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Продвинутый уровень
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Setting Up Materials
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Unigine::Plugins::FMOD::EventInstance Class

Header: #include <plugins/Unigine/FMOD/UnigineFMOD.h>
This set of functions is available when the FMOD plugin is loaded.

An instance of an FMOD Studio Event.

EventInstance Class


void setPaused ( bool paused ) #

Sets the pause state.


  • bool paused - true to pause the event instance, false to unpause it.

bool isPaused ( ) const#

Returns the pause state.

Return value

true if the event instance is paused, otherwise, false.

void setPitch ( float pitch ) #

Sets the pitch multiplier.


  • float pitch - Pitch multiplier. Range: [0; inf]. Default: 1. The pitch multiplier can be set to any value greater than or equal to zero but the final combined pitch is clamped to the range [0; 100] before being applied.

float getPitch ( ) const#

Returns the current pitch multiplier.

Return value

Pitch multiplier.

void setGain ( float gain ) #

Sets the gain value.


  • float gain - Gain value to be set.

float getGain ( ) const#

Returns the current gain value.

Return value

Gain value.

void setMaxDistance ( float distance ) #

Sets the maximum distance for 3D attenuation.


  • float distance - Maximum distance, in distance units.

float getMaxDistance ( ) const#

Returns the current maximum distance for 3D attenuation.

Return value

Maximum distance, in distance units.

void setMinDistance ( float distance ) #

Sets the minimum distance for 3D attenuation.


  • float distance - Minimum distance, in distance units.

float getMinDistance ( ) const#

Returns the current minimum distance for 3D attenuation.

Return value

Minimum distance, in distance units.

void setTimeLinePosition ( int position ) #

Sets the timeline cursor position.


  • int position - Timeline position, in milliseconds. Range: [0; inf].

int getTimeLinePosition ( ) const#

Returns the current timeline cursor position.

Return value

Timeline position, in milliseconds.

void set3DAttributes ( const Math::Vec3 & position, const Math::Vec3 & up, const Math::Vec3 & forward, const Math::Vec3 & velocity ) #

Sets event's position, velocity and orientation used to calculate 3D panning, doppler and the values of automatic distance and angle parameters.


  • const Math::Vec3 & position - Position in world space used for panning and attenuation.
  • const Math::Vec3 & up - Upwards orientation, must be of unit length (1.0) and perpendicular to forward.
  • const Math::Vec3 & forward - Forwards orientation, must be of unit length (1.0) and perpendicular to up.
  • const Math::Vec3 & velocity - Velocity in world space used for doppler, in distance units per second.

void get3DAttributes ( Math::Vec3 & position, Math::Vec3 & up, Math::Vec3 & forward, Math::Vec3 & velocity ) #

Returns event's position, velocity and orientation.


  • Math::Vec3 & position - Position in world space.
  • Math::Vec3 & up - Upwards orientation.
  • Math::Vec3 & forward - Forwards orientation.
  • Math::Vec3 & velocity - Velocity in world space.

void setVelocity ( const Math::Vec3 & velocity ) #

Sets event's velocity.


  • const Math::Vec3 & velocity - Velocity in world space, in distance units per second.

bool isVirtual ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating whether an event instance has been virtualized due to the polyphony limit being exceeded.

Return value

true if the event instance has been virtualized, otherwise, false.

bool isStarting ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating whether an event instance is preparing to start.

Return value

true if the event instance is preparing to start, otherwise, false.

bool isStopping ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating whether an event instance is preparing to stop.

Return value

true if the event instance is preparing to stop, otherwise, false.

bool isStopped ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating whether an event instance is stopped.

Return value

true if the event instance is stopped, otherwise, false.

bool isSustaining ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating whether the timeline cursor is paused on a sustain point.

Return value

true if the timeline cursor is paused on a sustain point, otherwise, false.

bool isPlaying ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating whether an event instance is playing.

Return value

true if the event instance is playing, otherwise, false.

void play ( ) #

Starts playback. If the instance was already playing then calling this function will restart the event.

void stop ( ) #

Stops playback.

void stopWithFadeout ( ) #

Stops playback with the fadeout effect.

void release ( ) #

Marks the event instance for release. Event instances marked for release are destroyed by the asynchronous update when they are in the stopped state.

void update ( ) #

Updates the position of the event instance in world space.

void setParameter ( const char * name, float value ) #

Sets a parameter value by name.


  • const char * name - Parameter name (case-insensitive) of an FMOD Studio event. (UTF-8 string)
  • float value - Value for a given name.

float getParameter ( const char * name ) #

Returns a parameter value by name.


  • const char * name - Parameter name (case-insensitive). (UTF-8 string)

Return value

Value for a given name.

void setTransform ( const Math::Mat4 & transform ) #

Sets the transformation matrix for the node in world coordinates.


  • const Math::Mat4 & transform - New transformation matrix to be set for the node (world coordinates).

void setParent ( const Ptr<Node> & parent ) #

Sets a new parent for the node. Transformations of the current node will be done in the coordinates of the parent.


  • const Ptr<Node> & parent - New parent node.

void releaseFromDefinition ( ) #

Auxiliary function, not to be used.

void setPriority ( float priority ) #

Sets the priority in range [-1;256] on the Channels created by the current EventInstance.


  • float priority - The priority in range [-1;256]: 0 means the most important, 256 means the least important. The default is -1.

float getPriority ( ) const#

Returns the priority of the Channels created by the current EventInstance.

Return value

The priority in range [-1;256]: 0 means the most important, 256 means the least important. The default is -1.

bool isValid ( ) const#

Checks if the EventInstance reference is valid or not.

Return value

true if the reference is valid; otherwise, false.

String getDescriptionPath ( ) const#

Returns the path for the EventDescription of the current EventInstance.

Return value

EventDescription path.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19 SDK.

Last update: 16.08.2024
Build: ()