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Unigine::BodyRigid Class

Header: #include <UniginePhysics.h>
Inherits from: Body

This class is used to simulate rigid bodies that move according to the rigid bodies dynamics.

See Also#

BodyRigid Class


void setAngularVelocity ( const Math::vec3& velocity ) #

Sets a new angular velocity of the body.


  • const Math::vec3& velocity - The angular velocity in radians per second, in world coordinates.

Math::vec3 getAngularVelocity() const#

Returns the current angular velocity of the body.

Return value

Current angular velocity in radians per second, in world coordinates.

void setLinearVelocity ( const Math::vec3& velocity ) #

Sets a new linear velocity of the body.


  • const Math::vec3& velocity - The linear velocity in units per second, in world coordinates.

Math::vec3 getLinearVelocity() const#

Returns the current linear velocity of the body.

Return value

Current linear velocity in units per second, in world coordinates.

void setFrozenAngularVelocity ( float velocity ) #

Sets a new angular velocity threshold for freezing body simulation. If the body angular velocity remains lower than this threshold during the number of Frozen frames (together with linear one), it stops being updated.


  • float velocity - The "freeze" angular velocity. If the value is lower than the setFrozenAngularVelocity of the Physics class, it is overridden.

float getFrozenAngularVelocity() const#

Returns the current angular velocity threshold for freezing body simulation. If the body angular velocity remains lower than this threshold during the number of Frozen frames (together with linear one), it stops being updated.

Return value

Current "freeze" angular velocity. If the value is lower than the setFrozenAngularVelocity of the Physics class, it is overridden.

void setFrozenLinearVelocity ( float velocity ) #

Sets a new linear velocity threshold for freezing body simulation. If the body linear velocity remains lower than this threshold during the number of Frozen frames (together with angular one), it stops being updated.


  • float velocity - The "freeze" linear velocity. If the value is lower than the setFrozenLinearVelocity of the Physics class, it is overridden.

float getFrozenLinearVelocity() const#

Returns the current linear velocity threshold for freezing body simulation. If the body linear velocity remains lower than this threshold during the number of Frozen frames (together with angular one), it stops being updated.

Return value

Current "freeze" linear velocity. If the value is lower than the setFrozenLinearVelocity of the Physics class, it is overridden.

void setMaxAngularVelocity ( float velocity ) #

Sets a new maximum angular velocity of the body.
The maximum angular velocity can be set using this method only when the updatePhysics() for the BodyRigid is called.


  • float velocity - The maximum angular velocity in radians per second. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getMaxAngularVelocity() const#

Returns the current maximum angular velocity of the body.
The maximum angular velocity can be set using this method only when the updatePhysics() for the BodyRigid is called.

Return value

Current maximum angular velocity in radians per second. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

void setMaxLinearVelocity ( float velocity ) #

Sets a new maximum linear velocity of the body.
The maximum linear velocity can be set using this method only when the updatePhysics() for the BodyRigid is called.


  • float velocity - The maximum linear velocity in radians per second. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getMaxLinearVelocity() const#

Returns the current maximum linear velocity of the body.
The maximum linear velocity can be set using this method only when the updatePhysics() for the BodyRigid is called.

Return value

Current maximum linear velocity in radians per second. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

void setAngularDamping ( float damping ) #

Sets a new angular damping of the body.


  • float damping - The angular damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getAngularDamping() const#

Returns the current angular damping of the body.

Return value

Current angular damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

void setLinearDamping ( float damping ) #

Sets a new linear damping of the body.


  • float damping - The linear damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getLinearDamping() const#

Returns the current linear damping of the body.

Return value

Current linear damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

void setAngularScale ( const Math::vec3& scale ) #

Sets a new multiplier for the body's angular velocity per axis. If one of vec3 values is set to 0, movement along this axis will be restricted. For example, for 2D physics with movement restricted to a X axis, set the body's angular scale to (1,0,0).


