CPP SIM Samples
This demo contains a set of samples addressing the specific needs.本演示包含一组处理特定任务的示例。
This set of samples demonstrates how to create ropes using an arbitrary set of points and joints between them. This approach can be used to create any kind of rope or even a net consisting of a number of ropes, a wire, or a primitive cloth.这组示例演示了如何使用任意一组点和它们之间的连接来创建绳索。这种方法可以用来制作任何种类的绳子,甚至是由许多绳子组成的网;或是一根电线,或是一块简单的布。
You can use the sample ropes as a basis for your specific task by configuring their parameters as required.您可以根据需要配置示例绳索的参数,将其作为特定任务的基础。
Indices for segments are generated randomly to avoid a linear accumulation of error in joints.为避免关节误差的线性累积,随机生成线段指标。
物理以120 fps的速度模拟,并进行10次迭代以调整点之间的距离。
这个示例说明了如何使用 RopeSystem 组件创建连线。您可以更改线径值并根据新值生成钢丝网。场景中可用的飞机可以移动,使电线摆动。
The SpiderVision set of samples demonstrates the possibilities of configuring the multi-monitor SpiderVision setup parameters via code.一组 SpiderVision示例展示如何通过代码配置多屏幕 SpiderVision 设置参数的可能性。
The SpiderVision plugin provides the setup (opens on F10) as well as the possibility to configure parameters using API. The available set of samples contains the scene and a multi-monitor setup allowing you to quickly explore the plugin features.SpiderVision插件提供设置功能(按 F10键打开),并支持通过 API 配置参数。提供的一组示例包含场景和多屏幕设置,让您能够快速探索该插件的功能。
The scenes also contain a vehicle that uses the High-Level Car Physics System. The vehicle controls are described in the Vehicle sample, please check it for more details.场景还包含一个使用高级汽车物理系统的车辆。车辆的控制方法在“Vehicle”示例中进行了描述,请查阅以获取更多详细信息。
Three Monitors sample demonstrates a three-monitor configuration with the possibility to configure distance and angle between the neighboring monitors via the application UI.
The sample shows how to use the API to control the parameters via code. The same parameters are accessible via the SpiderVision setup window (F10).
SDK Path: <SDK_INSTALLATION>demos\cpp_sim_samples_demo_2.19.1\source\spider_vision_sample
Two Monitors sample demonstrates a two-monitor configuration with the possibility to configure distance and angle between the neighboring monitors via the application UI.
The sample shows how to use the API to control the parameters via code. The same parameters are accessible via the SpiderVision setup window (F10).
SDK Path: <SDK_INSTALLATION>demos\cpp_sim_samples_demo_2.19.1\source\spider_vision_sample
Visual Effects sample visualizes the tools used for the image fine-tuning, such as warping, blending, color correction, and masking.
The sample shows how to use the API to control the parameters via code. The same parameters are accessible via the Projection Setup of the SpiderVision setup window (F10).
SDK Path: <SDK_INSTALLATION>demos\cpp_sim_samples_demo_2.19.1\source\spider_vision_sample
Wall shows how to create a Wall configuration and provides an access to the settings that affect the image rendering, making the line between monitors invisible. Toggling on and off the settings available gives a more clear understanding of how various rendering settings affect the whole image.
SDK Path: <SDK_INSTALLATION>demos\cpp_sim_samples_demo_2.19.1\source\spider_vision_sample
Window Custom Player demonstrates how to make a specific player render to a selected viewport using the SpiderVisionCameraAttach component.
SDK Path: <SDK_INSTALLATION>demos\cpp_sim_samples_demo_2.19.1\source\spider_vision_sample
SSL SocketSSLSocket#
- 设置发动机的功率和阻力曲线,以及怠速 (RPM)。
- 变速箱模拟(手动和自动)使您能够调整换档时的油门和速度值以及转换时间,以及设置档位数量和配置传动比。
- 用于更逼真转向的数学车轮模型,能够模拟影响旋转车轮的力,以及调整悬架行程距离、弹簧和阻尼值的能力。
- 转向和驱动轴的轻松设置以及打开和关闭差速锁的能力。
- 在不同视图(驾驶员视图、外部摄像头等)之间切换。
- 模拟各种表面条件(如干燥、潮湿、积雪或结冰的道路、泥泞等)。
- 一组实时显示所有车辆参数信息的调试窗口。
- 运行演示并按 F3 以可视化这些轴。
- 检查控件状态——每个控件对应哪个轴。
- 如果控件不匹配,在UnigineEditor中打开演示项目以重新配置它们。找到 joystick_input 节点,它分配了 car_joystick_input 属性。在需要的地方调整 Joystick Axis 参数。
您可以学习和修改此演示的源代码来创建自己的项目。 要访问源代码,请执行以下操作:
- 在Demos部分中找到CPP SIM Samples演示并点击Install(安装)(如果您尚未安装)。
- 安装成功后,demo会出现在Installed部分,您可以点击Copy as Project基于此创建项目 演示。
- 在打开的 Create New Project 窗口中,在相应字段中输入新项目的名称,然后单击Create New Project.
- 现在您可以点击Open Code IDE查看和修改默认IDE中的源代码,或者点击Open Editor打开项目 在 UnigineEditor中。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.