Online Activation (Floating License)在线激活(浮动许可证)#
Use this license activation method if you have a virtual license.如果您有虚拟许可证,请使用此许可证激活方法。
Download and install UNIGINE SDK Browser on your PC.在您的PC上下载并安装UNIGINE SDK Browser。
Log in to SDK Browser using your credentials (they are the same as for the https://developer.unigine.com portal).使用您的凭据登录到SDK浏览器(它们与 https://developer.unigine.com 门户相同)。
At the SDKs tab click ADD SDK.在SDKs选项卡单击ADD SDK。
The Add SDK window will open.Add SDK窗口将打开。
In the tab that will open, select UNIGINE 2 Editor for Sim SDK in the Edition dropdown:在将打开的选项卡中,在Edition下拉列表中选择UNIGINE 2 Editor for Sim SDK:
And click Install.并点击Install。
The Editor for Sim edition will be installed and displayed in this section.Editor for Sim版本将安装并显示在本节中。
Click Activate for the downloaded edition:点击下载版本的Activate按钮:
In the window that opens, choose Floating License and click Activate.在打开的窗口中,选择Floating License并单击Activate。
Your SDK will become activated.您的SDK将被激活。
Offline Activation (with USB HASP)离线激活(使用USB许可证加密狗)#
Use this license activation method if you have a USB with a license.如果您有带许可证的USB,请使用此许可证激活方法。
- Insert USB HASP into the PC on which you plan to develop your project.将USB许可证加密狗插入您计划开发项目的PC。
Download and install UNIGINE SDK Browser on your PC.在您的PC上下载并安装UNIGINE SDK Browser。
Log in to SDK Browser using your credentials (they are the same as for the https://developer.unigine.com portal).使用您的凭据登录到SDK浏览器(它们与 https://developer.unigine.com 门户相同)。
At the SDKs tab click the ADD SDK button.在SDKs选项卡单击ADD SDK按钮。
The Add SDK window will open.Add SDK窗口将打开。
In the tab that opens, select UNIGINE 2 Editor for Sim SDK in the Edition dropdown:在打开的选项卡中,在Edition下拉列表中选择UNIGINE 2 Editor for Sim SDK:
And click Install.并点击Install。
If the USB Key activation is successful, you’ll see UNIGINE 2 Editor for Sim activated in SDKs tab:如果USB密钥激活成功,您将在SDKs选项卡中看到UNIGINE 2 Editor for Sim激活:
USB HASP License Activation TroubleshootingUSB许可证加密狗激活故障排除#
If the UNIGINE 2 Editor for Sim card displays the Activate button and the Requires Activation text (as shown below), it means that SDK Browser failed to detect the inserted USB HASP device.如果UNIGINE 2 Editor for Sim卡显示Activate按钮和Requires Activation文本(如下所示),则表示SDK浏览器未能检测到插入的USB许可证加密狗设备。
In this case close SDK Browser (and make sure that it doesn't run in the background), re-insert the USB HASP key into a different USB port, and run SDK Browser once again.在这种情况下,关闭SDK浏览器(并确保它不在后台运行),将USB许可证加密狗重新插入到不同的USB端口,然后再次运行SDK浏览器。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.