TCP/UDP Port Numbers Used
This article contains the list of available TCP/UDP Port Numbers:
Authentication and authorization, updates:
- 443 (
(Optional) Performance profiling:
- 1337 (localhost)
- 1338 (localhost)
License control:
- 33333 (localhost) - configurable (-licensing_host address:port)
- 33334 (localhost)
(Optional) Sandworm tool, distributed terrain generation:
(default, can be re-configured)
- 7814 (LAN)
- 7741 (LAN)
(Optional) Distributed image generation:
- 8890 (LAN) - configurable (syncker/ig)
- 8888 8889 - configurable (cigi)
- 3000 - configurable (dis)
- 3324 - configurable (hla)
Last update:
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