Unigine::Viewport Class
Header: | #include <UnigineViewport.h> |
The Viewport class is used to render a scene with the specified settings.
The main use cases of the Viewport class are as follows:
Integrate the engine to a 3rd party renderer (or vice versa) and render the image anywhere (via the render() method): to the external library, CustomSystemProxy interface, RenderTarget interface (a frame buffers abstraction), etc.
To render the image to the RenderTarget interface, do the following:
Source code (C++)// mono rendering ViewportPtr viewport; TexturePtr texture; CameraPtr camera; int AppWorldLogic::init() { viewport = Viewport::create(); texture = Texture::create(); // create 512 x 512 render target texture->create2D(512, 512, Texture::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::FORMAT_USAGE_RENDER); camera = Camera::create(); return 1; } int AppWorldLogic::update() { // set modelview & projection matrices to camera instance // ... // rendering RenderTargetPtr render_target = Render::getTemporaryRenderTarget(); render_target->bindColorTexture(0, texture); render_target->enable(); { viewport->render(camera); } render_target->disable(); render_target->unbindAll(); Render::releaseTemporaryRenderTarget(render_target); return 1; }
To render the image to the RenderTarget interface in the stereo mode, do the following:
Source code (C++)// stereo rendering ViewportPtr viewport; TexturePtr left_texture; TexturePtr right_texture; CameraPtr left_eye; CameraPtr right_eye; int AppWorldLogic::init() { viewport = Viewport::create(); left_texture = Texture::create(); right_texture = Texture::create(); // create two 512 x 512 render target for each eye left_texture->create2D(512, 512, Texture::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::FORMAT_USAGE_RENDER); right_texture->create2D(512, 512, Texture::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::FORMAT_USAGE_RENDER); left_eye = Camera::create(); right_eye = Camera::create(); return 1; } int AppWorldLogic::update() { // set modelview & projection matrices to camera instance // ... // rendering RenderTargetPtr render_target = Render::getTemporaryRenderTarget(); render_target->bindColorTexture(0, left_texture); render_target->bindColorTexture(1, right_texture); render_target->enable(); { // use "post_stereo_separate" material in order to render to both textures viewport->renderStereo(left_eye, right_eye, "Unigine::post_stereo_separate"); } render_target->disable(); render_target->unbindAll(); Render::releaseTemporaryRenderTarget(render_target); return 1; }
To render the image to the CustomSystemProxy interface, check the 3rd Party samples: source -> samples -> 3rdparty -> ViewportQt.
NoticeViewportQt sample is available only for the Engineering and Sim editions of UNIGINE SDKs.
Render a scene to a texture (data stays in the GPU memory).
To render the scene to a Texture interface, use the following methods:
- renderTexture2D(camera,texture)
- renderTexture2D(camera,texture,width,height,hdr)
- renderTextureCube(camera,texture,local_space)
- renderTextureCube(camera,texture,size,hdr,local_space)
Source code (C++)ViewportPtr viewport; TexturePtr texture; CameraPtr camera; int AppWorldLogic::init() { // initialization viewport = Viewport::create(); texture = Texture::create(); // create 512 x 512 render target texture->create2D(512, 512, Texture::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::FORMAT_USAGE_RENDER); camera = Camera::create(); return 1; } int AppWorldLogic::update() { // set modelview & projection matrices to camera instance // ... // rendering // // saving current render state and clearing it RenderState::saveState(); RenderState::clearStates(); { viewport->renderTexture2D(camera, texture); } RenderState::restoreState(); return 1; }
Render a node to a texture (data stays in the GPU memory).
- To render a node (or nodes) to a Texture interface, use the following methods:
You can subscribe to events before and after any rendering pass using the getEvent***(): thus, getting access to the intermediate state of rendering buffers and matrices. Some of them are read-only, but most of them can be modified ad hoc. The event handler can get a Renderer pointer.
Thanks to this feature you can get direct access to G-Buffer, SSAO, lights or any other effect. One more example: you can create a custom post-process and apply it before TAA, thus, getting correct antialiased image as a result. You can even create your own custom light sources, decals, etc. The feature can also be useful for custom sensors view.
Viewport class has different rendering modes: RENDER_DEPTH (depth only), RENDER_DEPTH_GBUFFER (depth + G-buffer), RENDER_DEPTH_GBUFFER_FINAL (depth + G-buffer + final image). This can give you extra performance boost if you need only depth info, for example.
To set any viewport as a main, use the setViewport() method of the Render class.
A single viewport should be used with a single camera, otherwise it may cause visual artefacts. To avoid artefacts, when using several cameras with a single viewport, all post effects must be disabled using the setSkipFlags() method with the SKIP_POSTEFFECTS flag. See the usage example below.
See also#
See the following C++/C# samples:
- source/samples/Api/Render/GBufferWrite
- source/samples/Api/Render/GBufferRead
- Render to Texture sample in CPP Samples suite
- Weapon Clipping sample in C# Component Samples suite
See the following C++/C# usage example:
Viewport Class
void setNodeLightUsage ( int usage ) #
- int usage - The lighting type. Can be one of the following:
- 0 - USAGE_WORLD_LIGHT (use lighting from the LightWorld set in the current loaded world).
- 1 - USAGE_AUX_LIGHT (use lighting from the auxiliary virtual scene containing one LightWorld with 45 degrees slope angles along all axes, scattering is not used).
- 2 - USAGE_NODE_LIGHT (use the node lighting).
int getNodeLightUsage() const#
Return value
Current lighting type. Can be one of the following:- 0 - USAGE_WORLD_LIGHT (use lighting from the LightWorld set in the current loaded world).
- 1 - USAGE_AUX_LIGHT (use lighting from the auxiliary virtual scene containing one LightWorld with 45 degrees slope angles along all axes, scattering is not used).
