Unigine.BakeLighting Class
This class allows you to bake lighting.
Backward compatibility for this class is not guaranteed! Although it is exposed to public API, it is mainly intended for internal use (inside UnigineEditor). If you use it, you do this at your own risk.
BakeLighting Class
Light baking quality preset.Properties
int Progress#
The Overall progress of light baking.
If the process of baking is not being performed at the moment, 0 is returned.
int ProgressBounce#
The A value showing progress of calculating current bounce.
int ProgressLight#
The Progress of light baking for the current LightVoxelProbe at the moment.
int CurrentBounce#
The A bounce being calculated at the moment.
If the process of baking is not being performed at the moment, 1 is returned.
Light CurrentLight#
The An instance of the LightVoxelProbe being calculated at the moment.
float Timer#
The time elapsed from the start of the process of baking.
float VoxelSizeMultiplier#
Console: bake_lighting_voxel_size_multiplier
The value of the voxel size multiplier parameter. by default, it is equal to 1.0f.
int Bounces#
Console: bake_lighting_bounces
The Number of all bounces.
bool IsBaking#
The A value indicating if the process of baking is being performed at the moment.
int CurrentSurface#
The Index of the surface during lightmaps baking; otherwise, -1.
Object CurrentObject#
The Object pointer during lightmaps baking; otherwise, nullptr.
string CacheDir#
The Path to the cache folder.
float LightmapZFar#
Console: bake_lightmap_zfar
The Far clipping distance.
int LightmapViewportMask#
The Viewport mask (integer, each bit of which is used to represent a mask).
BakeLighting.LIGHTMAP_QUALITY LightmapQuality#
Console: bake_lightmap_quality
int SamplesPerFrame#
The Number of samples.
void Bake ( LightVoxelProbe[] voxel_lights, LightEnvironmentProbe[] env_lights, Light[] shadow_lights, ObjectMeshStatic[] objects, int[] surfaces ) #
Starts the process of light baking for all voxel and environment probes, shadow baking for light sources in static light mode and lightmaps baking for surfaces of Mesh Static objects in the given list.Arguments
- LightVoxelProbe[] voxel_lights - List of voxel probes for which the process of light baking is to be performed. The order of nodes added for baking is not important.
- LightEnvironmentProbe[] env_lights - List of environment probes for which the process of light baking is to be performed. The order of nodes added for baking is not important.
- Light[] shadow_lights - List of light sources in static light mode for which the process of shadow baking is to be performed. The order of lights added for baking is not important.
- ObjectMeshStatic[] objects - List of Mesh Static objects for which the process of lightmaps baking is to be performed.
- int[]
surfaces - List of surfaces of Mesh Static objects for which the process of lightmaps baking is to be performed.
The number of objects and surfaces added for baking must be equal.
void BakeAll ( bool voxel_probes = true, bool env_probes = true, bool shadow = true, bool lightmap = true ) #
Starts the process of light baking for all enabled voxel and environment probes, shadow baking for eanbled light sources in static light mode and lightmaps baking for enabled surfaces of Mesh Static objects in the scene.Arguments
- bool voxel_probes - 1 to enable light baking for voxel probes; otherwise, 0.
- bool env_probes - 1 to enable light baking for environment probes; otherwise, 0.
- bool shadow - 1 to enable shadow baking for light sources in static light mode; otherwise, 0.
- bool lightmap - 1 to enable lightmaps baking for surfaces of Mesh Static objects; otherwise, 0.
void Stop ( bool save_results = false ) #
Console: bake_lighting_stop
Interrupts the process of light baking, if it is in performing state.Arguments
- bool save_results - 1 to save the obtained result; 0 to restore the previous content.
void AddReadOnlyTexture ( UGUID guid ) #
Adds a read-only texture with the specified GUID.Arguments
- UGUID guid - GUID of the read-only texture to be added.
void RemoveReadOnlyTexture ( UGUID guid ) #
Removes the read-only texture with the specified GUID.Arguments
- UGUID guid - GUID of the read-only texture to be removed.
void SetSamplesPerFrame ( int frame ) #
Console: bake_lighting_samples_per_frame
Sets number of voxels for voxel probes and samples for environment probes, light sources and surfaces computed and visualized per single frame.Arguments
- int frame - Number of samples per frame within the [1, 500] range. The default value is 1.
High values cause longer user interface response.
int GetSamplesPerFrame ( ) #
Returns number of voxels for voxel probes and samples for environment probes, light sources and surfaces computed and visualized per single frame.Return value
Number of samples.void SetLightmapQuality ( BakeLighting.LIGHTMAP_QUALITY quality ) #
Console: bake_lightmap_quality
Sets the global baking quality for lightmaps.Arguments
- BakeLighting.LIGHTMAP_QUALITY quality - One of LIGHTMAP_QUALITY values.
BakeLighting.LIGHTMAP_QUALITY GetLightmapQuality ( ) #
Console: bake_lightmap_quality
Returns the current global baking quality for lightmaps.Return value
LIGHTMAP_QUALITY preset.void SetLightmapViewportMask ( int mask ) #
Console: bake_lightmap_viewport_mask
Sets the viewport mask for the lightmapper. For a light or surface to contribute to static GI, their viewport masks should match the baking viewport mask.Arguments
- int mask - Viewport mask (integer, each bit of which is used to represent a mask).
int GetLightmapViewportMask ( ) #
Returns the current viewport mask set for lightmapper.Return value
Viewport mask (integer, each bit of which is used to represent a mask).void SetLightmapZFar ( float zfar ) #
Console: bake_lightmap_zfar
Sets the far clipping distance for light rays used when baking lightmaps.Arguments
- float zfar - Far clipping distance.
float GetLightmapZFar ( ) #
Console: bake_lightmap_zfar
Returns the far clipping distance for light rays.Return value
Far clipping distance.void SetCacheDir ( string dir ) #
Sets the path to the directory that stores temporary cache textures during lightmaps baking process. By default, the bin/unigine_bake_lighting_cache project's folder is set.It is recommended to specify a path to a non-existing folder to avoid losing files.
- string dir - An absolute path or a relative path to the bin folder.
string GetCacheDir ( ) #
Returns the current path set for the directory that stores temporary cache textures during lightmaps baking process. By default, the bin/unigine_bake_lighting_cache project's folder is set.Return value
Path to the cache folder.Object GetCurrentObject ( ) #
Returns the object currently being processed when baking lightmaps.Return value
Object pointer during lightmaps baking; otherwise, nullptr.int GetCurrentSurface ( ) #
Returns the index of the surface currently being processed when baking lightmaps.Return value
Index of the surface during lightmaps baking; otherwise, -1.Last update:
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