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Продвинутый уровень
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Unigine.RenderEnvironmentPreset Class

The class represents an environment preset. Each preset has settings that can be get/set by using methods of the class.

To get an instance of the class, use the Render.getEnvironmentPreset() method:

Source code (C#)
// get the second environment preset
RenderEnvironmentPreset preset = Render.GetEnvironmentPreset(1);

RenderEnvironmentPreset Class


float SkyIntensity#

The intensity of the environment sky set for the preset.

float ReflectionIntensity#

The intensity of the environment reflections for the preset. 0 value means no environment reflections for the preset.

float AmbientIntensity#

The intensity of the environment ambient lighting for the preset. 0 value means no environment ambient lighting for the preset. The higher the value, the more ambient lighting affects environment.

string TextureName#

The path to the cubemap defining the environment color set for the preset. This texture is used for imitating landscape reflections and lighting in accordance with the ground mask.

float TextureBlur#

The blur intensity for the environment texture.
Reflections and ambient lighting aren't blurred.

vec3 TextureRotation#

The Rotation of the environment texture along three axes, in degrees.

vec4 TextureColor#

The environment color multiplier set for the preset. The alpha channel defines visibility of the environment cubemap above scattering. The color multiplier is required when you need to display a sky with a photo texture and dynamic gradients at the same time.

float MoonTextureIntensity#

The intensity multiplier of the Moon texture. It allows increasing/reducing brightness of the Moon.

vec4 MoonTextureColor#

The color multiplier of the Moon texture.

float MoonAngularSize#

The current angular size of the Moon in degrees as seen from the Earth. By default, the size of the Moon is 0.5 degrees.

string MoonTextureName#

The name of the Moon texture.

float SunTextureIntensity#

The intensity multiplier of the Sun texture. It allows increasing/reducing brightness of the Sun.

vec4 SunTextureColor#

The color multiplier of the Sun texture. By default, it is (1,1,1,1).

float SunAngularSize#

The angular size of the Sun in degrees as seen from the Earth. By default, the size of the Sun is 0.5 degrees.

string SunTextureName#

The name of the Sun texture.

string ScatteringLightColorLUTName#

The path to the light color texture (the texture defining the color of the LightWorld for different times of the day).

string ScatteringMieLUTName#

The path to the Mie LUT texture (the texture for setting the color of the light round the sun) set for the preset. The Mie texture is used for both sun and moon.

string ScatteringBaseLUTName#

The path to the base LUT texture (the texture defining the base color of the sky) set for the preset.

float HazeMaxDistance#

The distance starting at which the haze becomes completely solid, so nothing will be seen behind.

float HazeDensity#

The haze density set for the preset.

vec4 HazeColor#

The haze color for the preset.
This function will return color only if the HAZE_SOLID mode is set via setEnvironmentHazeMode().

float Intensity#

The intensity of the preset. the preset intensity is used to blend the environment preset with the other ones.
Presets overlay each other: the first preset overlays the zero one, the second overlays the first and the zero ones.

int Num#

The number of the preset.

float HazePhysicalSunColorSaturation#

The Current intensity of the sunlight color's contribution to the haze.

float HazePhysicalSunLightIntensity#

The Current value of intensity of the sunlight impact.

float HazePhysicalAmbientColorSaturation#

The Current value of intensity of the ambient color's contribution to the haze.

float HazePhysicalAmbientLightIntensity#

The Current value of intensity of the ambient lighting impact.

float HazePhysicalHalfFalloffHeight#

The Current height of the haze density gradient.

float HazePhysicalHalfVisibilityDistance#

The Current distance to the boundary at which the visibility comprises 50%, in units.

float HazePhysicalStartHeight#

The Current reference height value, in units.

Texture Texture#

The cubemap defining the environment color set for the preset. This texture is used for imitating landscape reflections and lighting in accordance with the ground mask.

float HazeScatteringMieFresnelPower#

The Current power of the Fresnel effect.

float HazeScatteringMieFrontSideIntensity#

The Falloff of the Fresnel effect for Mie intensity.

float HazeScatteringMieIntensity#

The Current minimum Mie intensity value for geometry-occluded areas in the [0.0f, 1.0f] range.


Last update: 13.12.2024
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