- 2 - USAGE_NODE_LIGHT (use the node lighting).
void setStereoOffset ( float offset ) #
- float offset - The virtual camera offset in units.
float getStereoOffset() const#
Return value
Current virtual camera offset in units.void setStereoRadius ( float radius ) #
- float radius - The stereo radius in units. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.
float getStereoRadius() const#
Return value
Current stereo radius in units. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.void setStereoDistance ( float distance ) #
- float distance - The focal distance in units.
float getStereoDistance() const#
Return value
Current focal distance in units.bool isStereo() const#
Return value
true if stereo rendering for the current viewport (one of the stereo modes) is enabled; otherwise false.bool isPanorama() const#
Return value
true if panoramic rendering is enabled; otherwise false.void setRenderMode ( int mode ) #
- int mode - The render mode, one of the following:
int getRenderMode() const#
Return value
Current render mode, one of the following:void setMode ( Render::VIEWPORT_MODE mode ) #
- Render::VIEWPORT_MODE mode - The rendering mode set for the current viewport. It can be one of the stereo or panoramic modes or the default mode.
Render::VIEWPORT_MODE getMode() const#
Return value
Current rendering mode set for the current viewport. It can be one of the stereo or panoramic modes or the default mode.void setSkipFlags ( int flags ) #
- int flags - The skip flag set for the current viewport.
int getSkipFlags() const#
Return value
Current skip flag set for the current viewport.void setFirstFrame ( int frame ) #
- int frame - The value indicating if the first frame is enabled over the current frame: 1 for the first frame flag; otherwise, 0.
int getFirstFrame() const#
Return value
Current value indicating if the first frame is enabled over the current frame: 1 for the first frame flag; otherwise, 0.void setAspectCorrection ( bool correction ) #
- bool correction - Set true to enable the aspect correction; false - to disable it.
bool isAspectCorrection() const#
Return value
true if the aspect correction is enabled; otherwise false.int getID() const#
Return value
Current Viewport ID.void setPanoramaFisheyeFov ( float fov ) #
- float fov - The field of view angle used for the panorama rendering mode, in degrees.
float getPanoramaFisheyeFov() const#
Return value
Current field of view angle used for the panorama rendering mode, in degrees.void setEnvironmentTexture ( const Ptr<Texture>& texture ) #
Ptr<Texture> getEnvironmentTexture() const#
Return value
Current cubemap defining the environment color.void setPaused ( bool paused ) #
- bool paused - Set true to enable the viewport paused state; false - to disable it.
bool isPaused() const#
Return value
true if the viewport paused state is enabled; otherwise false.void setUseTAAOffset ( bool taaoffset ) #
- bool taaoffset - Set true to enable skipping render mode check when using TAA; false - to disable it.
bool isUseTAAOffset() const#
Return value
true if skipping render mode check when using TAA is enabled; otherwise false.void setLifetime ( int lifetime ) #
- int lifetime - The number of frames during which temporary viewport resources are available after the viewport stops rendering
int getLifetime() const#
Return value
Current number of frames during which temporary viewport resources are available after the viewport stops renderingEvent<> getEventEnd() const#
Usage Example
// implement the End event handler
void end_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling End event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections end_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEnd().connect(end_event_connections, end_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEnd().connect(end_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling End event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection end_event_connection;
// subscribe to the End event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEnd().connect(end_event_connection, end_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the End event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A End event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling End event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEnd().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId end_handler_id;
// subscribe to the End event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
end_handler_id = publisher->getEventEnd().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling End event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all End events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndScreen() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndScreen event handler
void endscreen_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndScreen event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endscreen_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndScreen().connect(endscreen_event_connections, endscreen_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndScreen().connect(endscreen_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndScreen event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endscreen_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndScreen event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndScreen().connect(endscreen_event_connection, endscreen_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndScreen event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndScreen event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndScreen event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndScreen().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endscreen_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndScreen event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endscreen_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndScreen().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndScreen event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndScreen events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndVisualizer() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndVisualizer event handler
void endvisualizer_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndVisualizer event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endvisualizer_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndVisualizer().connect(endvisualizer_event_connections, endvisualizer_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndVisualizer().connect(endvisualizer_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndVisualizer event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endvisualizer_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndVisualizer event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndVisualizer().connect(endvisualizer_event_connection, endvisualizer_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndVisualizer event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndVisualizer event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndVisualizer event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndVisualizer().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endvisualizer_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndVisualizer event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endvisualizer_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndVisualizer().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndVisualizer event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndVisualizer events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginVisualizer() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginVisualizer event handler
void beginvisualizer_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginVisualizer event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginvisualizer_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginVisualizer().connect(beginvisualizer_event_connections, beginvisualizer_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginVisualizer().connect(beginvisualizer_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginVisualizer event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginvisualizer_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginVisualizer event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginVisualizer().connect(beginvisualizer_event_connection, beginvisualizer_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginVisualizer event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginVisualizer event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginVisualizer event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginVisualizer().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginvisualizer_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginVisualizer event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginvisualizer_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginVisualizer().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginVisualizer event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginVisualizer events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndDebugMaterials() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndDebugMaterials event handler
void enddebugmaterials_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndDebugMaterials event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections enddebugmaterials_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndDebugMaterials().connect(enddebugmaterials_event_connections, enddebugmaterials_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndDebugMaterials().connect(enddebugmaterials_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndDebugMaterials event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection enddebugmaterials_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndDebugMaterials event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndDebugMaterials().connect(enddebugmaterials_event_connection, enddebugmaterials_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndDebugMaterials event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndDebugMaterials event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndDebugMaterials event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndDebugMaterials().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId enddebugmaterials_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndDebugMaterials event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
enddebugmaterials_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndDebugMaterials().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndDebugMaterials event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndDebugMaterials events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginDebugMaterials() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginDebugMaterials event handler
void begindebugmaterials_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginDebugMaterials event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections begindebugmaterials_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginDebugMaterials().connect(begindebugmaterials_event_connections, begindebugmaterials_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginDebugMaterials().connect(begindebugmaterials_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginDebugMaterials event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection begindebugmaterials_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginDebugMaterials event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginDebugMaterials().connect(begindebugmaterials_event_connection, begindebugmaterials_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginDebugMaterials event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginDebugMaterials event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginDebugMaterials event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginDebugMaterials().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId begindebugmaterials_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginDebugMaterials event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
begindebugmaterials_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginDebugMaterials().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginDebugMaterials event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginDebugMaterials events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndPostMaterials() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndPostMaterials event handler
