Unigine::Plugins::IG::MeteoCameraEffects Class
Header: | #include <plugins/Unigine/IG/UnigineIG.h> |
MeteoCameraEffects Class
Math::vec3 getSpeed ( ) const#
Returns the current camera speed.Return value
Current camera speed as a three-component vector, each component representing the speed along the corresponding axis, in meters per second.Math::dvec3 getPosition ( ) const#
Returns the current camera position in the world space.Return value
Current camera position in the world space.Math::vec3 getCurrentWind ( ) const#
Returns the current wind speed in all directions.Return value
Current wind speed in all directions.float getCurrentVisibility ( ) const#
Returns the current visibility.Return value
Current visibility, in meters.bool isRenderAnimationEnabled ( ) const#
Returns a value indicating if wind animation is enabled (vegetation and water are affected by the wind).Return value
true if wind animation is enabled (vegetation and water are affected by the wind); otherwise, false.bool isRenderCloudsInterleaveOptimization ( ) const#
Returns a value indicating if interleaved rendering optimization for clouds is enabled.Return value
true if interleaved rendering optimization for clouds is enabled; otherwise, false.void setCloudsOptimizationDistance ( double interleave_1, double interleave_2 ) #
Sets the distances from the camera at which the two levels of interleaved rendering optimization for clouds should be used.Arguments
- double interleave_1 - Distance from the camera (in meters) at which 2x2 interleaved rendering optimization is to be used for clouds.
- double interleave_2 - Distance from the camera (in meters) at which 4x4 interleaved rendering optimization is to be used for clouds.
bool isRenderCloudsTransparentAutoOrder ( ) const#
Returns a value indicating if automatic adjustment of transparency rendering order for clouds is enabled.Return value
true if automatic adjustment of transparency rendering order for clouds is enabled; otherwise, false.The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19 SDK.
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