UUSL Textures and Buffers
This documentation article contains information on the UUSL texture functions. This information can be used as the reference document for writing shaders.
To start using common UUSL functionality, include the core/materials/shaders/api/common.h and core/materials/shaders/api/texture.h files.
#include <core/materials/shaders/api/common.h>
#include <core/materials/shaders/api/texture.h>
Implementation of the API-dependent functions#
The implementation of the API-dependent functions is available in the corresponding header file for your reference:
- core/materials/shaders/api/wrapper/directx11.h
Texture Initialization Functions#
The implementation of the SAMPLER(NUM) function in Direct3D is the following:
SamplerState s_sampler_ ## NAME : register(s ## NUM);
SamplerComparisonState s_sampler_compare_ ## NAME : register(s ## NUM);
INIT_TEXTURE ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a sampler with the 2D texture.Equivalent
Texture2D s_texture_ ## NAME : register(t ## NUM); SAMPLER(NUM,NAME)
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_TEXTURE_INT ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a sampler with the 2D texture of int type.Equivalent
Texture2D<int> s_texture_ ## NAME : register(t ## NUM); SAMPLER(NUM,NAME)
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_TEXTURE_UINT ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a sampler with the 2D texture of uint type.Equivalent
Texture2D<uint> s_texture_ ## NAME : register(t ## NUM); SAMPLER(NUM,NAME)
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_TEXTURE_CUBE ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a sampler with the cubemap texture.Equivalent
TextureCube s_texture_ ## NAME : register(t ## NUM); SAMPLER(NUM,NAME)
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_TEXTURE_MSAA ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a sampler with the multi-sampled texture.Equivalent
Texture2DMS<float4> s_texture_ ## NAME : register(t ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_TEXTURE_3D ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a sampler with the texture3D.Equivalent
Texture3D s_texture_ ## NAME : register(t ## NUM); SAMPLER(NUM,NAME)
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_TEXTURE_ARRAY ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a sampler with the array of 2D textures.Equivalent
Texture2DArray s_texture_ ## NAME : register(t ## NUM); SAMPLER(NUM,NAME)
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
Initializes a sampler with the array of 2D textures of int2 type.Equivalent
Texture2DArray<int2> s_texture_ ## NAME : register(t ## NUM); SAMPLER(NUM,NAME)
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
Initializes a sampler with the array of 2D textures of uint2 type.Equivalent
Texture2DArray<uint2> s_texture_ ## NAME : register(t ## NUM); SAMPLER(NUM,NAME)
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_W_TEXTURE ( value NUM, value NAME, value TYPE, value FORMAT ) #
Initializes input 2D write texture.Equivalent
RWTexture2D<FORMAT> s_rw_texture_ ## NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value TYPE - Type of the texture (RGBA8, RGBA32F, etc.).
- value FORMAT - Format of the texture (float, float2, float3, float4, int).
INIT_W_TEXTURE_INT ( value NUM, value NAME, value TYPE, value FORMAT ) #
Initializes input 2D write int texture.Equivalent
RWTexture2D<FORMAT> s_rw_texture_ ## NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value TYPE - Type of the texture (RGBA8, RGBA32F, etc.).
- value FORMAT - Format of the texture (float, float2, float3, float4, int).
INIT_W_TEXTURE_3D ( value NUM, value NAME, value TYPE, value FORMAT ) #
Initializes input 3D write texture.Equivalent
RWTexture3D<FORMAT> s_rw_texture_ ## NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value TYPE - A type of the texture (rgba8,rgba32f,etc.).
- value FORMAT - A format of the texture (float,float2,float3,float4,int).
INIT_RW_TEXTURE_R32U ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a 2D input read-write texture that has R32U format type.Equivalent
RWTexture2D<uint> s_rw_texture_ ## NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_RW_TEXTURE_R32F ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a 2D input read-write texture that has R32F format type.Equivalent
RWTexture2D<float> s_rw_texture_ ## NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_RW_TEXTURE_RGBA8 ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a 2D input read-write texture that has RGBA8 format type.Equivalent
RWTexture2D<rgba8> s_rw_texture_ ## NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_RW_TEXTURE_R32U_3D ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a 3D input read-write texture that has R32U format type.Equivalent
RWTexture3D<uint> s_rw_texture_ ## NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_RW_TEXTURE_R32F_3D ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a 3D input read-write texture that has R32F format type.Equivalent
RWTexture3D<float> s_rw_texture_ ## NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
INIT_RW_TEXTURE_RGBA8_3D ( value NUM, value NAME ) #
Initializes a 3D input read-write texture that has RGBA8 format type.Equivalent
RWTexture3D<rgba8> s_rw_texture_ ## NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
Initializes a read-write structured buffer.Equivalent
RWStructuredBuffer<STRUCTURE> NAME : register(u ## NUM);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value STRUCTURE - A structure to be stored in buffer.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
Initializes a structure buffer.Equivalent
StructuredBuffer<STRUCTURE> NAME : register(t[NUM_TEXTURES+NUM]);
- value NUM - Number of the texture slot.