void endpostmaterials_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndPostMaterials event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endpostmaterials_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndPostMaterials().connect(endpostmaterials_event_connections, endpostmaterials_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndPostMaterials().connect(endpostmaterials_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndPostMaterials event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endpostmaterials_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndPostMaterials event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndPostMaterials().connect(endpostmaterials_event_connection, endpostmaterials_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndPostMaterials event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndPostMaterials event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndPostMaterials event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndPostMaterials().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endpostmaterials_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndPostMaterials event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endpostmaterials_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndPostMaterials().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndPostMaterials event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndPostMaterials events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginPostMaterials() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginPostMaterials event handler
void beginpostmaterials_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginPostMaterials event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginpostmaterials_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginPostMaterials().connect(beginpostmaterials_event_connections, beginpostmaterials_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginPostMaterials().connect(beginpostmaterials_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginPostMaterials event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginpostmaterials_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginPostMaterials event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginPostMaterials().connect(beginpostmaterials_event_connection, beginpostmaterials_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginPostMaterials event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginPostMaterials event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginPostMaterials event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginPostMaterials().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginpostmaterials_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginPostMaterials event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginpostmaterials_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginPostMaterials().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginPostMaterials event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginPostMaterials events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndCameraEffects() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndCameraEffects event handler
void endcameraeffects_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndCameraEffects event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endcameraeffects_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndCameraEffects().connect(endcameraeffects_event_connections, endcameraeffects_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndCameraEffects().connect(endcameraeffects_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndCameraEffects event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endcameraeffects_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndCameraEffects event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndCameraEffects().connect(endcameraeffects_event_connection, endcameraeffects_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndCameraEffects event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndCameraEffects event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndCameraEffects event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndCameraEffects().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endcameraeffects_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndCameraEffects event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endcameraeffects_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndCameraEffects().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndCameraEffects event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndCameraEffects events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginCameraEffects() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginCameraEffects event handler
void begincameraeffects_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginCameraEffects event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections begincameraeffects_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginCameraEffects().connect(begincameraeffects_event_connections, begincameraeffects_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginCameraEffects().connect(begincameraeffects_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginCameraEffects event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection begincameraeffects_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginCameraEffects event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginCameraEffects().connect(begincameraeffects_event_connection, begincameraeffects_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginCameraEffects event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginCameraEffects event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginCameraEffects event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginCameraEffects().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId begincameraeffects_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginCameraEffects event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
begincameraeffects_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginCameraEffects().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginCameraEffects event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginCameraEffects events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndTAA() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndTAA event handler
void endtaa_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndTAA event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endtaa_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndTAA().connect(endtaa_event_connections, endtaa_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndTAA().connect(endtaa_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndTAA event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endtaa_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndTAA event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndTAA().connect(endtaa_event_connection, endtaa_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndTAA event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndTAA event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndTAA event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndTAA().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endtaa_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndTAA event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endtaa_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndTAA().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndTAA event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndTAA events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginTAA() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginTAA event handler
void begintaa_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginTAA event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections begintaa_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginTAA().connect(begintaa_event_connections, begintaa_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginTAA().connect(begintaa_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginTAA event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection begintaa_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginTAA event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginTAA().connect(begintaa_event_connection, begintaa_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginTAA event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginTAA event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginTAA event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginTAA().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId begintaa_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginTAA event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
begintaa_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginTAA().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginTAA event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginTAA events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndAdaptationColor() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndAdaptationColor event handler
void endadaptationcolor_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndAdaptationColor event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endadaptationcolor_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColor().connect(endadaptationcolor_event_connections, endadaptationcolor_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColor().connect(endadaptationcolor_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndAdaptationColor event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endadaptationcolor_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndAdaptationColor event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColor().connect(endadaptationcolor_event_connection, endadaptationcolor_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndAdaptationColor event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndAdaptationColor event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndAdaptationColor event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColor().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endadaptationcolor_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndAdaptationColor event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endadaptationcolor_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColor().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndAdaptationColor event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndAdaptationColor events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginAdaptationColor() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginAdaptationColor event handler
void beginadaptationcolor_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginAdaptationColor event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginadaptationcolor_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColor().connect(beginadaptationcolor_event_connections, beginadaptationcolor_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColor().connect(beginadaptationcolor_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginAdaptationColor event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginadaptationcolor_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginAdaptationColor event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColor().connect(beginadaptationcolor_event_connection, beginadaptationcolor_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginAdaptationColor event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginAdaptationColor event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginAdaptationColor event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColor().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginadaptationcolor_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginAdaptationColor event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginadaptationcolor_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColor().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginAdaptationColor event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginAdaptationColor events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndAdaptationColorAverage() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndAdaptationColorAverage event handler
