CigiArticulatedControl Class
Inherits from: | CigiHostPacket |
CigiArticulatedControl Class
int EntityID#
The entity ID specified in the packet.
int PartID#
The articulated part ID specified in the packet.
int PartEnabled#
The value of the Articulated Part Enable parameter specified in the packet.
ivec3 OffsetEnabled#
The three-component vector combining Offset Enable values specified in the packet. Each value determines whether the offset for the corresponding axis(X - back, Y - left, Z - down) is enabled
ivec3 RotationEnabled#
The three-component vector combining Roll/Pitch/Yaw Enable values specified in the packet. Each value determines whether the rotation around the corresponding axis(roll, pitch, yaw) is enabled.
vec3 Offset#
The offset of the articulated part in the submodel coordinate system (SCS) specified in the packet.
vec3 Rotation#
The rotation of the articulated part in the submodel coordinate system (SCS) specified in the packet.
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