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Version Control
Setting Up Materials
World Nodes
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
统一的Unigine着色器语言 UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples


All IG configuration parameters (variables such as system settings, connector parameters, date, time and weather, databases, and entity definitions) are stored by default in a single file named ig_config.xml.默认情况下,所有IG配置参数(变量,例如系统设置,连接器参数,日期,时间和天气,数据库以及实体定义)都存储在一个名为ig_config.xml的文件中。

You can specify another configucation file to be used via the -ig_config startup command-line argument:
-ig_config "my_config.xml"
-ig_config "my_config.xml"

A configuration file is an ordinary *.xml file with the following structure (example):配置文件是具有以下结构(示例)的普通* .xml文件:

源代码 (XML)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<!-- ==== ADAPTIVE QUALITY SYSTEM ======================= -->
		<group name="AdaptiveQualitySystem">
			<item name="mode" type="int">0</item>
			<item name="debug" type="int">0</item>
			<item name="sleep_period_after_world_load" type="float">-1.000000</item>
			<item name="cpu_budget" type="float">-1.000000</item>
			<item name="threshold" type="float">-1.000000</item>
			<item name="change_period" type="float">-1.000000</item>
		<!-- ==== CONNECTOR PARAMETERS ======================= -->
		<group name="CIGIConnector">
			<item name="version" type="string">3.3</item>
			<item name="host"></item>
			<item name="send_port">8889</item>
			<item name="recv_port">8888</item>
		<!-- ==== CONFIGURATION FILE SETTINGS ======================= -->
		<group name="IG">
			<item name="autoload_database" type="int">-1</item>
			<item name="config_read_only" type="int">0</item>
			<item name="default_view_id" type="int">0</item>
			<item name="terrain_intersection_mask" type="int">0</item>
		<!-- ==== WEATHER SETTINGS ======================= -->
		<group name="Meteo">
			<item name="visibility_transition_time" type="float">3.000000</item>
			<item name="precipitations_transition_time" type="float">3.000000</item>
			<item name="cloud_transition_time" type="float">3.000000</item>
			<item name="visibility_tracker" type="string">ig/weather/tracks/visibility.track</item>
			<item name="overcast_preset_tracker" type="string">ig/weather/tracks/clouds_environment.track</item>
			<item name="clouds_density_tracker" type="string">ig/weather/tracks/clouds_density.track</item>
			<item name="lightning" type="string">ig/weather/fx/lightning/nodes/lightning_particles.node</item>
		<!-- ==== DATE AND TIME SETTINGS ======================= -->
		<group name="SkyMap">
			<item name="timezone" type="int">0</item>
			<item name="datetime" type="string">2003-12-06T10:30:00</item>
	<!-- ==== DATABASE LIST ======================= -->
			<database id="1" world_name="world_1" geodetic_origin="25 25 0"/>
	<!-- ==== ENTITY DEFINITIONS ======================= -->
			<entity id="118" name="a321">
				<component id="0" name="light_outer">
