Callback is a function wrapper representing a pointer to static and member functions which are expected to be executed with specified parameters at a certain moment. A callback can be passed as an argument to a function.回调是一个函数包装,表示指向静态和成员函数的指针,这些函数预期在特定时刻使用指定参数执行。回调可以作为参数传递给其他函数。
In Unigine C++ API, the CallbackBase is the base class to represent callbacks with variable number of arguments from 0 to 5. To create a callback, the MakeCallback() function is used:在Unigine C ++ API中,CallbackBase是表示具有从0到5的可变数量参数的回调的基类。要创建回调,请使用MakeCallback()函数:
void callback_function() {
/* .. */
CallbackBase *callback = MakeCallback(callback_function);
A callback to a member function of either the current class or another is created as follows:创建对当前类或另一个类的成员函数的回调,如下所示:
void ThisClass::callback_function() {
/* .. */
/* .. */
// the first argument is an instance of a class, the second one is the pointer to a member function
CallbackBase *callback = MakeCallback(this, &ThisClass::callback_function);
The CallbackBase classes are used to create a callback with fixed number of arguments. Depending on the number of arguments the corresponding class should be used. In this case you should provide template arguments: CallbackBase..类用于创建带有固定数量参数的回调。根据参数的数量,应使用相应的类。在这种情况下,您应该提供模板参数:
void ThisClass::callback_function(NodePtr, int) {
/* .. */
// create a callback with no predefined parameters
CallbackBase2<NodePtr, int> *callback = MakeCallback(this, &ThisClass::callback_function);
// create a callback with predefined parameters
CallbackBase2<NodePtr, int> *callback2 = MakeCallback(this, &ThisClass::callback_function, NodeDummy::create()->getNode(), 1);
// create a callback with parameters from lambda
CallbackBase2<NodePtr, int> *callback = MakeCallback([](NodePtr node, int value) { /* .. */ });
// create a callback with parameters from generic lambda
CallbackBase2<NodePtr, int> *callback = MakeCallback([](auto node, auto value) { /* .. */ });
To use overloaded functions and methods as callbacks, provide the template parameters:
MakeCallback< Class, ReturnType, Callback Parameters Types >
MakeCallback< Class, ReturnType, Callback Parameters Types >
void ThisClass::callback_method()
/* .. */
void ThisClass::callback_method(WidgetPtr w, WidgetPtr w2, int i)
/* .. */
CallbackBase *callback = MakeCallback<ThisClass, void, WidgetPtr, WidgetPtr, int>(this, &ThisClass::callback_method);
To raise a custom callback, the run() function of one of the CallbackBase classes is used.要引发自定义回调,请使用CallbackBase..类的run()函数。
// run the callback with no parameters or with default predefined parameters
// run the callback with the specified parameters
callback->run(node, 2);
You can also use lambda expressions for callbacks:您还可以将lambda表达式用于回调:
// create a callback from lambda
int value = 5;
CallbackBase* callback = MakeCallback([value](){ /* .. */ });
// or std function
std::function<void()> callable_obj = [value]() { /* .. */ };
CallbackBase* callback = MakeCallback(callable_obj);
// or any other type of callable
struct Callable
void operator()() const { /* .. */ }
int value;
} callable_obj = { /* .. */ };
CallbackBase* callback = MakeCallback(callable_obj);
Usage Example使用范例#
The following section contains the complete source code of a simple callback usage example.以下部分包含一个简单的回调用法示例的完整源代码。
#ifndef __APP_WORLD_LOGIC_H__
#define __APP_WORLD_LOGIC_H__
#include <UnigineLogic.h>
#include <UnigineStreams.h>
#include <UnigineCallback.h>
using namespace Unigine;
using namespace Math;
class AppWorldLogic: public Unigine::WorldLogic
int init() override;
int update() override;
int postUpdate() override;
int updatePhysics() override;
int shutdown() override;
int save(const Unigine::StreamPtr &stream) override;
int restore(const Unigine::StreamPtr &stream) override;
#endif // __APP_WORLD_LOGIC_H__
#include "AppWorldLogic.h"
class SomeClass
// a member function to be called on the action
void callback_method(int a, int b)
Log::message("\tcallback_method has been called %d %d\n", a, b);
void create_callbacks()
Log::message("Create a callback with no predefined parameters\n");
CallbackBase * callback = MakeCallback(this, &SomeClass::callback_method);
// run the callback with two parameters
callback->run(73, 37);
// run the callback with no parameters.
// if the callback function has arguments, this will lead to unsafe behaviour
Log::message("Create a callback with predefined parameters\n");
CallbackBase * callback2 = MakeCallback(this, &SomeClass::callback_method, 1, 2);
// run the callback with no parameters. In this case, the predefined parameters will be used
// run the callback with parameters. The predefined ones will be ignored
callback2->run(351, 153);
// run the callback with only 1 parameter.
// the second predefined parameter will be used as the second argument
// a callback function to be called on the action
void callback_function(int a, int b)
Log::message("\tcallback_function has been called %d %d\n", a, b);
int AppWorldLogic::init()
SomeClass *some = new SomeClass();
// call the SomeClass member function
Log::message("Create a callback in the other instance\n");
// use the callback function of the SomeClass to create a callback
CallbackBase * callback3 = MakeCallback(some, &SomeClass::callback_method, 5, 25);
Log::message("Create callback functions\n");
CallbackBase * callback4 = MakeCallback(&callback_function);
callback4->run(20, 70);
CallbackBase * callback5 = MakeCallback(&callback_function, 50, 25);
return 1;
int AppWorldLogic::update()
return 1;
int AppWorldLogic::postUpdate()
return 1;
int AppWorldLogic::updatePhysics()
return 1;
int AppWorldLogic::shutdown()
return 1;
int AppWorldLogic::save(const Unigine::StreamPtr &stream)
return 1;
int AppWorldLogic::restore(const Unigine::StreamPtr &stream)
return 1;
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.