void endadaptationcoloraverage_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndAdaptationColorAverage event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endadaptationcoloraverage_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColorAverage().connect(endadaptationcoloraverage_event_connections, endadaptationcoloraverage_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColorAverage().connect(endadaptationcoloraverage_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndAdaptationColorAverage event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endadaptationcoloraverage_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndAdaptationColorAverage event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColorAverage().connect(endadaptationcoloraverage_event_connection, endadaptationcoloraverage_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndAdaptationColorAverage event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndAdaptationColorAverage event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndAdaptationColorAverage event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColorAverage().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endadaptationcoloraverage_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndAdaptationColorAverage event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endadaptationcoloraverage_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndAdaptationColorAverage().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndAdaptationColorAverage event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndAdaptationColorAverage events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginAdaptationColorAverage() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginAdaptationColorAverage event handler
void beginadaptationcoloraverage_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginAdaptationColorAverage event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginadaptationcoloraverage_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColorAverage().connect(beginadaptationcoloraverage_event_connections, beginadaptationcoloraverage_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColorAverage().connect(beginadaptationcoloraverage_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginAdaptationColorAverage event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginadaptationcoloraverage_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginAdaptationColorAverage event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColorAverage().connect(beginadaptationcoloraverage_event_connection, beginadaptationcoloraverage_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginAdaptationColorAverage event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginAdaptationColorAverage event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginAdaptationColorAverage event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColorAverage().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginadaptationcoloraverage_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginAdaptationColorAverage event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginadaptationcoloraverage_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginAdaptationColorAverage().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginAdaptationColorAverage event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginAdaptationColorAverage events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndSrgbCorrection() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndSrgbCorrection event handler
void endsrgbcorrection_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSrgbCorrection event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endsrgbcorrection_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndSrgbCorrection().connect(endsrgbcorrection_event_connections, endsrgbcorrection_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndSrgbCorrection().connect(endsrgbcorrection_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSrgbCorrection event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endsrgbcorrection_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndSrgbCorrection event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndSrgbCorrection().connect(endsrgbcorrection_event_connection, endsrgbcorrection_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndSrgbCorrection event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndSrgbCorrection event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSrgbCorrection event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndSrgbCorrection().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endsrgbcorrection_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndSrgbCorrection event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endsrgbcorrection_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndSrgbCorrection().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSrgbCorrection event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndSrgbCorrection events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginSrgbCorrection() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginSrgbCorrection event handler
void beginsrgbcorrection_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSrgbCorrection event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginsrgbcorrection_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginSrgbCorrection().connect(beginsrgbcorrection_event_connections, beginsrgbcorrection_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginSrgbCorrection().connect(beginsrgbcorrection_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSrgbCorrection event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginsrgbcorrection_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginSrgbCorrection event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginSrgbCorrection().connect(beginsrgbcorrection_event_connection, beginsrgbcorrection_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginSrgbCorrection event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginSrgbCorrection event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSrgbCorrection event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginSrgbCorrection().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginsrgbcorrection_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginSrgbCorrection event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginsrgbcorrection_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginSrgbCorrection().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSrgbCorrection event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginSrgbCorrection events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndTransparent() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndTransparent event handler
void endtransparent_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndTransparent event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endtransparent_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndTransparent().connect(endtransparent_event_connections, endtransparent_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndTransparent().connect(endtransparent_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndTransparent event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endtransparent_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndTransparent event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndTransparent().connect(endtransparent_event_connection, endtransparent_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndTransparent event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndTransparent event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndTransparent event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndTransparent().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endtransparent_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndTransparent event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endtransparent_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndTransparent().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndTransparent event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndTransparent events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndWater() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndWater event handler
void endwater_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWater event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endwater_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndWater().connect(endwater_event_connections, endwater_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndWater().connect(endwater_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWater event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endwater_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndWater event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndWater().connect(endwater_event_connection, endwater_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndWater event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndWater event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWater event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndWater().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endwater_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndWater event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endwater_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndWater().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWater event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndWater events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndWaterPlanarProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndWaterPlanarProbes event handler
void endwaterplanarprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterPlanarProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endwaterplanarprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndWaterPlanarProbes().connect(endwaterplanarprobes_event_connections, endwaterplanarprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndWaterPlanarProbes().connect(endwaterplanarprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterPlanarProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endwaterplanarprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndWaterPlanarProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndWaterPlanarProbes().connect(endwaterplanarprobes_event_connection, endwaterplanarprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndWaterPlanarProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndWaterPlanarProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterPlanarProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndWaterPlanarProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endwaterplanarprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndWaterPlanarProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endwaterplanarprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndWaterPlanarProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterPlanarProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndWaterPlanarProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginWaterPlanarProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginWaterPlanarProbes event handler
void beginwaterplanarprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterPlanarProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginwaterplanarprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterPlanarProbes().connect(beginwaterplanarprobes_event_connections, beginwaterplanarprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterPlanarProbes().connect(beginwaterplanarprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterPlanarProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginwaterplanarprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterPlanarProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginWaterPlanarProbes().connect(beginwaterplanarprobes_event_connection, beginwaterplanarprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginWaterPlanarProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginWaterPlanarProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterPlanarProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginWaterPlanarProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginwaterplanarprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterPlanarProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginwaterplanarprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginWaterPlanarProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterPlanarProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginWaterPlanarProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndWaterEnvironmentProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndWaterEnvironmentProbes event handler
void endwaterenvironmentprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterEnvironmentProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(endwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connections, endwaterenvironmentprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(endwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterEnvironmentProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndWaterEnvironmentProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(endwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connection, endwaterenvironmentprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndWaterEnvironmentProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndWaterEnvironmentProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterEnvironmentProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endwaterenvironmentprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndWaterEnvironmentProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endwaterenvironmentprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterEnvironmentProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndWaterEnvironmentProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginWaterEnvironmentProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes event handler
void beginwaterenvironmentprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(beginwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connections, beginwaterenvironmentprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(beginwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(beginwaterenvironmentprobes_event_connection, beginwaterenvironmentprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginwaterenvironmentprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginwaterenvironmentprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginWaterEnvironmentProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginWaterEnvironmentProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndWaterVoxelProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndWaterVoxelProbes event handler
void endwatervoxelprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterVoxelProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endwatervoxelprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndWaterVoxelProbes().connect(endwatervoxelprobes_event_connections, endwatervoxelprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndWaterVoxelProbes().connect(endwatervoxelprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterVoxelProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endwatervoxelprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndWaterVoxelProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndWaterVoxelProbes().connect(endwatervoxelprobes_event_connection, endwatervoxelprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndWaterVoxelProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndWaterVoxelProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterVoxelProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndWaterVoxelProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endwatervoxelprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndWaterVoxelProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endwatervoxelprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndWaterVoxelProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterVoxelProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndWaterVoxelProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginWaterVoxelProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginWaterVoxelProbes event handler
void beginwatervoxelprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterVoxelProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginwatervoxelprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterVoxelProbes().connect(beginwatervoxelprobes_event_connections, beginwatervoxelprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterVoxelProbes().connect(beginwatervoxelprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterVoxelProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginwatervoxelprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterVoxelProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginWaterVoxelProbes().connect(beginwatervoxelprobes_event_connection, beginwatervoxelprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginWaterVoxelProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginWaterVoxelProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterVoxelProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginWaterVoxelProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginwatervoxelprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterVoxelProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginwatervoxelprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginWaterVoxelProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterVoxelProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginWaterVoxelProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndWaterLights() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndWaterLights event handler
void endwaterlights_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterLights event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endwaterlights_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndWaterLights().connect(endwaterlights_event_connections, endwaterlights_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndWaterLights().connect(endwaterlights_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterLights event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endwaterlights_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndWaterLights event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndWaterLights().connect(endwaterlights_event_connection, endwaterlights_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndWaterLights event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndWaterLights event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterLights event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndWaterLights().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endwaterlights_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndWaterLights event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endwaterlights_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndWaterLights().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterLights event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndWaterLights events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginWaterLights() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginWaterLights event handler
void beginwaterlights_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterLights event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginwaterlights_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterLights().connect(beginwaterlights_event_connections, beginwaterlights_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterLights().connect(beginwaterlights_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterLights event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginwaterlights_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterLights event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginWaterLights().connect(beginwaterlights_event_connection, beginwaterlights_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginWaterLights event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginWaterLights event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterLights event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginWaterLights().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginwaterlights_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterLights event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginwaterlights_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginWaterLights().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterLights event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginWaterLights events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndWaterDecals() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndWaterDecals event handler
void endwaterdecals_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterDecals event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endwaterdecals_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndWaterDecals().connect(endwaterdecals_event_connections, endwaterdecals_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndWaterDecals().connect(endwaterdecals_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterDecals event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endwaterdecals_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndWaterDecals event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndWaterDecals().connect(endwaterdecals_event_connection, endwaterdecals_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndWaterDecals event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndWaterDecals event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterDecals event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndWaterDecals().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endwaterdecals_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndWaterDecals event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endwaterdecals_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndWaterDecals().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndWaterDecals event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndWaterDecals events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginWaterDecals() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginWaterDecals event handler
void beginwaterdecals_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterDecals event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginwaterdecals_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterDecals().connect(beginwaterdecals_event_connections, beginwaterdecals_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginWaterDecals().connect(beginwaterdecals_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterDecals event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginwaterdecals_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterDecals event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginWaterDecals().connect(beginwaterdecals_event_connection, beginwaterdecals_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginWaterDecals event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginWaterDecals event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterDecals event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginWaterDecals().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginwaterdecals_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginWaterDecals event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginwaterdecals_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginWaterDecals().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWaterDecals event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginWaterDecals events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginWater() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginWater event handler
void beginwater_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWater event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginwater_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginWater().connect(beginwater_event_connections, beginwater_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginWater().connect(beginwater_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWater event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginwater_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginWater event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginWater().connect(beginwater_event_connection, beginwater_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginWater event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginWater event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginWater event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginWater().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginwater_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginWater event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginwater_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginWater().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginWater event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginWater events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndClouds() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndClouds event handler
void endclouds_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndClouds event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endclouds_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndClouds().connect(endclouds_event_connections, endclouds_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndClouds().connect(endclouds_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndClouds event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endclouds_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndClouds event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndClouds().connect(endclouds_event_connection, endclouds_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndClouds event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndClouds event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndClouds event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndClouds().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endclouds_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndClouds event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endclouds_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndClouds().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndClouds event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndClouds events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginClouds() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginClouds event handler
