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Unigine::HashMap Class

Header: #include <UnigineHashMap.h>

A hash map container template. The hash map stores items represented by key-value pairs in an unspecified order. Data are stored in the memory linearly, i.e. as a vector:

Key and Value address may change throughout the hashmap existense. This way of storing hash map data is more performance-friendly, but if you need the hashmap address to remain unchanged, use BucketHashMap class.

Hash map can be used, for example, for searching among nodes by their names.

To create a new hash map, you can use the default constructor or one of the following ways:

  • Create a hash map using an initializer list:
    Source code (C++)
    // create a hash map using an initializer list
    const HashMap<String, int> hashMap_0{ { "a", 1 },	{ "b", 2 },	{ "c", 3 },	};
    // check the result
    for (const auto &k : hashMap_0)
    	Log::message("%s : %d \n", k.key.get(),;
    The hash map that stores values of a custom type can be created as follows:
    Source code (C++)
    // declare an enumeration
    enum class MyEnum
    // create a hash map using an initializer list
    const HashMap<String, MyEnum> hashMap_1
    	{ "One", MyEnum::One },
    	{ "Two", MyEnum::Two },
    	{ "Three", MyEnum::Three },
    // check the result
    for (const auto &k : hashMap_1)
    	Log::message("%s : %d \n", k.key.get(),;
  • Create a hash set using a copy constructor:
    Source code (C++)
    // create a hash map using an initializer list
    const HashMap<String, int> initial{ { "a", 1 },{ "b", 2 },{ "c", 3 },{ "d", 4 }, };
    // copy constructor
    HashMap<String, int> copied(initial);
    //check the result
    for (const auto &k : copied)
    	Log::message("%s : %d \n", k.key.get(),;

You can change the created hash map by using the class member functions described in the article. Check some of the usage examples:

  • To add items to the current hash map, you can use one of the append() or insert() functions:
    Source code (C++)
    // create hash maps using initializer lists
    HashMap<String, int> initial{ { "a", 1 }, { "b", 2 }, { "c", 3 }, };
    const HashMap<String, int> to_append{ { "m", 7 }, { "n", 8 }, { "o", 9 }, };
    // append items of one hash map to another
    // insert an item into the "initial" hash map
    initial.insert("s", 10);
    // check the result
    for (const auto &k : initial)
    	Log::message("%s : %d \n", k.key.get(),;
  • Get a value by the key from the hash map and insert an item if there is no such key:
    Source code (C++)
    // creare an empty hash map
    HashMap<int, int> hashMap{ { 1, 10 } };
    // try to get values by the specified keys
    Log::message("Value %d\n", hashMap[1]);
    // if there is no such key, it will be added to the hash map with the default value
    Log::message("Value %d\n", hashMap[2]);
    // check the result - the new item with the default value is added to the hash map
    for (const auto &k: hashMap)
    	Log::message("%d : %d \n", k.key,;
  • Take an item from the hash map:
    Source code (C++)
    // create a hash map
    HashMap<int, int> hashMap { {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}, };
    // declare a key and a value
    const int key = 0;
    const int value = 4;
    // append a new item to the hash map
    // get an item iterator by its key
    auto it = hashMap.find(key);
    // take the item from the hash map
    int c = hashMap.take(it);
    // check the result - the taken item is removed from the hash map
    for (const auto &k : hashMap)
    	Log::message("%d : %d \n", k.key,;
  • Remove an item from the hash map:
    Source code (C++)
    // create a hash map
    	HashMap<int, int> hashMap{ { 1, 1 },{ 2, 2 },{ 3, 3 }, };
    	// get an item iterator by its key
    	auto it = hashMap.find(2);
    	// remove the item from the hash map
    	// check the result
    	for (const auto &k: hashMap)
    		Log::message("%d : %d \n", k.key,;
  • Get items by the values from the hash map:
    Source code (C++)
    // create a hash map
    HashMap<String, int> hashMap{ { "a", 1 }, { "b", 2 }, { "c", 3 }, };
    // get an item iterator by its value
    auto it = hashMap.findData(2);
    // check the result
    Log::message("%s \n", it->key.get());
  • Get a value/values from the hash map:
    Source code (C++)
    // create a hash map
    HashMap<String, int> hashMap{ { "a", 1 },{ "b", 2 },{ "c", 3 }, };
    // get a key by its value
    Log::message("%d \n", hashMap.value("a"));
    // get a vector of all values of the hash map
    Vector<int> ret = hashMap.values();
    for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) Log::message("%d \n",ret[i]);

HashMap Class


HashMap ( ) #

Default constructor that produces an empty hash map.

