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Продвинутый уровень
Подсказки и советы
Программирование на C#
Профессиональный уровень (SIM)
Принципы работы
Свойства (properties)
Компонентная Система
Режимы вывода изображения
Браузер SDK 2
Лицензирование и типы лицензий
Дополнения (Add-Ons)
Демонстрационные проекты
API Samples
Редактор UnigineEditor
Обзор интерфейса
Работа с ассетами
Контроль версий
Настройки и предпочтения
Работа с проектами
Настройка параметров ноды
Setting Up Materials
Настройка свойств
Использование инструментов редактора для конкретных задач
Расширение функционала редактора
Встроенные объекты
Ноды (Nodes)
Объекты (Objects)
Источники света
Звуковые объекты
Объекты поиска пути
Настройка среды разработки
Примеры использования
Унифицированный язык шейдеров UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
Форматы файлов
Материалы и шейдеры
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Интерфейс пользователя (GUI)
Двойная точность координат
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Работа с контентом
Оптимизация контента
Визуальный редактор материалов
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
Учебные материалы

Unigine.UlonNode Class

This class is used to represent a ULON node.

Each ULON node has a type, a name, and a value. It can also have child ULON nodes and a parent node, thus forming a hierarchy.

A node is declared as follows:

Source code
NodeType node_name = node_value

ULON nodes can be of the following types:

  • Boolean
    Node node = true
  • Integer number
    Node node = 1234
  • Floating-point number
    Node node = 3.1459
  • String
    • Quoted string with standard escape characters:
      Node node = "word word"
    • Bare word, beginning with a lower case letter, containing only letters, digits, and underscores "_":
      Node node = word1_word2
    • Heredoc string enclosed in #{ ... #} (used for code fragments):
      Node node = #{C++ C# USC HLSL USSL#}
  • Array containing a finite number of integer, float, and string elements
    Node node = [100, 0.2, str str "str str str", #{vec4 asd = vec4_zero;#}] This array has the following 6 elements:
    • 100
    • 0.2
    • str
    • str
    • str str str
    • vec4 asd = vec4_zero;


For each node a condition can be specified, if the condition fails the ULON node with all its children is ignored. Thus you can dynamically build the hierarchy of ULON nodes with a great degree of flexibility.

Conditions are not parsed and executed automatically, processing of conditions is the responsibility of the user of the ULON format (e.g. in case of materials UnigineScript and UUSL are used).
Conditions are specified after the node's name, starting with the if keyword, the condition itself is enclosed in brackets [ ... ].

Condition of the parent node is added to the condition of the child: (parent_conditon) && (child_conditon)


Source code
Node parent if[var == 10 || var == 5]
    Node child_0  if[var == 3]
    Node child_1  if[var == 4]
        Node child_2 if[var != 11]
        Node child_3 if[var != 25]
The resulting conditions for each node are as follows:
  • parent condition: (var1 == 10 || var1 == 5)
  • child_0 condition: (var1 == 10 || var1 == 5) && (var2 == 3)
  • child_1 condition: (var1 == 10 || var1 == 5) && (var2 == 4)
  • child_2 condition: (var1 == 10 || var1 == 5) && (var2 == 4) && (var3 != 11)
  • child_3 condition: (var1 == 10 || var1 == 5) && (var2 == 4) && (var3 != 25)

UlonNode Class


string Type#

The type of the ULON node.

string Name#

The name of the ULON node.

string Condition#

The condition set for the ULON node.
Conditions are not parsed and executed automatically, processing of conditions is the responsibility of the user of the ULON format (e.g. in case of materials UnigineScript and UUSL are used).

UlonValue Value#

The value of the ULON node.


UlonNode ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a ULON node.

bool Load ( string path ) #

Loads ULON-data from the specified file and sets the current ULON node to be the root of the parsed hierarchy.


  • string path - Path to the file containing ULON description.

Return value

true if ULON-data from the specified file is read successfully; otherwise, false.

bool Parse ( string str ) #

Parses a given string into the ULON node.


  • string str - String to parse.

Return value

true if the string was parsed successfully; otherwise, false.

UlonNode[] GetChildren ( ) #

Returns the list of all children of the ULON node.

Return value

List of all ULON node's children.

UlonArg[] GetArgs ( ) #

Returns the list of all arguments of the ULON node.

Return value

List of all arguments of the ULON node.

bool IsArg ( string name ) #

Checks whether an argument with a given name exists.


  • string name - Name of the argument to be checked.

Return value

true if an argument with the specified name exists; otherwise, false.

float GetArgFloat ( string name, float ret = 0 ) #

Returns the value of the ULON node argument with the specified name as a float.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • string name - Argument name.
  • float ret - Default value to be returned if a ULON node argument with the specified name is not found.

Return value

Float value of the ULON node argument, if it exists; otherwise a default value set via the ret parameter.

int GetArgInt ( string name, int ret = 0 ) #

Returns the value of the ULON node argument with the specified name as an integer.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • string name - Argument name.
  • int ret - Default value to be returned if a ULON node argument with the specified name is not found.

Return value

Integer value of the ULON node argument, if it exists; otherwise a default value set via the ret parameter.

long GetArgLong ( string name, long ret = 0 ) #

Returns the value of the ULON node argument with the specified name as a 64-bit long.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • string name - Argument name.
  • long ret - Default value to be returned if a ULON node argument with the specified name is not found.

Return value

64-bit long value of the ULON node argument, if it exists; otherwise a default value set via the ret parameter.

bool GetArgBool ( string name, bool ret = false ) #

Returns the value of the ULON node argument with the specified name as a boolean.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • string name - Argument name.
  • bool ret - Default value to be returned if a ULON node argument with the specified name is not found.

Return value

Boolean value of the ULON node argument, if it exists; otherwise a default value set via the ret parameter.

byte GetArgChar ( string name, byte ret = 0 ) #

Returns the value of the ULON node argument with the specified name as a char.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • string name - Argument name.
  • byte ret - Default value to be returned if a ULON node argument with the specified name is not found.

Return value

Char value of the ULON node argument, if it exists; otherwise a default value set via the ret parameter.

string GetArgStr ( string name, string ret = "" ) #

Returns the value of the ULON node argument with the specified name as a string.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • string name - Argument name.
  • string ret - Default value to be returned if a ULON node argument with the specified name is not found.

Return value

String value of the ULON node argument, if it exists; otherwise a default value set via the ret parameter.

string[] GetArgArray ( string name ) #

Returns the value of the ULON node argument with the specified name as an array of strings.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • string name - Argument name.

Return value

Array of strings representing elements of the array value, if it exists; otherwise an empty string array.

void PrintUnusedData ( string name ) #

Prints warnings of unused data (node values and arguments) for the file with the specified name to the Console for debugging.


  • string name - File name.

void ClearUnusedData ( ) #

Clears all unused node data (node values and arguments).
Last update: 13.12.2024
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