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Creating 2D Routes within Navigation Area with Obstacles

The example guides you through the process of setting up a scene with a simple navigation area and calculating a 2D route within it.

Preparing Scene#

Before calculating routes, we should create a navigation area within which this logic will be executed. Our navigation area will be represented by a single navigation sector with obstacles. Also, we will add some auxiliary nodes that will serve as the start and destination points of the route.

  1. Create an empty project via SDK Browser.
  2. Open it in UnigineEditor and remove the unnecessary default nodes.
  3. In the Menu bar, choose Create -> Navigation -> Navigation Sector and place the node above the plane.

    To facilitate working with the navigation sectors, activate gizmos for Navigation nodes in the Helpers Panel.

  4. Adjust the Size of the sector in the Parameters window.

  5. Add 2 nodes that will be used as the start and destination points of the route. We will create 2 boxes (Create -> Primitives -> Box), rename them start and finish, and place inside the navigation sector as pictured below.

  6. Create several primitives and place them inside the navigation area. We will add a capsule and two boxes.

  7. Make them dynamic: switch from Immovable to Dynamic in the Parameters window.

  8. For each primitive, create an obstacle of the required type: in the World Hierarchy window, right-click the primitive, choose Create -> Navigation, and select the obstacle. The created obstacle will be added as a child to the primitive node in the hierarchy.

    It will allow you to change the node and obstacle transformations at the same time without any extra configuration.

  9. Adjust the size of the created obstacles in the Parameters window if necessary.

Creating Component for Route Calculation#

The created navigation sector only provides the area within which routes are calculated. The routes themselves must be created from the code. So, let's create the corresponding C# component for 2D route calculation:

  1. Create the components folder in the data directory of your project: right-click in the Asset Browser and select Create Folder.
  2. In the created folder, create a new component: right-click and select Create Code -> C# Component and specify a name for the component.

  3. Open the component in IDE to implement pathfinding logic.

Implementing Component Logic#

  1. Declare component parameters:

    • Two parameters that will accept nodes between which a route should be calculated
    • Route color
    Source code (C#)
    public class Route2D : Component
    	// a node that will serve as a start point
    	public Node startPoint = null;
    	// a node that will serve as a destination point
    	public Node finishPoint = null;
    	// route color 
    	public vec4 routeColor = vec4.ZERO;
    	// ...
  2. Create a route and set the radius and height for the point which will move along the route in the Init() method. Before creation, check if the nodes to be used as the start and finish points are specified.

    Source code (C#)
    // a route
    private PathRoute route = null;
    private void Init()
    	// check if the start and destination nodes are correctly specified via the component interface
    	if (startPoint && finishPoint)
    		// create a new route
    		route = new PathRoute();
    		// set a radius and height for the point which will move along the route
    		route.Radius = 0.1f;
    		route.Height = 0.1f;
  3. To enable displaying the calculated route at run time, turn on the Visualizer. Additionally, you can output console messages to the application screen. Add the following logic to the Init() function:

    Source code (C#)
    // enable the onscreen console messages to display info on route calculation
    Unigine.Console.Onscreen = true;
    // enable visualization of the calculated route
    Visualizer.Enabled = true;
  4. In the Update() function, calculate the route from the start to destination node:

    Source code (C#)
    private void Update()
    	// check if the start and destination nodes are correctly specified via the component interface
    	if (startPoint && finishPoint)
    		// calculate the path from the start to destination point
    		// a destination point of the route is reached
    		route.Create2D(startPoint.WorldPosition, finishPoint.WorldPosition);
    		if (route.IsReached)
    			// if the destination point is reached, render the root in a specified color
    			Log.Message($"{node.Name} PathRoute not reached yet\n");
    Here the route is recalculated each frame. However, it is not optimal for application performance. Instead, you can calculate the route once per several frames: pass a delay to the Create2D() function as the third argument.
  5. Implement the Shutdown() function to disable the visualizer and onscreen console messages:

    Source code (C#)
    private void Shutdown()
    	Unigine.Console.Onscreen = false;
    	Visualizer.Enabled = false;

Here is the full code of the component:


Source code (C#)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unigine;

[Component(PropertyGuid = "AUTOGENERATED_GUID")] // <-- this line is generated automatically for a new component
public class Route2D : Component
	// a node that will serve as a start point
	public Node startPoint = null;
	// a node that will serve as a destination point
	public Node finishPoint = null;

	// route color 
	public vec4 routeColor = vec4.ZERO;
	// a route
	private PathRoute route = null;

	private void Init()
		// check if the start and destination nodes are correctly specified via the component interface
		if (startPoint && finishPoint)
			// create a new route
			route = new PathRoute();

			// set a radius and height for the point which will move along the route
			route.Radius = 0.1f;
			route.Height = 0.1f;
			// enable the onscreen console messages to display info on route calculation
			Unigine.Console.Onscreen = true;
			// enable visualization of the calculated route
			Visualizer.Enabled = true;
	private void Update()
		// check if the start and destination nodes are correctly specified via the component interface
		if (startPoint && finishPoint)
			// calculate the path from the start to destination point
			// a destination point of the route is reached
			route.Create2D(startPoint.WorldPosition, finishPoint.WorldPosition);
			if (route.IsReached)
				// if the destination point is reached, render the root in a specified color
				Log.Message($"{node.Name} PathRoute not reached yet\n");
	private void Shutdown()
		Unigine.Console.Onscreen = false;
		Visualizer.Enabled = false;

Assigning Component#

When the component logic is implemented, you should assign it to a node.

  1. In UnigineEditor, select Create -> Node -> Dummy and place it in the navigation area.
  2. Select the dummy node and assign the Route2D.cs component to it in the Parameters window.
  3. In the component parameters, specify the start and finish static meshes in the Start Point and Finish Point fields.

  4. Change the Route Color, if necessary.

Making Obstacles Move Dynamically#

Let's add a bit of complexity to the logic and make the nodes that are used as obstacles dynamically change.

  1. In the components folder, create the NodeRotator component.
  2. Implement rotation logic:

    Source code (C#)
    public class NodeRotator : Component
    	// parameter that sets an angular velocity of the node
    	public vec3 angularVelocity = vec3.ZERO;
    	private void Update()
    		// calculate the delta of rotation
    		vec3 delta = angularVelocity * Game.IFps;
    		// update node rotation
    		node.SetRotation(node.GetRotation() * new quat(delta.x, delta.y, delta.z));
  3. Assign the component to the capsule primitive that should rotate and specify the Angular Velocity:

    The obstacle will rotate as well.

  4. Group the sphere primitives and assign the component to the parent dummy node. It will make the spheres rotate around this parent node (as in the case of a sphere, rotation around its own axis won't affect the route calculation).

Visualizing Navigation Area#

To clearly show how the path is built inside the navigation area, let's implement the AreaVisualizer component that enables displaying the navigation area gizmo at run time:

  1. In the components folder, create the AreaVisualizer component.
  2. Implement the logic:

    Source code (C#)
    public class AreaVisualizer : Component
    	private NavigationSector navigationSector = null;
    	private void Init()
    		// get the navigation sector to which the component is assigned
    		navigationSector = node as NavigationSector;
    		// enable rendering of the visualizer
    		if (navigationSector)
    			Visualizer.Enabled = true;
    	private void Update()
    		// display the navigation area gizmo
    		if (navigationSector)
    	private void Shutdown()
    		// disable rendering of the visualizer
    		Visualizer.Enabled = false;
  3. Assign the component to the navigation sector.

Trying Out#

Click Run to run the component logic and check the result.

Last update: 2024-12-13
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