Lighting is the basis of almost every virtual scene. While the 3D geometry defines the shape of your content, lighting defines colors and final look of your objects.照明是几乎每个虚拟场景的基础。虽然3D几何形状定义了内容的形状,但是照明是定义对象的颜色和最终外观的每个虚拟场景的基础。
The basic lighting workflow in UNIGINE is to set up Environment and light sources to light up the scene, combination of Lightmaps, Voxel Probes and postprocessing for global illumination and Environment Probes for reflections. UNIGINE中的基本照明工作流程是使用动态光源来照亮场景,Lightmap和Voxel Probe的组合用于全局照明和Environment Probe用于反射。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.
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