Unigine::Plugins::IG::SymbolCircle Class
Header: | #include <plugins/Unigine/IG/UnigineIG.h> |
SymbolCircle Class
void setFill ( bool value ) #
Toggles filling of the circle symbol on and off.Arguments
- bool value - 1 to make the circle symbol filled, otherwise 0.
void setCenter ( float x, float y ) #
Sets the circle symbol center relative to the plane in the plane's UV coordinates.Arguments
- float x - Horizontal offset from the plane's reference point in UV coordinates.
- float y - Vertical offset from the plane's reference point in UV coordinates.
void setRadius ( float value ) #
Sets the circle symbol radius in the plane's UV coordinates.Arguments
- float value - Radius of the circle in UV coordinates.
void setInnerRadius ( float value ) #
Sets the inner radius of the circle symbol in the plane's UV coordinates.Arguments
- float value - Inner radius of the circle in UV coordinates.
void setSector ( float start_angle, float end_angle ) #
Creates a circle sector (an arc) by setting two angles that define its limits.Arguments
- float start_angle - Starting angle of the sector.
- float end_angle - Ending angle of the sector.
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