HashMap ( std::initializer_list<Pair<Key,Value>> list ) #

Constructor. Creates a hash map from given key-value pairs.


  • std::initializer_list<Pair<Key,Value>> list - List of pairs.

HashMap ( const HashMap& o ) #

Constructor. Creates a hash map by copying a source hash map.


  • const HashMap& o - Hash map.

HashMap ( HashMap&& o ) #

Constructor. Creates a hash map by moving a source hash map into it.


  • HashMap&& o - Hash map.

Iterator append ( const Key& key, const Value& value ) #

Appends an item with a given key and value to the hash map.


  • const Key& key - Key.
  • const Value& value - Value.

Return value

Item iterator.

Iterator append ( const Key& key, Value&& value ) #

Appends an item with a given key and value to the hash map.


  • const Key& key - Key to be copied to the hash map.
  • Value&& value - Value to be moved to the hash map.

Return value

Item iterator.

Iterator append ( Key&& key, const Value& value ) #

Appends an item with a given key and value to the hash map.


  • Key&& key - Key to be moved to the hash map.
  • const Value& value - Value to be copied to the hash map.

Return value

Item iterator.

Iterator append ( Key&& key, Value&& value ) #

Appends an item with a given key and value to the hash map.


  • Key&& key - Key to be moved to the hash map.
  • Value&& value - Value to be moved to the hash map.

Return value

Item iterator.

Value& append ( const Key& key ) #

Appends an item with a given key to the hash map.


  • const Key& key - Key.

Return value


Value& append ( Key&& key ) #

Appends an item with a given key to the hash map.


  • Key&& key - Key to be moved to the hash map.

Return value


void append ( const HashMap& o ) #

Appends items with all available keys from the argument hash to the hash map.


  • const HashMap& o - Hash map to be appended.

void append ( HashMap&& o ) #

Appends items with all available keys by moving the argument hash to the hash map.


  • HashMap&& o - Hash map to be appended.

void append ( const Vector& vector ) #

Appends items with all available keys from the argument vector to the hash map.


  • const Vector& vector - Vector containing the key (or keys) to be appended.

void append ( Vector&& vector ) #

Appends items with all available keys by moving the argument vector to the hash map.


  • Vector&& vector - Vector containing the key (or keys) to be appended.

Iterator insert ( const Key& key, const Value& value ) #

Inserts an item with a given key and value into the hash map.


  • const Key& key - Key.
  • const Value& value - Value.

Return value

Item iterator.

Iterator insert ( const Key& key, Value&& value ) #

Inserts an item with a given key and value into the hash map.


  • const Key& key - Key to be copied to the hash map.
  • Value&& value - Value to be moved to the hash map.

Return value

Item iterator.

Iterator insert ( Key&& key, const Value& value ) #

Inserts an item with a given key and value into the hash map.


  • Key&& key - Key to be moved to the hash map.
  • const Value& value - Value to be copied to the hash map.

Return value

Item iterator.

Iterator insert ( Key&& key, Value&& value ) #

Inserts an item with a given key and value into the hash map.


  • Key&& key - Key to be moved to the hash map.
  • Value&& value - Value to be moved to the hash map.

Return value

Item iterator.

Value& insert ( const Key& key ) #

Inserts an item with a given key into the hash map.


  • const Key& key - Key to be copied to the hash map.

Return value


Value& insert ( Key&& key ) #

Inserts an item with a given key into the hash map.


  • Key&& key - Key to be moved to the hash map.

Return value


void insert ( const HashMap& o ) #

Inserts items with all available keys by copying the argument hash to the hash map.


  • const HashMap& o - Hash map containing the key (or keys) to be inserted.

void insert ( HashMap&& o ) #

Inserts items with all available keys by moving the argument hash to the hash map.


  • HashMap&& o - Hash map containing the key (or keys) to be inserted.

void insert ( const Vector& vector ) #

Inserts items with all available keys by copying the argument vector to the hash map.