- value STRUCTURE - A structure to be stored in buffer.
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
Reading and Sampling a Texture#
float4 TEXTURE_2D_MANUAL_LINEAR ( Texture2D TEX_VALUE, float2 uv ) #
Returns a linearly interpolated value of the specified 2D texture.Arguments
- Texture2D TEX_VALUE - 2D Texture.
- float2 uv - Texture coordinates.
Return value
Linearly interpolated value.float TEXTURE_2D_GATHER_MANUAL_LINEAR ( Texture2D TEX_VALUE, float2 uv ) #
Returns a linearly interpolated value of four samples (Red channel only) surrounding the specified UV of the 2D texture.Arguments
- Texture2D TEX_VALUE - 2D Texture.
- float2 uv - Texture coordinates.
Return value
Linearly interpolated value of four samples (Red channel only).float4 TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_MANUAL_LINEAR ( Texture2DArray TEX_VALUE, float2 uv, float index ) #
Returns a linearly interpolated value of the specified texture in the Texture 2D array.Arguments
- Texture2DArray TEX_VALUE - 2D Texture array.
- float2 uv - Texture coordinates.
- float index - Index of the texture in the array.
Return value
Linearly interpolated value.float3 texture_2d_cubic_filter ( float x ) #
Returns calculated weights for the bicubic interpolation.Arguments
- float x - Value to be filtered.
Return value
Vector containing weights for the bicubic interpolation.float4 TEXTURE_2D_CUBIC ( Texture2D TEX_VALUE, float2 uv ) #
Returns the bicubically interpolated value of the specified 2D texture.Arguments
- Texture2D TEX_VALUE - 2D texture.
- float2 uv - Texture coordinates.
Return value
Bicubically interpolated value of the specified 2D texture.float4 TEXTURE_2D_CUBIC_BIAS ( Texture2D TEX_VALUE, float2 uv, int mip ) #
Returns the bicubically interpolated value of the specified 2D texture.Arguments
- Texture2D TEX_VALUE - 2D texture.
- float2 uv - Texture coordinates.
- int mip - Mipmap level.
Return value
Bicubically interpolated value of the specified 2D texture for the specified mipmap-level offset (performs a texture lookup with explicit level-of-detail).float4 TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_CUBIC ( Texture2DArray TEX_VALUE, float2 uv, float index ) #
Returns the bicubically interpolated value of the specified 2D texture in the 2D texture array.Arguments
- Texture2DArray TEX_VALUE - 2D texture array.
- float2 uv - Texture coordinates.
- float index - Index of the texture in the array.
Return value
Bicubically interpolated value of the specified 2D texture.float4 TEXTURE_2D_CATMULL ( Texture2D TEX_VALUE, float2 uv ) #
Returns the Catmull interpolated value of the specified 2D texture.Arguments
- Texture2D TEX_VALUE - 2D texture.
- float2 uv - Texture coordinates.
Return value
Catmull interpolated value of the specified 2D texture.float4 TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_CATMULL ( Texture2DArray TEX_VALUE, float2 uv, float index ) #
Returns the Catmull interpolated value of the specified 2D texture in the 2D texture array.Arguments
- Texture2DArray TEX_VALUE - 2D texture array.
- float2 uv - Texture coordinates.
- float index - Index of the texture in the array.
Return value
Catmull interpolated value of the specified 2D texture.float4 TEXTURE_3D_CUBIC ( Texture3D TEX_VALUE, float3 uv ) #
Returns the cubically interpolated value of the specified 3D texture.Arguments
- Texture3D TEX_VALUE - 3D texture.
- float3 uv - 3D texture coordinates (UVW).
