Fast approXimate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA)
Fast approXimate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA) is the cheapest and simplest smoothing algorithm. It is used in post-processing the final image (applied to the whole scene after it has been rendered), and it blurs groups of pixels having sharp changes in brightness. FXAA smooths edges in all pixels on the screen, including those inside alpha-blended textures and those resulting from pixel shader effects. It is straightforward, doesn't have any complex dependencies, and is fast. Fast approXimate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA)是最便宜,最简单的平滑算法。它用于对最终图像(在渲染完成后应用于整个场景)进行后处理,并模糊亮度急剧变化的像素组。 FXAA可以平滑屏幕上所有像素的边缘,包括alpha混合纹理内的边缘以及由像素着色器效果产生的边缘。它简单明了,没有任何复杂的依赖关系,而且速度很快。
The weak point of this technique is that it blurs not only the edges but important details of the textures as well. As a result, the overall contrast of the image deteriorates.该技术的弱点在于它不仅模糊边缘,而且模糊纹理的重要细节。结果,图像的整体对比度变差。
FXAA works well with static images only, but you can combine it with TAA to provide a much better quality for dynamic scenes. FXAA provides anti-aliasing even at a zero intensity value, so this is a recommended setting to be used with TAA to improve image quality at practically no performance cost. FXAA仅适用于静态图像,但是您可以将其与 TAA 结合使用,以为动态场景提供更好的质量。 FXAA即使在零强度值时也可以提供抗锯齿功能,因此建议将其与TAA一起使用,以在几乎不降低性能的情况下提高图像质量。
FXAA SettingsFXAA设置#
FXAA settings are available for adjustment via the Render -> Antialiasing section of the Settings window, along with TAA, SRAA, and Supersampling settings. The following settings are available when the Custom preset for Anti-Aliasing is selected.FXAA设置可通过Settings窗口的Render -> Antialiasing部分以及 TAA 和 Supersampling 设置进行调整。
FXAA | 开启和关闭FXAA(后处理抗锯齿)。
可以通过 render_fxaa 控制台命令进行控制。 |
FXAA Intensity | FXAA的强度。它指定FXAA片段的样本偏移量。值越高,图像越模糊。
可以通过 render_fxaa_intensity 控制台命令进行控制。 |
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.