Unigine.Plugins.Oculus Class
This set of functions is available when the Oculus plugin is loaded.
For more detailed information on application development with the Oculus Rift support, check also the following:
- openvr File Reference
- The Oculus Best Practices document and the Oculus Developer Guide document that can be downloaded from the official website.
See also#
- A UnigineScript API sample <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/plugins/app_oculus_00
Oculus Class
Name | Description |
HMD = 0 | Oculus head-mounted display. |
CONTROLLER_LEFT = 1 | Left controller. |
CONTROLLER_RIGHT = 2 | Right controller. |
Name | Description |
BLACK_SCREEN = 0 | No image (black screen). |
MONO = 1 | Mono image. |
STEREO = 2 | Stereo image (left and right eye). |
STEREO_FINAL = 3 | Stereoscopic spherical image. |
float PositionScale#
The current world scale. when increasing the scale, the objects get smaller when they are farther away.
Oculus.VIEWPORT ViewportMode#
The A value indicating the current viewport mode, that determines the type of image to be displayed in the viewport.
bool Enabled#
The value indicating if the VR mode is enabled or not.
bool IsVisible#
The value indicating if the information about the HMD session status is visible.
uint TrackingStatus#
The current status of the sensor tracking.
quat LeveledTrackerRotation#
The current orientation (only sensor yaw, not roll and pitch) of the leveled sensor (aligned with gravity) relative to the tracking origin.
vec3 LeveledTrackerPosition#
The current position of the leveled sensor (aligned with gravity) relative to the tracking origin.
quat TrackerRotation#
The current orientation (sensor roll and pitch) of the sensor relative to the tracking origin.
vec3 TrackerPosition#
The current position of the sensor relative to the tracking origin.
vec3 HeadAngularAcceleration#
The current orientation of the head.
vec3 HeadLinearAcceleration#
The current linear acceleration of the head.
vec3 HeadAngularVelocity#
The current angular acceleration of the head.
vec3 HeadLinearVelocity#
The current linear acceleration of the head.
quat HeadRotation#
The Returns the current orientation of the head.
vec3 HeadPosition#
The current orientation of the head.
string HmdSerialNumber#
The serial number of the device.
int HmdHeight#
The vertical resolution of the full HMD screen (both eyes) in pixels.
int HmdWidth#
The horizontal resolution of the full HMD screen (both eyes) in pixels.
int AvailableTrackingCaps#
The Tracking capability bits that the system currently supports.
int AvailableHmdCaps#
The HMD capability bits that the device currently supports.
int DefaultTrackingCaps#
The Tracking capability bits that are default for the current system.
int DefaultHmdCaps#
The HMD capability bits that are default for the current device.
float HmdTrackerZFar#
The distance from the tracking sensor to the far Z clipping plane of viewing frustum.
float HmdTrackerZNear#
The distance from the tracking sensor to the near Z clipping plane of viewing frustum.
float HmdTrackerVFov#
The vertical FOV (if present) of the tracking sensor frustum in degrees.
float HmdTrackerHFov#
The horizontal FOV (if present) of the tracking sensor frustum in degrees.
int HmdFirmwareMinor#
The minor version of the device firmware.
int HmdFirmwareMajor#
The major version of the device firmware.
int HmdProductID#
The HID (USB) product identifier of the device.
int HmdVendorID#
The HID (USB) vendor identifier of the device.
string HmdManufacturer#
The name of the device manufacturer (UTF-8 encoded identification string).
string HmdProductName#
The name of the device (UTF-8 encoded product identification string).
int HmdType#
The type of the device.
string Version#
The libOVRRT version of the device.
bool HeadPositionLock#
The value indicating if the head position is locked.
bool HeadRotationLock#
The value indicating if the head rotation is locked.
vec2 GetControllerAxis ( Oculus.DEVICE device, Oculus.AXIS axis ) #
Returns the coordinates of the specified controller axis along the X and Y axes.Arguments
- Oculus.DEVICE device - Device ID, one of the DEVICE variables.
- Oculus.AXIS axis - One of the AXIS variables.
Return value
X and Y in the range of [-1;1] ([0;1] for a trigger).bool GetControllerButtonPressed ( Oculus.BUTTON button ) #
Returns the value indicating if the specified button is pressed.Arguments
- Oculus.BUTTON button - A button, one of the BUTTON variables.
Return value
true if the button is pressed; otherwise - false.bool GetControllerButtonTouched ( Oculus.TOUCH button ) #
Returns the value indicating if the specified button is touched.Arguments
- Oculus.TOUCH button - A button, one of the TOUCH variables.
Return value
true if the button is touched; otherwise - false.void SetControllerVibration ( Oculus.DEVICE device, ushort duration, float amplitude ) #
Sets the vibration of the given duration and amplitude.Arguments
- Oculus.DEVICE device - Device ID, one of the DEVICE variables.
- ushort duration - Duration of the vibration.
- float amplitude - Amplitude of the vibration.
vec3 GetDeviceAngularVelocity ( Oculus.DEVICE device ) #
Returns a device angular velocity, in radians per second.Arguments
- Oculus.DEVICE device - Device ID, one of the DEVICE variables.
Return value
Angular velocity.bool IsDeviceConnected ( Oculus.DEVICE device ) #
Returns a value indicating if the device connected to the slot.Arguments
- Oculus.DEVICE device - Device ID, one of the DEVICE variables.
Return value
true - connected; false - not connected.mat4 GetDevicePose ( Oculus.DEVICE device ) #
Returns a single pose for a tracked device.Arguments
- Oculus.DEVICE device - Device ID, one of the DEVICE variables.
Return value
Identity matrix.vec3 GetDeviceVelocity ( Oculus.DEVICE device ) #
Returns a device velocity in tracker space, in meters per second.Arguments
- Oculus.DEVICE device - Device ID, one of the DEVICE variables.
Return value
Velocity.bool IsPoseValid ( Oculus.DEVICE device ) #
Returns a value indicating if the device pose is valid.Arguments
- Oculus.DEVICE device - Device ID, one of the DEVICE variables.
Return value
true - valid; false - invalid.vec4 GetHmdDefaultFov ( int num ) #
Returns the default optical field of view for the specified eye.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
Default field of view.vec4 GetHmdMaxFov ( int num ) #
Returns the maximum optical field of view that can be practically rendered for the specified eye.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
Maximum field of view.void ResetTracking ( ) #
Re-centers the sensor position and orientation: the (x,y,z) positional components and the yaw component of orientation. The roll and pitch components are always determined by gravity and cannot be redefined. See also ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin method in the OVR_CAPI.h file reference.vec4 GetEyeFov ( int num ) #
Returns the current field of view of the given eye.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
Eye field of view.vec3 GetEyePosition ( int num ) #
Returns the current position of the given eye. The returned value was already multiplied by the current world scale.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
The eye position.quat GetEyeRotation ( int num ) #
Returns the current orientation of the given eye.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
The eye orientation.vec3 GetHandPosition ( int num ) #
Returns the current position of the given hand. The returned value was already multiplied by the current world scale.Arguments
- int num - Hand: 0 for the left hand, 1 for the right hand.
quat GetHandRotation ( int num ) #
Returns the current orientation of the given hand.Arguments
- int num - Hand: 0 for the left hand, 1 for the right hand.
void Render ( Player player, ivec2 size, bool render_window ) #
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