Return value
Cubically interpolated value of 3D texture.TEXTURE ( value NAME, value COORD ) #
Samples a texture.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Sample(s_sampler_ ## NAME ,COORD)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
TEXTURE_BIAS ( value NAME, value COORD, value BIAS ) #
Samples a texture using a mipmap-level offset (performs a texture lookup with explicit level-of-detail).Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.SampleLevel(s_sampler_ ## NAME,COORD,BIAS)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value BIAS - Mipmap level.
TEXTURE_OFFSET_BIAS ( value NAME, value COORD, value OFFSET, value BIAS ) #
Samples a texture using a mipmap-level offset.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.SampleLevel(s_sampler_ ## NAME,COORD,BIAS,OFFSET)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value OFFSET - Offset.
- value BIAS - Mipmap level.
Samples a texture using a mipmap-level offset on mipmap level 0 only.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.SampleLevel(s_sampler_ ## NAME,COORDS,0.0f)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORDS - UV coordinates.
TEXTURE_OFFSET ( value NAME, value COORD, value OFFSET ) #
Samples a texture using a offset on mipmap level 0 only (performs a texture lookup with offset).Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.SampleLevel(s_sampler_ ## NAME,COORD,0,OFFSET)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value OFFSET - Offset.
TEXTURE_GRAD ( value NAME, value COORD, value DDX, value DDY ) #
Samples a texture using a gradient to influence the way the sample location is calculated.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.SampleGrad(s_sampler_ ## NAME,COORD,DDX,DDY)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value DDX - The rate of change of the surface geometry in the x direction.
- value DDY - The rate of change of the surface geometry in the y direction.
TEXTURE_MIP_OFFSET ( value NAME, value COORD, value OFFSET ) #
Samples a texture using a negative mipmap offset.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.SampleBias(s_sampler_ ## NAME, COORD, -OFFSET)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value OFFSET - Offset.
TEXTURE_FETCH ( value NAME, value COORD ) #
Reads texel data from the first level-of-detail without any filtering or sampling.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint3(COORD, 0))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
TEXTURE_FETCH_LOD ( value NAME, value COORD, value LOD ) #
Reads texel data without any filtering or sampling.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint3(COORD, LOD))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value LOD - Level-of-detail within the texture from which the texel will be fetched.
TEXTURE_ARRAY ( value NAME, value COORDS, value LAYER, value LOD ) #
Samples a texture array using a mipmap-level.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.SampleLevel(s_sampler_ ## NAME,float3(COORDS,LAYER),LOD)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORDS - UV coordinates.
- value LAYER - Layer value.
- value LOD - Level-of-detail within the texture from which the texel will be fetched.
TEXTURE_ARRAY_FETCH ( value NAME, value COORD, value INDEX ) #
Reads texel data from a texture array from the first level-of-detail without any filtering or sampling.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint4(COORD, INDEX, 0))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value INDEX - Texture index.
TEXTURE_ARRAY_FETCH_LOD ( value NAME, value COORD, value INDEX, value LOD ) #
Reads texel data from a texture array without any filtering or sampling.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint4(COORD, INDEX, LOD))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value INDEX - Texture index.
- value LOD - Level-of-detail within the texture from which the texel will be fetched.
TEXTURE_ARRAY_LOAD ( value NAME, value COORD, value INDEX ) #
Reads texel data without any filtering or sampling with zero offset.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint3(COORD,0))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value INDEX - Texture index.
TEXTURE_ARRAY_LOAD_LOD ( value NAME, value COORD, value INDEX, value LOD ) #
Reads texel data without any filtering or sampling.Equivalent
TEXTURE_ARRAY_FETCH_LOD(NAME, (COORD) * textureResolution(NAME).xy * (1.0f / pow(2, LOD)), INDEX, LOD)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value INDEX - Texture index.
- value LOD - Level-of-detail within the texture from which the texel will be fetched.
TEXTURE_LOAD ( value NAME, value COORD ) #
Reads texel data without any filtering or sampling with zero offset.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint3(COORD,0))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
TEXTURE_LOAD_LOD ( value NAME, value COORD, value LOD ) #
Reads texel data without any filtering or sampling.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint3(COORD,LOD))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value LOD - Level-of-detail within the texture from which the texel will be fetched.
TEXTURE_3D_FETCH ( value NAME, value COORD, value INDEX ) #
Reads texel data from a texture array from the first level-of-detail without any filtering or sampling.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint4(COORD, INDEX, 0))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value INDEX - Texture index.
