Any asset used in your project can be checked for existing connections with other assets, be it a material, texture, FBX, mesh, property or anything else. Connection means that an asset either is used as a part of a more complex asset, or consists of a number of assets itself.可以检查项目中使用的任何资源是否存在与其他资源的现有连接,无论是材质,纹理,FBX,网格,属性还是其他。连接意味着资源要么用作更复杂资源的一部分,要么由许多资源本身组成。
To easily find connections between assets, select an asset in the Asset Browser (multi-selection is also possible) and right-click it. In the context menu, you can choose either Show Assets Using This One or Show Assets Used.要轻松找到资源之间的连接,请在Asset Browser中选择资源(也可以进行多选),然后右键单击它。在里面上下文菜单,您可以选择Show Assets Using This One或Show Assets Used。
Show Assets Using This One使用此资源显示资源#
These Assets | 选定的一个或多个资源。 |
Are Used in These Assets | The selected asset or assets.使用所选资源的所有资源。 |
Are Used in These Nodes | All the assets in which the selected asset is used.特定资源中使用选定资源的所有节点。 |
Show Assets Used显示已用资源#
These Assets | All the nodes in which the selected asset is used within the specific asset.选定的一个或多个资源。 |
Use These Assets | The selected asset or assets.编译所选资源的所有资源(材质,纹理,FBX,网格,属性等)。 |
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.
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