Material Graph Nodes
Articles in This Section
- Miscellaneous
- Material Node
- Final Node
- To Int Node
- Portal In Node
- Portal Out Node
- Expression Node
- Function Node
- Sub Graph Node
- Loop Begin Node
- Loop End Node
- Rotate Space Node
- Transform Space Node
- Reflect Node
- Refract Node
- Time Node
- Rotate UV Node
- Compose Float2 Node
- Compose Float3 Node
- Compose Float4 Node
- Compose Int2 Node
- Compose Int3 Node
- Compose Int4 Node
- Compose Float By Exponent Node
- Decompose Float By Exponent Node
- Color Saturation Node
- Contrast Node
- Flowmap Panner Node
- Flowmap Panner Simple Node
- Levels Node
- Posterize Node
- RGB To Luma Node
- HUE To RGB Node
- RGB To HCV Node
- RGB To HSV Node
- HSV To RGB Node
- RGB To HCY Node
- HCY To RGB Node
- RGB To HCL Node
- HCL To RGB Node
- RGB To HSL Node
- HSL To RGB Node
- RGB To YUV Node
- YUV To RGB Node
- RGB To YCbCr Node
- YCbCr To RGB Node
- RGB To YCgCo Node
- YCgCo To RGB Node
- Overlay Node
- Srgb Node
- Srgb Inverse Node
- Screen UV To View Direction Node
- Position to Screen UV Node
- Fast Position To Screen Uv Node
- Depth To Position Node
- Reorient Normal Blend Node
- Reorient Vector Blend Node
- Normal Reconstruct Z Node
- Position to Normal Node
- Specular to Metalness Node
- Calc Mip Level Node
- Calculate TBN Node
- Normalization TBN Node
- Normal To TBN Node
- Parallax Occlusion Mapping Node
- Parallax Simple Node
- Face Forward Node
- Vertex Interpolation Node
- Pack Unit Vector To Octahedron Node
- Unpack Octahedron To Unit Vector Node
- Pack 1212 To 888 Node
- Pack 888 To 1212 Node
- Pack 88 To 16 Node
- Pack 16 To 88 Node
- Pack 44 To 8 Node
- Pack 8 To 44 Node
- Pack 1616 To 8888 Node
- Pack 8888 To 1616 Node
- Refraction Simple For Thick Objects Node
- Refraction Screen UV Offset For Thick Objects Node
- Refraction Simple For Thin Objects Node
- Refraction Screen UV Offset For Thin Objects Node
- Refraction Raymarched Node
- Reflection Simple Node
- Reflection Raymarched Node
- HDRI Raymarched Node
- SSAO Raymarched Node
- SSGI Raymarched Node
- Specular Ambient Occlusion Node
- Screen Space Subsurface Scattering Node
- Triplanar Color Node
- Triplanar Normal Node
- Blend By Height Node
- Blend By Height Simple Node
- Tiling and Offset Node
- Normal From Height Value Node
- Normal From Height Texture Node
- Depth Fade Node
- Interior Mapping Texture 2D Node
- Interior Mapping Cubemap Node
- Blackbody Node
- Fresnel Node
- Fresnel PBR Node
- Tree Animation Node
- Grass Animation Node
- Animation Time Node
- Animation Old Time Node
- Get Vector From Basis Node
- Angle Between Vectors Node
- Flipbook Node
- Anisotropic Specular Brdf Node
- Hair Shading Node
- Curvature Node
- Ggx Brdf Importance Sampling Node
- Replace Color Node
- Float Correction By Ramp Node
- Color Correction By Ramp Node
- Mirror UV Node
- Material Quality Switch Node
- Input
- Is Auxiliary Pass Node
- Is GBuffer Pass Node
- Is Shadow Pass Node
- Is Baking GI Node
- Is Lightmap Node
- Is Front Face Node
- View Direction Node
- Camera Direction Node
- Camera Offset Node
- Camera Position Node
- Camera Near Node
- Camera Far Node
- Camera INear Node
- Camera IFar Node
- Matrix Projection Node
- Matrix IProjection Node
- Matrix Camera Projection Node
- Matrix Camera IProjection Node
- Matrix Modelview Node
- Matrix IModelview Node
- Matrix Old Modelview Node
- Matrix Old IModelview Delta Node
- Matrix Old IModelview Node
- Oblique Frustum Plane Node
- Screen Resolution Node
- Screen IResolution Node
- Screen Coord Node
- Screen Coord Before Upscale Node
- Upscale Factor Node
- Screen UV Node
- Vertex Tangent Node
- Vertex Binormal Node
- Vertex Normal Node
- Vertex Color Node
- Vertex Position Node
- Vertex Depth Node
- Vertex UV 0 Node
- Vertex UV 1 Node
- Vertex ID Node
- Instance ID Node
- Material Mask Node
- Up Node
- Down Node
- Forward Node
- Back Node
- Right Node
- Left Node
- Vertex Front Face Node
- Object Position Node
- Object Scale Node
- Sun Direction Node
- Moon Direction Node
- Float Node
- Float2 Node
- Float3 Node
- Float4 Node
- Color (Float3) Node
- Color (Float4) Node
- Int Node
- Int2 Node
- Int3 Node
- Int4 Node
- Bool Node
- Frame Node
- IFps Node
- Game Scale Node
- Settings Nodes
- Parameters
- Bool Parameter Node
- Combobox Parameter Node
- Static Int Parameter Node
- Color Parameter Node Parameter Node
- Float Parameter Node
- Float2 Parameter Node
- Float3 Parameter Node
- Float4 Parameter Node