TEXTURE_3D_FETCH_LOD ( value NAME, value COORD, value INDEX, value LOD ) #
Reads texel data from a texture array without any filtering or sampling.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint4(COORD, INDEX, LOD))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value INDEX - Texture index.
- value LOD - Level-of-detail within the texture from which the texel will be fetched.
TEXTURE_3D_LOAD ( value NAME, value COORD ) #
Reads texel data of a 3D texture without any filtering or sampling with zero offset.Equivalent
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
TEXTURE_3D_LOAD_LOD ( value NAME, value COORD, value LOD ) #
Reads texel data of a single level of detail of a 3D texture without any filtering or sampling.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME.Load(uint4((COORD) * textureResolution(NAME).xyz * (1.0f / pow(2, LOD)), LOD))
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - UV coordinates.
- value LOD - Level-of-detail within the texture from which the texel will be fetched.
float4 TEXTURE_RW_LOAD_RGBA8 ( value NAME, value COORD ) #
Reads the RW RGBA8 texture and returns a float4 value.Equivalent
pack32To8888(s_rw_texture_ ## NAME[ ## COORD ## ])
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - Unnormalized pixel coordinates.
Return value
Texture value.uint TEXTURE_RW_LOAD_R32U ( value NAME, value COORD ) #
Reads the RW R32U texture and returns a uint value.Equivalent
s_rw_texture_ ## NAME[ ## COORD ## ]
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - Unnormalized pixel coordinates.
Return value
Texture value.float TEXTURE_RW_LOAD_R32F ( value NAME, value COORD ) #
Reads the RW R32F texture and returns a float value.Equivalent
s_rw_texture_ ## NAME[ ## COORD ## ]
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - Unnormalized pixel coordinates.
Return value
Texture value.Writing to UAV Texture#
TEXTURE_RW_STORE_RGBA8 ( value NAME, value COORD, value VALUE ) #
Stores the value to RW RGBA8 texture.Equivalent
s_rw_texture_ ## NAME[COORD] = pack8888To32(VALUE)
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - Unnormalized pixel coordinates.
- value VALUE - A value to store.
TEXTURE_RW_STORE_R32U ( value NAME, value COORD, value VALUE ) #
Stores the value to RW R32U texture.Equivalent
s_rw_texture_ ## NAME[COORD] = VALUE
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - Unnormalized pixel coordinates.
- value VALUE - A value to store.
TEXTURE_RW_STORE_R32F ( value NAME, value COORD, value VALUE ) #
Stores the value to RW R32F texture.Equivalent
s_rw_texture_ ## NAME[COORD] = VALUE
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - Unnormalized pixel coordinates.
- value VALUE - A value to store.
TEXTURE_W_STORE ( value NAME, value COORD, value VALUE ) #
Stores the value to W texture.Equivalent
s_rw_texture_ ## NAME[uint2(COORD)] = VALUE
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
- value COORD - Unnormalized pixel coordinates.
- value VALUE - A value to store.
Passing Textures to Functions#
UUSL allows you to pass textures to functions as arguments.
Here is a usage example:
float4 func_name(float4 color,float2 uv,TEXTURE_IN_2(texture_0,texture_1)) {
return TEXTURE(texture_0,uv) * TEXTURE_BIAS(texture_1,uv,5.0f) * color;
float4 new_color = func_name(color,uv,TEXTURE_OUT_2(TEX_COLOR_0,TEX_COLOR_1));
TEXTURE_OUT ( value NAME ) #
Allows to pass a texture to function.Equivalent
s_texture_ ## NAME,s_sampler_ ## NAME
- value NAME - Name of the texture slot.
TEXTURE_OUT_2 ( value NAME0, value NAME1 ) #
Allows to pass two textures to a function.Equivalent
- value NAME0 - Name of the texture slot (for the first texture).
- value NAME1 - Name of the texture slot (for the second texture).
TEXTURE_OUT_3 ( value NAME0, value NAME1, value NAME2 ) #
Allows to pass three textures to a function.Equivalent
- value NAME0 - Name of the texture slot (for the first texture).
- value NAME1 - Name of the texture slot (for the second texture).
- value NAME2 - Name of the texture slot (for the third texture).
TEXTURE_OUT_4 ( value NAME0, value NAME1, value NAME2, value NAME3 ) #
Allows to pass four textures to a function.Equivalent
- value NAME0 - Name of the texture slot (for the first texture).
- value NAME1 - Name of the texture slot (for the second texture).
- value NAME2 - Name of the texture slot (for the third texture).