					<parameter name="state">enabled</parameter>
					<parameter name="data1">landing</parameter>
					<!-- ..... -->
					<parameter name="data6">logo</parameter>
				<!-- ..... -->
				<articulated_part id="1" name="aileron">
					<node invert_pitch="1">aileron_left</node>
				<articulated_part id="2" name="rudder">
					<node invert_yaw="1">rudder</node>
			<!-- ..... -->
	<!-- ==== VIEW TYPES LIST ===================================== -->
			<view_type type="1" post_materials="post_sensor_heat"/>
			<view_type type="2" post_materials="post_sensor_green"/>
			<view_type type="3" post_materials="post_sensor_white"/>
			<view_type type="4" post_materials="post_sensor_red"/>
			<view_type type="5" post_materials="post_sensor_white,post_sensor_heat"/>
	<!-- ==== CLOUD TYPES LIST ==================================== -->
			<cloud_type type="1" name="altocumulus" material="ig/clouds/materials/altocumulus.mat" tracker_file="ig/clouds/track/altocumulus_density.track" shadow_density="0.50999999" padding="0.38499999 0.441000015" elevation="0" thickness="500"/>
			<cloud_type type="2" name="altostratus" material="ig/clouds/materials/altostratus.mat" tracker_file="ig/clouds/track/altostratus_density.track" shadow_density="0" padding="0.187999994 0.486000001" elevation="0" thickness="500"/>
			<!-- ..... -->
			<cloud_type type="12" name="cumulonimbus_2" material="ig/clouds/materials/cumulonimbus_2.mat" tracker_file="ig/clouds/track/cumulus_density.track" shadow_density="0" padding="0.178000003 0.74000001" elevation="0" thickness="500"/>
			<cloud_type type="13" name="cumulonimbus_3" material="ig/clouds/materials/cumulonimbus_3.mat" tracker_file="ig/clouds/track/cumulus_density.track" shadow_density="0.98999995" padding="0.0979999974 0.778999984" elevation="0" thickness="500"/>
	<!-- ==== PRECIPITATION TYPES LIST ==================================== -->
			<precipitation_type type="2" name="snow" far_node_path="" near_node_path="ig/weather/fx/snow_particles/nodes/snow_flakes.node"/>
			<precipitation_type type="1" name="rain" far_node_path="" near_node_path="ig/weather/fx/rain_particles/nodes/rain_particles.node"/>
	<!-- =========================================== -->
			<channel view_id="0" use_syncker_projection="1" syncker_name="left_view"/>
			<channel view_id="1" use_syncker_projection="0" syncker_name="ground_cam"/>
	<!-- =========================================== -->
			<component_light id="0" name="tomsk_full">CITY1/*</component_light>
			<component_light id="1" name="RWY_red_only">CITY1/RWY/RED</component_light>
			<component_light id="2" name="RWY_approach">CITY1/RWY/APPROACH/*</component_light>
	<!-- =========================================== -->
			<layer id="1" name="cloud1" layer_type="1"/>
			<layer id="2" name="cloud2" layer_type="1"/>
			<layer id="3" name="cloud3" layer_type="1"/>
			<layer id="4" name="rain" layer_type="2" precipitation_type="1"/>
			<layer id="5" name="snow" layer_type="2" precipitation_type="2"/>
	<!-- =========================================== -->

