When working with models of the real world in your application with a georeferenced terrain, it is natural to position nodes using their geo-coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude) instead of X, Y, and Z coordinates.在应用程序中使用具有地理参考地形的真实世界模型时,使用其地理坐标(纬度,经度,海拔)而不使用X,Y和Z坐标来定位节点是很自然的。
Geo-coordinates can be specified for any node that meets either of the following requirements:可以为满足以下要求之一的任何节点指定地理坐标:
- It is positioned in the world with a georeferenced terrain generated using the Sandworm tool.它被定位在使用Sandworm工具生成的地理参考地形中。
- It is added as a child to the GeodeticPivot node.它作为子节点添加到GeodeticPivot节点。
Geo Parameters地理参数#
This section describes parameters allowing you to specify the geo-coordinates of a node via UnigineEditor, along with obtain the origin of the world in geodetic coordinates.本节描述了允许您通过UnigineEditor指定节点的地理坐标的参数,以及在大地坐标中获得世界的原点。
Database Origin | Origin of the world in geodetic coordinates (not editable).大地坐标中的世界原点(不可编辑)。 |
Geo (Lat, Lon, Alt) | Latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates of the node.节点的纬度、经度和高度坐标。 |
The set of available parameters varies depending on the node/nodes selected in the world:可用参数集取决于世界上选择的节点:
If you select the georeferenced terrain node, only the Database origin parameter will be available.如果选择地理参考地形节点,则只有Database origin参数将可用。
If you select any other node or multiple nodes, the Database origin and Geo parameters will be available.如果选择其他任何一个或多个节点,则Database origin和Geo参数将可用。
注意In this case, you can edit the values of the Geo parameter.在这种情况下,您可以编辑Geo参数的值。 -
When selecting both the georeferenced terrain and a node/multiple nodes, the Database origin and Geo parameters will be available.选择地理参考地形和一个或多个节点时,Database origin和Geo参数将可用。
注意The Geo values aren't editable in this case.在这种情况下,Geo值不可编辑。
When the node is added as a child to the Geodetic Pivot node, the Make Curved button is available as well.当节点作为子节点添加到Geodetic Pivot节点时,Make Curved按钮也可用。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.