Screen Space Dirt
This section contains settings that control the Screen-Space Dirt effect.本节包含控制Screen-Space Dirt效果的设置。
Various slits and cavities are prone to accumulating dirt and dust, while edges tend to wear, scratch and change their initial color, usually this is simulated using so-called curvature maps prepared for each model.各种缝隙和空腔易于积聚灰尘,而边缘容易磨损,刮擦并改变其初始颜色,通常使用为每个模型准备的所谓曲率图进行模拟。
Using this effect allows you to perform curvature mapping (simulate worn scratched edges and accumulation of dirt and dust in cavities) in the screen space for all objects globally. It saves time for large complex scenes with a lot of various models and elements making them look more natural without having to prepare textures for each of them individually.使用此效果,可以在屏幕空间中为全局所有对象执行曲率映射(模拟磨损的刮擦边缘以及空腔中灰尘的积聚)。通过使用各种模型和元素,它可以为大型复杂场景节省时间,从而使它们看起来更自然,而不必为每个场景单独准备纹理。
General Options常规选项#
The Screen-Space Dirt effect uses additional geometry buffer (Rendering -> Buffers -> Additional Features). If the buffer is disabled, the effect won't be rendered. Screen-Space Dirt效果使用附加的几何缓冲区(Rendering -> Buffers -> Additional Features),用于存储斜角的强度。如果禁用了缓冲区,则不会渲染斜角。
Cavity Options腔选项#
These options are used to control the look of pits and other cavity areas where dirt or dust would collect.这些选项用于控制坑或其他腔室区域的外观,这些区域会积聚灰尘或灰尘。
Convexity Options凸性选项#
These options are used to control highlighting and accentuating the edges of model (simulating edge wear, scratches or chipped metal).这些选项用于控制模型边缘的突出显示和加重(模拟边缘磨损,划痕或金属屑)。
Adjusting the SSDirt Effect Per Material调整每种材质的SSDirt效果#
Despite all major settings of the SSDirt effect are global and are adjusted via the Settings window, some parameters for fine tuning can be set up per material. The SSDirt effect is applied to all materials inherited from the mesh_base and terrain_global_base having the SSDirt option enabled.尽管SSDirt效果的所有主要设置都是全局设置,并且可以通过“设置”窗口进行调整,但仍可以针对每种材质设置一些用于微调的参数。 SSDirt效果将应用于从启用了SSDirt选项的mesh_base和terrain_global_base继承的所有材质。
To set up SSDirt for a specific material, perform the following:要为特定材质设置SSDirt,请执行以下操作:
- Enable the Procedural Effects option of the target material.启用目标材质的Procedural Effects选项。
- Enable the SSDirt option of the target material.启用目标材质的SSDirt选项。
- Enable the Screen-Space Dirt effect in one of the following ways:
- Via the Render Settings window: go to the Windows -> Settings -> Runtime -> Render -> SSDirt section and click Enabled.Via the Render Settings window: go to the Windows -> Settings -> Runtime -> Render -> SSDirt section and click Enabled.
- In the Main Menu select Rendering -> Features and choose SSDirt.In the Main Menu select Rendering -> Features and choose SSDirt.
- Via the Render Settings window: go to the Windows -> Settings -> Runtime -> Render -> SSDirt section and click Enabled.通过Render Settings窗口:转到Windows -> Settings -> Runtime -> Render -> SSDirt部分,然后单击Enabled。
- In the Main Menu select Rendering -> Features and choose SSDirt.在主菜单中,选择Rendering -> Features,然后选择 SSDirt 。
- In the Render Settings window, specify the global SSDirt settings described above.在Render Settings窗口中,指定上述全局SSDirt设置。
- In the material settings (the Parameters window), specify cavity and convexity masks in the procedural texture, UV coordinates transformation, Cavity Scale, and Convexity Scale.在材质设置(Parameters窗口)中,在过程纹理, UV坐标变换,Cavity Scale和Convexity Scale中指定空腔和凸面蒙版。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.