Adaptive Quality System

This group contains configuration parameters of the Adaptive Quality System, which adapts the image quality for the current performance by increasing/decreasing distance scale values (render_distance_scale and the Simplifier distance scale).该组包含配置的参数适应性质量体系,通过增加/减小距离比例值来调整图像质量以适应当前性能( render_distance_scaleSimplifier距离刻度)。

源代码 (XML)
<group name="AdaptiveQualitySystem">
	<item name="mode" type="int">0</item>
	<item name="debug" type="int">0</item>
	<item name="sleep_period_after_world_load" type="float">-1.000000</item>
	<item name="cpu_budget" type="float">-1.000000</item>
	<item name="threshold" type="float">-1.000000</item>
	<item name="max_scale" type="float">1</item>
	<item name="min_scale" type="float">0.100000001</item>
	<item name="scale_step" type="float">0.0500000007</item>
	<item name="change_period" type="float">-1.000000</item>

The following items are available for the Adaptive Quality System:以下各项适用于自适应质量系统:

  • mode — one of the modes in which the Adaptive Quality System operates:mode —自适应质量系统运行的模式之一:

    • 0 — the system is disabled0-系统已禁用
    • 1 — the system operates in the degrading mode (without re-improving the quality when the conditions are back to normal)1 —系统在degrading模式下运行(当条件恢复正常时,不会重新提高质量)
    • 2 — the system in normal mode, degrading the image if the CPU budget is exceeded and restoring better quality when the conditions are back to normal.2 —系统处于normal模式,如果超出了CPU预算,则会降低图像质量,并在情况恢复正常时恢复更好的质量。
  • debug0 to disable the debug mode, 1 to enable displaying the debug info.debug0禁用调试模式,1启用显示调试信息。
  • sleep_period_after_world_load — idle time of the Adaptive Quality System, in seconds, after the world is loaded.sleep_period_after_world_load —加载世界后,自适应质量系统的空闲时间(以秒为单位)。
  • cpu_budget — target CPU Total Time value, in milliseconds. -1 sets the default value of 10 milliseconds.cpu_budget —目标CPU总时间值,以毫秒为单位。 -1将默认值设置为10毫秒。
  • threshold — a threshold value, in milliseconds. If CPU Total Time has changed less than this value, no adaptation is performed. -1 sets the default value of 3 milliseconds.threshold —一个阈值,以毫秒为单位。如果CPU总时间更改的值小于此值,则不执行任何调整。 -1将默认值设置为3毫秒。
  • change_period — update period, in seconds. This period enables you to ignore spikes, not to treat them as degrading performance. -1 sets the default value of 0.5 milliseconds.change_period —更新周期,以秒为单位。此时间段使您可以忽略峰值,而不将其视为降低性能。 -1将默认值设置为0.5毫秒。
  • min_scale — minimum scale value defining the lower limit of the range of adjustment of the distance scale (global rendering and Simplifier).min_scale —最小刻度值,定义距离刻度的调整范围的下限(全局渲染Simplifier)。
  • max_scale — maximum scale value defining the upper limit of the range of adjustment of the distance scale (global rendering and Simplifier).max_scale —最大比例值,定义距离比例的调整范围的上限(全局渲染Simplifier)。
  • scale_step — the Adaptive Quality System shall use this step when adjusting distance scale.scale_step —调整距离比例时,自适应质量系统应使用此步骤。

Connector Parameters

Configuration parameters for connectors are added to the variables group with the corresponding name, e.g. CIGIConnector for CIGI-connector:的配置参数连接器被添加到具有相应名称的变量组中,例如CIGI-connector的CIGIConnector

源代码 (XML)
<group name="CIGIConnector">
	<item name="version" type="string">3.3</item>
	<item name="host"></item>
	<item name="send_port">8889</item>
	<item name="recv_port">8888</item>

The following items are available for CIGI:以下项目可用于CIGI:

  • version — CIGI protocol versionversion-CIGI协议版本
  • host — CIGI Host IP-addresshost-CIGI主机IP地址
  • send_port — TCP port number to be used for sending packets to the CIGI Hostsend_port —用于将数据包发送到CIGI主机的TCP端口号
  • recv_port — TCP port number to be used for receiving packets from the CIGI Hostrecv_port —用于从CIGI主机接收数据包的TCP端口号
  • packet_size — maximum size of the packetpacket_size —数据包的最大大小

The following items are available for DIS:以下各项可用于DIS:

  • broadcast_address — a broadcast address of the server computer that is used to broadcast messages to IG over the networkbroadcast_address —服务器计算机的广播地址,用于通过网络向IG广播消息
  • site — the Site ID of this application instancesite —此应用程序实例的站点ID
  • exercise — the Exercise ID of the DISexercise — DIS的练习ID
  • app — the Application ID of this application instanceapp —此应用程序实例的应用程序ID

Configuration File Settings

The following parameters are available to control automatic update of the configuration file.以下参数可用于控制配置文件的自动更新。

源代码 (XML)
<group name="IG">
	<item name="autoload_database" type="int">-1</item>
	<item name="config_read_only" type="int">0</item>
	<item name="default_view_id" type="int">0</item>
	<item name="terrain_intersection_mask" type="int">0</item>
  • autoload_databaseID of the database to be loaded automatically.autoload_database数据库ID自动加载。
  • config_read_only — set this parameter to 1 to avoid automatic re-writing of the configuration file with deletion of all your comments.config_read_only —将此参数设置为1,以避免在删除所有注释的情况下自动重写配置文件。
  • default_view_idID of the view to be used by default.default_view_id视图的ID默认使用。
  • terrain_intersection_mask — intersection mask specifying which surface is considered the ground surface (HAT/HOT requests, entity clamp, etc.).terrain_intersection_mask —相交遮罩,指定将哪个表面视为地面(HAT / HOT请求,实体夹等)。

Weather Settings

The weather settings are added to the variables group with the name Meteo.天气设置将添加到名称为Meteo的变量组中。

