API Migration
Major Changes
- Added a new Signal class.
- Added a set of new FMOD classes.
- Added a new LandscapeMapFileCompression class.
- Added a new CigiEnvironmentPolygonControl class.
- Added a new MeteoCameraEffects class.
- Added a new WeatherLayer class.
- Added a new WeatherLayerCloud class.
- Added a new WeatherLayerPrecipitation class.
Engine Plugins API Changes#
The get_version() method previously returned the Engine's version (UNIGINE_VERSION) and compilation flags for which the plugin was built. It was renamed to getCompilationFlags() because now it returns only the compilation flags.
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
Source code (C++)
Source code (C++)
New Functions
Expanded BootConfig API#
The new set of methods allows users to set the custom icon for the final application. Specify the path to the icon as an argument of the setWindowIconPath() method.
New Functions
C++ and C# API for initialization was changed#
getBuildConfig() used to return the build configuration along with the precision type of the Engine. This method has been removed. Use the getBuildConfiguration() and getPrecision() methods to replace it.
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
Source code (C++)
Source code (C++)
The version number has been removed from the arguments list of Engine::Init() methods. Delete the first argument to initialize the Engine properly. The new InitParameters structure has been introduced to provide the way to set the following application parameters:
- window_title — the title of the window.
- window_icon_path — the path to the window icon.
- app_path — path to a directory where binary executable file is stored.
- home_path — path to the user's home directory.
- project — project name.
NoticeIf the project name parameter is set, it forces the engine to store rewritable data (such as log file, cache files, config files) in the user profile rather than in a directory with binaries.
- password — password for the filesystem archives.
- app — an instance of the CustomApp class.
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
Source code (C++)
Source code (C++)
Set of arguments changed#
- init(int argc, char **argv)
- init(int argc, wchar_t **argv)
- init(const InitParameters &init_parameters, int argc, char **argv)
- init(const InitParameters &init_parameters, int argc, wchar_t **argv)
The following set of methods were removed or changed:
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
getBuildConfig() | Removed. Use getBuildConfiguration() and getPrecision() instead. |
isDouble() | Removed. Use getPrecision() instead. |
GetBuildConfiguration() | Renamed as BuildConfiguration(). |
getVersion() | Method's return type changed. |
isInitialized() | Return value changed. |
isKnownArg() | Return value changed. |
isEvaluation() | Return value changed. |
addPlugin() | Return value changed. |
addPlugin() | Return value changed. |
removePlugin() | Return value changed. |
addSystemLogic() | Return value changed. |
removeSystemLogic() | Return value changed. |
addWorldLogic() | Return value changed. |
removeWorldLogic() | Return value changed. |
removeEditorLogic() | Return value changed. |
addEditorLogic() | Return value changed. |
isSystemInterpreter() | Return value changed. |
isSystemVariable() | Return value changed. |
isSystemFunction() | Return value changed. |
isWorldLoaded() | Return value changed. |
isWorldInterpreter() | Return value changed. |
isWorldVariable() | Return value changed. |
isWorldFunction() | Return value changed. |
isEditorLoaded() | Return value changed. |
isEditorInterpreter() | Return value changed. |
isEditorVariable() | Return value changed. |
isEditorFunction() | Return value changed. |
isMainThread() | Return value changed. |
New Functions
Usage Example:
const char* features = Unigine::Engine::getFeatures();
MathLib Changes#
The Engine’s mathematical library (MathLib) has been divided into two separate implementations for C++ and C# APIs to make it more efficient and faster. This along with bug fixes leads to some discrepancies in the libraries’ features.
C++ MathLib Improvements#
We added more SSE optimizations and restructured the library to be the set of header-only classes defining the same functionality as before. This way you can flexibly enable or disable the SSE support for MathLib and inline it into your final application.
Now the C++ MathLib is decomposed into separate headers:
- UnigineMathLib
- UnigineMathLibBounds
- UnigineMathLibCommon
- UnigineMathLibConcave
- UnigineMathLibIVec3
You can find the header file that implements the required class/structure in the documentation article for the corresponding class.
Classes Moved#
BoundBox, BoundSphere, and BoundFrustrum structures now reside inside the UnigineMathLibBounds class. The way to access their parameters was changed:
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
Source code (C++)
Source code (C++)
Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) operations and the Geometry class are now available as a part of the new MathLib (see include/UnigineMathLibSimd.h and Unigine::Geometry classes). The SIMD operations are optimized to work with big arrays of data.
New Classes Added#
- Bits - auxiliary structures for storing data in the bit format regardless of the type of data (memory copy)
- BitStream - auxiliary structure for bitwise buffer read/write operations (the buffer size is fixed)
- Concave - concave shapes generator
- ConcaveConvexCompare - compares volumes of two convex shapes
- Convex - convex shapes generator
- Noise - white noise generator (supports tiling)
- Numerical - template class for vectors and matrices of any dimension (contains methods for equation solving)
- Polygon - class for managing an indexed polygon
- Random - random numbers generator
- SHBasis - spherical harmonics
Memory Alignment#
Since the C++ version of MathLib uses SSE optimizations it is required to check that your memory is aligned on a 16-byte boundary. UNIGINE’s containers and allocator guarantees the correct memory alignment. Double-check for the right memory alignment when you use third-party implementations or write your own.
The UNIGINE_align macro has been replaced with alignas C++ keyword.
C# MathLib Improvements#
The C# version of MathLib was remade and now it supports more of the C# language specific features. Unlike the C++ version the C# MathLib doesn’t support the SSE optimizations because of the lack of memory alignment support in C#.
A bunch of new methods were added: Equals, EqualsNearly and so on. Vector methods like LessOrEqual compare all corresponding vector components and return the true result only when every single condition check was successful.