  • const Math::vec3& scale - The angular scale per axis, in world coordinates.

Math::vec3 getAngularScale() const#

Returns the current multiplier for the body's angular velocity per axis. If one of vec3 values is set to 0, movement along this axis will be restricted. For example, for 2D physics with movement restricted to a X axis, set the body's angular scale to (1,0,0).

Return value

Current angular scale per axis, in world coordinates.

void setLinearScale ( const Math::Vec3& scale ) #

Sets a new multiplier for the body's linear velocity per axis. if one of vec3 values is set to 0, movement along this axis will be restricted. For example, for 2D physics with movement restricted to a X axis, set the body's linear scale to (0,1,1).


  • const Math::Vec3& scale - The linear scale per axis, in world coordinates.

Math::Vec3 getLinearScale() const#

Returns the current multiplier for the body's linear velocity per axis. if one of vec3 values is set to 0, movement along this axis will be restricted. For example, for 2D physics with movement restricted to a X axis, set the body's linear scale to (0,1,1).

Return value

Current linear scale per axis, in world coordinates.

Math::Vec3 getWorldCenterOfMass() const#

Returns the current world coordinates of the body's center of mass.

Return value

Current world coordinates of the body's center of mass.

void setCenterOfMass ( const Math::vec3& mass ) #

Sets a new coordinates of the center of mass of the body.
This parameter is calculated (i.e. set) automatically if the Shape-based option is enabled.


  • const Math::vec3& mass - The coordinates of the center of mass in local space of the body.

Math::vec3 getCenterOfMass() const#

Returns the current coordinates of the center of mass of the body.
This parameter is calculated (i.e. set) automatically if the Shape-based option is enabled.

Return value

Current coordinates of the center of mass in local space of the body.

Math::mat3 getIWorldInertia() const#

Returns the current inverse inertia tensor of the body, in the world coordinates.

Return value

Current inverse inertia tensor of the body, in the world coordinates.

void setInertia ( const Math::mat3& inertia ) #

Sets a new inertia tensor of the body. The inertia tensor describes the distribution of the mass over the body relative to the body's center of mass.
This parameter is calculated (i.e. set) automatically if the Shape-based option is enabled.


  • const Math::mat3& inertia - The inertia tensor.

Math::mat3 getInertia() const#

Returns the current inertia tensor of the body. The inertia tensor describes the distribution of the mass over the body relative to the body's center of mass.
This parameter is calculated (i.e. set) automatically if the Shape-based option is enabled.

Return value

Current inertia tensor.

float getIMass() const#

Returns the current inverse mass of the body.

Return value

Current inverse mass of the body.

void setMass ( float mass ) #

Sets a new body mass.
If g (Earth's gravity) equals to 9.8 m/s 2, and 1 unit equals to 1 m, the mass is measured in kilograms.


  • float mass - The mass of the body.

float getMass() const#

Returns the current body mass.
If g (Earth's gravity) equals to 9.8 m/s 2, and 1 unit equals to 1 m, the mass is measured in kilograms.

Return value

Current mass of the body.

void setHighPriorityContacts ( bool contacts ) #

Sets a new value indicating if the body has the priority of handling detected contacts it participates in. A contact can be handled by any of the bodies that participate in it. To which body a contact is assigned is random. If the contact is assigned to and handled by the body it is called an internal one, otherwise it is called external (handled by another body). Iterating through internal contacts is much faster than through external ones, so this method can be used if you want a certain body to handle most of the contacts it participates in (i.e., have them as internal) to gain some performance.
A contact between two bodies with high priority shall be handled by one of them determined at random.


  • bool contacts - Set true to enable high priority of handling detected contacts for the body; false - to disable it.

bool isHighPriorityContacts() const#

Returns the current value indicating if the body has the priority of handling detected contacts it participates in. A contact can be handled by any of the bodies that participate in it. To which body a contact is assigned is random. If the contact is assigned to and handled by the body it is called an internal one, otherwise it is called external (handled by another body). Iterating through internal contacts is much faster than through external ones, so this method can be used if you want a certain body to handle most of the contacts it participates in (i.e., have them as internal) to gain some performance.
A contact between two bodies with high priority shall be handled by one of them determined at random.

