Cloud Layer
A Cloud Layer is an object representing a layer of realistic volumetric clouds with convincing dynamics.Cloud Layer是一个对象,代表具有令人信服的动力学效果的逼真的体积云层。
There are ten main types of clouds in nature: Altocumulus, Altostratus, Cirrocumulus, Cirrostratus, Cirrus, Cumulonimbus, Cumulus, Nimbostratus, Stratocumulus, Stratus. All of them are implemented in UNIGINE and available out of the box as child materials of the clouds_base material (clouds_altostratus, clouds_stratus, clouds_cumulus, etc.).自然界中有十种主要类型的云:高积云,高积云,卷积云,卷积云,卷云,积雨云,积云,雨云,层积云,层云。所有这些都在UNIGINE中实现,可以作为以下产品的子材质直接使用clouds_base材质(clouds_altostratus, clouds_stratus, clouds_cumulus等)。
UNIGINE clouds offer the following features:UNIGINE云提供以下功能:
- Local clouds coverage simulation using either the corresponding parameter of the Cloud Layer object to limit the coverage, or the FieldWeather object with the ability to control movement of numerous groups of clouds without performance drops使用以下任一方法进行本地云覆盖模拟对应参数Cloud Layer对象以限制覆盖范围,或FieldWeather对象具有控制众多云组移动而没有性能下降的能力
- Cloud dynamics simulation云动力学模拟
- Cloud density simulation based on a 3D noise model基于3D噪声模型的云密度模拟
- Realistic shadows and lighting逼真的阴影和照明
- Large number of configurable cloud layer parameters (height, density, lighting, shadows, wind, etc.)大量可配置的云层参数(高度,密度,灯光,阴影,风, 等等。)
- Visibility distance up to 400 km可视距离可达400 km
- Correct depth-sorting正确的深度排序
- Optimized presets available for every cloud type适用于每种云类型的优化预设
- Support of the Earth curvature to simulate real-world scenarios支持地球曲率以模拟现实世界的场景
Several cloud layers can be combined to provide realistic simulation.可以合并多个云层以提供逼真的模拟。
See also也可以看看#
- The clouds_base material to adjust clouds appearanceclouds_base材质调整云外观
- Rendering Settings for clouds to adjust common parameters for all cloud layers on the scene渲染设置让云调整场景中所有云层的通用参数
- The Field Weather object to specify areas with local weatherField Weather对象,用于指定具有本地天气的区域
- The ObjectCloudLayer class to edit the Cloud Layer via API通过API编辑Cloud Layer的ObjectCloudLayer类
Adding a Cloud Layer添加云层#
To add a Cloud Layer to the scene via UnigineEditor:通过UnigineEditor将Cloud Layer添加到场景中:
On the Menu bar, click Create -> Sky -> Cloud Layer and select one of the available presets:在菜单栏上,单击Create -> Sky -> Cloud Layer并选择可用的预设之一:
Place the cloud layer object in the scene:将云层对象放置在场景中:
A layer of clouds will be added to the scene and you will be able to adjust it via the Parameters window.场景中将添加一层云,您将能够通过Parameters窗口对其进行调整。
Adjusting a Cloud Layer调整云层#
Cloud layers have a realistic look with the default settings, so you might not need to tweak them at all. However, if necessary, you don’t need to be a shader guru to adjust the available parameters (type, coverage, wind, etc.) to achieve the desired look of clouds in your project.使用默认设置,云层具有逼真的外观,因此您可能根本不需要对其进行调整。但是,如果有必要,您无需成为着色专家,即可调整可用参数(类型,覆盖率,风等)以在项目中获得所需的云外观。
You can control your clouds via:您可以通过以下方式控制云:
- the corresponding Rendering Settings applied to all cloud layers in the scene对应的Rendering Settings应用于场景中的所有云层
- the parameters of clouds_base material providing an opportunity to tweak each layer separatelyclouds_base材质的参数提供了分别调整每个图层的机会
Each Cloud Layer object can use its own material inherited from clouds_base to define its form and type (like clouds_altostratus, clouds_stratus, clouds_cumulus, etc.).每个Cloud Layer对象都可以使用继承自clouds_base的材质来定义其形式和类型(例如clouds_altostratus, clouds_stratus, clouds_cumulus等)。