Special methods are implemented to get random variables without the need to create redundant objects. For instance, to get a random integer call MathLib.RandInt().
The new C# MathLib supports swizzling performance optimizations for vectors (vec2, vec3, vec4).
We have also added the support for implicit casting for vectors, integer and byte variables.
New Conversion Methods#
Old methods for variable conversion were marked deprecated. Use the more clear functions instead. For example, to convert a double variable to float:
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
Source code (C++)
Source code (C++)
You no longer need to think about the type of the variable you convert from. Use the new overloaded functions to achieve the same results as before:
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
itof() | toFloat() |
ftoi() | toInt() |
ftoc() | toChar() |
itod() | toDouble() |
dtoi() | toInt() |
dtof() | toFloat() |
itos() | toScalar() |
stoi() | toInt() or toInt(), depending on the precision |
ltof() | toFloat() |
ftol() | static_cast<long long> or any other default conversion method for base types |
ltod() | toDouble() or any other default conversion method for base types |
dtol() | static_cast<long long> or any other default conversion method for base types |
Global Constants Changed#
Global constants have replaced the deprecated macros:
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
And so on (see Consts namespace in UnigineMathLibCommon.h).
New constants have also been added:
- GOLDEN_RATIO – golden ratio constant
- EPS_D – double precision epsilon
- DEG2RAD_D – double precision degree to radian conversion
- RAD2DEG_D – double precision radian to degree conversion
- IPI2_D – inverted Pi times two (double)
- PI_D – double Pi
- PI05_D – half double Pi
Materials Changes#
All base materials core/materials/default/ have migrated to the core/materials/base/objects/ folder. The shaders are stored together with the corresponding .basemat files, either in the same folder next to them or in shaders/ folder.
Material description file formats no longer contains the material name. To migrate your materials, delete the name from the material file.
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
Source code (XML)
Source code (XML)
The material management is now implemented via GUID or the material file path (the same way as with meshes, textures and all the other assets):
UNIGINE 2.14.1 |
Source code (C++)
UNIGINE 2.15 |
Source code (C++)
Avoid referencing materials by names since they may be moved, renamed, or have duplicates. If for any debug purposes you need to get the name of a material, do so the same way as with any other asset:
String input = mat->getPath(); // path to the current material
const UGUID &guid = FileSystem::getGUID(input); // GUID for the given material file
const UGUID &asset_guid = FileSystemAssets::resolveAsset(guid); // corresponding asset GUID
const String &asset_virtual_filepath = FileSystem::getVirtualPath(asset_guid); // virtual path for the given file path
Log::message("Filepath: %s\n", asset_virtual_filepath.get()); // virtual path
Log::message("Filename: %s\n", asset_virtual_filepath.filename().get()); // filename without the extension
Log::message("Basename: %s\n", asset_virtual_filepath.basename().get()); // filename with the extension
Materials can now be separated into different namespaces to avoid engine and user materials name collision. Default engine and editor materials have got their own namespaces (Unigine and Editor respectively). The Material::getNamespaceName() method returns the namespace of a material, if it was assigned to one.
The names can now only be used to access manual materials via Material::getManualName(). The name comes from a file name. If the manual material is defined in a namespace, it must be specified before the name: Namespace::FileName.
All GUIDs for base and preset materials have been changed. Auto migration is supported for non-manual materials. To migrate a manual material that derives from a default base or preset one (stored in the core folder), specify the required namespace before the name of a base material.
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
Source code (XML)
Source code (XML)
Any runtime material that is not saved on disk is called an internal material. To save it on a disk call Material::createMaterialFile() method and provide a path to save.
When mesh objects are created, they are assigned the mesh_base material by default.
Material texture declaration has changed with an argument renamed as follows: type -> source (this argument defines the type of the texture's source rather than the type of the texture itself).
Automatic migration in this case is not available. To migrate your custom base materials to 2.15 you should manually replace the type argument with source for every texture node in each custom base material file:
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
Textures now have two sets of flags: sampler and format flags. Sampler flags can be changed dynamically at runtime, when the format flags require texture reinitialization to take effect. Moreover, sampler flags can be changed in the user materials, but the format flags are read-only (editable only for base materials).
See the UUSL and Shaders Migration guide for details on updating your shader code to 2.15.
Class Time and Timer Refactoring#
The Time class now has all the methods required to get the current time in different formats. It also has special methods to convert time representations (see MicrosecondsToSeconds() etc).
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
Source code (C++)
Source code (C++)
Source code (C++)
Source code (C++)
The Timer structure is responsible for timer functionality. You can start it and measure the time elapsed between checks (see end(), endSeconds(), endMilliseconds() methods).
New Tonemapper Settings#
We have added a set of new tonemapper modes:
- Mix ACES With Reinhard
- Reinhard
- Reinhard Luma-Based
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setFilmic(bool) | Removed. Use setTonemapper() instead. |
isFilmic() | Removed. Use getTonemapper() instead. |
New Functions
- setTonemapper()
- getTonemapper()
- setReinhardContribution()
- getReinhardContribution()
- setReinhardLumaBasedContribution()
- getReinhardLumaBasedContribution()
- setACESWithReinhardMix()
- getACESWithReinhardMix(
- setACESWhiteClip()
- getACESWhiteClip()
- setACESToe()
- getACESToe()
- setACESShoulderAngle()
- getACESShoulderAngle()
- setACESShoulderStrength()
- getACESShoulderStrength()
- setACESShoulderLength()
- getACESShoulderLength()
- setACESWithReinhardWhiteClip()
- getACESWithReinhardWhiteClip()
- setACESWithReinhardToe()
- getACESWithReinhardToe()
- setACESWithReinhardShoulderAngle()
- getACESWithReinhardShoulderAngle()
- setACESWithReinhardShoulderStrength()
- getACESWithReinhardShoulderStrength()
- setACESWithReinhardShoulderLength()
- getACESWithReinhardShoulderLength()
Preprocessor NDEBUG Flag for Release Apps#
To increase the performance in Release applications on Windows the NDEBUG flag has to be turned on, since the Engine’s library has the same flag enabled and they must match. Open your application’s solution in your Visual Studio IDE and add the NDEBUG flag to the list of preprocessor’s definitions (Project Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions).