源代码 (XML)
<group name="Meteo">
	<item name="visibility_transition_time" type="float">3.000000</item>
	<item name="precipitations_transition_time" type="float">3.000000</item>
	<item name="cloud_transition_time" type="float">3.000000</item>
	<item name="visibility_tracker" type="string">ig/weather/tracks/visibility.track</item>
	<item name="overcast_preset_tracker" type="string">ig/weather/tracks/clouds_environment.track</item>
	<item name="clouds_density_tracker" type="string">ig/weather/tracks/clouds_density.track</item>
	<item name="lightning" type="string">ig/weather/fx/lightning/nodes/lightning_particles.node</item>
	<item name="water_beaufort_material_prefix" type="string">water_global_beaufort_%d</item>

The following items are available:提供以下项目:

  • visibility_transition_time — time, in seconds, for gradual change of visibility conditions (fog, etc.)visibility_transition_time-时间(以秒为单位),用于逐渐更改可见性条件(雾等)
  • precipitations_transition_time — time, in seconds, for gradual change of precipitationprecipitations_transition_time —降水量逐渐变化的时间(以秒为单位)
  • cloud_transition_time — time, in seconds, for gradual change of cloudinesscloud_transition_time-时间(以秒为单位),逐渐改变浑浊
  • visibility_tracker — path to the .track file containing visibility transition effectvisibility_tracker —包含可见性过渡效果的.track文件的路径
  • overcast_preset_tracker — path to the .track file containing the overcast presetovercast_preset_tracker —包含覆盖预设的.track文件的路径
  • clouds_density_tracker — path to the .track file containing gradual change of cloudinessclouds_density_tracker-.track文件的路径,其中包含逐渐变化的云量
  • lightning — path to the node storing lightinglightning —存储光照的节点的路径
  • water_beaufort_material_prefix — name of the water material for the corresponding number according to the Beaufort scalewater_beaufort_material_prefix-根据Beaufort刻度的相应编号的水材质的名称

Date and Time Settings

The date and time settings are added to the variables group with the name SkyMap.日期和时间设置将添加到名称为SkyMap的变量组中。

源代码 (XML)
<group name="SkyMap">
	<item name="timezone" type="int">0</item>
	<item name="datetime" type="string">2003-12-06T10:30:00</item>

The following items are available:提供以下项目:

  • timezone — UTC timezone, only an integer value is possible (if not set, UTC=0)timezone — UTC时区,只能是整数值(如果未设置,则UTC = 0)
  • datetime — date and time set for the specified timezonedatetime —为指定时区设置的日期和时间


The list of databases (worlds with terrains) is enclosed in the <databases/> tag. You can specify as many worlds as required.的清单资料库(具有地形的世界)包含在<databases/>标签中。您可以根据需要指定任意多个世界。

源代码 (XML)
	<database id="1" world_name="world_1" geodetic_origin="25 25 0"/>
	<!-- ..... -->
	<database id="n" world_name="world_n" geodetic_origin="23 10 0"/>

The following attributes are available:可以使用以下属性:

  • id — ID of the database (used when loading databases)id —数据库的ID(在加载数据库时使用)
  • world_name — name of the corresponding *.world fileworld_name —相应的*.world文件的名称
  • geodetic_origin — geodetic origin in ellipsoid coordinates (latitude (degrees), longitude (degrees), and altitude (meters) ).geodetic_origin —以椭球坐标(纬度(度),经度(度)和高度(米))表示的大地测量原点。

Entity Definitions

An IG has a number of models, that are used to represent certain entities in the virtual environment. Entity definition section is enclosed in the <entity_types/> tag. To define each entity, the <entity/> tag is used.IG具有许多模型,用于表示某些实体在虚拟环境中。实体定义部分包含在<entity_types/>标记中。要定义每个实体,请使用<entity/>标签。

id and name indicated within the <entity/> tag are referred to the type of the entity, not to its instances.<entity/>标记内指示的idname是指实体的类型,而不是其实例。

Each entity includes the following:每个实体包括以下内容:

  • *.node file containing the hierarchy of nodes representing the entity in the virtual world. A path to this file is specified in the <path/> tag.*.node文件,包含表示虚拟世界中实体的节点的层次结构。该文件的路径在<path/>标记中指定。
  • Set of components (flashing lights, aircraft propellers, afterburners, landing gear, tank tracks, wheels, and like items). Definition of each component is enclosed in the <component/> tag.一套组件(闪光灯,飞机螺旋桨,加力燃烧室,起落架,油箱轨道,车轮等物品)。每个组件的定义都包含在<component/>标记中。

    Component data in packets, received by IG from connectors, is usually represented as a set of a discrete state and up to six values (data1, data2 ... data6). IG component definitions in this section are actually used to map parameters from connectors to corresponding properties (e.g. data1 field of the outer_light component in the example below corresponds to landing light type).IG从IG接收的数据包中的组件数据连接器通常表示为一组离散状态和最多六个值(data1, data2 ... data6)。本节中的IG组件定义实际上用于将参数从连接器映射到相应的特性(例如,在下面的示例中,outer_light组件的data1字段对应于landing光源类型)。
  • Set of articulated parts (ailerons, flaps, etc.). Definition of each articulated part is enclosed in the <articulated_part/> tag.一套关节部分(副翼,襟翼等)。每个关节部分的定义都包含在<articulated_part/>标记中。

Click to enlarge

Below is an example of entity definition section:以下是实体定义部分的示例:

源代码 (XML)
	<entity id="111" name="b52">
		<component id="0" name="light_outer">
			<parameter name="state">enabled</parameter>
			<parameter name="data1">landing</parameter>
			<!-- ..... -->
			<parameter name="data6">logo</parameter>
		<!-- ..... -->
		<articulated_part id="1" name="aileron">
			<node invert_pitch="1">aileron_left</node>
		<articulated_part id="2" name="rudder">
			<node invert_yaw="1">rudder</node>
		<volume_definition id="0" name="body" shape="0">volumes</volume_definition>
		<volume_definition id="1" name="wings" shape="1">volumes</volume_definition>
	<!-- ..... -->


Each entity may have an arbitrary number of components assigned, including custom ones. To define a component of an entity use the <component/> tag:每个实体可以分配任意数量的组件,包括定制的。要定义实体的组件,请使用<component/>标签:

源代码 (XML)
<!-- ..... -->
		<entity id="118" name="a321">
			<!-- ..... -->
			<component id="22" name="rotorwash">
				<parameter name="data1">wind_percent</parameter>
				<parameter name="data2">sand_percent</parameter>
			<!-- ..... -->
	<!-- ..... -->

Components are added to entities by means of assigning corresponding properties to nodes. By default it is assumed that all properties corresponding to components are assigned to the root node. In fact, a component's property can be assigned to any node in entity's hierarchy. For such a component you should add the <node/> tag to specify a path to this node (the path is specified relative to the root node):通过分配相应的组件将组件添加到实体特性到节点。默认情况下,假定与组件相对应的所有属性都分配给了根节点。实际上,可以将组件的属性分配给实体层次结构中的任何节点。对于这样的组件,您应该添加<node/>标记以指定此节点的路径(该路径是相对于根节点指定的):

源代码 (XML)
<!-- ..... -->
		<entity id="118" name="a321">
			<!-- ..... -->
			<component id="22" name="rotorwash">
				<parameter name="data1">wind_percent</parameter>
				<parameter name="data2">sand_percent</parameter>
			<!-- ..... -->
	<!-- ..... -->
You can also specify a path to a node inside a NodeReference as follows:
  • <node>path_to_node_reference/^/path_inside_nodereference</node>
  • <node>path_to_node_reference/^/path_inside_nodereference</node>


For a hierarchy shown below, we have the comp1 component's property assigned to the aileron_left node, and comp2 component's property assigned to the engine_1_fire node. Definition of components will look like:对于下面显示的层次结构,我们将comp1组件的属性分配给aileron_left节点,将comp2组件的属性分配给engine_1_fire节点。组件的定义如下所示:

源代码 (XML)
<entity id="118" name="a321">
		<component id="1" name="comp1">
			<parameter name="param1">param_1</parameter>
			<!-- ..... -->
		<component id="2" name="comp2">
			<parameter name="param1">param_1</parameter>
			<!-- ..... -->
		<!-- ..... -->

Articulated Parts

Each entity may have an arbitrary number of articulated parts (e.g. flaps, slats, etc.). To define an articulated part of an entity use the <articulated_part/> tag:每个实体可以具有任意数量的铰接部分(例如,襟翼,板条等)。要定义实体的关节部分,请使用<articulated_part/>标签:

源代码 (XML)
	<entity id="111" name="b52">
		<!-- ..... -->
		<articulated_part id="1" name="aileron">
			<node invert_pitch="1">aileron_left</node>
		<articulated_part id="2" name="rudder">
			<node invert_yaw="1">rudder</node>
	<!-- ..... -->
Options invert_roll, invert_pitch, and invert_yaw are used to indicate that the corresponding rotation direction (Y — roll, X — pitch, Z — yaw) of the articulated part element is inverted.选项invert_rollinvert_pitchinvert_yaw用于指示铰接零件元素的相应旋转方向(Y_侧倾,X_俯仰,Z_偏航)是反向的。

For each articulated part a corresponding node should be specified using the <node/> tag. Paths are specified relative to the root node, the same way as for components.对于每个关节部分,应使用<node/>标签指定相应的节点。相对于根节点指定路径,方法与用于组件


You can also specify a path to a node inside a NodeReference as follows:您还可以指定NodeReference内部节点的路径,如下所示:

  • <node>path_to_node_reference/^/path_inside_nodereference</node>


To define an entity volume use the <volume_definition/> tag:使用 <volume_definition/> 标签定义 实体体积

源代码 (XML)
<!-- ..... -->
		<entity id="111" name="b52">
			<!-- ..... -->
			<volume_definition id="0" name="body" shape="0">path/inside/nodereference</volume_definition>
			<volume_definition id="1" name="wings" shape="1">path/inside/nodereference</volume_definition>
		<!-- ..... -->

The following attributes are available:以下属性可用:

  • id — the volume identifier in CIGI/ — CIGI/IG中的体积标识符。
  • name — the name of the volume. You can use it for debugging or when writing your own collision — 体积的名称。您可以使用它进行调试或在编写自己的碰撞处理程序时使用。
  • shape — the shape order in the physics/shapes tab.shapephysics/shapes 选项卡中的形状顺序。

Using this tag requies creating ObjectDummy and BodyDummy inside the entity NodeReference. The value indicated inside this tag is a path to the ObjectDummy inside the entity NodeReference.使用这个标记需要在实体的 NodeReference 中创建 ObjectDummy 和 BodyDummy。该标记中指示的值是实体的 NodeReference 中 ObjectDummy 的路径。

Cloud Types

The list of available cloud types is enclosed in the <cloud_types/> tag. The cloud type can be set via HEMU / IG Host, or using the WeatherLayerCloud::setCloudType() method.可用的云类型列表包含在<cloud_types/>标签中。可以通过以下方式设置云类型HEMU / IG主机,或使用 WeatherLayerCloud::setCloudType()方法。

源代码 (XML)
	<cloud_type type="1" name="altocumulus" material="ig/clouds/materials/altocumulus.mat" tracker_file="ig/clouds/track/altocumulus_density.track" shadow_density="0.50999999" padding="0.38499999 0.441000015" elevation="0" thickness="500"/>
	<cloud_type type="2" name="altostratus" material="ig/clouds/materials/altostratus.mat" tracker_file="ig/clouds/track/altostratus_density.track" shadow_density="0" padding="0.187999994 0.486000001" elevation="0" thickness="500"/>
	<!-- ..... -->
	<cloud_type type="12" name="cumulonimbus_2" material="ig/clouds/materials/cumulonimbus_2.mat" tracker_file="ig/clouds/track/cumulus_density.track" shadow_density="0" padding="0.178000003 0.74000001" elevation="0" thickness="500"/>
	<cloud_type type="13" name="cumulonimbus_3" material="ig/clouds/materials/cumulonimbus_3.mat" tracker_file="ig/clouds/track/cumulus_density.track" shadow_density="0.98999995" padding="0.0979999974 0.778999984" elevation="0" thickness="500"/>