Return value

true if high priority of handling detected contacts for the body is enabled; otherwise false.

void setFreezable ( bool freezable ) #

Sets a new value indicating if the object is freezable, meaning that it is not simulated if both its linear and angular velocities are below "freeze" ones (see setFrozenLinearVelocity and setFrozenAngularVelocity functions).


  • bool freezable - Set true to enable the "freezable" state of the body; false - to disable it.

bool isFreezable() const#

Returns the current value indicating if the object is freezable, meaning that it is not simulated if both its linear and angular velocities are below "freeze" ones (see setFrozenLinearVelocity and setFrozenAngularVelocity functions).

Return value

true if the "freezable" state of the body is enabled; otherwise false.

void setShapeBased ( bool based ) #

Sets a new value indicating if mass and inertia of the body are bound to its shape properties.


  • bool based - Set true to enable calculation of mass and inertia based on shape properties; false - to disable it.

bool isShapeBased() const#

Returns the current value indicating if mass and inertia of the body are bound to its shape properties.

Return value

true if calculation of mass and inertia based on shape properties is enabled; otherwise false.

static BodyRigidPtr create ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a rigid body with default properties.

static BodyRigidPtr create ( const Ptr<Object> & object ) #

Constructor. Creates a rigid body with default properties for a given object.


  • const Ptr<Object> & object - Object approximated with the new rigid body.

Math::vec3 getVelocity ( const Math::vec3 & radius ) const#

Returns the total linear velocity of the point determined by a given radius vector, specified in the local coordinates.


  • const Math::vec3 & radius - Radius vector starting in the body's center of mass.

Return value

Total linear velocity in the given point of the body.

Math::vec3 getWorldVelocity ( const Math::Vec3 & point ) const#

Returns the total linear velocity of the point specified in world coordinates.


  • const Math::Vec3 & point - Point of the body, in world coordinates.

Return value

Total linear velocity in the given point.

void addForce ( const Math::vec3 & force ) #

Applies a force to the center of mass of the body.

Unlike impulses, all forces are accumulated first, then the resulting force is calculated and applied to the body (during the physics simulation stage, when the body update() function is called).

You can call this function only from updatePhysics() function in the world script. Do not apply forces in the update() function, because you will get unstable result that varies each rendering frame.


  • const Math::vec3 & force - Force to be applied, in world coordinates.

void addForce ( const Math::vec3 & radius, const Math::vec3 & force ) #

Applies a force to a point determined by a given radius vector, specified in the local coordinates. This function calculates the cross product of the radius vector and the force vector. It acts like a lever arm that changes both linear and angular velocities of the body.

Unlike impulses, all forces are accumulated first, then the resulting force is calculated and applied to the body (during the physics simulation stage, when the body update() function is called).

You can call this function only from updatePhysics() function in the world script. Do not apply forces in the update() function, because you will get unstable result that varies each rendering frame.


  • const Math::vec3 & radius - Radius vector, traced from the center of mass of the body to the point where the force is applied.
  • const Math::vec3 & force - Force to be applied, in world coordinates.

void addImpulse ( const Math::vec3 & radius, const Math::vec3 & impulse ) #

Applies an impulse to a point determined by a given radius vector, specified in the local coordinates.

Unlike forces, impulses immediately affect both linear and angular velocities of the body.


  • const Math::vec3 & radius - Radius vector, traced from the center of mass to the point where the impulse is applied.
  • const Math::vec3 & impulse - Impulse to be applied, in world coordinates.

void addLinearImpulse ( const Math::vec3 & impulse ) #

Applies an impulse similar to the addImpulse() method, but affects only the linear velocity.