If the NDEBUG flags in the Engine and in your application do not match you will get the fatal error message at the start of the application.
Spatial Tree Changes#
The Spatial Tree was optimized to increase performance:
- Branches of the spatial tree are now discarded based on the minimum and maximum visibility distance parameter.
- More effective shadow culling based on the visibility distance.
- Shadows and world Intersections are now calculated in parallel.
AppVarjo Class#
New Constants
New Functions
- getMarkerObjectNum()
- setMarkerFlags()
- setMarkerLifetime()
- setMarkerTrackingEnabled()
- isMarkerTrackingEnabled()
- setAlphaBlend()
- isAlphaBlend()
- setAlphaInvert()
- isAlphaInvert()
- setCameraExposureTime()
- getCameraExposureTime()
- setCameraExposureTimeManual()
- setCameraExposureTimeAuto()
- isCameraExposureTimeAuto()
- setCameraFlickerCompensation()
- getCameraFlickerCompensation()
- setCameraISO()
- getCameraISO()
- setCameraISOManual()
- setCameraISOAuto()
- isCameraISOAuto()
- setCameraSharpness()
- getCameraSharpness()
- setCameraWhiteBalance()
- getCameraWhiteBalance()
- setCameraWhiteBalanceManual()
- setCameraWhiteBalanceAuto()
- isCameraWhiteBalanceAuto()
- setChromaKey()
- isChromaKey()
- getChromaKeyConfigNum()
- setChromaKeyConfigType()
- getChromaKeyConfigType()
- setChromaKeyConfigFalloff()
- getChromaKeyConfigFalloff()
- setChromaKeyConfigTargetColor()
- getChromaKeyConfigTargetColor()
- setChromaKeyConfigTolerance()
- getChromaKeyConfigTolerance()
- chromaKeyConfigSubmit()
- setDepthTest()
- isDepthTest()
- setDepthTestRange()
- getDepthTestRange()
- setDepthTestRangeEnabled()
- isDepthTestRangeEnabled()
- getDeviceManufacturerName()
- getDeviceModelNumber()
- setFoveatedRenderingEnabled()
- isFoveatedRenderingEnabled()
- isMixedRealityAvaliable()
- setVideo()
- isVideo()
AppVive Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
getDevicePose() | Renamed as getDeviceTransform(). |
BodyFracture Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setMaterial() | Set of arguments changed. |
getMaterial() | Set of arguments changed. |
New Functions
Camera Class#
Compress Class#
Decal Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setMaterial() | Set of arguments changed. |
getMaterialName() | Removed. |
New Functions
Dir Class#
FileSystem Class#
Image Class#
Added Function Overloads
- set2D (const Math::ivec2& coord, const Image::Pixel& p)
- get2D (const Math::vec2& uv, const Image::Pixel& skip_pixel)
- get2D (const Math::vec2& uv)
- get2D (const Math::ivec2& coord)
- set2DArray (const Math::ivec2& coord, int layer, const Image::Pixel& p)
- get2DArray (const Math::vec2& uv, int layer)
- get2DArray (const Math::ivec2& coord, int layer)
- set3D (const Math::ivec3& coord, const Image::Pixel& p)
- get3D (const Math::vec3& uvw)
- get3D (const Math::ivec3& coord)
- get3DSmooth (const Math::vec3& uvw)
- getCube (const Math::vec2& uv, int face)
- getCube (const Math::ivec2& coord, int face)
- setCubeArray (const Math::ivec2& coord, int face, int layer, const Image::Pixel& p)
- getCubeArray (const Math::vec2& uv, int face, int layer)
- getCubeArray (const Math::ivec2& coord, int face, int layer)
New Functions
LandscapeFetch Class#
LandscapeLayerMap Class#
LandscapeMapFileCompression Class#
New Functions
- LandscapeMapFileCompression()
- isCompressing()
- isDecompressing()
- getProgress()
- run()
- stop()
- isLoaded()
- load()
- setHeightCompressor()
- getHeightCompressor()
- setAlbedoCompressor()
- getAlbedoCompressor()
- setOpacityHeightCompressor()
- getOpacityHeightCompressor()
- setMaskCompressor()
- setMaskOpacityCompressor()
- setCompressorAll()
- isCompressed()
- getMaskCompressor()
- getMaskOpacityCompressor()
- setEnabledAlbedoTextureCompression()
- isEnabledAlbedoTextureCompression()
- setEnabledOpacityHeightTextureCompression()
- isEnabledOpacityHeightTextureCompression()
- setEnabledMaskTextureCompression()
- setEnabledMaskOpacityTextureCompression()
- isEnabledMaskTextureCompression()
- isEnabledMaskOpacityTextureCompression()
- getGUID()
- setCacheDirectory()
- getCacheDirectory()
New Constants
LandscapeMapFileSettings Class#
Material Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
All TEXTURE_* variables. | Renamed as TEXTURE_SOURCE_*, with TEXTURE_IMAGE replaced by TEXTURE_SOURCE_ASSET |
clone() | Set of arguments changed.. |
inherit() | Set of arguments changed.. |
fetchParameter(cstr name, int fast_id) | Removed. |
fetchState(cstr name, int fast_id) | Removed. |
fetchTexture(cstr name, int fast_id) | Removed. |
getTextureGroup() | Removed. Use getUIItemParent() instead. |
isTextureHidden() | Removed. Use isUIItemHidden() instead. |
getTextureTitle() | Removed. Use getUIItemTitle() instead. |
getTextureTooltip() | Removed. Use getUIItemTooltip() instead. |
getTextureType() | Renamed as getTextureSource(). |
