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Subsurface Scattering

This section contains settings related to the Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering effect. This effect should be used to imitate human skin, wax, etc. Этот раздел содержит настройки, относящиеся к эффекту "Подповерхностное рассеяние экранного пространства". Этот эффект следует использовать для имитации человеческой кожи, воска и т.д.

Do not forget to enable the SSSSS effect for a material. Не забудьте включить эффект SSSSS для материала.

Настройки подповерхностного рассеяния

Common Parameters
Common Parameters#

Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering
Консольная команда: sss_enabled (API)
Preset SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) preset used at the moment. To customize the SSSSS effect options at run time you should activate the Custom preset: Одно из следующих значений:
  • Low (по умолчанию)
  • Medium
  • High
  • Ultra
  • Extreme
  • Custom

Консольная команда: render_sssss_preset (API)
Radius subsurface scattering radius — distance in the screen space, within which colors will be sampled.It controls how much wrinkles, pores and cavities will be blurred and highlighted. The higher the value, the farther subsurface scattering reaches. Too high values result in the ghosting effect. By the minimum value of 0, no subsurface scattering is rendered.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 1.0f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_radius (API)
Radius = 1
Radius = 1Radius = 1
Radius = 0.2
Radius = 0.2Radius = 0.2
SSSSS Color subsurface scattering color used to simulate the subsurface component of skin lighting, i.e. the light that bounces inside of the subsurface tissue layers (epidermis and dermis) before exiting.For skin, subsurface color is reddish, due to blood circulating in skin tissues. To use this option, SSSSS effect (см. SSSSS) should be enabled.
vec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) - default value
Консольная команда: render_sssss_color (API)
Threshold Min threshold of SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) for the material's Translucent parameter equal to 0 (minimum translucency). To use this option, the SSSSS effect (см. SSSSS) should be enabled.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 4.0f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_min_threshold (API)
Threshold Max threshold of SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) for the material's Translucent parameter equal to 1 (maximum translucency). To use this option, the SSSSS effect (см. SSSSS) should be enabled.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 10.0f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_max_threshold (API)

Translucency Options
Параметры полупрозрачности#

Translucent Color color used for translucent objects globally. When light shines on one side of the object, the other side is partially illuminated with this color.
vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) - default value (white)
Консольная команда: render_translucent_color (API)

Настраиваемые параметры#

SSS custom settings

Настройки подповерхностного рассеяния
Diffuse value indicating if the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) calculation for diffuse lighting (directional lights) is enabled. If this option is not required, disable it to save performance. To use this option, the SSSSS effect (см. SSSSS) should be enabled. вкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_diffuse (API)
Ambient value indicating if the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) calculation for ambient lighting (environment) is enabled. If this option is not required, disable it to save performance. To use this option, the SSSSS effect (см. SSSSS) should be enabled. выкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_ambient (API)
Quality quality of the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) effect. Одно из следующих значений:
  • Low - low quality
  • Medium - medium quality (by default)
  • High - high quality
  • Ultra - ultra quality

Консольная команда: render_sssss_quality (API)
Quality = Low
Quality = Low Quality = Low
Quality = Ultra
Quality = Ultra Quality = Ultra
Resolution resolution of the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) effect. Одно из следующих значений:
  • Quarter - quarter resolution
  • Half - half resolution (by default)
  • Full - full resolution

Консольная команда: render_sssss_resolution (API)
Noise Ray intensity of the ray noise used for SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) calculation to reduce banding artifacts of tracing. Higher values make banding less visible. To use this option, the SSSSS effect (см. SSSSS) should be enabled.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, 1.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.5f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_noise_ray (API)
Noise Step intensity of the step noise used for SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) calculation to reduce banding artifacts of tracing. Higher values make banding less visible. To use this option, the SSSSS effect (см. SSSSS) should be enabled.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, 1.0f]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.5f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_noise_step (API)

Interleaved Rendering Options
Параметры рендеринга с чередованием#

Enabled value indicating if the interleaved rendering mode for SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) is enabled. This option enables rendering of the effect in only half or quarter of all pixels with subsequent reconstruction of neighboring pixels using the data from previous frames, significantly improving performance.

The effect is cumulative and works best with Temporal Filter, which reduces ghosting and noise artifacts.

выкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_interleaved (API)
Samples number of pixels to be skipped when rendering the SSSSS (Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering) effect with subsequent reconstruction of neighboring pixels using the data from previous frames. The following options are available:
  • 1 x 2 (1.0 * width x 0.5 * height) — a half of all pixels is rendered, skipping each second line
  • 2 x 2 (0.5 * width x 0.5 * height) — a quarter of all pixels is rendered, skipping each second line and row
Опция #1 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_sssss_interleaved_samples (API)
Color Clamping color clamping mode used to reduce ghosting effect. Higher values increase clamping intensity, but may cause flickering (to reduce flickering you can choose High + Velocity). When disabled, translucency has a lag as it is several frames behind. Одно из следующих значений:
  • Disabled
  • Low (по умолчанию)
  • Medium
  • High
  • High + Velocity

Консольная команда: render_sssss_interleaved_color_clamping (API)

Temporal Filtering Options
Параметры временной фильтрации#

Fix Flicker value indicating if the taa fix flicker option is enabled. This option fixes flickering edges caused by TAA: it removes bright pixels by using the pixel brightness information from the previous frame. It is recommended to enable the option for bright thin ropes, wires and lines. The option is available only when TAA (см. TAA) is enabled.
Enabling this option may increase performance costs.
вкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_taa_fix_flicker (API)
Frames By Color value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Frames By Color (см. TAAFramesByColor). вкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_taa_frames_by_color (API)
Fix Blur value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Catmull Resampling (см. TAACatmullResampling). вкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_taa_catmull_resampling (API)
Antialiasing In Motion value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Antialiasing In Motion (см. TAAAntialiasingInMotion). выкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_taa_antialiasing_in_motion (API)
Preserve Details value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Preserve Details (см. TAAPreserveDetails).
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.5f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_taa_preserve_details (API)
Frame Count value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Frame Count (см. TAAFrameCount).
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 30.0f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_taa_frame_count (API)

Кадры по скорости

Enabled value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Frames By Velocity (см. TAAFramesByVelocity). вкл. по умолчанию.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_taa_frames_by_velocity (API)
Threshold value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Frames Velocity Threshold (см. TAAFramesVelocityThreshold).
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 1.0f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_taa_frames_velocity_threshold (API)
Max Frame Count value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Max Frames By Velocity (см. TAAMaxFramesByVelocity).
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 60.0f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_taa_max_frames_by_velocity (API)
Min Frame Count value of TAA parameter for Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering that is similar to TAA Min Frames By Velocity (см. TAAMinFramesByVelocity).
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 4.0f.
Консольная команда: render_sssss_taa_min_frames_by_velocity (API)

Информация, представленная на данной странице, актуальна для версии UNIGINE 2.19 SDK.

Последнее обновление: 16.08.2024
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