  • const Math::vec3 & impulse - Impulse to be applied, in world coordinates.

void addAngularImpulse ( const Math::vec3 & impulse ) #

Applies an impulse similar to the addImpulse() method, but affects only the angular velocity.


  • const Math::vec3 & impulse - Impulse to be applied, in world coordinates.

void addTorque ( const Math::vec3 & torque ) #

Applies a torque with a pivot point at the center of mass of the body, specified in the local coordinates.

All torque values are accumulated first, then the resulting torque is calculated and applied to the body (during the physics simulation stage, when the body update is called).

You can call this function only from updatePhysics() function in the world script. Do not apply forces in the update() function, because you will get unstable result that varies each rendering frame.


  • const Math::vec3 & torque - Torque to be applied, in world coordinates.

void addTorque ( const Math::vec3 & radius, const Math::vec3 & torque ) #

Applies a torque with a pivot point, determined by a given radius vector, specified in the local coordinates.

This function calculates the cross product of the radius vector and the force vector.

It acts like a lever arm that changes both angular and linear velocities of the body.

All torque values are accumulated first, then the resulting torque is calculated and applied to the body (during the physics simulation stage, when the body update is called).

You can call this function only from updatePhysics() function in the world script. Do not apply torques in the update() function, because you will get unstable result that varies each rendering frame.


  • const Math::vec3 & radius - Radius vector starting at the body's center of mass. Its end is the pivot point for the torque to be applied.
  • const Math::vec3 & torque - Torque to be applied, in world coordinates.

void addWorldForce ( const Math::Vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & force ) #

Applies a force to a given point of the body that is specified in world coordinates. This function calculates the cross product of the radius vector (a vector from the center of mass to the point where force is applied) and the force vector. It acts like a lever arm that changes both linear and angular velocities of the body.

Unlike impulses, all forces are accumulated first, then the resulting force is calculated and applied to the body (during the physics simulation stage, when the body update is called).

You can call this function only from updatePhysics() function in the world script. Do not apply forces in the update() function, because you will get unstable result that varies each rendering frame.


  • const Math::Vec3 & point - Point of the body, in world coordinates.
  • const Math::vec3 & force - Force to be applied, in world coordinates.

void addWorldImpulse ( const Math::Vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & impulse ) #

Applies an impulse to a given point of the body, that is specified in world coordinates. Unlike forces, impulses immediately affect both linear and angular velocities of the body.


  • const Math::Vec3 & point - Point of the body, in world coordinates.
  • const Math::vec3 & impulse - Impulse to be applied, in world coordinates.

void addWorldTorque ( const Math::Vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & torque ) #

Applies a torque with a pivot point at a given point of the body, that is specified in world coordinates. This function calculates the cross product of the radius vector (a vector from the center of mass to the pivot point) and the torque vector. It acts like a lever arm that changes both angular and linear velocities of the body.

All torque values are accumulated first, then the resulting torque is calculated and applied to the body (during the physics simulation stage, when the body update is called).

You can call this function only from updatePhysics() function in the world script. Do not apply torques in the update() function, because you will get unstable result that varies each rendering frame.


  • const Math::Vec3 & point - Point of the body, in world coordinates.
  • const Math::vec3 & torque - Torque to be applied, in world coordinates.

int createShapes ( int depth = 4, float error = 0.01, float threshold = 0.01 ) #

Removes all previously created shapes and creates one or more convex shapes approximating the mesh.


  • int depth - Degree of decomposition of the mesh. If 0 or a negative value is provided, only one shape will be created. If a positive n is provided, the mesh will be decomposed n times. This is an optional parameter.
  • float error - Approximation error, which is used to create convex hulls. This is an optional parameter.
  • float threshold - Threshold, which is used to decide, whether two adjoining convex shapes can be replaced with one larger shape. A pair of shapes is replaced with a larger shape, if their volumes are roughly the same. This value is clamped in the range [1 E-6; 1]. This is an optional parameter.

Return value

1 if the convex shapes are created successfully; otherwise 0.
Last update: 2024-07-12
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