According to the standard workflow, content of the project is migrated to the newest version automatically via UNIGINE SDK Browser or manually using the upgrade script.根据标准的工作流程,项目内容为 migrate 到最新版本,通过UNIGINE SDK Browser自动或手动使用升级脚本。
However, you can add non-migrated assets to the upgraded project via UnigineEditor, as it allows upgrading assets to the current version of UNIGINE SDK. An outdated asset is upgraded in the following cases:但是,您可以通过UnigineEditor将未迁移的资源添加到升级后的项目中,因为它允许将资源升级到当前版本的UNIGINE SDK。
- When importing an asset via the Asset Browser.当通过Asset Browser. php导入资源时。
- When importing a package with an asset.当导入带有资源的包时。
When copying an asset to the project's data folder. If UnigineEditor is launched, the asset will be upgraded on the fly.当将资源复制到项目的data文件夹时。如果UnigineEditor被启动,资源将被动态升级。
注意If UnigineEditor is not running, the asset will be upgraded on the next launch.如果UnigineEditor未运行,资源将在下次启动时升级。
To toggle upgrading on and off and specify the migration folder, go to the Editor section of the Settings window:要打开和关闭升级并指定迁移文件夹,请转到Settings窗口的Editor部分:
The Migration Directory is a temporary folder for the outdated assets: they are copied into this folder and processed by the upgrade script. Then the upgraded assets replace the original ones.Migration Directory是过时资源的临时文件夹:它们被复制到这个文件夹中并由升级脚本处理。升级后的资源将替换原有资源。
Upgrading Mounted Assets升级挂载资源#
The only way to upgrade the mounted assets (i.e. referenced by a mount point) via UnigineEditor is to add the mount point to the project when the editor is off. In this case, the assets will be upgraded on the next launch. However, we recommend you to upgrade assets inside mount points manually by using the upgrade.usc script.通过 UnigineEditor 升级挂载资源(即由 挂载点 引用)的唯一方法是在编辑器关闭时将挂载点添加到项目中。 在这种情况下,资源将在下次启动时升级。 但是,我们建议您使用 upgrade.usc 脚本手动升级挂载点内的资源。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.