void beginclouds_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginClouds event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginclouds_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginClouds().connect(beginclouds_event_connections, beginclouds_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginClouds().connect(beginclouds_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginClouds event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginclouds_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginClouds event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginClouds().connect(beginclouds_event_connection, beginclouds_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginClouds event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginClouds event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginClouds event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginClouds().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginclouds_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginClouds event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginclouds_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginClouds().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginClouds event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginClouds events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginTransparent() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginTransparent event handler
void begintransparent_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginTransparent event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections begintransparent_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginTransparent().connect(begintransparent_event_connections, begintransparent_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginTransparent().connect(begintransparent_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginTransparent event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection begintransparent_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginTransparent event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginTransparent().connect(begintransparent_event_connection, begintransparent_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginTransparent event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginTransparent event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginTransparent event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginTransparent().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId begintransparent_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginTransparent event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
begintransparent_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginTransparent().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginTransparent event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginTransparent events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndCompositeDeferred() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndCompositeDeferred event handler
void endcompositedeferred_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndCompositeDeferred event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endcompositedeferred_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndCompositeDeferred().connect(endcompositedeferred_event_connections, endcompositedeferred_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndCompositeDeferred().connect(endcompositedeferred_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndCompositeDeferred event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endcompositedeferred_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndCompositeDeferred event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndCompositeDeferred().connect(endcompositedeferred_event_connection, endcompositedeferred_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndCompositeDeferred event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndCompositeDeferred event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndCompositeDeferred event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndCompositeDeferred().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endcompositedeferred_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndCompositeDeferred event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endcompositedeferred_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndCompositeDeferred().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndCompositeDeferred event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndCompositeDeferred events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginCompositeDeferred() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginCompositeDeferred event handler
void begincompositedeferred_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginCompositeDeferred event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections begincompositedeferred_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginCompositeDeferred().connect(begincompositedeferred_event_connections, begincompositedeferred_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginCompositeDeferred().connect(begincompositedeferred_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginCompositeDeferred event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection begincompositedeferred_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginCompositeDeferred event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginCompositeDeferred().connect(begincompositedeferred_event_connection, begincompositedeferred_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginCompositeDeferred event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginCompositeDeferred event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginCompositeDeferred event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginCompositeDeferred().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId begincompositedeferred_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginCompositeDeferred event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
begincompositedeferred_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginCompositeDeferred().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginCompositeDeferred event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginCompositeDeferred events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndSky() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndSky event handler
void endsky_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSky event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endsky_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndSky().connect(endsky_event_connections, endsky_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndSky().connect(endsky_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSky event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endsky_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndSky event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndSky().connect(endsky_event_connection, endsky_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndSky event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndSky event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSky event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndSky().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endsky_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndSky event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endsky_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndSky().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSky event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndSky events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginSky() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginSky event handler
void beginsky_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSky event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginsky_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginSky().connect(beginsky_event_connections, beginsky_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginSky().connect(beginsky_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSky event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginsky_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginSky event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginSky().connect(beginsky_event_connection, beginsky_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginSky event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginSky event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSky event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginSky().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginsky_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginSky event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginsky_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginSky().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSky event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginSky events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndSSGI() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndSSGI event handler
void endssgi_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSSGI event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endssgi_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndSSGI().connect(endssgi_event_connections, endssgi_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndSSGI().connect(endssgi_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSSGI event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endssgi_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndSSGI event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndSSGI().connect(endssgi_event_connection, endssgi_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndSSGI event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndSSGI event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSSGI event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndSSGI().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endssgi_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndSSGI event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endssgi_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndSSGI().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSSGI event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndSSGI events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginSSGI() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginSSGI event handler
void beginssgi_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSGI event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginssgi_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginSSGI().connect(beginssgi_event_connections, beginssgi_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginSSGI().connect(beginssgi_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSGI event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginssgi_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginSSGI event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginSSGI().connect(beginssgi_event_connection, beginssgi_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginSSGI event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginSSGI event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSGI event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginSSGI().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginssgi_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginSSGI event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginssgi_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginSSGI().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSGI event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginSSGI events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndSSAO() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndSSAO event handler
