Unigine::SoundReverb Class
Header: | #include <UnigineSounds.h> |
Inherits from: | Node |
This class is used to create reverberation zones for sound sources with reverberation flag. Such sound will have initial reflections, reverberation and echo. It can have modified pitch.
If the sound passes through two reverberation zones (for example, one reverberation zone around the player and another one around the sound source), the heard sound reverberation effect will be twice as strong.
Creating a Reverberation Zone#
To create a reverberation zone, first, create a sound source that will reverberate, then create an instance of the SoundReverb class and specify all required settings:
// create a sound source
SoundSourcePtr sound = SoundSource::create("static_mono_00.oga");
// disable sound muffling when being occluded
// set the distance at which the sound gets clear
// set the distance at which the sound becomes out of audible range
// set the gain that result in attenuation of 6 dB
// loop the sound
// start playing the sound sample
// create a reverberation zone
SoundReverbPtr reverb = SoundReverb::create(vec3(10.0f));
// set transformation
// set the threshold size that determines the distance of changing from partial to full reverberation audibility
reverb->setThreshold(vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
// set the other settings for the reverberation zone
To update the settings of the created reverberation zone, you can simply call the corresponding methods when necessary.
See Also#
A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/sounds/ folder:
- sound_reverb_00
- sound_reverb_01
- Sounds sample in C# Component Samples suite
SoundReverb Class
static SoundReverbPtr create ( const Math::vec3 & size ) #
Constructor. Creates a new reverberation zone of specified size.Arguments
- const Math::vec3 & size - Size of the reverberation zone in units.
void setAirAbsorption ( float absorption ) #
Updates the air absorption value determining the distance-dependent attenuation at high frequencies caused by the propagation medium. The value of 0.994 per unit represents normal atmospheric humidity and temperature.Arguments
- float absorption - Air absorption value in range [0.892;1.0].
float getAirAbsorption ( ) const#
Returns the current air absorption value determining the distance-dependent attenuation at high frequencies caused by the propagation medium.Return value
Air absorption value.void setDecayHFRatio ( float ratio ) #
Updates the ratio of high-frequency decay time relative to the time set by general reverberation decay time. The value 1.0 is neutral.Arguments
- float ratio - High-frequency decay ratio in range [0.1;2.0].
float getDecayHFRatio ( ) const#
Returns the current ratio of high-frequency decay time relative to the time set by general reverberation decay time. The value 1.0 is neutral.Return value
High-frequency decay ratio.void setDecayLFRatio ( float ratio ) #
Updates the ratio of low-frequency decay time relative to the time set by general reverberation decay time. The value 1.0 is neutral.Arguments
- float ratio - Low-frequency decay ratio in range [0.1;2.0].
float getDecayLFRatio ( ) const#
Returns the current ratio of low-frequency decay time relative to the time set by general reverberation decay time. The value 1.0 is neutral.Return value
Low-frequency decay ratio.void setDecayTime ( float time ) #
Updates the reverberation decay time.Arguments
- float time - Decay time in range [0.1;20.0] seconds.
float getDecayTime ( ) const#
Returns the current reverberation decay time.Return value
Decay time in seconds.void setDensity ( float density ) #
Updates the density of the resonances making up the reverberation sound.Arguments
- float density - Density value in range [0.0;1.0].
float getDensity ( ) const#
Returns the current density of the resonances making up the reverberation sound.Return value
Density value.void setDiffusion ( float diffusion ) #
Updates the diffusion determining the rate at which the reverberation resonances increase in density after the original sound.Arguments
- float diffusion - Diffusion value in range [0.0;1.0].
float getDiffusion ( ) const#
Returns the current diffusion determining the rate at which the reverberation resonances increase in density after the original sound.Return value
Diffusion value.void setEchoDepth ( float depth ) #
Updates the depth value determining how long the cyclic echo will persist along the reverberation decay.Arguments
- float depth - Echo depth value in range [0.0;1.0].
float getEchoDepth ( ) const#
Returns the current depth value determining how long the cyclic echo persists along the reverberation decay.Return value
Echo depth value.void setEchoTime ( float time ) #
Updates the time period for cyclic echo to repeat itself along the reverberation decay.Arguments
- float time - Echo repeating time in range [0.075,0.25] seconds.
float getEchoTime ( ) const#
Returns the current time period for cyclic echo to repeat itself along the reverberation decay.Return value
Echo repeating time in seconds.void setGain ( float gain ) #
Updates the gain controlling the overall amount of the initial reflections and later reverberations. Setting the value to 0.0 mutes the reverberation sound.Arguments
- float gain - Gain value in range [0.0;1.0].
float getGain ( ) const#
Returns the current gain controlling the overall amount of the initial reflections and later reverberations. If set to 0.0, the reverberation sound is muted.Return value
Gain value.void setGainHF ( float gainhf ) #
Updates the gain filter value for attenuating the reverberation sound at high frequencies. When setting the value to 1.0, no filter is applied.Arguments
- float gainhf - High frequencies gain value in range [0.0;1.0].
