Unigine.Plugins.UltraleapBone Class
UltraleapBone Class
Перечисления (Enums)
Имя | Описание |
METACARPAL = 0 | Metacarpal bone. |
PROXIMAL = 1 | Proximal phalange bone. |
INTERMEDIATE = 2 | Intermediate phalange bone. |
DISTAL = 3 | Distal phalange bone. A bone at the tip of the finger. |
NUM_TYPES = 4 | Total number of bone types. |
UltraleapFinger Finger#
The object for the finger.
UltraleapBone.TYPE Type#
The bone type. One of the TYPE values.
double Length#
The length of the bone, in meters.
double Width#
The width of the bone, in meters.
vec3 JointBeginPosition#
The coordinates of the end of the bone closest to the wrist (proximal).
vec3 JointEndPosition#
The coordinates of the end of the bone closest to the finger tip (distal).
vec3 Center#
The coordinates of the center of the bone.
vec3 Direction#
The normalized direction of the bone from wrist to tip.
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