Unigine API allows creating of objects whose states can be saved into a binary file and later restored from it.
See also#
An example can be found in <UnigineSDK>/source/samples/Api/Scripts/Serialization/ directory.
Serialization Guidelines#
Saving and restoring of the object state is done by using a binary serialization mechanism of Unigine. In order to be compatible with this mechanism,a class must implement methods that allow you to store states of the class objects into the Unigine::Stream and restore them from it.
These methods can be grouped as follows:
- Methods for saving/restoring of states.
The states are used for objects created and handled purely in UnigineScript.
It means, such object implemented on the C++ side is created in script via new operator and deleted via delete.
It is not passed between UnigineScript and any other system.
- saveState() - saves a state of an object created on the UnigineScript side.
- restoreState() — restores a state of an object created on the UnigineScript side. This function implies that a class has a default constructor that creates an empty object.
- Methods for saving/restoring of pointers.
The pointers are used for objects that are created in a C++ part of the application and will be deleted there as well.
The script receives it, but is not responsible for managing them.
For example, this is the case when a C++ function that creates an object is called from the script.
- savePointer() — a static method which is used to save a state of an object created on C++ side and handled by a script.
- restorePointer() — a static method which is used to restore a state of an object created on C++ side and handled by a script.
If an object is going to be created in script, as well as created on C++ side, all four functions should be implemented.
Step 1. Implement Object Saving and Restoring#
By default, the following implementation is used (see the include/UnigineInterpreter.h header file):
// functor to save a state of an object constructed in scripts
template <class Class>
void ExternClassSaveState(const StreamPtr &stream,Class *object) {
// functor to restore a state of an object constructed in scripts
template <class Class>
Class *ExternClassRestoreState(const StreamPtr &stream) {
Class *object = new Class();
return object;
// functor to save a state of an object created on C++ side and handled by a script
template <class Class>
void ExternClassSavePointer(const StreamPtr &stream,Class *object) {
// functor to restore a state of an object created on C++ side and handled by a script
template <class Class>
Class *ExternClassRestorePointer(const StreamPtr &stream) {
return Class::restorePointer(stream);
Step 2. Export Class#
You need to export classes whose instances are going to be serialized. One of the following functions can be used for that:
- MakeExternClass() function. Instances of classes exported by using this function are non-restorable, that is, they should be manually re-created. If you try to restore an instance of such the class, this instance will be restored to null.
- MakeExternClassSaveRestoreState() function, which allows you to save and restore instances created within UnigineScript.
- MakeExternClassSaveRestorePointer() function, which allows you to save and restore objects that were created in C++ code and exported into UnigineScript.
- MakeExternClassSaveRestoreStatePointer() function, which combines two previous possibilities, that is, objects created on both the UnigineScript and C++ sides can be saved and restored.
Changing Serialization Behaviour#
After exporting, it is still possible to change serialization behavior in run-time. For that you can use two UnigineScript functions.
- class_append() attaches the object to the script that will handle it (save, restore and delete it).
- class_remove() removes the object from the script.
Serialization Example#
Here is an example of exporting a C++ class that fully supports serialization into UnigineScript.
C++ Side#
#include <UnigineEngine.h>
#include <UnigineInterpreter.h>
#include <UnigineInterface.h>
#include "AppSystemLogic.h"
#include "AppWorldLogic.h"
#include "AppEditorLogic.h"
using namespace Unigine;
using namespace Math;
* User defined class
class MyObject : public Base {
MyObject() : mass(0.0f) {
Log::warning("MyObject::MyObject(): called\n");
MyObject(const vec3 &size,float mass) : size(size), mass(mass) {
Log::warning("MyObject::MyObject((%g,%g,%g),%g): called\n",size.x,size.y,size.z,mass);
~MyObject() {
Log::warning("MyObject::~MyObject(): called\n");
// size
void setSize(const vec3 &s) {
Log::warning("MyObject::setSize((%g,%g,%g)): called\n",s.x,s.y,s.z);
size = s;
const vec3 &getSize() const {
return size;
// mass
void setMass(float m) {
Log::warning("MyObject::setMass(%g): called\n",m);
mass = m;
float getMass() const {
return mass;
// save state
void saveState(StreamPtr &stream) const {
Log::warning("MyObject::saveState(): called\n");
// restore state
void restoreState(StreamPtr &stream) {
Log::warning("MyObject::restoreState(): called\n");
size = stream->readVec3();
mass = stream->readFloat();
// save pointer
static void savePointer(StreamPtr &stream,MyObject *object) {
Log::warning("MyObject::savePointer(): called\n");
// restore pointer
static MyObject *restorePointer(StreamPtr &stream) {
MyObject *object = new MyObject();
Log::warning("MyObject::restorePointer(): called\n");
object->size = stream->readVec3();
object->mass = stream->readFloat();
return object;
vec3 size;
float mass;
MyObject *MakeMyObject(const vec3 &size,float mass) {
return new MyObject(size,mass);
void DeleteMyObject(MyObject *object) {
delete object;
* Main
#ifdef _WIN32
int wmain(int argc,wchar_t *argv[]) {
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
// export class with serialization
ExternClass<MyObject> *my_object = MakeExternClassSaveRestoreStatePointer<MyObject>();
my_object->addConstructor<const vec3&,float>();
// export functions
AppSystemLogic system_logic;
AppWorldLogic world_logic;
AppEditorLogic editor_logic;
Unigine::EnginePtr engine(argc,argv);
return 0;
Unigine Script Side#
And here is how the exported class can be used in UnigineScript (see the description of the yield control statement for better understanding of the example):
MyObject object_0;
MyObject object_1;
void object_info(MyObject object) {
// object parameters
vec3 size = object.getSize();
float mass = object.getMass();
log.message("size is: (%g,%g,%g), mass is: %g\n",size.x,size.y,size.z,mass);
int init() {
// make script constructed object
object_0 = new MyObject(vec3(1.0f,2.0f,3.0f),10.0f);
// make extern constructed object
object_1 = MakeMyObject(vec3(4.0f,5.0f,6.0f),100.0f);
// show console
return 1;
int shutdown() {
// delete external constructed object
return 1;
int update() {
// first update
// parameters
yield 1;
// second update
yield 1;
// third update
// parameters
yield 1;
return 1;
The following result will be printed into the console:
MyObject::MyObject((1,2,3),10): called
MyObject::MyObject((4,5,6),100): called
size is: (1,2,3), mass is: 10
size is: (4,5,6), mass is: 100
Saving "data/serialization" world state to "save/" file
MyObject::saveState(): called
MyObject::savePointer(): called
MyObject::~MyObject(): called
MyObject::~MyObject(): called
Restoring "data/serialization" world state from "save/" file
MyObject::MyObject(): called
MyObject::restoreState(): called
MyObject::MyObject(): called
MyObject::restorePointer(): called
size is: (1,2,3), mass is: 10
size is: (4,5,6), mass is: 100
Unigine~# quit
MyObject::~MyObject(): called
MyObject::~MyObject(): called
The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.