getTextureWidgetIndex() | Removed. Use getUIItemWidget() instead. |
getOptionGroup() | Removed. Use getUIItemParent() instead. |
isOptionsHidden() | Removed. Use isUIItemHidden() instead. |
isOptionHidden() | Removed. Use isUIItemHidden() instead. |
getOptionTitle() | Removed. Use getUIItemTitle() instead. |
getOptionTooltip() | Removed. Use getUIItemTooltip() instead. |
getOptionWidgetIndex() | Removed. Use getUIItemWidget() instead. |
getStateGroup() | Removed. Use getUIItemParent() instead. |
getStateSwitchGroup() | Removed. Use getUIItemGroupToggleStateID() instead. |
isStateHidden() | Removed. Use isUIItemHidden() instead. |
getStateTitle() | Removed. Use getUIItemTitle() instead. |
getStateTooltip() | Removed. Use getUIItemTooltip() instead. |
getStateWidgetIndex() | Removed. Use getUIItemWidget() instead. |
getParameterGroup() | Removed. Use getUIItemParent() instead. |
isParameterHidden() | Removed. Use isUIItemHidden() instead. |
getParameterTitle() | Removed. Use getUIItemTitle() instead. |
getParameterTooltip() | Removed. Use getUIItemTooltip() instead. |
getParameterWidget() | Removed. Use getUIItemWidget() instead. |
getParameterWidgetIndex() | Removed. Use getUIItemWidget() instead. |
getParameterMaxExpand() | Removed. Use isUIItemSliderMaxExpand() instead. |
getParameterMinExpand() | Removed. Use isUIItemSliderMinExpand() instead. |
getParameterMaxValue() | Removed. Use getUIItemSliderMaxValue() instead. |
getParameterMinValue() | Removed. Use getUIItemSliderMinValue() instead. |
isFilter() | Removed. |
setImageTextureProcedural() | Removed. |
getName() | Removed. |
setParameter() | Removed. |
getParameter() | Removed. |
setParameterArray() | Removed. |
getParameterArray() | Removed. |
isParent() | Removed. |
isProcedural() | Removed. |
setProceduralTexture() | Removed. |
setProceduralTextureImage() | Removed. |
getProceduralTextureImage() | Removed. |
setName() | Removed. |
setPath() | Removed. |
setFileGUID() | Removed. |
getFileGUID() | Removed. |
getTextureFlags() | Removed. Use getTextureFormatFlags() and getTextureSamplerFlags() instead. |
setTextureFlags() | Removed. Use setTextureSamplerFlags() instead. |
save() | Removed. |
load() | Removed. |
getOverlap() | Renamed as isOverlap(). |
getDepthTest() | Renamed as isDepthTest(). |
getCastShadow() | Renamed as isCastShadow(). |
getCastWorldShadow() | Renamed as isCastWorldShadow(). |
getTwoSided() | Renamed as isTwoSided(). |
setBlendFunc() | Removed. Use setBlendSrcFunc() and setBlendDestFunc() instead. |
getOverlap_int() | Renamed as getUIItemSliderMinValue(). |
New Functions
- setOption()
- getOption()
- isOptionOverridden()
- resetOption()
- setBlendDestFunc()
- setBlendSrcFunc()
- getNumUIItems()
- getUIItemDataType()
- getUIItemDataID()
- isUIItemHidden()
- getUIItemTitle()
- getUIItemTooltip()
- getUIItemWidget()
- getUIItemParent()
- getUIItemNumChildren()
- getUIItemChild()
- isUIItemSliderMinExpand()
- isUIItemSliderMaxExpand()
- getUIItemSliderMinValue()
- getUIItemSliderMaxValue()
- getUIItemGroupToggleStateID()
- isUIItemGroupCollapsed()
- loadUlon()
- getTextureSource()
- createMaterialFile()
- getTextureFormatFlags()
- setTextureSamplerFlags()
- getTextureSamplerFlags()
- stringToWidget()
- widgetToString()
- getManualName()
- getNamespaceName()
- inherit()
- clone()
- isParent()
- isReflection2D()
- getTexture()
New Constants
Materials Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
isMaterial(const char *) | Removed. |
isMaterial(UGUID) | Removed. |
findMaterial(const char *) | Removed. Use findMaterialByPath() or findMaterialByGUID() instead. |
findBaseMaterial(const char *) | Removed. |
isManualMaterial(const char *) | Removed. |
isBaseMaterial(const char *) | Removed. |
getMaterialName(int) | Removed. Use getPath() instead. |
Node Class#
NodeLayer Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
NodeName property | Renamed to NodePath property. |
setNodeName() | Renamed to setNodePath(). |
getNodeName() | Renamed to getNodePath(). |
NodeReference Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
NodeName property | Renamed to NodePath property. |
setNodeName() | Renamed to setNodePath(). |
getNodeName() | Renamed to getNodePath(). |
Object Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setMaterial() | Set of arguments changed. |
getMaterialName() | Removed. |
New Functions
ObjectCloudLayer Class#
ObjectMeshCluster Class#
ObjectWaterGlobal Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setOctaveCurrentOffset(int, const Math::vec3 &) | Removed. |
getOctaveCurrentOffset(int) | Removed. |
getWaterFieldHeightInteraction() | Removed. Use isFieldHeightEnabled() instead. |
getHeight() | Renamed to fetchHeight(). |
getNormal() | Renamed to fetchNormal(). |
getWaterLevel() | Renamed to getMeanLevel(). |
setWaterTime(float) | Renamed to setAnimationTime(). |
