters; downloading sources and destinations; deletion of project, demo, and SDK files; insufficient disk space.改进了 SDK 浏览器日志记录,包括项目参数信息; 下载源和目的地; 删除项目、演示和 SDK 文件; 磁盘空间不足。
  • Added VR + IG template combining the previously available VR and IG templates.添加了 VR + IG 模板,结合了之前可用的 VRIG 模板。
  • Added the possibility to copy VR Sample C++ (Qt-based) as a project.添加了将 VR 示例 C++(基于 Qt) 复制为项目的可能性。
  • Rearranged the plugin structure and naming approach.重新排列了插件结构和命名方法。
  • Implemented adding SVN Plugin to the project at its creation.实现了在项目创建时将 SVN Plugin 添加到项目中。
  • Renamed binaries of demo and sample projects.重命名了演示和示例项目的二进制文件。
  • Renamed Assets to Add-Ons and changed the approach to downloading and adding packages from Add-On Store: add-ons are downloaded from the website and added to the project via Editor.Assets 重命名为 Add-Ons 并更改了从 Add-On Store 下载和添加包的方法: 附加组件从网站下载并通过编辑器添加到项目中。
  • Fixed the issue with SDK Browser running outside the screen.修复了SDK Browser 在屏幕外运行的问题。
  • Fixed the issue with a failure to download Varjo libraries.修复了下载 Varjo 库失败的问题。
  • Other bugfixes.其他错误修复。

Version 2.0.7
版本 2.0.7#

Release date: 2022-12-21发布日期: 2022-12-21

Main changes in 2.0.7:2.0.7版本的主要变化:

  • All required VREditorPlugin binaries are automatically added to new C++/C# projects created on the basis of the VR Template.所有需要的VREditorPlugin二进制文件都会自动添加到基于VR Template创建的新C++/C# 项目中。
  • Various bugfixes.各种各样的修正。

Version 2.0.6
版本 2.0.6#

Release date: 2022-12-21发布日期: 2022-12-21

Main changes in 2.0.6:2.0.6版本的主要变化:

  • Increased offline operation period up to 24 hours.增加离线操作时间高达24小时。
  • Added automatic cleanup of the updates folder on successful SDK Browser update.增加了成功更新SDK Browser时自动清理updates文件夹的功能。
  • Improved SDK Browser logging including API requests and error codes, download and installation processes, creation and reconfiguration of projects, project/demo/SDK removal as well as other operations.改进了SDK Browser日志记录,包括API请求和错误代码,下载和安装过程,项目的创建和重新配置,项目/演示/SDK移除以及其他操作。
  • Added automatic cleanup of SDK Browser logs, keeping only the last 3 of them.增加了SDK Browser日志的自动清理,只保留最后3个。
  • Downloading state is now saved in case SDK Browser is closed during the operation, upon the subsequent startup the interrupted downloading process will resume automatically.下载状态是现在保存在SDK Browser关闭操作期间,在后续启动中断下载过程将自动恢复。
  • Fixed an issue with ignoring the -system_script startup argument.修正了忽略-system_script启动参数的问题。
  • Additional plugins specified via the Customize UnigineEditor window are now added to the list of the standard ones instead of replacing them when running the Editor.通过自定义UnigineEditor窗口指定的附加插件现在被添加到标准插件列表中,而不是在运行编辑器时替换它们。
  • Fixed an issue with the license server, when executing SDK Browser via vglrun (VirtualGL).修正了许可证服务器,当执行SDK Browser通过vglrun (VirtualGL)。
  • Updated the list of script files and added licensing information for the ROS2 demo.更新脚本文件列表,并为ROS2演示添加许可信息。
  • Fixed an issue with creating SDK Browser windows out of the available screen.固定的问题创建SDK Browser窗口的可用的屏幕。
  • Restored necessary startup command-line arguments in launch scripts generated when creating a new project.恢复了创建新项目时生成的启动脚本中必要的启动命令行参数。
  • In case there's no suitable SDK version found for reconfiguring an existing project, the corresponding warning message will be displayed. Downloaded Assets will not be available for non-suitable SDK versions.如果没有合适的SDK版本发现重新配置现有的项目,将显示相应的警告消息。下载资源将不会用于不适合SDK版本。
  • Fixed an issue with always running the Editor with Microprofile enabled regardless of the state of the corresponding checkbox.修正了无论对应复选框的状态如何,编辑器总是启用微配置文件的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with paths to plugins becoming invalid in case of non-standard naming of the SDK installation directory (e.g. created by the previous version of the SDK Browser).固定路径插件的问题成为无效的标准命名的SDK安装目录(例如由SDK Browser)的先前版本。
  • Fixed an issue with accidental removal of shader compiler libraries after reconfiguring a project.修复了重新配置项目后意外删除着色器编译器库的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with the contents of the Samples section becoming unavailable in the SDK Browser (subsections are grayed and non-clickable) in case the storage path contains chinese, cyrillic, or arabic symbols.固定样本的内容部分的问题变得不可用SDK Browser(部分是灰色的,不能点击),以防存储路径中包含中文,斯拉夫字母或阿拉伯语符号。
  • In case there are no execution rights for the SDK installation directory (which is required to launch ung_x64 during the project creation) the corresponding warning-message will be displayed.如果SDK安装目录(创建项目时启动ung_x64需要该目录)没有执行权限,则会显示相应的警告信息。
  • Fixed an issue with resetting start-up parameters (Customize Run) to defaults after making changes to project configuration.固定的问题重新设置启动参数(Customize Run)更改项目配置后违约。
  • Various bugfixes.各种各样的修正。

Version 2.0.5
版本 2.0.5#

Release date: 2022-10-14发布日期: 2022-10-14

Main changes in 2.0.5:2.0.5版本的主要变化:

  • Improved event logging for the browser.提高浏览器的事件日志记录。
  • Fixed an issue with shifting user name and avatar on the top SDK Browser panel when switching the Default SDK in case the window size is minimized.修正了在窗口大小最小化的情况下切换默认SDK时,在顶部SDK Browser面板上移动用户名和头像的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect displaying of an Asset(Add-On) preview image in the assets management window of the project.固定的问题不正确的资源(附加)预览图像显示项目的资源管理窗口。
  • Fixed an issue with asset availability checks in accordance with SDK version.修正了根据SDK版本检查资源可用性的问题。
  • Added the system_dialog_00 sample to the list of UnigineScript system samples.system_dialog_00样本添加到列表UnigineScript系统样本。
  • Fixed an issue with resetting start-up parameters (Customize Run) to defaults after making changes to project configuration.修正了在更改项目配置后将启动参数(Customize Run)重置为默认值的问题。
  • Special symbols in passwords are now processed normally without breaking the authorization process.特殊符号的密码现在加工通常没有违反授权过程。
  • Various bugfixes.各种各样的修正。

Version 2.0.4
版本 2.0.4#

Release date: 2022-10-10发布日期: 2022-10-10

Main changes in 2.0.4:2.0.4版本的主要变化:

  • Fixed an issue with an attempt to launch UnigineEditor in fullscreen mode.修复了试图在全屏模式下启动UnigineEditor的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with an attempt to run the removed Interface plugin when opening Interface samples for Unigine Script via the SDK Browser.固定的问题试图运行删除Interface插件打开Interface样品通过SDK Browser Unigine脚本。
  • A required / dxcompiler.dll library is now added to the project directory on its creation.必需的 / dxcompiler.dll库现在在创建时添加到项目目录中。
  • A required library is now added to the project directory when a new VR project is created on Linux.需要现在libopenvr_api.so库添加到项目目录创建一个新的虚拟现实项目时在Linux上。
  • A required LeapC.dll library is now added to the project directory when a new project based on Ultraleap functionality is created.在创建基于Ultraleap功能的新项目时,需要的LeapC.dll库现在被添加到项目目录中。
  • Fixed issues with adding content from multiple selected assets(add-ons) to the project.固定的问题从多个选择资源添加内容(附件)项目。
  • Various bugfixes.各种各样的修正。

Version 2.0.3
版本 2.0.3#

Release date: 2022-09-27发布日期: 2022-09-27

Main changes in 2.0.3:2.0.3版本的主要变化:

  • Updated fullscreen and resolution settings in Global Options (SDK versions 2.16+).更新全屏和分辨率设置在全球选项(SDK版本2.16 +)。
  • A path to the .project file is now used instead of the project directory eliminating issues with manual renaming and cloning of existing projects.现在使用了到.project文件的路径,而不是项目目录,消除了手动重命名和克隆现有项目的问题。
  • Images for assets and demos are now displayed correctly.图像的资源和演示现在显示正确。
  • Updated .NET installer to version 6.0.更新。net安装程序到版本6.0。
  • Added automatic migration for user main.csproj files in C# projects to .NET 6.为用户添加了自动迁移main.csproj文件在。net c#项目6。
  • Beta SDK versions are now sorted correctly in the dropdown list.Beta SDK版本现在在下拉列表中正确排序。
  • The Offscreen option as well Vulkan and DirectX 12 graphic APIs (General Options) are now displayed only for projects based on SDK versions 2.16+.和举12 Offscreen选择沿袭图形api(一般选项)现在只显示项目基于SDK版本2.16 +。
  • SDK Browser shall only load plugins after checking their availability for the current SDK Edition.SDK浏览器只能在检查当前SDK版本的可用性后加载插件。
  • Filtered out property files related to C# components when creating a C++ project using the Docs Sample Content assets pack.过滤掉С#属性文件相关组件创建一个С++项目使用时Docs Sample Content资源包。
  • Current Default SDK version in SDK Browser is now taken into account when opening an asset from the Asset Store via the Open in SDK Browser button.SDK Browser中的当前默认SDK版本现在被考虑在通过Open in SDK Browser按钮从Asset Store打开资源时。
  • Various bugfixes.各种各样的修正。

Version 2.0.2
版本 2.0.2#

Release date: 2022-08-10发布日期: 2022-08-10

Main changes in 2.0.2:2.0.2版本的主要变化:

  • Added Ultraleap plugin to the list of available plugins displayed when creating/updating Unigine projects.在创建/更新Unigine项目时,将Ultraleap插件添加到可用插件列表中。
  • Added precision selection for Community projects (SDK versions 2.16+).添加精度选择社区项目(SDK版本2.16 +)。
  • Replaced Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 with Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2022.将Visual С++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017替换为Visual С++ Redistributable 2015-2022。
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect detection of SDK version for Experimental and Custom builds.固定一个问题与错误的检测实验和定制版本的SDK版本。
  • Updated names for former App* plugins in the list of available plugins displayed when creating/updating Unigine projects(SDK versions 2.16+).当创建/更新Unigine项目(SDK版本2.16+)时,可用插件列表中显示的前App*插件的更新名称。
  • Added Vulkan and DirectX 12 to the list of graphics APIs in the Global Options window.向列表添加了凡尔康,举12 Global Options图形api的窗口。
  • Various bugfixes.各种各样的修正。

Version 2.0.1
版本 2.0.1#

Release date: 2022-07-07发布日期: 2022-07-07

Main changes in 2.0.1:2.0.1版本的主要变化:

  • Asset Store integration.Asset Store一体化.

Version 2.0.0
版本 2.0.0#

The first release of SDK Browser 2.SDK Browser 2的首次发布。

Release date: 2022-06-09发布日期: 2022-06-09

最新更新: 2025-03-04
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