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Продвинутый уровень
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Unigine::WidgetGroupBox Class

Header: #include <UnigineWidgets.h>
Inherits from: Widget

This class creates a group box.

WidgetGroupBox Class


static WidgetGroupBoxPtr create ( const Ptr<Gui> & gui, const char * str = 0, int x = 0, int y = 0 ) #

Constructor. Creates a group box with given parameters and adds it to the specified GUI.


  • const Ptr<Gui> & gui - GUI, to which the new box will belong.
  • const char * str - Box title. This is an optional parameter.
  • int x - Horizontal space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border. This is an optional parameter.
  • int y - Vertical space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border. This is an optional parameter.

static WidgetGroupBoxPtr create ( const char * str = 0, int x = 0, int y = 0 ) #

Constructor. Creates a group box with given parameters and adds it to the Engine GUI.


  • const char * str - Box title. This is an optional parameter.
  • int x - Horizontal space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border. This is an optional parameter.
  • int y - Vertical space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border. This is an optional parameter.

void setBackground ( int background ) #

Sets a value indicating if a background texture should be rendered for the box.


  • int background - 1 to render a background texture, 0 not to render.

int getBackground ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if a background texture is rendered for the box.

Return value

Returns 1 if a background texture is rendered; otherwise, 0.

void setBorder ( int border ) #

Sets a flag indicating if a one-pixel border is rendered around the widget content (in a shape of a box). The default is 1 (use a border).


  • int border - Positive number to enable a border, 0 to disable it.

int getBorder ( ) const#

Returns a flag indicating if a one-pixel border is rendered around the widget content (in a shape of a box). The default is 1 (use a border).

Return value

Positive number if a border is enabled; otherwise, 0.

void setColor ( const Math::vec4 & color ) #

Sets a color for the global color multiplier. The default is equivalent to vec4(1,1,1,1) (white).


  • const Math::vec4 & color - Color to set.

Math::vec4 getColor ( ) const#

Returns a color of the global color multiplier.

Return value

Color of the color multiplier.

void setPadding ( int l, int r, int t, int b ) #

Sets widget paddings for all sides. Padding clears an area around the content of a widget (inside of it).


  • int l - Left-side padding in pixels.
  • int r - Right-side padding in pixels.
  • int t - Top padding in pixels.
  • int b - Bottom padding in pixels.

int getPaddingBottom ( ) const#

Returns the current bottom padding for the widget content.

Return value

Bottom padding in pixels.

int getPaddingLeft ( ) const#

Returns the current left-side padding for the widget content.

Return value

Left-side padding in pixels.

int getPaddingRight ( ) const#

Returns the current right-side padding for the widget content.

Return value

Right-side padding in pixels.

int getPaddingTop ( ) const#

Returns the current top padding for the widget content.

Return value

Top padding in pixels.

void setSpace ( int x, int y ) #

Sets a space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border.


  • int x - Horizontal space. If a negative value is specified, 0 will be used instead.
  • int y - Vertical space. If a negative value is specified, 0 will be used instead.

int getSpaceX ( ) const#

Returns the horizontal space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border.

Return value

Horizontal space.

int getSpaceY ( ) const#

Returns the vertical space between the widgets in the box and between them and the box border.

Return value

Vertical space.

void setStencil ( int stencil ) #

Sets a value indicating if a widget cuts off its children along its bounds. Everything that lies outside of them, is not rendered. The default is 0.


  • int stencil - 1 to enable cutting; otherwise, 0.

int getStencil ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if a widget cuts off its children along its set bounds. Everything that lies outside of them, is not rendered. This option works only if children have ALIGN_OVERLAP flag set (otherwise, they will expand the box widget bounds and no cutting will be done).

Return value

Returns 1 if cutting is enabled; otherwise, 0.

void setText ( const char * text ) #

Sets a box title.


  • const char * text - Box title.

const char * getText ( ) const#

Returns the box title.

Return value

Box title.

void setBackgroundColor ( const Math::vec4 & color ) #

Sets the background color to be used for the widget.


  • const Math::vec4 & color - The four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

Math::vec4 getBackgroundColor ( ) const#

Returns the current background color used for the widget.

Return value

The four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

void setBorderColor ( const Math::vec4 & color ) #

Sets the border color for the widget.


  • const Math::vec4 & color - The four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

Math::vec4 getBorderColor ( ) const#

Returns the current border color for the widget.

Return value

The four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19 SDK.

Last update: 16.08.2024
Build: ()