getWaterTime() | Renamed to getAnimationTime(). |
getWaterProceduralLevelMax() | Removed. |
getWaterProceduralLevelMin() | Removed. |
New Functions
- setActiveWater()
- isActiveWater()
- setFetchAmplitudeThreshold()
- getFetchAmplitudeThreshold()
- setFetchSteepnessQuality()
- getFetchSteepnessQuality()
- setIntersectionPrecision()
- getIntersectionPrecision()
- setIntersectionAmplitudeThreshold()
- getIntersectionAmplitudeThreshold()
- setIntersectionSteepnessQuality()
- getIntersectionSteepnessQuality()
- takeSyncData()
- applySyncData()
- setWavesMode()
- addWave()
- removeWave()
- getNumWaves()
- setWaveLength()
- getWaveLength()
- setWaveAmplitude()
- getWaveAmplitude()
- setWaveSteepness()
- getWaveSteepness()
- setWaveDirectionAngle()
- getWaveDirectionAngle()
- setWavePhaseOffset()
- getWavePhaseOffset()
- addLayer()
- removeLayer()
- getNumLayers()
- swapLayer()
- setLayerEnabled()
- isLayerEnabled()
- setLayerNumWaves()
- getLayerNumWaves()
- setLayerLengthRange()
- getLayerLengthRange()
- setLayerAmplitudeRange()
- getLayerAmplitudeRange()
- setLayerSteepnessScale()
- getLayerSteepnessScale()
- setLayerDirectionAngleVariance()
- getLayerDirectionAngleVariance()
- setLayerName()
- getLayerName()
- setLayerWeight()
- getLayerWeight()
- setBeaufort()
- getBeaufort()
- setWavesNormalIntensity()
- getWavesNormalIntensity()
- setAdditionalNormalBlur()
- getAdditionalNormalBlur()
- setAdditionalNormalIntensity()
- getAdditionalNormalIntensity()
- setDetailTexturePath()
- getDetailTexturePath()
- setDetail0UVSize()
- getDetail0UVSize()
- setDetail0UVSpeed()
- getDetail0UVSpeed()
- setDetail0Intensity()
- getDetail0Intensity()
- setDetail1UVSize()
- getDetail1UVSize()
- setDetail1UVSpeed()
- getDetail1UVSpeed()
- setDetail1Intensity()
- getDetail1Intensity()
- setDistantWavesHeightTexturePath()
- getDistantWavesHeightTexturePath()
- setDistantWavesUVTransform()
- getDistantWavesUVTransform()
- setDistantWavesHeightScale()
- getDistantWavesHeightScale()
- setDistantWavesDistanceFadeStart()
- getDistantWavesDistanceFadeStart()
- setDistantWavesDistanceFadeEnd()
- getDistantWavesDistanceFadeEnd()
- setDistantWavesDistanceFadeMinValue()
- getDistantWavesDistanceFadeMinValue()
- setFoamTexturePath()
- getFoamTexturePath()
- setFoam0UVScale()
- getFoam0UVScale()
- setFoam0UVSpeed()
- getFoam0UVSpeed()
- setFoam1UVScale()
- getFoam1UVScale()
- setFoam1UVSpeed()
- getFoam1UVSpeed()
- setFoamPeakContrast()
- getFoamPeakContrast()
- setFoamPeakIntensity()
- getFoamPeakIntensity()
- setFoamWhitecapContrast()
- getFoamWhitecapContrast()
- setFoamWhitecapIntensity()
- getFoamWhitecapIntensity()
- setFoamWindContrast()
- getFoamWindContrast()
- setFoamWindIntensity()
- getFoamWindIntensity()
- setFieldHeightFoamContrast()
- getFieldHeightFoamContrast()
- setFieldHeightFoamIntensity()
- getFieldHeightFoamIntensity()
- setFoamContactIntensity()
- getFoamContactIntensity()
- setFoamTextureAffect()
- getFoamTextureAffect()
- setSubsurfaceColor()
- getSubsurfaceColor()
- setSubsurfaceAmbientIntensity()
- getSubsurfaceAmbientIntensity()
- setSubsurfaceWaveIntensity()
- getSubsurfaceWaveIntensity()
- setSubsurfaceWaveFoamIntensity()
- getSubsurfaceWaveFoamIntensity()
- setSubsurfaceDiffuseIntensity()
- getSubsurfaceDiffuseIntensity()
- setDepthLUTTexturePath()
- getDepthLUTTexturePath()
- setUnderwaterFogColor()
- getUnderwaterFogColor()
- setUnderwaterFogTransparency()
- getUnderwaterFogTransparency()
- setUnderwaterFogDepth()
- getUnderwaterFogDepth()
- setUnderwaterFogOffset()
- getUnderwaterFogOffset()
- setUnderwaterFogEnvironmentInfluence()
- getUnderwaterFogEnvironmentInfluence()
- setUnderwaterFogSunInfluence()
- getUnderwaterFogSunInfluence()
- setUnderwaterShaftIntensity()
- getUnderwaterShaftIntensity()
- setWaterlineSize()
- getWaterlineSize()
- setUnderwaterDOF()
- isUnderwaterDOF()
- setUnderwaterDofDistance()
- getUnderwaterDofDistance()
- setPlanarReflection()
- isPlanarReflection()
- setPlanarReflectionMapSizeType()
- getPlanarReflectionMapSizeType()
- setPlanarReflectionDistance()
- getPlanarReflectionDistance()
- setPlanarReflectionPivotOffset()
- getPlanarReflectionPivotOffset()
- setPlanarReflectionViewportMask()
- getPlanarReflectionViewportMask()
- setReflectionRoughness()
- getReflectionRoughness()
- setReflectionOcclusion()
- getReflectionOcclusion()
- setReflectionOcclusionSlope()
- getReflectionOcclusionSlope()
- setCaustics()
- isCaustics()
- setCausticsDistortion()
- isCausticsDistortion()
- setCausticsTexturePath()
- getCausticsTexturePath()
- setCausticUVTransform()
- getCausticUVTransform()
- setCausticDistanceFade()
- getCausticDistanceFade()
- setCausticAnimationSpeed()
- getCausticAnimationSpeed()
- setCausticBrightness()
- getCausticBrightness()
- setFieldShorelineEnabled()
- isFieldShorelineEnabled()
