Rendering lights is one of the most consuming parts of the pipeline: the more light sources are used in your scene the heavier is their impact on performance. The situation gets worse if we have to render the scene in 4K+, as the number of UHD-capable devices grows, and higher rendering resolutions are becoming embraced more broadly.渲染灯是管道中最消耗的部分之一:场景中使用的光源越多,它们对性能的影响就越大。如果必须使用4K +渲染场景,情况会变得更糟,因为支持UHD的设备数量不断增加,并且更高的渲染分辨率也越来越广泛地被采用。
Interleaved Rendering mode for lights may be helpful in this case. In this mode lighting is rendered during the deferred pass either interlaced (i.e. skipping each second row of pixels - 1/2 of all pixels), or in half resolution (1/4 of all pixels) with subsequent reconstruction of neighboring pixels using the data from previous frames, making it possible to reduce rendering load. The effect is cumulative and works best with TAA enabled. We also recommend to use this mode when Supersampling is enabled to reduce rendering load, while keeping the image quality high.在这种情况下,灯光的交错渲染模式可能会有所帮助。在此模式下,在延迟的传递过程中以隔行扫描(即跳过每第二个像素行-所有像素的1/2)或以一半分辨率(所有像素的1/4)渲染照明,随后使用数据重建相邻像素与之前的帧相比,可以减少渲染负载。该效果是累积性的,在启用 TAA 时效果最佳。我们还建议在启用 Supersampling 时使用此模式,以减少渲染负载,同时保持较高的图像质量。
This mode is recommended for relatively static scenes which contain a lot of light sources and do not have a lot of reflective surfaces (as reflections represent a weak spot of the interleaved reconstruction). Please note, that enabling interleaved lights rendering for a scene with a small number of light sources (e.g. a flight simulator scene with a single world light) may cause a performance drop.建议将这种模式用于相对静态的场景,该场景包含许多光源并且没有很多反射表面(因为反射表示交错重建的弱点)。请注意,为具有少量光源的场景(例如,具有单个世界光源的飞行模拟器场景)启用交错的灯光渲染可能会导致性能下降。
As this effect is temporal, like TAA, it also requires a warm-up time since the beginning of the first frame and also suffers from the ghosting effect. Most of the artefacts appear when objects and the background are moving in opposite directions (e.g. rotating around the object in focus).由于这种效果是短暂的,因此像TAA一样,自从第一帧开始起还需要预热时间,并且还会出现重影效果。当物体和背景朝相反方向移动时(例如围绕聚焦的物体旋转),大多数伪像就会出现。
The Color Clamping can be used to reduce ghosting effect: higher values increase clamping intensity but may cause flickering on rippled reflective surfaces (as interleaved reconstruction is not so good at object's edges). When disabled, shadows and reflections have a lag as they are several frames behind. Color Clamping可用于减少重影效果:较高值可提高夹持强度,但可能导致波纹反射表面闪烁(因为交错重建在对象边缘处效果不佳)。禁用此选项后,阴影和反射会滞后,因为它们落后几帧。
You can enable interleaved rendering mode for lights and adjust its parameters via the Lights section of the Settings window (Window -> Settings -> Render -> Lights).可以为灯光启用交错渲染模式,并通过SettingsLights窗口(Settings window (Window -> Settings -> Render -> Lights).
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.