void endssao_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSSAO event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endssao_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndSSAO().connect(endssao_event_connections, endssao_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndSSAO().connect(endssao_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSSAO event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endssao_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndSSAO event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndSSAO().connect(endssao_event_connection, endssao_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndSSAO event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndSSAO event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSSAO event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndSSAO().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endssao_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndSSAO event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endssao_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndSSAO().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSSAO event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndSSAO events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginSSAO() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginSSAO event handler
void beginssao_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSAO event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginssao_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginSSAO().connect(beginssao_event_connections, beginssao_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginSSAO().connect(beginssao_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSAO event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginssao_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginSSAO event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginSSAO().connect(beginssao_event_connection, beginssao_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginSSAO event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginSSAO event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSAO event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginSSAO().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginssao_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginSSAO event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginssao_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginSSAO().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSAO event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginSSAO events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndSSR() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndSSR event handler
void endssr_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSSR event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endssr_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndSSR().connect(endssr_event_connections, endssr_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndSSR().connect(endssr_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSSR event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endssr_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndSSR event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndSSR().connect(endssr_event_connection, endssr_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndSSR event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndSSR event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSSR event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndSSR().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endssr_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndSSR event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endssr_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndSSR().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSSR event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndSSR events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginSSR() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginSSR event handler
void beginssr_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSR event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginssr_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginSSR().connect(beginssr_event_connections, beginssr_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginSSR().connect(beginssr_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSR event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginssr_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginSSR event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginSSR().connect(beginssr_event_connection, beginssr_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginSSR event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginSSR event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSR event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginSSR().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginssr_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginSSR event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginssr_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginSSR().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSR event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginSSR events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndSSSS() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndSSSS event handler
void endssss_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSSSS event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endssss_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndSSSS().connect(endssss_event_connections, endssss_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndSSSS().connect(endssss_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSSSS event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endssss_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndSSSS event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndSSSS().connect(endssss_event_connection, endssss_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndSSSS event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndSSSS event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndSSSS event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndSSSS().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endssss_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndSSSS event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endssss_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndSSSS().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndSSSS event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndSSSS events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginSSSS() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginSSSS event handler
void beginssss_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSSS event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginssss_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginSSSS().connect(beginssss_event_connections, beginssss_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginSSSS().connect(beginssss_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSSS event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginssss_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginSSSS event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginSSSS().connect(beginssss_event_connection, beginssss_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginSSSS event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginSSSS event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSSS event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginSSSS().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginssss_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginSSSS event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginssss_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginSSSS().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginSSSS event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginSSSS events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndTransparentBlurBuffer() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndTransparentBlurBuffer event handler
void endtransparentblurbuffer_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndTransparentBlurBuffer event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endtransparentblurbuffer_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(endtransparentblurbuffer_event_connections, endtransparentblurbuffer_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(endtransparentblurbuffer_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndTransparentBlurBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endtransparentblurbuffer_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndTransparentBlurBuffer event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(endtransparentblurbuffer_event_connection, endtransparentblurbuffer_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndTransparentBlurBuffer event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndTransparentBlurBuffer event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndTransparentBlurBuffer event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endtransparentblurbuffer_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndTransparentBlurBuffer event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endtransparentblurbuffer_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndTransparentBlurBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndTransparentBlurBuffer events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginTransparentBlurBuffer() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginTransparentBlurBuffer event handler
void begintransparentblurbuffer_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginTransparentBlurBuffer event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections begintransparentblurbuffer_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(begintransparentblurbuffer_event_connections, begintransparentblurbuffer_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(begintransparentblurbuffer_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginTransparentBlurBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection begintransparentblurbuffer_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginTransparentBlurBuffer event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(begintransparentblurbuffer_event_connection, begintransparentblurbuffer_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginTransparentBlurBuffer event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginTransparentBlurBuffer event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginTransparentBlurBuffer event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId begintransparentblurbuffer_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginTransparentBlurBuffer event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
begintransparentblurbuffer_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginTransparentBlurBuffer().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginTransparentBlurBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginTransparentBlurBuffer events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndRefractionBuffer() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndRefractionBuffer event handler
void endrefractionbuffer_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndRefractionBuffer event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endrefractionbuffer_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndRefractionBuffer().connect(endrefractionbuffer_event_connections, endrefractionbuffer_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndRefractionBuffer().connect(endrefractionbuffer_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndRefractionBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endrefractionbuffer_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndRefractionBuffer event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndRefractionBuffer().connect(endrefractionbuffer_event_connection, endrefractionbuffer_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndRefractionBuffer event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndRefractionBuffer event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndRefractionBuffer event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndRefractionBuffer().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endrefractionbuffer_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndRefractionBuffer event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endrefractionbuffer_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndRefractionBuffer().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndRefractionBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndRefractionBuffer events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginRefractionBuffer() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginRefractionBuffer event handler