- value NAME3 - Name of the texture slot (for the fourth texture).
TEXTURE_IN ( value NAME ) #
Specifies the 2D texture for passing to function.Equivalent
Texture2D s_texture_ ## NAME,SamplerState s_sampler_ ## NAME
- value NAME - Name of the texture.
TEXTURE_IN_2 ( value NAME0, value NAME1 ) #
Specifies two 2D textures for passing to function.Equivalent
- value NAME0 - Name of the first texture.
- value NAME1 - Name of the second texture.
TEXTURE_IN_3 ( value NAME0, value NAME1, value NAME2 ) #
Specifies three 2D textures for passing to function.Equivalent
- value NAME0 - Name of the first texture.
- value NAME1 - Name of the second texture.
- value NAME2 - Name of the third texture.
TEXTURE_IN_4 ( value NAME0, value NAME1, value NAME2, value NAME3 ) #
Specifies four 2D textures for passing to function.Equivalent
- value NAME0 - Name of the first texture.
- value NAME1 - Name of the second texture.
- value NAME2 - Name of the third texture.
- value NAME3 - Name of the fourth texture.
Specifies the cube texture for passing to function.Equivalent
TextureCube s_texture_ ## NAME,SamplerState s_sampler_ ## NAME
- value NAME - Name of the texture.
TEXTURE_IN_3D ( value NAME ) #
Specifies the 3D texture for passing to function.Equivalent
Texture3D s_texture_ ## NAME,SamplerState s_sampler_ ## NAME
- value NAME - Name of the texture.
Specifies the texture array for passing to function.Equivalent
Texture2DArray s_texture_ ## NAME,SamplerState s_sampler_ ## NAME
- value NAME - Name of the texture.
Specifies the int2 texture array for passing to function.Equivalent
Texture2DArray s_texture_ ## NAME,SamplerState s_sampler_ ## NAME
- value NAME - Name of the texture.
Texture Resolution#
int2 textureResolution ( value TEXTURE ) #
Returns the texture resolution in pixels of the specified texture. This function supports 2D and Cube textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - Texture.
Return value
Texture width and height.int3 textureResolution ( value TEXTURE ) #
Returns the texture resolution in pixels of the specified texture. This function supports 2D Array, 3D and Cube Array textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - Texture.
Return value
Texture width, height, and depth.float2 textureIResolution ( value TEXTURE ) #
Returns texel size of specified texture. This function supports 2D and Cube textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - Texture.
Return value
Texel size of specified texture.float3 textureIResolution ( value TEXTURE ) #
Returns texel size of specified texture. This function supports 2D Array, 3D and Cube Array textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - Texture.
Return value
Texel size of specified texture.int2 textureRWResolution ( value TEXTURE ) #
Returns texture resolution in pixels of the specified RW texture. This function supports 2D RW textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - RW texture.
Return value
Texture width and height.float2 textureRWIResolution ( value TEXTURE ) #
Returns texel size of specified RW texture. This function supports 2D RW textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - RW texture.
Return value
Texel size of specified RW texture.int2 textureResolutionMip ( value TEXTURE, int LOD ) #
Returns the resolution in pixels of the specified texture Mip level. This function supports 2D and Cube textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - Texture.
- int LOD - Specific Mip of the texture.
Return value
Texture width and height.int3 textureResolutionMip ( value TEXTURE, int LOD ) #
Returns the resolution in pixels of the specified texture Mip level. This function supports 2D Array, 3D and Cube Array textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - Texture.
- int LOD - Specific Mip of the texture.
Return value
Texture width, height, and depth.float2 textureIResolutionMip ( value TEXTURE, int LOD ) #
Returns the texel size of the specified texture Mip level. This function supports 2D and Cube textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - Texture.
- int LOD - Specific Mip of the texture.
Return value
Texel size of the specified texture Mip level.float3 textureIResolutionMip ( value TEXTURE, int LOD ) #
Returns the texel size of the specified texture Mip level. This function supports 2D Array, 3D and Cube Array textures only.This function is API-dependent.
- value TEXTURE - Texture.
- int LOD - Specific Mip of the texture.
Return value
Texel size of the specified texture Mip level.int textureNumberOfMips ( value TEXTURE ) #
Returns the total number of LODs for the specified texture. This function supports 2D, 2DArray, 3D, Cube, CubeArray textures only.Arguments
- value TEXTURE - Texture.
Return value
Total number of texture Mips.The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.