- Group Parameter Node
- Int Parameter Node
- Int2 Parameter Node
- Int3 Parameter Node
- Int4 Parameter Node
- Slider Parameter Node
- Texture2D Parameter Node
- Texture2DArray Parameter Node
- Texture2DInt Parameter Node
- Texture3D Parameter Node
- TextureCube Parameter Node
- TextureRamp R Parameter Node
- TextureRamp RG Parameter Node
- TextureRamp RGB Parameter Node
- TextureRamp RGBA Parameter Node
- Math
- Add Node
- Subtract Node
- Multiply Node
- Frac Node
- DDX Node
- DDX Coarse Node
- DDX Fine Node
- DDY Node
- DDY Coarse Node
- DDY Fine Node
- DDXY Node
- Clamp Node
- Saturate Node
- Power Node
- Ceiling Node
- Floor Node
- Absolute Node
- Sign Node
- Base-E Logarithm Node
- Base-2 Logarithm Node
- Base-10 Logarithm Node
- Base-2 Exponential Node
- Base-E Exponential Node
- Increment Node
- Decrement Node
- Mod Node
- FMod Node
- Divide Node
- Divide Int Node
- Reciprocal Node
- Maximum Node
- Maximum Possible Float Node
- Maximum Possible Half Node
- Maximum Possible Int Node
- Minimum Node
- Minimum Possible Float Node
- Minimum Possible Int Node
- Rerange Node
- Square Root Node
- Reciprocal Square Root Node
- Round Node
- Multiply And Add Node
- ModF Node
- Step Node
- Smooth Step Node
- Length Node
- Length Squared Node
- Normalize Node
- Cross Node
- Dot Product Node
- Lerp Node
- Lerp3 Node
- Lerp Contrast Preserving Node
- Inverse Lerp Node
- Golden Ratio Node
- Pi Node
- Pi2 Node
- Pi05 Node
- Reverse Bits Node
- Is Finite Node
- Is Infinity Node
- Is Nan Node
- All Node
- Any Node
- First Bit High Node
- First Bit Low Node
- Distance Node
- Matrix
- Matrix2 Node
- Compose Matrix2 By Column Node
- Compose Matrix2 By Row Node
- Compose Matrix3 Node
- Compose Matrix3 By Column Node
- Compose Matrix3 By Row Node
- Compose Matrix4 Node
- Compose Matrix4 By Column Node
- Compose Matrix4 By Row Node
- Get Matrix Column Node
- Get Matrix Row Node
- Get Matrix Value Node
- Set Matrix Column Node
- Set Matrix Row Node
- Set Matrix Value Node
- Is Ortho Node
- Basis X Node
- Basis Y Node
- Basis Z Node
- Determinant Node
- Orthonormalize Node
- Scale Node
- Translate Node
- Transpose Node
- Inverse Node
- Inverse Transform Node
- Decompose Euler Node
- Rotate Euler Node
- Rotate Axis Node
- Rotate X Node
- Rotate Y Node
- Rotate Z Node
- Decompose Transform Node
- Compose Transform Node
- Matrix Multiply 3x3 Node
- Matrix Multiply 4x4 Node
- Ortho Node
- Frustum Node
- Perspective Node
- Cube Transform Node
- Matrix Object To Absolute World Node
- Matrix Object To Camera World Node
- Matrix Object To View Node
- Matrix View To Object Node
- Matrix View To Absolute World Node
- Matrix View To Camera World Node
- Matrix Absolute World To View Node
- Matrix Absolute World To Object Node
- Matrix Camera World To View Node
- Matrix Camera World To Object Node
- Textures
- Light Map Texture Node
- Surface Custom Texture Node
- Texture 2D Node
- Texture 2D Array Node
- Texture 2D Int Node
- Texture 3D Node
- Texture Cube Node
- Sample Texture Node
- Texture Resolution Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Albedo Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Normal Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Shading Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Velocity Node
- Texture Buffer Curvature Node
- Texture Buffer Auxiliary Node
- Texture Buffer Depth Node
- Texture Buffer Depth Opacity Node
- Texture Buffer Depth Opacity Fast Node
- Texture Buffer Direct Lights Node
- Texture Buffer Indirect Lights Node
- Texture Buffer Indirect Diffuse Final Node
- Texture Buffer Indirect Specular Final Node
- Texture Buffer Screen Color Node
- Texture Buffer Screen Color Old Node
- Texture Buffer Screen Color Old Reprojection Node
- Texture Buffer Screen Color Opacity Node
- Texture Buffer Clouds Screen Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Material Mask Node
- Texture Buffer Normal Fast Node
- Texture Buffer Refraction Node
- Texture Buffer Refraction Mask Node
- Texture Buffer SSAO Node
- Texture Buffer SSGI Node
- Texture Buffer SSR Node
- Texture Buffer Transparent Blur Node
- Texture Buffer Auto Exposure Node
- Texture Buffer Auto White Balance Node
- Texture Buffer Bent Normal Node
- Texture Buffer DOF Mask Node
- Texture Ramp R Node
- Texture Ramp RG Node
- Texture Ramp RGB Node
- Texture Ramp RGBA Node
The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.
Last update:
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