- setFieldShorelineHighPrecision()
- isFieldShorelineHighPrecision()
- setFieldShorelineNormal()
- isFieldShorelineNormal()
- setFieldShorelineGeometry()
- isFieldShorelineGeometry()
- setFieldShorelineFoam()
- isFieldShorelineFoam()
- setFieldShorelineLUTTexturePath()
- getFieldShorelineLUTTexturePath()
- setFieldShorelineWaveSpeed()
- getFieldShorelineWaveSpeed()
- setFieldShorelineWaveTiling()
- getFieldShorelineWaveTiling()
- setFieldShorelineWaveHeight()
- getFieldShorelineWaveHeight()
- setFieldShorelineWaveFalloff()
- getFieldShorelineWaveFalloff()
- setFieldShorelineWaveExponent()
- getFieldShorelineWaveExponent()
- setFieldShorelineWaveFrontExponent()
- getFieldShorelineWaveFrontExponent()
- setFieldShorelineFoamStretching()
- getFieldShorelineFoamStretching()
- setFieldShorelineFoamIntensity()
- getFieldShorelineFoamIntensity()
- setFieldShorelineFoamExponent()
- getFieldShorelineFoamExponent()
- setFieldShorelineMaskTiling()
- getFieldShorelineMaskTiling()
- setFieldShorelineBeaufortFalloff()
- getFieldShorelineBeaufortFalloff()
- setShorelineWetnessIntensity()
- getShorelineWetnessIntensity()
- setShorelineWetnessDistance()
- getShorelineWetnessDistance()
- setShorelineWetnessOffset()
- getShorelineWetnessOffset()
- setAuxiliary()
- isAuxiliary()
- setAuxiliaryColor()
- getAuxiliaryColor()
- setRefractionScale()
- getRefractionScale()
- setDiffuseDistortion()
- getDiffuseDistortion()
- setSoftIntersection()
- getSoftIntersection()
- setFieldHeightSteepness()
- getFieldHeightSteepness()
- setFieldHeightEnabled()
- isFieldHeightEnabled()
- setFieldSpacerEnabled()
- isFieldSpacerEnabled()
- setWindAffect()
- getWindAffect()
- setWindDirectionAngle()
- getWindDirectionAngle()
- setWavesSpeedScale()
- getWavesSpeedScale()
New Enums
Player Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setPostMaterials(const char *) | Removed. Use addScriptableMaterial() instead. |
getPostMaterials() | Removed. Use getNumScriptableMaterials() and getScriptableMaterial() instead. |
Render Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setCompositeMaterial(const char *) | Removed. Use setCompositeMaterialGUID() instead. |
getCompositeMaterial() | Removed. Use getCompositeMaterialGUID() instead. |
setDeferredMaterial(const char *) | Removed. Use setDeferredMaterialGUID() instead. |
getDeferredMaterial() | Removed. Use getDeferredMaterialGUID() instead. |
setPostMaterials(const char *) | Removed. Use addScriptableMaterial() instead. |
getPostMaterials() | Removed. Use getNumScriptableMaterials() and getScriptableMaterial() instead. |
setPrePostMaterials(const char *) | Removed. Use addScriptableMaterial() instead. |
getPrePostMaterials() | Removed. Use getScriptableMaterial() instead. |
setPrePostMaterialsEnabled(int) | Removed. |
isPrePostMaterialsEnabled() | Removed. |
setDebugMaterials(const char *) | Removed. Use addDebugMaterial() instead. |
getDebugMaterials() | Removed. Use findDebugMaterial() instead. |
setStreamingUpdateLimit() | Argument type changed. |
getStreamingUpdateLimit() | Return value type changed. |
setShowMipmaps(int) | Removed. |
isShowMipmaps() | Removed. |
getNumProcedurals() | Removed. |
getNumProcedurals() | Removed. |
New Functions
- setDistanceOffset()
- getDistanceOffset()
- setEnvironmentHemisphere()
- isEnvironmentHemisphere()
- setLightsForwardPerObjectPlanar()
- getLightsForwardPerObjectPlanar()
- setStreamingUpdateLimit()
- getStreamingUpdateLimit()
- setWaterCullingAggressive()
- isWaterCullingAggressive()
- setWaterCullingFrustumPadding()
- getWaterCullingFrustumPadding()
- setWaterCullingObliqueFrustum()
- getWaterCullingObliqueFrustum()
- setWaterGeometryFadeLods()
- getWaterGeometryFadeLods()
- setWaterGeometryPolygonSize()
- getWaterGeometryPolygonSize()
- setWaterGeometryPreset()
- getWaterGeometryPreset()
- getWaterGeometryPresetName()
- getWaterGeometryPresetNumNames()
- setWaterGeometryProgression()
- getWaterGeometryProgression()
- setWaterGeometrySubpixelReduction()
- getWaterGeometrySubpixelReduction()
- setWaterVisibleDistance()
- getWaterVisibleDistance()
- setWaterWaterlineAccuracy()
- getWaterWaterlineAccuracy()
- setCompositeMaterialGUID()
- getCompositeMaterialGUID()
- setDeferredMaterialGUID()
- getDeferredMaterialGUID()
- setDebugMaterialEnabled()
- getDebugMaterialEnabled()
- addDebugMaterial()
- findDebugMaterial()
- insertDebugMaterial()
- getNumDebugMaterials()
- setDebugMaterial()
- getDebugMaterial()
- swapDebugMaterials()
- removeDebugMaterial()
- clearDebugMaterials()
- getCacheTexture()
- createMipmapsCubeGGXImage()
- createMipmapsCubeGGXTexture()
RenderContext Class#
RenderEnvironmentPreset Class#
Renderer Class#
RenderState Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
clearStates() | Set of arguments changed. |
Shader Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
