Assets used in one UNIGINE project, both simple and composite (e.g. a material requiring a texture, or a node that requires several materials linked to plenty of textures), can be easily copied to another project using Packages.一个UNIGINE项目中使用的资源,无论是简单的还是复合的(例如,需要纹理的材质,或者需要与大量纹理相关联的多种材质的节点),都可以使用包(Packages)轻松地复制到另一个项目中。
Package is a collection of files and data for UNIGINE projects stored in a single *.upackage file. A Package compresses data while preserving the original directory structure. Packages can be used to conveniently transfer content between your projects or exchange data with other users, be it a single model or a scene with a set of objects driven by logic implemented via C# components.包是存储在单个*.upackage文件中的UNIGINE项目的文件和数据的集合。 Asset Package在保留原始目录结构的同时压缩数据。包可用于方便地在您的项目之间传输内容或与其他用户交换数据,无论是单个模型还是场景,场景中都有一组对象,这些对象由通过C#组件。
To copy your assets from one project to another:要将您的资源从一个项目复制到另一个项目:
- Open your source project in UnigineEditor and export all necessary assets as a package file.在UnigineEditor中打开您的源项目,然后将所有必要资源导出为打包文件。
- Open your target project that requires those assets in UnigineEditor and import your package.在UnigineEditor中打开需要这些资源的目标项目,然后导入你的包裹。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.