A world created in Unigine uses Cartesian coordinates, whereas real-world simulators normally use geospatial data. To make these two universes match, UNIGINE provides GeodeticsPlugin.在 Unigine 中创建的世界使用笛卡尔坐标,而现实世界的模拟器通常使用地理空间数据。为了使这两个 Universe 匹配,UNIGINE 提供了 GeodeticsPlugin。
This plugin allows translating GPS latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates to X, Y, and Z and vice versa. The solution is applicable for both flat rectangular terrain areas and the planet-shaped Terrain Global.该插件允许将 GPS 纬度、经度和高度坐标转换为 X、Y 和 Z,反之亦然。该解决方案适用于平坦矩形地形区域和行星状 Terrain Global。
See also也可以看看#
Launching GeodeticsPlugin启动测地学插件#
To use GeodeticsPlugin, specify the extern_plugin command line option on the application start-up:要使用 GeodeticsPlugin,请在应用程序启动时指定 extern_plugin 命令行选项:
main_x64 -extern_plugin "UnigineGeodetics"
Using GeodeticsPlugin使用 GeodeticsPlugin#
Here is an example code that illustrates how to position an object in a world using geodetic coordinates:下面的示例代码说明了如何使用大地坐标在世界中定位对象:
#include <UnigineGeodeticsTransformer.h>
void init()
auto transformer = GeodeticsTransformer::get();
if (!transformer)
Log::warning("Can't get transformer\n");
return 0;
int epsg_code = 3857; // EPSG Geodetic Parameter Datase code
dvec3 geodetic_origin = dvec3_zero;
dvec3 original_geo_pos = dvec3(35.105580, -89.966775, 0.0);
dvec3 world_pos, geo_pos;
// setup projection
transformer->setProjectionEpsg(epsg_code, geodetic_origin);
// geodetic to world
world_pos = transformer->geodeticToWorld(original_geo_pos).getTranslate();
// world to geodetic
geo_pos = transformer->worldToGeodetic(world_pos);
Log::message("original geo_pos %f %f %f \n", original_geo_pos.x, original_geo_pos.y, original_geo_pos.z);
Log::message("world_pos %f %f %f \n", world_pos.x, world_pos.y, world_pos.z);
Log::message("geo_pos %f %f %f \n", geo_pos.x, geo_pos.y, geo_pos.z);
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.