  • const Vector& vector - Vector containing the key (or keys) to be inserted.

void insert ( Vector&& vector ) #

Inserts items with all available keys by moving the argument vector to the hash map.


  • Vector&& vector - Vector containing the key (or keys) to be inserted.

Value take ( const Key& key, const Value& def ) #

Removes an item from the hash map by its key and returns an item value. If there is no such item, the value set as default is returned.


  • const Key& key - Key.
  • const Value& def

Return value

Removed item value.

Value take ( const Key& key ) #

Removes an item from the hash map by its key and returns an item value. If there is no such item, a default-constructed value is returned.


  • const Key& key - Key.

Return value

Removed item value.

Value take ( Iterator it ) #

Removes an item from the hash map by its iterator and returns an item value. If there is no such item, a default-constructed value is returned.


  • Iterator it - Item iterator.

Return value

Removed item value.

Value take ( ConstIterator it ) #

Removes an item from the hash map by its iterator and returns an item value. If there is no such item, a default-constructed value is returned.


  • ConstIterator it - Item iterator.

Return value

Removed item value.

bool contains ( const Key& key, const Value& value ) const#

Checks if an item with a specified key and value exists in the hash map.


  • const Key& key - Key.
  • const Value& value - Value.

Return value

true if an item exists; otherwise, false.

Iterator findData ( const Value& value ) #

Searches for an item with a specified value in the hash map.


  • const Value& value - Value.

Return value

Item iterator.

ConstIterator findData ( const Value& value ) const#

Searches for an item with a specified value in the hash map.


  • const Value& value - Value.

Return value

Item iterator.

void removeData ( const Value& value ) #

Removes the first occurrence of the specified value from the hash map.


  • const Value& value - Value.

Value& get ( Key&& key ) #

Returns a value by a specified key.


  • Key&& key - Key.

Return value


const Value& get ( const Key& key ) const#

Returns a value by a specified key.


  • const Key& key - Key.

Return value


const Value& get ( const Key& key, const Value& value ) const#

Returns a value by a specified key. If there is no item with the key, the default value is returned.


  • const Key& key - Key.
  • const Value& value - Default value.

Return value


Value& operator[] ( Key&& key ) #

Hash map item access. The value is returned if it is available by the key; if the item is unavailable, a new (Key,Value) pair is added.


  • Key&& key - Key.

Return value

Accessed item value, if available.

Value& operator[] ( const Key& key ) const#

Hash map item access.


  • const Key& key - Key.

Return value

Accessed item value.

Value value ( const Key& key ) const#

Returns a value with a specified key from the hash map. If there is no such key, returns a default-constructed value.


  • const Key& key - Key.

Return value

Accessed item value.

Value value ( const Key& key, const Value& value ) const#

Returns a value with a specified key from the hash map. If there is no such key, returns the specified default value.


  • const Key& key - Key.
  • const Value& value - Default value.

Return value

Accessed item value.

const Value& valueRef ( const Key& key ) const#

Returns a reference to the value with a specified key from the hash map. If there is no such key, returns a default-constructed valuee.


  • const Key& key - Key.

Return value

Accessed item value.

const Value& valueRef ( const Key& key, const Value& value ) const#

Returns a reference to the value with a specified key from the hash map. If there is no such key, returns a default value.


  • const Key& key
  • const Value& value - Default value.

Return value

Accessed item value.

Vector<Value> values ( ) const#

Returns a vector of all values of the hash map.

Return value

Vector of hash map values.

void getValues ( Vector<Value>& values ) const#

Appends hash map values to a given vector.


  • Vector<Value>& values - Vector of hash map values.

HashMap & operator= ( const HashMap & o ) #

Assigns the specified hash map by copying it.


  • const HashMap & o - Hash map.

Return value

Hash map.

HashMap & operator= ( HashMap&& o ) #

Assigns the specified hash map by moving it.


  • HashMap&& o - Hash map.

Return value

Hash map.

emplaceRange ( InputIt first, InputIt last ) #

Inserts the range of values specified by the argument iterators into the hash map.


  • InputIt first - Iterator that identifies the beginning of the range.
  • InputIt last - Iterator that identifies the end of the range.

bool contains ( const Key & k ) const#

Checks if the given key is present in the hash map.


  • const Key & k - Key to be checked.

Return value

true if the hash map contains the specified key; otherwise, false.

