This type of node is used to write a UnigineScript logic in an ULON-based material file. The Script node specifies a single script that can be used in different Expression nodes.这种类型的节点用于在基于 ULON 的材质文件中写入 UnigineScript 逻辑。 Script 节点指定可以在不同的 Expression 节点中使用的单个脚本。
The syntax is the following:语法如下:
Script script_name =
// UnigineScript code
As a node’s value you must specify a UnigineScript-based code enclosed in "#{" and "#}".作为节点的值,您必须指定包含在 "#{" 和 "#}" 中的基于 UnigineScript 的代码。
Usage Examples使用示例#
The script node is usually used as a script value for the Expression node.脚本节点通常用作 Expression 节点的脚本值。
Script named_script =
// UnigineScript code
Expression expression_name = named_script
You can also specify a path to an external script file (in usc or h format) or the name of a different Script node inside this material:您还可以指定外部脚本文件的路径(以 usc 或 h 格式)或此材质中不同 Script 节点的名称:
Script external_script = "some/path/to/your/script.usc"; // script.usc consists of some UnigineScript code
Script linked_script = external_script
Expression RENDER_CALLBACK_* = linked_script
To include the code of a different script use the following marker: #script script_name.要包含不同脚本的代码,请使用以下标记:#script script_name。
Script a =
// UnigineScript code A
Script b =
// UnigineScript code B
#script a
// the result script b will look like this:
Script b =
// UnigineScript code B
// UnigineScript code A
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.