void beginrefractionbuffer_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginRefractionBuffer event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginrefractionbuffer_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginRefractionBuffer().connect(beginrefractionbuffer_event_connections, beginrefractionbuffer_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginRefractionBuffer().connect(beginrefractionbuffer_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginRefractionBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginrefractionbuffer_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginRefractionBuffer event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginRefractionBuffer().connect(beginrefractionbuffer_event_connection, beginrefractionbuffer_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginRefractionBuffer event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginRefractionBuffer event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginRefractionBuffer event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginRefractionBuffer().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginrefractionbuffer_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginRefractionBuffer event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginrefractionbuffer_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginRefractionBuffer().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginRefractionBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginRefractionBuffer events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndAuxiliaryBuffer() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndAuxiliaryBuffer event handler
void endauxiliarybuffer_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndAuxiliaryBuffer event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endauxiliarybuffer_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(endauxiliarybuffer_event_connections, endauxiliarybuffer_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(endauxiliarybuffer_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndAuxiliaryBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endauxiliarybuffer_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndAuxiliaryBuffer event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(endauxiliarybuffer_event_connection, endauxiliarybuffer_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndAuxiliaryBuffer event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndAuxiliaryBuffer event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndAuxiliaryBuffer event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endauxiliarybuffer_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndAuxiliaryBuffer event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endauxiliarybuffer_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndAuxiliaryBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndAuxiliaryBuffer events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginAuxiliaryBuffer() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginAuxiliaryBuffer event handler
void beginauxiliarybuffer_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginAuxiliaryBuffer event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginauxiliarybuffer_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(beginauxiliarybuffer_event_connections, beginauxiliarybuffer_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(beginauxiliarybuffer_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginAuxiliaryBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginauxiliarybuffer_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginAuxiliaryBuffer event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(beginauxiliarybuffer_event_connection, beginauxiliarybuffer_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginAuxiliaryBuffer event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginAuxiliaryBuffer event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginAuxiliaryBuffer event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginauxiliarybuffer_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginAuxiliaryBuffer event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginauxiliarybuffer_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginAuxiliaryBuffer().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginAuxiliaryBuffer event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginAuxiliaryBuffer events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndOpacityPlanarProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndOpacityPlanarProbes event handler
void endopacityplanarprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityPlanarProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endopacityplanarprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(endopacityplanarprobes_event_connections, endopacityplanarprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(endopacityplanarprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityPlanarProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endopacityplanarprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndOpacityPlanarProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(endopacityplanarprobes_event_connection, endopacityplanarprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndOpacityPlanarProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndOpacityPlanarProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityPlanarProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endopacityplanarprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndOpacityPlanarProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endopacityplanarprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityPlanarProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndOpacityPlanarProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginOpacityPlanarProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginOpacityPlanarProbes event handler
void beginopacityplanarprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityPlanarProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginopacityplanarprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(beginopacityplanarprobes_event_connections, beginopacityplanarprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(beginopacityplanarprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityPlanarProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginopacityplanarprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginOpacityPlanarProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(beginopacityplanarprobes_event_connection, beginopacityplanarprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginOpacityPlanarProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginOpacityPlanarProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityPlanarProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginopacityplanarprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginOpacityPlanarProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginopacityplanarprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginOpacityPlanarProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityPlanarProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginOpacityPlanarProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndOpacityEnvironmentProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes event handler
void endopacityenvironmentprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(endopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connections, endopacityenvironmentprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(endopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(endopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connection, endopacityenvironmentprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endopacityenvironmentprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endopacityenvironmentprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndOpacityEnvironmentProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes event handler
void beginopacityenvironmentprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(beginopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connections, beginopacityenvironmentprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(beginopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection beginopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(beginopacityenvironmentprobes_event_connection, beginopacityenvironmentprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId beginopacityenvironmentprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
beginopacityenvironmentprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventBeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all BeginOpacityEnvironmentProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventEndOpacityVoxelProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the EndOpacityVoxelProbes event handler
void endopacityvoxelprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityVoxelProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections endopacityvoxelprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventEndOpacityVoxelProbes().connect(endopacityvoxelprobes_event_connections, endopacityvoxelprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventEndOpacityVoxelProbes().connect(endopacityvoxelprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityVoxelProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// class. And toggle this particular connection off and on, when necessary.
// create an instance of the EventConnection class
EventConnection endopacityvoxelprobes_event_connection;
// subscribe to the EndOpacityVoxelProbes event with a handler function keeping the connection
publisher->getEventEndOpacityVoxelProbes().connect(endopacityvoxelprobes_event_connection, endopacityvoxelprobes_event_handler);
// ...
// you can temporarily disable a particular event connection to perform certain actions
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
// ...
// remove subscription to the EndOpacityVoxelProbes event via the connection
// 3. You can add EventConnection/EventConnections instance as a member of the
// class that handles the event. In this case all linked subscriptions will be
// automatically removed when class destructor is called
// Class handling the event
class SomeClass
// instance of the EventConnections class as a class member
EventConnections e_connections;
// A EndOpacityVoxelProbes event handler implemented as a class member
void event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityVoxelProbes event\n");
// ...
SomeClass *sc = new SomeClass();
// ...
// specify a class instance in case a handler method belongs to some class
publisher->getEventEndOpacityVoxelProbes().connect(sc->e_connections, sc, &SomeClass::event_handler);
// ...
// handler class instance is deleted with all its subscriptions removed automatically
delete sc;
// 4. Subscribe to an event saving a particular connection ID
// and unsubscribe later by this ID
// instance of the EventConnections class to manage event connections
EventConnections e_connections;
// define a particular connection ID to be used to unsubscribe later
EventConnectionId endopacityvoxelprobes_handler_id;
// subscribe to the EndOpacityVoxelProbes event with a lambda handler function and keeping connection ID
endopacityvoxelprobes_handler_id = publisher->getEventEndOpacityVoxelProbes().connect(e_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling EndOpacityVoxelProbes event (lambda).\n");
// remove the subscription later using the ID
// 5. Ignoring all EndOpacityVoxelProbes events when necessary
// you can temporarily disable the event to perform certain actions without triggering it
// ... actions to be performed
// and enable it back when necessary
Return value
Event reference.Event<> getEventBeginOpacityVoxelProbes() const#
Usage Example
// implement the BeginOpacityVoxelProbes event handler
void beginopacityvoxelprobes_event_handler()
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityVoxelProbes event\n");
// 1. Multiple subscriptions can be linked to an instance of the EventConnections
// class that you can use later to remove all these subscriptions at once
// create an instance of the EventConnections class
EventConnections beginopacityvoxelprobes_event_connections;
// link to this instance when subscribing to an event (subscription to various events can be linked)
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityVoxelProbes().connect(beginopacityvoxelprobes_event_connections, beginopacityvoxelprobes_event_handler);
// other subscriptions are also linked to this EventConnections instance
// (e.g. you can subscribe using lambdas)
publisher->getEventBeginOpacityVoxelProbes().connect(beginopacityvoxelprobes_event_connections, []() {
Log::message("\Handling BeginOpacityVoxelProbes event (lambda).\n");
// ...
// later all of these linked subscriptions can be removed with a single line
// 2. You can subscribe and unsubscribe via an instance of the EventConnection
// clas