The following attributes are available:可以使用以下属性:

  • type — type of cloudstype —云的类型
  • name — name of the cloud typename-云类型的名称
  • material — material to be usedmaterial —要使用的材质
  • shadow_density — power of the shadow cast by this cloud within the range [0.0, 1.0]shadow_density — 此云在 [0.0, 1.0] 范围内投射的阴影强度
  • padding — lower and upper bounds for this type of cloudpadding — 这种类型的云的下限和上限
  • elevation — default elevation for this type of cloud (height above sea level), in meterselevation — 这种类型的云的默认海拔(海拔高度),以米为单位
  • thickness — default thickness for this type of cloud, in metersthickness — 这种类型的云的默认厚度,以米为单位

Precipitation Types
Precipitation Types#

The list of available precipitation types is enclosed in the <precipitation_types/> tag.可用降水类型列表包含在 <precipitation_types/> 标签中。

源代码 (XML)
	<precipitation_type type="2" name="snow" far_node_path="" near_node_path="ig/weather/fx/snow_particles/nodes/snow_flakes.node"/>
	<precipitation_type type="1" name="rain" far_node_path="" near_node_path="ig/weather/fx/rain_particles/nodes/rain_particles.node"/>

The following attributes are available:可以使用以下属性:

  • type — precipitation type idtype — 降水类型 id
  • name — name of the precipitation typename — 云类型的名称
  • far_node_path — path to the node storing a representtation of the precipitation effect for far distances (when left empty the near_node_path is used)far_node_path — 存储远距离降水效应表示的节点的路径(当留空时 near_node_path 使用)
  • near_node_path — path to the node storing a representtation of the precipitation effect for close distancesnear_node_path — 存储近距离降水效应表示的节点的路径


Cameras in IG are synchronized in a special way. A View is an IG wrapper for the Camera, so you can manage a camera via the View only. IG has the following methods to set the desired view for a Slave:IG中的摄像机以特殊方式同步。 ViewCamera的IG包装器,因此您可以通过“仅查看”来管理摄像机。 IG具有以下方法来为从属设置所需的视图:

  • void setCurrentView(int view_id);
  • void setSlaveView(int slave_index, int view_id);

The list of available views is enclosed in the <syncker_channels/> tag. Here you can set the desired view for each Slave and specify if it is affected by the Syncker’s projections:可用视图的列表包含在<syncker_channels/>标记中。在这里,您可以为每个从站设置所需的视图,并指定它是否受Syncker的投影影响:

源代码 (XML)
	<channel view_id="0" use_syncker_projection="1" syncker_name="center_view"/>
	<channel view_id="1" use_syncker_projection="1" syncker_name="left_view"/>
	<channel view_id="2" use_syncker_projection="0" syncker_name="ground_cam"/>

The following attributes are available:可以使用以下属性:

  • view_id — ID of the view to be usedview_id —要使用的视图的ID
  • use_syncker_projection — flag indicating if the view is affected by the Syncker’s projectionsuse_syncker_projection —标志,指示视图是否受到视图的影响Syncker的预测
  • syncker_name — name of the view used in the Synckersyncker_name — Syncker中使用的视图的名称

View Types

The list of post effect materials available for the camera is enclosed in the <view_types/> tag. The view type can be set via HEMU / IG Host, or using the setViewType() method.相机可用的后期效果材质列表包含在<view_types/>标签中。可以通过以下方式设置视图类型HEMU / IG主机,或使用setViewType()方法。

源代码 (XML)
	<view_type type="1" post_materials="post_sensor_heat"/>
	<view_type type="2" post_materials="post_sensor_green"/>

The following attributes are available:可以使用以下属性:

  • id — ID of the database (used when loading databases)id —数据库的ID(在加载数据库时使用)
  • post_materials — list of post effects to be appliedpost_materials —要应用的后期效果列表

本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.

最新更新: 2025-03-12
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