float getGainHF ( ) const#
Returns the current gain filter value for attenuating the reverberation sound at high frequencies. If set to 1.0, no filter is applied.Return value
High-frequency gain value.void setGainLF ( float gainlf ) #
Updates the gain filter value for attenuating the reverberation sound at low frequencies. When setting the value to 1.0, no filter is applied.Arguments
- float gainlf - Low frequencies gain value in range [0.0;1.0].
float getGainLF ( ) const#
Returns the current gain filter value for attenuating the reverberation sound at low frequencies. If set to 1.0, no filter is applied.Return value
Low-frequency gain value.void setLateReverbDelay ( float delay ) #
Updates the late reverberation delay determining the begin time of the late reverberation relative to the time of the initial reflection (the first of the early reflections).Arguments
- float delay - Late reverberation delay in range [0.0;0.1] seconds.
float getLateReverbDelay ( ) const#
Returns the current late reverberation delay determining the begin time of the late reverberation relative to the time of the initial reflection (the first of the early reflections).Return value
Late reverberation delay in seconds.void setLateReverbGain ( float gain ) #
Updates the gain controlling the amount of later reverberation relative to the general reverberation gain. Setting the value to 0.0 will result in sound having no late reverberation at all.Arguments
- float gain - Late reverberation gain value in range [0.0;10.0].
float getLateReverbGain ( ) const#
Returns the current gain controlling the amount of later reverberation relative to the general reverberation gain. If set to 0.0, the sound has no late reverberation at all.Return value
Late reverberation gain value.void setModulationDepth ( float depth ) #
Updates the modulation depth determining the amount of pitch change.Arguments
- float depth - Modulation depth value in range [0.0;1.0].
float getModulationDepth ( ) const#
Returns the current modulation depth determining the amount of pitch change.Return value
Modulation depth value.void setModulationTime ( float time ) #
Updates the time for repeating the pitch modulation in the reverberation sound.Arguments
- float time - Modulation repeating time in range [0.0;1.0] seconds.
float getModulationTime ( ) const#
Returns the current time for repeating the pitch modulation in the reverberation sound.Return value
Modulation repeating time in seconds.void setReflectionDelay ( float delay ) #
Updates the initial reflection delay determining the begin time of the first reflection from the source relative to the arrival time of the original sound.Arguments
- float delay - Initial reflection delay in range [0.0;0.3] seconds.
float getReflectionDelay ( ) const#
Returns the current initial reflection delay determining the begin time of the first reflection from the source relative to the arrival time of the original sound.Return value
Initial reflection delay in seconds.void setReflectionGain ( float gain ) #
Updates the gain controlling the amount of initial reflections relative to the general reverberation gain. Setting the value to 0.0 will result in sound having no initial reflections at all.Arguments
- float gain - Initial reflections gain value in range [0.0;3.1].
float getReflectionGain ( ) const#
Returns the current gain controlling the amount of initial reflections relative to the general reverberation gain. If set to 0.0, the sound has no initial reflections at all.Return value
Initial reflections gain value.void setReverbMask ( int mask ) #
Updates the bit mask that determines what reverberation zones can be heard. For sound to reverberate, at least one bit of this mask should match with the player's reverberation mask. At the same time, reverb mask of the sound source should also match with the player's one (but not necessarily in the same bit as this mask matches it).Arguments
- int mask - Integer, each bit of which is a mask for reverberating sound sources and reverberation zones.
int getReverbMask ( ) const#
Returns the current bit mask that determines what reverberation zones can be heard. For sound to reverberate, at least one bit of this mask should match with the player's reverberation mask. At the same time, reverb mask of the sound source should also match with the player's one (but not necessarily in the same bit as this mask matches it).Return value
Integer, each bit of which is a mask for reverberating sound sources and reverberation zones.void setRoomRolloff ( float rolloff ) #
Updates the scaling room rolloff factor determining attenuation of the reflected sound (containing both reflections and reverberation) over distance.Arguments
- float rolloff - Room rolloff factor in range [0.0;10.0].
float getRoomRolloff ( ) const#
Returns the current scaling room rolloff factor determining attenuation of the reflected sound (containing both reflections and reverberation) over distance.Return value
Room rolloff factor.void setSize ( const Math::vec3 & size ) #
Updates the size of the reverberation zone.Arguments
- const Math::vec3 & size - Size of the reverberation zone in units.
Math::vec3 getSize ( ) const#
Returns the current size of the reverberation zone.Return value
Size of the reverberation zone in units.void setThreshold ( const Math::vec3 & threshold ) #
Updates the threshold size values along the coordinates axes relative to the reverberation zone size. It determines the distance of changing from partial to full reverberation audibility.Arguments
- const Math::vec3 & threshold - Threshold size in units.
Math::vec3 getThreshold ( ) const#
Returns the current threshold size values along the coordinates axes relative to the reverberation zone size. It determines the distance of changing from partial to full reverberation audibility.Return value
Threshold size in units.static int type ( ) #
Returns the type of the node.Return value
Sound type identifier.The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.