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Продвинутый уровень
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В данном разделе представлены настройки облаков.

Clouds Settings


Enable Clouds value indicating if rendering of clouds is enabled. вкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_enabled (API)
Ground Shadows value indicating if rendering of shadows from the clouds on the ground is enabled. вкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_ground_shadows (API)
Accurate Layers Sorting value indicating if correct sorting of intersecting cloud layers is enabled.
Enabling this feature may reduce raymarching quality as samples shall be distributed among all layers.
выкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_accurate_layers_sorting (API)
Transparent Order rendering order for clouds relative to transparent objects (except water).
  • Render Before Transparent — render clouds before all transparent objects (except water).
  • Render After Transparent — render clouds after all transparent objects (except water).
  • Sort Transparent — enable rough sorting for transparent objects relative to clouds (below the lowest cloud layer base -> inside the clouds -> above the highest cloud layer top).
Опция #1 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_clouds_transparent_order (API)
Detail Distortion value indicating which texture type is used for clouds distortion at the moment. This parameter has a significant impact on performance:
  • 2D Texture — more performance-friendly, but may cause an excessive vertical extrusion of clouds.
  • 3D Texture — ensures homogeneous detail distortion and better image quality, but at a higher performance cost.
Опция #1 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_clouds_distortion_texture (API)
Soft Intersection soft intersection distance for clouds, in meters.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, 100000.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 100.0f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_soft_intersection (API)


Clouds quality rendering settings

Preset index of the clouds quality preset used at the moment. Одно из следующих значений:
  • Low (по умолчанию)
  • Medium
  • High + Interleaved
  • High
  • Ultra + Interleaved
  • Ultra
  • Extreme + Interleaved
  • Extreme
  • Custom

Консольная команда: render_clouds_quality_preset (API)
Presets override user-defined custom settings. When any preset other than Custom is active, modification of the parameters via API has no effect. The parameter value set via the last API call shall be used only when the Custom preset is active. When checking the current parameter value via API, you'll get the corresponding setting stored in the active preset (default or custom one).

Customizable Settings#

The following settings are available when the Custom preset is selected.

Clouds quality custom settings

Clouds Quality Settings
Sampling Quality sampling quality for clouds. This parameter sets the number of noise samples that affects the cloud shape processing quality. The higher the value, the less are visual artifacts. The following modes are available:
  • Low — 1 sample, low quality (higher cloud density)
  • Medium — 3 samples, medium quality
  • High — 5 samples, high quality
  • Ultra — 6 samples, ultra quality (lower density, the clouds are softer)
Visual difference between low and ultra quality is not significant. Therefore, it is recommended to use low settings, when possible, to gain performance.
Опция #2 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_clouds_sampling_quality (API)
Lighting Quality lighting quality for clouds. This parameter determines the number of samples used to calculate lighting for clouds. The following values are available:
  • Low — 1 sample, low quality
  • Medium — 3 samples, medium quality
  • High — 5 samples, high quality
  • Ultra — 6 samples, ultra quality
This parameter has a significant impact on performance. Therefore, it is recommended to use low settings, when possible.
Опция #2 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_clouds_lighting_quality (API)
Samples Count number of samples used for clouds rendering. The higher the value, the less noise in clouds rendering. The following values are available:
  • Low — 1 sample, low quality
  • Medium — 3 samples, medium quality
  • High — 5 samples, high quality
  • Ultra — 6 samples, ultra quality
Опция #3 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_clouds_samples_count (API)
Step Accuracy accuracy of ray marching steps. This parameter enables you to improve the visual look of clouds when viewed from inside a cloud layer. It reduces the noise of lighting and clouds shape for long ray marching distances, adds some noise-based blur to a sharp border at the bottom sphere of the cloud layer (rounded) and removes popping effect when leaving a rounded cloud layer. Higher values provide more accurate form and less noise, while lower ones gain more performance.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, 1.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.5f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_step_accuracy (API)
Downsampling Rendering downsampling rendering mode for clouds. This parameter determines clouds resolution based on current screen resolution.
This parameter has a significant impact on performance.
Одно из следующих значений:
  • Quarter - quarter resolution
  • Half - half resolution (by default)
  • Full - full resolution