Iterator find ( const Key & k ) const#

Returns the iterator of the specified key.


  • const Key & k - Key to be checked.

Return value

Item iterator.

ConstIterator find ( const Key & k ) const#

Returns the iterator of the specified key.


  • const Key & k - Key to be checked.

Return value

Item iterator.

Item * findFast ( const Key & key ) const#

Finds an element with a specified key.


  • const Key & key - Key to look for.

Return value

Pointer to the hash map item.

Vector<Key> keys ( ) const#

Returns a vector containing all keys in the hash map.

Return value

Vector of keys.

void getKeys ( Vector<Key>& keys ) const#

Adds keys of the hash to the specified vector.


  • Vector<Key>& keys - Vector to store the keys.

const Key & getKey ( size_t index ) const#

Returns the key by its index.


  • size_t index - Index number of the key in the hash map.

Return value


bool remove ( const Key& k ) #

Removes the specified key from the hash map.


  • const Key& k - Key to be removed.

Return value

true if the key is removed successfully; otherwise, false.

void remove ( Iterator it ) #

Removes an element currently pointed to by the iterator from the hash map.


  • Iterator it - Iterator pointing to an element to be removed.

void remove ( ConstIterator it ) #

Removes an element currently pointed to by the iterator from the hash map.


  • ConstIterator it - Iterator pointing to an element to be removed.

void remove ( const HashMap& o ) #

Removes the specified hash map from the current hash map.


  • const HashMap& o - Hash map.

void remove ( const Vector<Key>& v ) #

Removes the specified keys from the hash map.


  • const Vector<Key>& v - Vector storing the keys.

bool erase ( const ConstIterator & it ) #

Removes an element currently pointed to by the iterator from the hash map.


  • const ConstIterator & it - Iterator pointing to the element to be removed.

Return value

true on success, otherwise false.

bool erase ( const Iterator & it ) #

Removes an element currently pointed to by the iterator from the hash map.


  • const Iterator & it - Iterator pointing to the element to be removed.

Return value

true on success, otherwise false.

bool erase ( const Key& k ) #

Removes an element having the specified key from the hash map.


  • const Key& k - Key of the element to be removed.

Return value

true on success, otherwise false.

void erase ( const HashMap& o ) #

Removes the specified hash map from the current hash map.


  • const HashMap& o - Hash map to be removed.

void erase ( const Vector<Key>& v ) #

Removes the specified keys from the hash map.


  • const Vector<Key>& v - Vector storing the keys.

void subtract ( const Vector<Key>& vector ) #

Removes the specified keys from the hash map.


  • const Vector<Key>& vector - Vector storing the keys.

void subtract ( const HashMap & o ) #

Removes the specified hash map from the current hash map.


  • const HashMap & o - Hash map to be removed.

void clear ( ) #

Removes all key-value pairs from the hash map.

void destroy ( ) #

Removes all key-value pairs from the hash map and releases the memory.

void reserve ( size_t size ) #

Reserves storage to avoid repeated reallocation.


  • size_t size - Hash size to be reserved.

void shrink ( ) #

Removes unused capacity.

Iterator begin ( ) const#

Returns an iterator that points to the first element in the hash map.

Return value

Iterator pointing to the first element.

Iterator end ( ) const#

Returns an iterator that points to the location succeeding the last element in the hash map.

Return value

Iterator pointing to the last element.

ConstIterator cbegin ( ) const#

Returns a const iterator that points to the first element in the hash map.

Return value

ConstIterator pointing to the first element.

ConstIterator cend ( ) const#

Returns a const iterator that points to the location succeeding the last element in the hash map.

Return value

ConstIterator pointing to the last element.

Counter size ( ) const#

Returns the number of key-value pairs in the hash map.

Return value

Number of key-value pairs in the hash map.

Counter space ( ) const#

Returns the current capacity (number of elements the hash can currently contain).

Return value

Number of elements the hash can currently contain.

size_t getMemoryUsage ( ) const#

Shows the amount of memory used by the hash map in bytes.

Return value

Used memory in bytes.

bool empty ( ) const#

Checks if the hash map is empty.

Return value

true if the hash map is empty, otherwise false

void swap ( HashMap & o ) #

Swaps this hash map with the hash map specified as the argument.


  • HashMap & o - Hash map.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.

Last update: 2024-12-24
Build: ()