Physics settings of a node can be changed on the Physics tab of the Parameters window. Here you can assign a required body to the selected node and then set it up. 节点的物理设置可以在Parameters窗口的Physics选项卡上进行更改。在这里,您可以将所需的主体分配给选定的节点,然后进行设置。
However, a node can participate in physical interactions even if it has no physical body assigned: you can enable collision and intersection detection for node's surfaces on the Node tab of the Parameters window. Some node's surfaces may not participate in collisions and intersections: these options can be enabled on a per-surface basis.但是,即使未分配物理实体,节点也可以参与物理交互:您可以在Parameters窗口的Node选项卡上为节点的表面启用碰撞和 intersection 检测。某些节点的曲面可能不参与碰撞和相交:可以基于每个曲面启用这些选项。
Intersection Parameters交点参数#
This section provides parameters for setting up how the selected surface participates in intersections.本部分提供用于设置选定曲面如何参与相交的参数。
Enabled | Flag indicating if intersections are enabled for the surface.指示是否为曲面启用相交的标志。 |
Mask | Intersection mask of the surface. Intersections with the surface will be detected, if its intersection mask matches the intersection mask passed as a function argument, otherwise it is ignored.表面的Intersection遮罩。如果其相交蒙版与作为函数参数传递的相交蒙版匹配,则将检测与曲面的相交。否则,将忽略它。 |
Physics Intersection Parameters物理相交参数#
This section provides parameters for setting up how the selected surface participates in physics intersections.本部分提供用于设置选定曲面如何参与物理相交的参数。
Enabled | Flag indicating if intersections are enabled for the surface.指示是否为曲面启用相交的标志。 |
Mask | Physics Intersection mask of the surface. Physics intersections with the surface will be detected, if its Physics Intersection mask matches the one passed as a function argument, otherwise it is ignored.表面的Physics Intersection遮罩。如果其Physics Intersection蒙版与作为函数参数传递的蒙版相匹配,则将检测与该表面的物理相交。否则,将忽略该物理相交。 |
Collision Parameters碰撞参数#
This section provides parameters for setting up how the selected surface collides with other physical bodies and shapes.本节提供了用于设置所选表面与其他物理物体和形状碰撞的方式的参数。
Enabled | Flag indicating if collisions with the surface are enabled.指示是否启用与曲面碰撞的标志。 |
Mask | Collision mask of the surface. The surface will collide with a shape only if their Collision masks match.表面的Collision遮罩。仅当其Collision蒙版匹配时,表面才会与形状碰撞。 |
Friction and Restitution摩擦与恢复原状#
This section provides parameters for setting up how the selected surface behaves when colliding with physical bodies and shapes.本节提供用于设置碰撞与物理物体和形状时所选曲面的行为的参数。
Friction | Coefficient of friction for the surface. This coefficient allows to model more rough rubbing of surfaces and is opposite to the body's movement direction. Friction parameter values of both surfaces being in contact are considered. The resulting calculated friction depends on the objects' masses and gravity, and the angle between contacting surfaces.
Friction is calculated by the contact between physical bodies.Friction is calculated by the contact between physical bodies. The higher the value, the less tendency the body has to slide.Friction is calculated by the contact between physical bodies.表面的摩擦系数。该系数可以模拟更粗糙的表面摩擦,并且与人体的运动方向相反。Friction两个表面中接触的参数值被考虑。所得的计算出的摩擦取决于物体的质量和重力以及接触表面之间的角度。
Friction is calculated by the contact between physical bodies.摩擦是通过物理物体之间的接触来计算的。 |
Restitution | Coefficient of restitution for the surface. This coefficient determines the degree of relative kinetic energy retained after a collision. It defines how bouncy the object is by contacting with another object. It depends on the elasticity of the materials of colliding bodies. The simulated restitution, like friction, considers the total value for both objects being in contact.
Restitution is calculated by the contact between physical bodies.Restitution is calculated by the contact between physical bodies. The value of 1.0 models elastic collision. Objects bounce off according to the impulse they get by contact.The value of 0.0 models inelastic collision. Objects do not bounce at all.Restitution is calculated by the contact between physical bodies.表面恢复系数。该系数确定了碰撞后保留的相对动能的程度。它通过与另一个对象接触来定义对象的弹性。它取决于碰撞体材质的弹性。模拟的恢复(如摩擦力)会考虑两个物体接触的总值。
Restitution is calculated by the contact between physical bodies.恢复是通过身体之间的接触来计算的。 |
Sound Parameters声音参数#
This section provides parameters for setting up how the selected surface affects sound propagation.本节提供了用于设置所选表面如何影响声音传播的参数。
Occlusion | Occlusion value of the selected surface. This value determines how much the surface affects sounds in case of occlusion. 注意 Source Occlusion option must be enabled in the Sound Settings window.所选曲面的遮挡值。此值确定在遮挡的情况下表面对声音的影响程度。 Source Occlusion option must be enabled in the Sound Settings window. Source Occlusion option must be enabled in the Sound Settings window. 注意 Source Occlusion option must be enabled in the Sound Settings window.必须在Sound Settings窗口中启用Source Occlusion选项。 |
Occlusion Mask | Bit mask, that determines which sound sources are occluded by the selected surface.
For a sound source to be occluded by the surface, at least one bit of this mask should match the Occlusion mask of the sound source. 注意 Source Occlusion must be enabled in the Sound Settings window.位掩码,用于确定所选表面遮挡了哪些声源。为了使声源被表面遮挡,此遮罩的至少一位应与Occlusion声源的蒙版。 Source Occlusion must be enabled in the Sound Settings window. Source Occlusion must be enabled in the Sound Settings window. 注意 Source Occlusion must be enabled in the Sound Settings window.必须在Sound Settings窗口中启用Source Occlusion。 |
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.