Normally the .runtimes folder content is updated automatically when you open the UnigineEditor. The Runtimes Generator is a console tool enabling you to generate runtimes without running the Editor, right from the command line. This tool might be useful for example, when only your assets are managed by a VCS, and you'd like to trigger generation of the .runtimes folder content right after checking out the latest version from the repository and then run your application. To invoke the tool and generate your runtimes, run <UnigineSDK>/bin/RuntimesGenerator_x64 from the command prompt (no additional arguments required).通常,当您打开 UnigineEditor 时,.runtimes 文件夹内容会自动更新。 Runtimes Generator 是一个控制台工具,使您能够生成运行时无需运行编辑器,直接从命令行。此工具可能很有用,例如,当只有您的资源由风险控制系统,并且您希望在从存储库签出最新版本后立即触发 .runtimes 文件夹内容的生成,然后运行您的应用程序。 要调用该工具并生成运行时,请从命令提示符运行 <UnigineSDK>/bin/RuntimesGenerator_x64(不需要其他参数)。
Upon successful completion of the generation process the contents of the .runtimes folder shall be updated in accordance with the assets inside the data folder.生成过程成功完成后,.runtimes 文件夹的内容将根据 data 文件夹内的资源进行更新。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.