Консольная команда: render_clouds_downsampling_rendering (API)
Interleaved Rendering interleaved rendering mode for clouds. In cases when clouds are viewed from the ground, or from above (at significant distance) and viewer's velocities are less than 200 units per second, this parameter can be used to provide a significant gain in performance. Одно из следующих значений:
  • Disabled (по умолчанию)
  • 2×2
  • 4×4
  • 8×8

Консольная команда: render_clouds_interleaved_rendering (API)
Depth Based Reconstruction value indicating if clouds ray-marched depth is used for upsampling the downsampled clouds without obscuring the geometry and reprojection depending on the cloud depth. Recommended for flying through clouds.
Works only with the clouds downsampling rendering mode (см. ) set to half and/or the clouds interleaved rendering mode (см. ) set to 2x2.
выкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_depth_based_reconstruction (API)
Interleaved Rendering Temporal value indicating if temporal accumulation of noises for interleaved sampling for clouds is enabled.
Works only when the clouds interleaved rendering mode (см. ) is set to 2x2.
вкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_interleaved_rendering_temporal (API)
Depth Based Reconstruction Threshold depth threshold value for clouds depth-based reconstruction mode (см. ). This value defines the depth difference starting from which pixels are considered to be related to different surfaces.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 100.0f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_depth_based_reconstruction_threshold (API)
Noise Step value of the noise step parameter for clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter in the areas within clouds, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, 1.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.3f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_noise_step (API)
Noise Iterations value of the noise iterations parameter for clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter in the areas within clouds, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, 1.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.1f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_noise_iterations (API)
Noise Lighting value of the noise lighting parameter for the clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter for tracing steps of lighting calculation, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, 1.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.3f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_noise_lighting (API)
Noise Step Skip value of the noise step skip parameter for clouds. This parameter determines the amount of jitter in the areas between clouds, that is used to reduce banding effect due to insufficient number of steps.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, 1.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.3f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_noise_step_skip (API)


Lighting Trace Length lighting trace length for clouds. This parameter determines the maximum length of a sun ray inside a cloud.
Диапазон значений: [1.0f, 2048.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 230.0f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_lighting_tracelength (API)
Lighting Cone Radius lighting cone sampling radius for clouds lighting.
Low values may result in unnatural behavior as the position of the sun changes.

Диапазон значений: [0.0f, 1.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.3f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_lighting_cone_radius (API)
Lighting Samples Distribution value that controls distribution of samples for clouds lighting. Can be used to keep small details for long shadows when the lighting trace length value (см. ) is high.
Диапазон значений: [0.001f, 5.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 1.0f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_lighting_samples_distribution (API)


Enable Rounded value indicating if cloud layers are to be curved to make them look more natural imitating planet's curvature. вкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_rounded (API)

Planet Radius radius of the planet to be used for clouds curving. Visual curving can be used to make clouds look more natural imitating planet's curvature.
Диапазон значений: [100.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 200000.0f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_rounded_planet_radius (API)

Dynamic Coverage#

Dynamic Coverage Resolution the value defining the size of the square dynamic coverage resolution texture for clouds, in pixels. This parameter determines the quality of dynamic coverage texture for FieldWeather objects. Higher values make it possible to preserve texture details at high distances.
Increased resolution significantly affects performance.

Диапазон значений: [16, 8192]. Значение по умолчанию : 256.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_dynamic_coverage_resolution (API)

The following values are available:

  • 128 x 128
  • 256 x 256
  • 512 x 512
  • 1024 x 1024
  • 2048 x 2048
Dynamic Coverage Area dynamic coverage area for clouds, in units. This parameter determines visibility distance for coverage of FieldWeather objects.
Increasing dynamic coverage area leads to reduction of quality of FieldWeather coverage texture and loss of details. This effect can be mitigated by increasing dynamic coverage resolution using the corresponding command (см. ).

Диапазон значений: [10.0f, 400000.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 10000.0f.
Консольная команда: render_clouds_dynamic_coverage_area (API)

Информация, представленная на данной странице, актуальна для версии UNIGINE 2.19 SDK.

Последнее обновление: 30.10.2024
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