findParameter(int fast_id) | Removed. |
findParameter(cstr name, int fast_id) | Removed. |
setParameterFloat(cstr name, int fast_id, float value)) | Removed. |
setParameterFloat2(cstr name, int fast_id, vec2 value) | Removed. |
setParameterFloat3(cstr name, int fast_id, vec3 value) | Removed. |
setParameterFloat4(cstr name, int fast_id, vec4 value) | Removed. |
setParameterFloat3x3(cstr name, int fast_id, mat3 value) | Removed. |
setParameterFloat4x4(cstr name, int fast_id, mat4 value) | Removed. |
setParameterInt(cstr name, int fast_id, int value) | Removed. |
setParameterInt2(cstr name, int fast_id, ivec2 value) | Removed. |
setParameterInt3(cstr name, int fast_id, ivec3 value) | Removed. |
setParameterInt4(cstr name, int fast_id, ivec4 value) | Removed. |
setParameterDouble2(cstr name, int fast_id, dvec2 value) | Removed. |
setParameterDouble3(cstr name, int fast_id, dvec3 value) | Removed. |
setParameterDouble4(cstr name, int fast_id, dvec4 value) | Removed. |
setParameterDouble4x4(cstr name, int fast_id, dmat4 value) | Removed. |
setParameterScalar(cstr name, int fast_id, scalar value) | Removed. |
setParameterScalar2(cstr name, int fast_id, Vec2 value) | Removed. |
setParameterScalar3(cstr name, int fast_id, Vec3 value) | Removed. |
setParameterScalar4(cstr name, int fast_id, Vec4 value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayFloat(cstr name, int fast_id, const float *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayFloat(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<float> value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayFloat2(cstr name, int fast_id, const vec2 *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayFloat2(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<vec2> value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayFloat4(cstr name, int fast_id, const vec4 *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayFloat4(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<vec4> value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayFloat4x4(cstr name, int fast_id, const mat4 *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayFloat4x4(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<mat4> value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayInt(cstr name, int fast_id, const int *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayInt(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<int> value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayInt2(cstr name, int fast_id, const ivec2 *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayInt2(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<ivec2> value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayInt4(cstr name, int fast_id, const ivec4 *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayInt4(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<ivec4> value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayDouble(cstr name, int fast_id, const double *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayDouble(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<double> value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayDouble2(cstr name, int fast_id, const dvec2 *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayDouble2(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<dvec2> value) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayDouble4(cstr name, int fast_id, const dvec4 *value, int num_elements) | Removed. |
setParameterArrayDouble4(cstr name, int fast_id, Vector<dvec4> value) | Removed. |
New Functions
Socket Class#
TerrainDetail Class#
UGUID Class#
Viewport Class#
VoxelProbe Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setUseSunColor() | Renamed as setUseSkyColor(). |
isUseSunColor() | Renamed as isUseSkyColor(). |
WidgetButton Class#
WidgetCanvas Class#
WidgetComboBox Class#
WidgetEditText Class#
WidgetListBox Class#
WidgetScroll Class#
WidgetScrollBox Class#
WidgetSpriteNode Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setPostMaterials() | Removed. |
getPostMaterials() | Removed. |
setEnvironmentTextureName() | Renamed to setEnvironmentTexturePath(). |
getEnvironmentTextureName() | Renamed to getEnvironmentTexturePath(). |
WidgetSpriteViewport Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setPostMaterials() | Removed. |
getPostMaterials() | Removed. |
WidgetTreeBox Class#
WidgetVBox Class#
World Class#
Added a new getVisibleIntersection() methods to the World class both taking into account the distance from the camera, LODs, and other "visual" aspects, the similar getIntersection() methods now ignore the "visual" component enabling you to catch objects hidden by visibility distance (for example if an object LOD is hidden by visibility distance, but the object is within the frustum the intersection shall be detected).
