The main way to increase the performance of your project is to apply the appropriate optimization techniques to geometry in the scene.提高项目性能的主要方法是将适当的优化技术应用于场景中的几何。
UNIGINE allows you to start optimizing geometry on its importing and to continue after adding it to the scene. In addition to common optimization methods (such as using LODs or loading nodes in the background), most of the objects have a set of the specific settings that allow you to control their impact on performance. UNIGINE允许您在导入时开始优化几何,并将其添加到场景后继续。除了常见的优化方法(例如使用LOD或在后台加载节点)之外,大多数对象还具有一组特定设置,可让您控制它们对性能的影响。
Articles in this section describe common approaches in geometry optimization and also gives information on how to optimize objects of a specific type (such as terrain, water, grass, etc.).本节中的文章描述了几何优化中的常用方法,并提供了有关如何优化特定类型的对象(例如地形,水,草等)的信息。
Video Tutorial: Content Optimization视频教程:内容优化#
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.