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setData() | Set of arguments changed. |
getData() | Set of arguments changed. |
New Functions
IG Changes#
IG::Manager Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
COORDINATE_SYSTEM enumeration. | Removed. Use IG::Converter::COORDINATE_SYSTEM enumeration instead. |
setCoordinateSystem(int) | Removed. Use IG::Converter::setCoordinateSystem() instead. |
getCoordinateSystem() | Removed. Use IG::Converter::getCoordinateSystem() instead. |
getCurrentViewID() | Renamed as getCurrentView(). |
setOnUserMessageReceivedCallback() | Renamed as addOnUserMessageReceivedCallback(). |
New Functions
- clearOnUserMessageReceivedCallbacks()
- clearOnCreateViewCallbacks()
- clearOnCreateViewGroupCallbacks()
- clearOnCreateEntityCallbacks()
- clearOnCollisionVolumeDetectedCallbacks()
- clearOnCollisionSegmentDetectedCallbacks()
- clearOnIGReadyCallbacks()
- clearOnSlaveConnectedCallbacks()
- clearOnSlaveDisconnectedCallbacks()
IG::IGConfig Class#
IG::Converter Class#
IG::Entity Class#
IG::Meteo Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
refresh() | Removed. |
getRegions(Vector < IG::Region * >) | Removed. |
removeRegion() | Return value has changed. |
setWindSpeed(vec3) | Removed. |
setVisibilityDistance(float) | Removed. |
setMaxPrecipitationAltitude(double) | Removed. |
getMaxPrecipitationAltitude() | Removed. |
getLowerCloudAltitude() | Removed. |
setCloudsOptimization(bool) | Removed. |
setCloudsOptimizationDistance(double) | Removed. |
setVisibilityTransitionTime(float) | Removed. |
setPrecipitationsTransitionTime(float) | Removed. |
setCloudTransitionTime(float) | Removed. |
addCallbackMeteoChanged() | Renamed as addOnMeteoChangedCallback(). |
removeCallbackMeteoChanged() | Renamed as removeOnMeteoChangedCallback(). |
New Functions
- findWeatherLayers()
- getCameraEffects()
- getGlobalRegion()
- lightningStrike()
- getNumRegions()
- getRegionByIndex()
- getCloudBottom()
- addOnCreateRegionCallback()
- removeOnCreateRegionCallback()
- clearOnCreateRegionCallbacks()
- addOnRemoveRegionCallback()
- removeOnRemoveRegionCallback()
- clearOnRemoveRegionCallbacks()
- addOnLightningStrikeCallback()
- removeOnLightningStrikeCallback()
- clearOnLightningStrikeCallbacks()
- clearOnMeteoChangedCallbacks()
IG::Region Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
refresh() | Removed. |
TYPE enumeration. | Removed. Use REGION_TYPE enumeration instead. |
setWindSpeed(vec3) | Removed. Use WeatherLayer::setWind() instead. |
setWindSpeedEnable(bool) | Removed. |
setVisibilityDistance(float) | Removed. Use WeatherLayer::setVisibility() instead. |
setVisibilityDistanceEnable(bool) | Removed. |
setThickness(float) | Removed. Use WeatherLayer::setThickness() instead. |
getThickness() | Removed. Use WeatherLayer::getThickness() instead. |
setAltitude(double) | Removed. Use WeatherLayer::setElevation() instead. |
setAltitude(double, double) | Removed. Use WeatherLayer::getElevation() instead. |
setSize(vec2) | Removed. |
setSize(vec3) | Removed. |
setPosition(Vec2) | Removed. Use setWorldPosition() and setGeoPosition() instead. |
setPosition(Vec3) | Removed. |
setType(Region.TYPE) | Removed. |
getBoundType() | Removed. Use getRegionType() instead. |
resizeToCloudThickness() | Removed. |
setPrecipitationIntensity(float) | Removed. |
setPrecipitationIntensityEnable(bool) | Removed. |
setPrecipitationSize(float) | Removed. Use WeatherLayerPrecipitation::setParticlesSize() instead. |
setPrecipitationSizeEnable(bool) | Removed. |
setPrecipitationType(uint64_t) | Removed. Use WeatherLayerPrecipitation::setPrecipitationType() instead. |
setCloudTypeByEnum(uint64_t) | Removed. |
setCloudDensity(float) | Removed. |
getCloudThickness() | Removed. |
setLightning(int) | Removed. |
New Functions
- addOnChangedCallback()
- removeOnChangedCallback()
- setRotation()
- getRotation()
- setGeoPosition()
- setWorldPosition()
- getWorldPosition()
- setTransitionSize()
- getTransitionSize()
- getShapeRectangleRadius()
- getShapeSize()
- getRegionType()
- setShapeAsPolygon()
- setShapeAsPolygon()
- setShapeAsRectangle()
- findWeatherLayers()
- createLayer()
- getLayer()
- getLayers()
- getMainLayer()
- removeLayer()
- getImpact()
IG::SkyMap Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setDateTime() | Set of arguments changed. |
getDateTime() | Set of arguments changed. |
refresh() | Renamed as forceRefresh(). |
addCallbackRefresh() | Removed. Use addOnTimeChangedCallback() instead. |
removeCallbackRefresh() | Removed. Use removeOnTimeChangedCallback() instead. |
New Functions
IG::ViewBase Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
setRotation() | Renamed as setRotationEuler(). |
setWorldRotation() | Renamed as setWorldRotationEuler(). |
New Functions
IG::Water Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
getWater() | Renamed as getWaterNode(). |
setHeight() | Renamed as setSeaLevel(). |
setWaveParams() | Removed. Use setBeaufort() and setWindDirection() instead. |
updateShoreline() | Removed. Use updateAllShorelines() instead. |
setShorelineUpdate() | Removed. |
New Constants
New Functions
- setBeaufort()
- getBeaufort()
- setBeaufortChangeType()
- getBeaufortChangeType()
- setBeaufortSmoothBySpeed()
- setBeaufortSmoothByTime()
- setClaritySmoothBySpeed()
- setClaritySmoothByTime()
- setSeaLevel()
- getSeaLevel()
- setSeaLevelSmoothBySpeed()
- setSeaLevelSmoothByTime()
- setWindDirection()
- getWindDirection()
- setWhitecap()
- getWhitecap()
- setWhitecapSmoothBySpeed()
- setWhitecapSmoothByTime()
IG::CIGI::Connector Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
addConnectCallback() | Renamed as addOnConnectCallback() instead. |
removeConnectCallback() | Renamed as removeOnConnectCallback() instead. |
addReceivePacketCallback() | Renamed as addOnReceivePacketCallback() instead. |
removeReceivePacketCallback() | Renamed as removeOnReceivePacketCallback() instead. |
addSendPacketCallback() | Renamed as addOnSendPacketCallback() instead. |
removeSendPacketCallback() | Renamed as removeOnSendPacketCallback() instead. |
New Constants
New Functions
IG::CIGI::CigiWeatherControl Class#
UNIGINE 2.14.1 | UNIGINE 2.15 |
getTransition() | Removed. Use getTransitionThicknessTop() and getTransitionThicknessBottom() instead. |